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I am grateful



  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,739
    edited February 2022

    For sunshine that helped melt snow off the streets today.

  • 7of9
    7of9 Member Posts: 474
    edited February 2022

    2 days off work while son had snow days. Had to burn personal time to get one, the other the company gave us ( snowstorm). Spending time with the boy who is becoming a young man who i wasn't sure I'd get to see grow up....

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,739
    edited February 2022

    I am grateful to be able to watch church online and stay warm and safe inside on a windy cold winter day.

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,739
    edited February 2022

    I am grateful to get my tests results from my scan and now rated Bi Rads 3 and on a 6 month watch and considered stable for now. On a watch but at least can relax for a few months at least.

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,739
    edited April 2022

    I am grateful for a day with less wind and some sun today.

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,739
    edited April 2022

    I am grateful for a little bit of rain we got yesterday which we really needed.

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,739
    edited April 2022

    I was able to see my youngest grandchild in her first grade school concert yesterday afternoon since we have not been able to attend anything for a long time. Hard and tiring but glad we went and made her happy we were there.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited June 2022

    I am grateful for you

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,739
    edited June 2022

    Hi footie good to see you again and grateful for you as well.

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,739
    edited June 2022

    I am grateful for a little sun today and call to brighten my day today.

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,739
    edited July 2022

    I am grateful my daughter and son in law were able to come and be here for our 40th wedding anniversary and stay a day here with us before going back home again. It was a bright spot to help brighten our day since we had been a little down since our doggie died just a week ago. It was a nice surprise to get the call they were coming for anniiversary to be here for us.

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,739
    edited August 2022

    I am grateful one of my "worrisome" places resolved and now only have 2 they are worried about now when I had my cancer screening mamo and ultrasound done this week.

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,739

    I am grateful I survived Thanksgiving with a lot of people at our son's home.

  • zogo
    zogo Member Posts: 19,659

    I am grateful for my cat, purring next to me in bed this morning.

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,739

    For my dog that is very loving and makes happy and helps me to get more active to play with her in the house sometimes even when I can't walk with her outside.

  • cowgirl13
    cowgirl13 Member Posts: 782

    I am grateful that my food assistance was approved.

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,739

    I am grateful I have food in my cupboard on a snowy weekend so do not have to make a trip to the store to get more food.

  • mabellean
    mabellean Member Posts: 36

    In November, 2023, Thanksgiving time just before my diagnosis I received this Gratitude List from a Holy Spiritually lead group.

    Printed now kept at my prayer station in my room as a supreme reminder no matter what Jesus IS with me every step in this journey.

    I pray for others each night and do devotionals each day with an online private distribution list of pastors, oncology nurses, dear "adopted" family-friends, and blood kin I have met throughout my life and most especially during my medical journey to cardio-rehab, Knoxville Comprehensive Breast Center (KCBC is studying the "turbo cancer" incidence rate since the pushed injections of COVID 19), oncology professionals, hospitals, and general practitioner's office.

    As you set the table with a Thanksgiving feast, take time to remember all the things for which you are thankful. Reflect on these 22 and share them with those at your Thanksgiving table.  Our God is so good and He has given us so much.  Praise Him and give thanks always!

    Psa 136:3

    O give thanks to the Lord of lords: for his mercy endures for ever.

    Thank you, Lord, for…

    22. the morning light, reminding me of your presence and faithfulness.

    21. every breath I breathe, reminding me of your sustaining mercies.

    20. physical strength, reminding me that all power comes from you.

    19. a mind that works, reminding me that all rationality starts with you.

    18. the coordination of the members of my body, reminding me of the wisdom of your design.

    17. food and shelter, reminding me of the generosity of your provision.

    16. work to do and tasks to complete, reminding me of your incessant work on my behalf.

    15. family and friends, reminding me of my welcome into your eternal family.

    14. the body of Christ, reminding me of your promise to meet my spiritual needs.

    13. continuing to rescue me from me, reminding me of your ongoing spiritual care.

    12. those who encourage, comfort, and exhort me, reminding me of the faithful zeal of your grace.

    11. the majesty of your Word, reminding me that you are my greatest teacher.

    10.  the illumining power of your Spirit, reminding me of your zeal that I would know, love, and serve you.

    9.  the pain of conviction, reminding me of my need for your sanctifying grace.

    8.  welcoming and receiving my confession, reminding me that you are slow to anger and abounding in love.

    7.  fresh starts and new beginnings, reminding me again and again of the faithfulness of your forgiving love.

    6.  my calling as your ambassador, reminding me to live with your kingdom in view.

    5.  your guiding hand, reminding me that my life moves according to your control.

    4.  suffering and trials, reminding me of my weakness and your strength.

    3.  your empowering grace, reminding me that I was not meant to live on my own.

    2. a secure destiny

    , reminding me of the hope that is only found in you.

    [And the number 1 reason to thank God….]

    Thank you, Lord, that you are the Lord of Lords, and that by grace I am your child forever.

    Adapted from a devotional by Paul Tripp, 

    Paul Tripp Ministries, Inc.

    1 Cor 15:57

    Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

    ~ Mabellean

    <*}}}>< John 17; Romans 8; Hebrews 11; Acts 17:11; James 5; Revelation 21-22

  • mabellean
    mabellean Member Posts: 36

    Also arrived at Thanksgiving Time of 2023.


    Am a paid subscriber to get the latest in medical breakthroughs in functional medicine to his vault.

    Not paid to promote this group in the least but rather have been a researcher utilizing technology since mainframe and punchcard days. These years of experience which helped me ultimately as a tertiary instructor may be why I arrived here today to post.

    I post rarely online and the only for the glory of GOD, I AM, as a berean student.]

    The Profound Health Benefits of Being Grateful

    Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

  • mabellean
    mabellean Member Posts: 36

    To: ArmorOfGOD Distribution List

    Bible Gateway Verse of the Day for Saturday, March 16, 2024

    Colossians 3:12

    New King James Version

    Character of the New Man

    Therefore, as the elect of God , holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering;

    Read at Bible Gateway

    Read all of Colossians 3

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,739

    For making it to our 42nd wedding anniversary which is today. Was not sure I would make it but still kicking and both us have made it through a lot of health issues.

  • mabellean
    mabellean Member Posts: 36

    CONGRATULATIONS bcicolorado!

    Hope this is STILL an open thread such a wonderful subject !

    Here is our UPDATE and soon to be our 41st wedding anniversary and our Border Collie, Mabel Lean is 11 1/2 and still runs with all 4 paws off the ground. JOY! Unspeakable JOY is her smile and wag, wag wagging tail!

    Heart Surgeries

    Total of 10 Stents of Multiple Cardiac Catheterization Procedures - implant procedures culminating in approximately 2015 Concluded stents implants by 5/2018 with CABG; Stent #11; → * UPDATE: Left Coronary Artery Bypass implant 5/9/2024 → * 90% Blocked to 0%!

    Cancer Surgeries

    1/12;/2024; 1/26/2024 DX 1/2024, Right, Intrusive Ductal and Lobular Carcinoma, Stage IA, Grade 2, ER+, PR+, HER2+, ISH Treatment → * NEED: MRI Bi-annually along with 3D Mammography and Sonogram → * UPDATE: 6/1/2024 → * MRI Results → * NO Cancer Reoccurrence!

    ~ 1 Corinthians 16:13 Final Exhortations Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. 🛐

  • mabellean
    mabellean Member Posts: 36

    August 6 God willing we will be celebrating our 41st Wedding Anniversary.

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,739

    Congrats to you! My daughter who is a teacher now and son-in-law who is a Pastor will have their 20th the end of this month. Seems like in my mind she is still 3 or 4 and still so cute. Of course I was young and well and healthy as well then and still had brown hair and not gray!!

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,739

    I am grateful to finish my scans today and got the ok for another year and it is all stable right now on the places they are watching. One more test before MO appointment still next week to get done before I see her in a few weeks.

  • rlschaller
    rlschaller Member Posts: 190

    Three things I am grateful for today : I am grateful for the sunshine coming in through my window this morning, lovely day. For my cats furry face purring as I meditate . For the sound of my son’s voice laughing. Wishing all a joyful day of small moments of gratitude.

  • lacombattante
    lacombattante Member Posts: 166
    edited September 16

    I am grateful for a beautiful day today. I am grateful that I could see my son finishing one of UTMB races - few years ago this young man was told by doctors that he would never run again. Today he finished 29km (18 miles) trail run with nearly 1700 m (5500 feet) elevation gain.
    i am grateful for this thread that reminded me that life is a beautiful gift.
    May we all have a blessed day today.

    Edited to add distance in miles and elevation in feet:)

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,739

    That is wonderful. I am glad your son is doing so well and you could see him.