New here...concerns over mammogram.

Hello yall. I'm Melissa. I am 48 (49 on saturday) and get my mammogram yearly. My first one in 2017 required a callback where they did a diagnostic mammo and US. Wasn't worried as I knew it often happens for first mammogram. All was fine "Tomosynthesis Findings: Benign-appearing Well-circumscribed equal density lesion just lateral to the nipple at anterior to
middle depth only seen on the cc view. Ultrasound findings: Mildly prominent ducts noted at 3:00 anterior depth may contribute to the appearance on mammogram.

In 2021 had another callback and had a diagnostic mammogram with that one, again wasn't super worried as I understand it happens. Finding was "1. Right breast focal asymmetry effaces with spot compression and is considered benign 2. Recommend annual screening mammography in one year, sooner if indicated clinically. BI-RADS CATEGORY 2: BENIGN"

Now to this years mammogram which was last Monday. Got a call back. "FINDINGS: Interval 5 mm smoothly marginated nodular focus in the retroareolar region on the left. Interval prominence of retroareolar soft tissue superior to the nipple on the right."

I go Thursday for a diagnostic US. I understand the likelyhood of it being anything bad is slim. But I just have a bad feeling this time. Still staying fairly calm though. I have tried reaching my sis for her thoughts (she is an ob/gyn) and advice, but having a hard time connecting with her. I am completely confused about the wording of the finding this time about the prominence of soft tissue.

As for family history, my mom had cervical cancer when she was young(ish) and my brother is delaing with melanoma for a few years now.

Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read this or give thoughts/opinions/advice. I apprecaite it.


  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,855

    Welcome, @mlsocci74! We're so sorry you find yourself here with this worry, we know that it can be a very scary thing. It's so important to try and stay calm and not go immediately to worst case scenario, but we also know it's so much easier said than done! Please do keep us posted on what you find out on Thursday, we're here for you no matter what the outcome may be.

    The Mods

  • Hi @mlsocci74. I wanted to post last night but chickened out and woke up to immediately check if anyone else posted. Some nights are quiet on here. Welcome. I’m really sorry you have something questionable from your mammogram that’s causing you worry. I know we cannot tell you not to worry, or tell you what it is. If it turns out to be something, I think you’ll find amazing support, understanding and comfort here.

    I started Googling the precise words of your mammogram report - I wish I knew what it all meant and could speak intelligently but I’m sorry, I don’t fully understand the radiology language. That’s what I did while waiting for my biopsy and results, I spent too much time Googling the words of my mammo/US report and looking at ultrasound images. (In hindsight I see that it only helped me pass the time, it didn’t really help diagnose me.) Everyone warns us not to Google but I couldn’t help myself. Yet we found this site so some searching is beneficial 😊

    Perhaps the technician performing your ultrasound will be willing to answer questions? I’m not sure if they are allowed to but I had one chatty one who described everything she was seeing as she went (benign cysts at the time) and I appreciated that because I was interested and it kept me relaxed. My most recent one was pretty silent the whole time and I could see what she was measuring and what it looked like (clearly not a cyst). I didn’t ask questions and I wish I had, I just silently watched it all, but I’m not sure she would have answered them, I suppose they need to concentrate. I don’t know how much the technician is allowed to say when it looks like cancer. But afterwards when the radiologist came in and said I needed a biopsy, I still was silent and just said ok. In hindsight I wished I was a little prepared and asked her something, anything. Like … how likely is this to be cancer? Besides the obvious tumor, is there anything else you see that is concerning? I don’t know … maybe it didn’t really matter but I would have appreciated a few more words than “I’m sorry, you need a biopsy”. I didn’t have anyone with me either and perhaps I should have. I was in a strange state of calm shock.

    I truly hope this turns out to be a benign situation for you! Please let us know how you are doing. Each post on your thread bumps it up to the top of the Active Topics so it’s more likely to be noticed by the regulars on here. Hang in there!! These next couple of days might fly by or be slow as molasses for you. If you can, find something fun to indulge in and distract yourself. It won’t change the result of your imaging but it does create nice memories.

  • Thank you so much for getting back to me. I appreciate it. I haven’t done much dive into dr google lol but I want to. I know it wouldn’t be helpful so I won’t. I did just search for breast cancer message board which brought me here. I figure who better to talk about this kind of thing with than anyone here. I am the kind of person who does generally over worry ,but I’m really not with this and I don’t want to and one of the best ways I deal with worrying is talking about whatever may worry me. Hence me being here. I just appreciate y’all letting me share my thoughts/concerns and just letting me share. Especially for anyone who takes time to read, reply and share their thoughts and words of encouragement.

  • Hi @mlsocci74 This is the perfect place to pour out our anxieties! Everyone here is nodding as they read your words, remembering their own private moments when they first found a lump or got the callback. The way our brains reacted. The need for reassurance!

    I found so much comfort in reading the posts of others who were in the same boat, at about the same time … I didn’t post initially but I spent a lot of time here, soaking up all the helpful advice of others. I’m glad you found us!

  • @needs.a.nap thank you for making me feel welcome. I truly appreciate it.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,375

    Welcome, though I’m sorry you’re in this situation. I wanted to address what I call “reading the tea leaves”. That is, attempting to ascertain what’s going on based on a tech/nurse/ doctor’s facial expressions. This rarely works. Those folks are all human and there could be a multitude of reasons for serious faces, impassive faces, concerned faces, etc. It’s likely that the vast majority of those “looks” have little to do with the patient. Additionally, radiology techs may have great training and experience but they are not radiologists and have not been trained at the same level as a radiologist in terms of interpreting imaging. It is simply outside the scope of their expertise regardless of their experience.
    I know this is an anxious time for you but try to focus on what you know to be true at the moment and stay away from tea leaves!

    Take care.

  • @exbrnxgrl thank you for replying. I appreciate it and am trying hard to not read into anything. And I’ll continue to try….💗

  • mlsocci74
    mlsocci74 Posts: 15
    edited September 2023

    hello y’all Had my ultrasound today and here is what they said:

    Bilateral Breast Ultrasound:

    Real-time gray scale and Doppler ultrasound exam of both breasts was performed including all 4 quadrants, behind the nipple and bilateral axilla.

    Right breast:

    There are multiple dilated retroareolar ducts as well as slightly complicated cyst with thick wall, most notable in the 11:00 position. A small amount of debris versus reverberation artifact.

    There is no associated mass lesion, architectural distortion, or fluid collection. Left breast:

    Normal breast tissue with no evidence of mass lesion collection. There is a solitary dilated retroareolar duct without evidence of debris over color Doppler signal. There is no axillary lymphadenopathy.


    1. Probably benign complicated cysts in the right breast, for which follow-up limited right breast ultrasound in 6 months is recommended

    BI-RADS CATEGORY 3: Probably benign


    Short-term interval Limited right breast for probably benign ultrasound findings within the 11:00 position in the retroareolar region

    ***** Final *****

    I don’t know about cysts really just that they are usually nothing so I did check what a complicate cyst is….but now I’m confused cause what I read was a complex cyst has thickened wall not complicated. So I’m just confused. Lol. But go back in 6 months.

  • Hi @mlsocci74. Thanks for posting your results! I’m so glad it’s not something more. How are you feeling?

  • @needs.a.nap i absolutely wanted to share my results just in case anyone else could relate to my situation. I feel good and have a better understanding that call back or maybe going every 6 months could just be how it will be for me. Reading here helps and those who replied helped greatly and I truly appreciate it. So thank you 💗. I plan to stick around and hope the best for you and all y’all here.

  • Just a little update in case anyone was following along. My doctor did not like what she saw in the report and suggest a biopsy. So they will be calling me to schedule one soon.

  • Hi @mlsocci74. Thanks for the update. I know in your report it said “probably benign” and that word “probably” is just not 100% reassuring. A biopsy makes sense ... sorry that probably gets all the nerves going again. Hopefully that will happen soon and all truly is benign. Take care!

  • katg
    katg Posts: 257

    Thank you for posting. I went from finding the lump, to and Guided ultrasound with a biopsy added the day before. A friend of mine has large boobs and has had fibroids and fatty things. All i know is i just kept saying God, please keep me from worry. I just kept myself busy with the usual things.

    I truly hope yours is benign.❤️

  • @needs.a.nap im surprisingly not that nervous. Lol go figure.

    @katg thank you 💗

    thank you for the support y’all have given me. My biopsy is scheduled for 11/2. I’m staying calm. Calmer than I’d be waiting 6 months for the mammo, I believe.

  • katg
    katg Posts: 257

    A biopsy gives a result. Your doctor will have a plan. I loved i did not have the answers. Praying for calm days.

  • Had my biopsy yesterday. Was not bad at all. Just sore today. Dr said I should hear from them by Tuesday.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,855

    Keep us posted, @mlsocci74! Sending good thoughts your way!

  • Didn’t want to leave y’all hanging. Or for anyone else searching like I was. 💗💗💗

  • Hi @mlsocci74 . I couldn’t quite tell from your post if you received good news? I’m hoping you did!!!

  • Yes yes. All good news. 💗. Thank you. Hope you had a good thanksgiving.

  • my Biopsy was 11/2. It was all good news as stated above. I have a question, I now have a lump behind my areola and just want to ask y’all if this is just from the biopsy before I even bother my doc. Lol. TIA

  • Lump is about the size of a pea.

  • katg
    katg Posts: 257

    It is always a good idea to let the doctor know. I was at City of Hope and we had a patient portal i put things like that in. I got responses for sure within 2 days, many times less. Doctors or their Nurse practitioners would want to know. They would know if it needed a 2nd look.

    Let us know!!

  • @katg going to message them now.

  • @katg thank you