How has the Pandemic affected you as a cancer patient/survivor



  • I can't figure out how to link a NY Times interactive article with an amazing compendium of Covid graphs, maps,vaccinations, etc. updated as of 12/19. I searched Covid Maps and it was among the articles that came up. Really worth searching for. When I looked at my state, I could see where hot spots were and more.

    Ex Bronx Girl: Thanks for sending the data. Very eye opening!

  • chowdog
    chowdog Posts: 190

    so my county test positivity rate just tripled from day before thanksgiving to 12/15. 80% of total population fully vaccinated, and >60% seniors boosted.

  • If I ever wonder why the virus spreads so quickly here…


  • chowdog
    chowdog Posts: 190

    Serenity, that's just dumb.

  • At medical settings they have most people remove their masks and hand them fresh surgical ones. Today I was allowed to put the surgical mask on top of mine. At the cancer centre almost everyone has only a surgical mask. Except for the clerk who likes to wear it as an earring.

    QC announced today we’re on lockdown. It could have been avoided.


  • chowdog
    chowdog Posts: 190


    at least your government is trying to slow down the spread. We are not even trying anymore. The leaked biden message is going to be “blame the unvaccinated", if u think about it, that includes all kids <5. “Shift the message to omicron is so contagious, we should shift strategy to prevent severe cases rather than control infection."

    People are not happy at all. At least on Twitter, on insta, everything is great

    maybe when snl goes virtual again, people will finally realize how bad things are.

  • That restaurant part doesn't seem right?

  • I really wish Moderna was a better option than Pfizer for my third dose. The nurse at my specialty pharmacy spoiled me with excellent care when giving me Moderna. I didn't have to explain why I don’t need to meet age eligibility because of cancer. She offered immediately to inject my thigh to give my arms a break.

    At the large vaccination clinic they saw I had received 2 shots of Moderna and wanted to give me Moderna again. I had to explain to 2 people that I experienced a severe rash lasting almost 4 months from Moderna and that my oncologist said to get Pfizer. They finally gave me Pfizer in my thigh though I needed to explain why.

    At least it's done.

    Chowdog - Here the data are easier to manage because they're centralized by province. My vaccination records are accessible from anyplace that offers vaccinations within QC. I've had to pull data from different servers with different formats. It's a gigantic effort to consolidate them.

    Here I don't blame the unvaccinated. Most of them are children. I blame the leaders who caved on mandates and failed to implement standards to minimize spread of an airborne virus. Much of this is done at the provincial level.

  • chowdog
    chowdog Posts: 190

    Serenity, glad you got your booster. the booster appointments are backed up to Mid jan here already.

    Yes, actually, much of here is also done at local level. CA does have a digital vaccine record, but only a few counties in CA (like LA & couple of bay area counties) have vaccine mandate for restaurants and gyms and large events.

    I think you and I are on the same page about the leaders fail to implement standards. I honestly believe our administration is paralyzed by the potential counterpoints and pushbacks from Republicans and corporations like airlines. They fail to see when you actually do the right thing, votes will come and economy will recover.

  • Chowdog - We would be in a worse situation if we didn't have the mask mandates we did have from our QC leaders. A surgical mask is better than none. QC announced vaccine mandates and then caved. There some states have banned mandates, right?

    Salamandra - I agree about the restaurant rules. Maybe tomorrow they’ll fix that. They like to govern by reaction.

  • chowdog
    chowdog Posts: 190

    here is one of the talking heads of the wh covid response team:

    Serenity, yes mask is better than nothing. I hope your local officials will rconsidered vaccine mandate.

    Tx & fl are 2 states that have banned mandates. Again, this is all foreseeable. Their governors openly talked about this prior signing into laws. It makes our federal government looks like there is nothing they could have done. Just like misinformation. We all know it’s there, but they act like as if it’s a surprise. We all saw variants coming, but they act like nobody did.

    Anyway, my list goes on.

  • chowdog
    chowdog Posts: 190

    omicron accounts for a majority of new covid cases in the us now

  • chowdog
    chowdog Posts: 190


    I am sorry you have to have zoom christmas with your family. If only people can actually do the right thing.

    Your comment about people raging on twitter about restrictions is exactly why I would rather rant it here. the local social media forum I frequent is filled with similar attitude about masks, and I live in a pretty promask region.

  • chowdog
    chowdog Posts: 190

    Also, I finally had the chance to watch the latest SNL episode. I know they were trying to cheer everybody up, but it was just sad. the only skit I found funny was the peter davison one. it's just so ironic, Tom Hanks was the first host when SNL went virtual, and he chipped in for the past episode. WH talking heads keep saying how this is not March 2020 coz we have tools. well, if you are not going to use any of these tools, then what's the difference?

  • chowdog
    chowdog Posts: 190

    LOL, that's true.

  • chowdog
    chowdog Posts: 190

    oh forgot to add, biden was exposed to a staff who tested positive but he is not isolating. we are putting on the "it's not a big deal" show, which was exactly what trump did in Feb/Mar, until NYC fell and people freaked out. I just can't.

  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Posts: 358

    our visiting family are all taking rapid Covid tests before coming. They have all had Covid and are vaxed. One had the vaccine after being infected. The other two had mild breakthrough cases.

    We will also eat on the patio and open windows. This is the first time I’m hoping for a mild Christmas. And still wear masks. Hope this is enough :

  • illimae
    illimae Posts: 5,755

    Chowdog, I understand the frustration but it’s my understanding that while Biden did have contact with someone who later tested positive, he is vaccinated, his staff is vaccinated and he tested negative following the exposure. In that scenario, I don’t think guidance is to isolate. Do you think he just should anyway to be extra cautious?

    According to recent reports, omicron is spreading much faster than I thought, just wow.

  • chowdog
    chowdog Posts: 190


    his age is a risk factor. Considering he is in charge of the country, shouldn't he at least take some precaution?

  • dancemom
    dancemom Posts: 408

    here is a fun interactive map in mid page. It may take a minute to load. Look for all the pretty dots.

  • I believe the President gets tested daily. If he is negative, he's negative. No need to isolate or quarantine him.

  • illimae
    illimae Posts: 5,755

    Chowdog, I probably would have rescheduled that days plans but that’s just me. I do think he’s likely to have masked and maintained some distance but the negative test was probably precaution enough. Even with his age, his full vaccination, regular tests and access to medical care (probably on site), he’s got to be very low risk.

    I know many of you have family that you enjoy and I’m sorry that you’re missing out, again, but I wish you a happy holiday, however you celebrate it.

  • chowdog
    chowdog Posts: 190

    Dancemom, wow, that's a lot of dots.

    As for the President, it's just my 2cents, and of course, I would not wish covid on him.

    Some positive development: at least we are getting free at home rapid test rather than getting reimbursed by insurance. I am glad the administration is taking some of public health feedback into account. it's a good start.

  • It is all over news that cdc recommends testing, ok I am trying to book an appointment through cvs and Walgreens for 4 days, no appointments are available until next week or so I didn’t check next next week, so what’s the point if someone has Covid but is unable to get tested?? Ive been closed contact with thoughtless 🤬 attended an event of 400 attendees without mask while lied about booster, well they never got boosters, they invited themselves over dinner with 2 adult kids 26 and 22 none of them take any precautions, the 22 just came back from ski trip with another 14 mask-less god knows none-vaxx kids. I soon understood the couple-in their 65+s- coughing regularly, in a second I wore a mask but they started acting like they offended by my mask... long story...

    any advice how I can get a testing appointment asap? I have some symptoms I’d rather prefer to connect those symptoms to my cold than Covid but fever sore throat and headache are new.

    A friend of mine traveled from Canada visiting her grandpa here in CA. she said she shocked how people just take nothing seriously about preventing spread of virus, no social distancing no indoor mask etc. She and her husband tested 3 times and quarantined for a week before visiting grandpa. I wish those stupid careless carefree 🤬 learn something for putting me in this situation.

  • olma61
    olma61 Posts: 1,037

    i got an email from my state government that said they were making free home tests available on request. This was about ten days ago.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,442


    In CA, indoor masking had been dropped (although individual counties could impose their own restrictions) however it became mandatory again on 12/15.

    Wear your mask in indoor public spaces and workplaces

    Due to a recent increase in cases, CDPH has mandated that everyone in California wear a mask in indoor public spaces and workplaces. The order is in effect December 15, 2021 to January 15, 2022.

  • I read that 1st person in US had died of omicron. Not vaxxed & immunocompromised. Let's just call it suicide.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Posts: 1,667

    Starting tomorrow our eight ward libraries will have free rapid test kits available, two per household. Plus, one of our parks in the downtown business district has a testing site. God love those working outdoors in the cold. I’ve seen them out there in 30 degree temps in the morning. Had a short break from indoor masking, which I couldn’t understand why it was lifted and I still masked, we are now back tomasking indoors.

  • chowdog
    chowdog Posts: 190

    Snow drop,

    not sure which county you are at, but there are should be other testing sites besides CVS & Walgreens. You may find more information at your county covid website. Also there are FB groups helping people finding vaccine locally (in the bay area), you might want to consider join. these people are super helpful and resourceful in helping finding testing sites even if you are not in the bay area.

    If you have twitter, you may want to follow and DM Jorge Caballero MD (@DataDrivenMD). he is a big supporter of PCR testing, and he offered to help people find testing sites. He is based in soCal.

    Also, may want to reach out to friends to see if any of them have rapid at home tests that they can drop it off for you.

    Edit to add, you might want to give your MO a call. they might be able to point you towards the right direction.


    Sarah Palin says she'll only get vaxxed over her dead body. She obviously doesn't understand irony or science.


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