More firmer tissue....

hamster_fan Posts: 18
edited June 2023 in Not Diagnosed But Worried

I'm 29, no family history. If you are interested you can take a peek at my post history, this has been going on for a few years now... but the tl;dr is that in one breast I've been noticing the tissue get thicker/firmer than the tissue on the other side. Not a lot, it still feels like normal breast tissue according to the gynecologists and breast specialists who have felt it, but it's noticeable. And i just noticed yet another area of tissue on my breast that has gotten somewhat thicker/firmer than the same tissue mirrored on the other side.

Obviously I am concerned about ILC the most. My gynecologist has felt it and said that sometimes breast tissue just changes overtime for reasons unbeknownst to us and it's benign and that it feels normal to him but he's ordered me two ultrasounds to ease my mind. They all came out normal and the breast specialist docs who were on staff there at the time said it just seems like fibrocystic tissue to them. But the fact that more of it is cropping up is freaking me out... though I suspect I may be pretty estrogen dominant and I know this makes breast changes and fibrocystic breasts more likely to happen.

I know my other options are MRI or biopsy because apparently since I have very dense breast mammography is even less useful for ILC which is what I'm worried about., I see my gynecologist again on Thursday. Just venting I guess. I'm worried of course... it's really scary noticing continuous unilateral changes and being told by breast specialists "sometimes that just happens" with no solid explanation. And I wish I could feel a model of a breast with ILC because I think what I feel is similar to what people describe when they talk about it but of course descriptions of such things can be rather subjective.

I know that my risk is somewhat on the lower side and the risk of ILC is even lower, but that doesn't mean it definitely can't happen. It is really scary and I don't know what to do or think.


  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Posts: 1,970
    edited June 2023

    If you have no family history, why on earth are you worried about ILC? At your age, hormonal fluctuations can make breast tissue feel different. I had ILC, MUCH older than you, and my breasts did not have any thickening. Did you know that some people call ILC the old lady cancer? You're spending way too much head space on this, Maybe try to not touch your breasts for a few months to get over your constant thinking about them? And you might try posting in the benign conditions area instead to see if anyone there has gone through similar worries.

  • I'm so sorry you're so nervous. At your age the chances of this being anything to worry about is minute although you seem to know that and are still fearful. Do you think maybe you have some health anxiety? If so, perhaps a therapist might be of use. In the case of breast tissue, it does change as you get older. Everything does after all. It's normal and considering you've had ultrasounds that have found nothing I think you should probably put this behind you. You've made the wise decision checking it out and doctors who know way more than you aren't even remotely concerned. You shouldn't be either. I had fibrocystic breasts my whole life. They are ropey, dense, and can physically change in feel each cycle. Shoot sometimes I could even get fluid out of the cysts in them close to my period. I knew by reading that it was normal for those kind of breasts and I didn't worry about it. Granted I did eventually develop breast cancer but it was at 48 and just a standard IDC. Not lobular.

    Perhaps read about fibrocystic breasts instead of ILC because it is astronomically higher that that's what you're dealing with. And figure out a way to enjoy your health. Because yeah one day you may have some challenges there and it would be a shame to have wasted good years of health on worrying now. Just some advice since I've had breast cancer. It is a beast. But when my breasts were healthy yet weird I thought nothing of them. And I'm so glad.

  • Thank you so much. You are right. My mom is a nurse and she said "Do you think you're so magical and special that your doctor's have never seen or felt anything like you're experiencing now?" Lol.

    I have a great deal of health anxiety and I do have a therapist but I haven't seen her in a while. Probably time to go back. Thank you again

  • Honestly I tried to not touch them for a few months but whenever I notice a change I get upset. 🤦‍♀️ I didn't know that about ILC. Good idea posting in the benign breast conditions area 🤔 Thank you for taking the time to respond!

  • Of course! And good luck with therapy. There's no shame in needing it.