How has the Pandemic affected you as a cancer patient/survivor



  • moth
    moth Posts: 3,293

    ideally we should have ample kits to test prior to get togethers and days after and when we have symptoms. It is just a snapshot of time and plenty of people have reported getting negative tests on several days in a row and then getting a positive. Also seen reports of people with symptoms testing negative 1 day and positive a day later.

    Everyone who was potentially exposed (which would mean anyone who has not been self isolating) should be wearing an n95 or equivalent when near other people...

  • dancemom
    dancemom Posts: 408

    I'll never forget the early joke about testing..."I tested and tested and was negative and suddenly i was positive!"- um, that happened with my pregnancies too,lol. Its not preventative medicine.

    If you are considered a close contact you quarentine and test on the 5th day to see if you can leave quarentine.

    Pre-vaccine, my young adult and college kids tested prior to any small gatherings, or coming home. You must test, then quarentine until results for this to work.

    11yr got tested every week at school. "Close contacts", those seated within 3 feet masked (which they they wear all day except lunch when they sit spaced out on 6 ft markers all facing one way wearing face sheilds they slip their food under) are notified and quarentine for 10 days. It stopped any spread in the classroom or throughout the school.

    Quarentine is not the same as Isolate. Isolate is in your room, no contact w anyone. That's what you do when you are positive and symptomatic. Quarentine means live in your bubble, don't go shopping, work/school, on the bus...but you can still wear a mask and go outside.

  • chowdog
    chowdog Posts: 190

    So, the big news today: CDC changed isolation time to 5 days from 10 days previously. At first it was just HCWs, but now it's everybody. do they really think people are going to wear masks after 5 days? WTAF is the administration doing? it just makes already unsafe environment even unsafer for immunocompromised people, or do they just want to isolate us out of the society? this is straight out of GBD playbook. also saw a lot of tweets states are running out of monoclonal antibody and the pfizer & merck pills. "sit tight & access", "don't look up". I bet they all have tickets to mars on either elon or bezos ships.

  • dancemom
    dancemom Posts: 408

    wow, the top stories that showed up on my phone are about the cdc shortening quarentine, and next a story saying that 1 of 60 Manhattan residents tested positive last week, NJ statewide positivity is now 21.42% and some other fun stats.

    It really does not make sense

  • chowdog
    chowdog Posts: 190


    the administration is more worried about labor shortage due to omicron. they caved to the corporate CEOs.

    also, this is the "only unvaccinated should wear mask" honor system shit show all over again. first, they rely on honor system that people will be truthful about their test results, then it's honor system that they will actually quarantine for 5 days, then its the honor system that they will actually wear masks for another 5 days. it's a shitshow on whole another level. the administration has fully bought into the everybody will get covid narrative and wanted to normalize mass infection. at the end of the day, it's the essential workers who can't work from home and afford to stay at home and immunocompromised people who suffer the most.

    I think we are just a few days away to do away with case rates and use hospitalization as the key metric.

    I am beyond disappointed at Biden. I won't be voting him or any dems who are associated with the pandemic "response" in 2024. I am just done with the gaslighting.

    Edit to add, fauci this morning said something about we should seriously consider vaccine mandate for domestic air travel. airlines stocks went down. some senior WH officials had to say it's not under consideration.

  • Chowdog - Canada has vaccine and test mandates on all flights. QC has been focused on hospitalizations instead of cases until today. Now that those numbers have been increasing, the premier said to focus on ICU counts that aren’t rising as much. He said this as he was receiving his third dose that they have not allowed for <60. GBD in action here.

  • chowdog
    chowdog Posts: 190


    I think it's just matter of time we are going to pivot to ICU count instead. Some of these experts who supported or even initiated the new isolation guideline, like Jha from Brown, or Wen who is always on CNN, actually wrote supper rational plans back in 2020. it's funny how once they started doing well in media (TV) or published some books, they all sounded like GBD.

  • illimae
    illimae Posts: 5,755

    This whole pandemic has been full of BS. 10 day quarantine for health reasons, now reduced for labor/financial reasons. Vaccinated don’t need to wear masks, vaccinated getting covid everywhere. States and countries with mandates and high vax rates seeing huge rise in cases. Tests just because? Honestly, KN95’s are much better, more comfortable and readily available, what is the problem? I know omicron is a different beast but damn, being around vaccinated friends doesn’t make me feel any safer now. This just sucks.

  • The virus should have been declared airborne as soon as it was found to be last year. Mask mandates should have been declared and enforced before vaccines were available. But masks alone are not and will never be enough.

    The vaccination requirements changed as the virus mutated. At first one dose was sufficient to prevent severe disease. With Delta, 2 doses were required. Now with Omicron, 3 doses are needed to prevent severe disease. This disease prevention works for the person vaccinated. The unvaccinated only benefits from a high vaccination rate, but we haven't reached that level. Vaccine mandates everywhere are required to reach that level.

    The Swiss cheese pandemic model only works when all layers are implemented. It's BS that people continue to fight against any of these measures.

  • A thread on the CDC shortening the isolation guidelines. Some based on science. People will likely ignore the details.

  • dancemom
    dancemom Posts: 408

    My big worry is that most people forgot how to read. There was an article a few hours ago about our new vax mandates. A family from another country complained that they didn't know that their children would have to be vaccinated when they planned this trip months ago. REALLY? Did you know about omicron back then? Did you read about ever changing travel guidelines ever? Or did you just think nyc was going to let you do whatever you want? The best was the mom from QUEENS!! She didn't know her kid had to be vaxxed to eat in a, have you managed to avoid all news for the past month? Its been talked about locally EVERY DAY.

    I dont trust people with those types of responses to wear a mask when their 5 days is up. They don't wear them now, even with mandates in place. "Nobody is enforcing it" is a common answer. So, just cuz you didn't get the fine, its ok to potentially spread this disease more?

    The science isn't the problem. It's all the half- analysis by social media sleuths that are not letting the science lead.

    11's friend is isolating, but fever is gone after 2 days. Vax worked.

  • Dancemom - Glad the friend is improving. Vaccinations work!

  • chowdog
    chowdog Posts: 190

    The honor system just doesn't work in this country. We have plenty of ppl claiming allergy, cold or anything but covid to justify their reckless action. Most of the countries don't even have mask mandate. Also most people have toned out. We have mask mandate & vaccine mandate for visitors in hospitals. plenty of people don't follow this, and nobody is enforcing it.

    Also, Megan works at brown,where Jha is the dean. Jha has been tweeting this for the past couple of days, so either he got a head ups or he was one of these blue checker influencers pushed for this. Health & human services communications person actually retweeted Jhas to justify this change. Jha has been making media rounds about this too. I guess he is one of the de facto spokesppl for the administration now.

  • QC is already allowing asymptomatic COVID+ HCWs back to work. No wonder the hospital close to me is having its second outbreak in the past week. Disclaimer: this hospital didn’t have the best reputation pre-pandemic.

    My hospital has security checking vaccine passports for visitors though now visitors are much more limited. At least they no longer force you to replace your mask. They’ll allow you to put a surgical mask on top. Last time I was there almost everyone had their surgical mask on properly.

  • gb2115
    gb2115 Posts: 553

    Our local hospitals (HCA) don't seem to be doing anything anymore. There's no screening or anything at the door. They used to have a box of masks up there but not anymore.

  • Fixed link above.

  • chowdog
    chowdog Posts: 190

    Twitter is not happy about the cdc isolation guideline. Jha is already back peddling and saying he would have required a negative test at day 5 to exit isolation. Lmao, he is probably worrying about his reputation now a lot of heavy weight Twitter MDs like Eric Topol are coming against this guideline.

  • Isolation? What’s that? QC just had a presser. The policy to force COVID+ HCWs to work is now expanded to other essential employees. This is how we thank our HCWs.

  • chowdog
    chowdog Posts: 190

    serenity, sounds like QC is following cdc foot step or maybe the same blue checker influencer mds. All counties should do whatever the opposite of the us is doing.

  • Chowdog - QC had this policy before CDC announced theirs. The CDC announcement was a gift to embolden them to expand their policy to other essential workers and also allow some symptoms. They have their own lunatic advisors. I'm going to hide in my basement.

  • chowdog
    chowdog Posts: 190

    Urg, we are probably not far behind on that.

  • It’s crazy here. QC PH said they spoke to the union about infected HCWs working. Then the union tweeted they disagree with the policy. I’d have more sympathy if the same union had not objected so much to the vaccine mandate for HCWs that it was rescinded. Maybe now’s the time to get all HCWs vaccinated.


  • chowdog
    chowdog Posts: 190

    the flight attendant union is pushing back at the cdc guideline. Delta was the one started this whole shortened isolation/quarantine mess.

  • Good for them. They already have to deal with too much.

  • chowdog
    chowdog Posts: 190

    Nobody is happy about this new guideline, not twitter, not reddit, not HCW, not essential workers. may be only privileged WFH rich people who are happy they can send their kids back to schools after 5 days of isolation.

    Jha keeps doubling down and defending this. he claims the goal of doing this is to "save lives". whose life? The immunocompromised are the ones need regular medical care and have regular interactions with HCWs. I sure don't get want doctors and nurses at cancer center being infectious while treating me.

    The monoclonal antibody doesn't work well on omicron. the Pfizer and merck pills are short on supply. Yes, those of us immunocompromised are screwed if we get infected.

    My county won't even distribute rapid at home tests to everybody. it's only for those with kids going to public schools.

  • dancemom
    dancemom Posts: 408

    the big news here is they are "doubling testing" in schools. Lol. They test 10% once a week IF PARENTS OPTED IN. so some populations, the same 3 kids whose parents sent in the forms are being tested over and over. Also, 2 million tests doesn't go far when we have over 1 million public school students.

    The only thing that seemed to work was the strict masking, and quarentine & test after travel. Pre-omicron, that kept school cases very low.

    Kids follow the rules. Its the naked faced adults causing problems. I asked a guy to not get in the elevator with me. He argued that it's not written anywhere. I pointed to the sign in his face and he said "it says PLEASE wear a mask, not that I have to."

    The wishy washy, constantly changing guidelines don't help. Nobody really knows when it's ok to go to work or school. And it feels so unfair that those of us doing our part keep getting screwed.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,442

    “Kids follow the rules.” So true, dancemom! I retired from a long teaching career in June so taught through the pandemic . When my students returned, not one had a problem with masking! BTW, I’m a product of the NYC public schools. PS 97, JHS 135 and Columbus HS, all in the Bronx

  • dancemom
    dancemom Posts: 408

    Exbrnxgrl, I teach in 3 very different settings; a local coop preschool, a large community arts center and a a public school afterschool program. Only mask issues are the power dads who are now WFH and bring their kids to ballet. They put the mask on to pass the front desk, then off it comes. Every. Single. Week. I have to say "masks are required in this building." To them. Every.single. week.

    Little kids sometimes have a problem keeping them on if parent didn't adjust it properly. So, yeah, my job now involves adjusting snotty kid masks as well as shoes. But they try and for the most part are pretty successful. Adults often really don't give little kids enough credit.

    You know, the leaders all over are doing that thing i HATED when I was a kid, where while you are playing a game someone randomly yells "new rule!" And you never knew if everyone would follow it and would it be better to try to, or to ignore it. The rule may or may not stick depending on how much social collateral the inventor could throw at it.

  • chowdog
    chowdog Posts: 190

    Dancemom, I think it speaks tothe entitlement of these power dads. If they know the rule well enough to put on mask to enter the building, they know the rule. They just don’t think the rule applies to them.


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