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Starting Chemo May and June 2024 Support Thread



  • justsnapd8
    justsnapd8 Member Posts: 116

    Awww! Lots of cat love here! Thanks for sharing them all. I will get another cat, hopefully soon.

    I use ice on my wrists and ankles. I tried the full ice mitts for hands and feet; I couldn't take it.

    @bythebay I take Olanzapine on day 1 (or 2?) to 4, but also take Compazine every 6 hours as needed. I have Zofran if needed, but haven't so far.

  • sarahjunefox
    sarahjunefox Member Posts: 58

    This is my little fella Tiernan who keeps me active.

    Thanks all for the therapy advice. I know that I would like to see someone but I'm pretty sure this isn't the right fit at the moment. I do keep a journal which I think helps a lot.

  • justsnapd8
    justsnapd8 Member Posts: 116

    @sarahjunefox Tiernan looks like he keeps you busy, but he looks fun too!

    Hey girls, I thought I was hydrating enough, but the labs today said I was a little short. Is there a goal by ounces I should shoot for? I know all our bodies are different with different needs.

  • Love4All
    Love4All Member Posts: 113
    edited July 18

    @justsnapd8 I was told to drink at least two liters of fluids a day and up to three the first two days after chemo. Also, even with all the fluids I am drinking, my bloodwork showed I was a little dehydrated, too. I guess I need to add more electrolytes to the water instead of drinking plain water, tea, green juice, kombucha, etc. 🤷‍♀️

  • Love4All
    Love4All Member Posts: 113
    edited July 18

    I am having another weird side effect… Whenever I’m sitting for a while with my legs up on the ottoman, or laying down with my legs straight out (like flat on the couch or in bed), my thigh muscles burn for about ten seconds when I bend my knees into a fetal position or sit-up position. The burn feels like that lactic acid buildup you get in your muscles when you’re exercising (like doing squats for a long time). So strange!

  • bythebay
    bythebay Member Posts: 40

    @sarahjunefox Oh he's a handsome guy!

    @justsnapd8 I aim for about 96oz, some mixed with hydration juices I get at a local Pressed Juicery. I drink all water that has electrolytes and alkaline. Not sure how helpful it is but I'm giving it a shot. I did not need any nausea meds first time around so hoping second time will be the same. I'm thinking of going in for hydration infusion next week just to stay on top of it. Good luck, chug away!

    @Love4All That is strange! Hey at least your getting squats in while laying down 😆 At night my legs feel like I need to keep stretching them out for some reason. So many new and different feels with treatment. Sleep has not been easy.

    I'm actually at chemo now finishing up treatment 2 yay!!!

  • justsnapd8
    justsnapd8 Member Posts: 116

    @ebfitzy Of course! she's so cute! I think of you younger ladies often—your struggles with your families and chemo. I don't know how the heck y'all do it. But I know you have to!

    @bythebay My extra hydration would be in the form of popsicles! Do we need extra electrolytes? Wouldn't that show up as a low value in our labs?

    @Love4All 2L isn't too much; 3 is stretching it! Adding caffeine-free tea might help. I have some good chai tea! Have no idea about that strange symptom, but it's probably something out of balance in your lab values and may be worth reaching out to your medical team on.

  • sarahjunefox
    sarahjunefox Member Posts: 58

    @ebfitzy Great ad! she's so cute!

  • Love4All
    Love4All Member Posts: 113

    @ebfitzy Your daughter is adorable 😍 I CANNOT imagine taking care of three young kids during this treatment!! Mine are 21 and 25, so I’m just taking care of myself mostly. You should get some serious credit in your house for dealing with motherhood and cancer at the same time. Motherhood nearly did me in itself (no cancer treatment needed!). Women are sooooo much tougher and stronger than men, and your story proves it! Hang in there mama! ❤️🙏

  • Member Posts: 230
    edited July 19

    it’s hard to keep up sometimes! I try to stay active on 3 threads on here, and it’s a lot with life plus side effects. It’s great to hear from you!

    My heart really goes out to those of you who are younger moms with younger kiddos, too! Not only are you going through breast cancer and likely forced menopausal symptoms with it, but there is so much you have so much to keep up with, especially with school age children, even during the summer and sometimes especially during the summer. Mine are 34, 33, and 24. My 24-yr-old is still at home because he’s special needs. He’s going to community college full time, and working part time. He doesn’t drive, since he’s legally blind, but he does help me so much around the house with chores and with the 4 cats and dog. Still, sometimes just getting up early or staying up late to drive him somewhere or helping him with a project just takes that last bit of physical and mental energy I have, along with work and the rest. I have to really remind myself some days to take rest and recharge time for me in there or then I start really feeling those steroids wearing me thin 😁

  • fossf56
    fossf56 Member Posts: 36

    Hey all, met my oncologist today and got results from additional labs which now show that I am triple negative not HER2+ for my MBC. To say I am furious is an understatement. I don't know why they didn't run this test before my treatment started. I have 3 treatments down including phesgo which was not needed. ugh. But it does explain why my MBC was not shrinking.
    The tumor board will discuss me again next week on treatment. In 2 weeks I have my final Taxol/Carbo with no Herceptin/Prejeta.
    My stage I lung cancer I will be starting immunotherapy in addition to the Chemo at my next treatment.

    Investigating moving to different practice. I could write this off as a "snafu" when my original oncologist left and new one took over but it is actually life threatening and I don't have confidence in my new oncologist now.

  • justsnapd8
    justsnapd8 Member Posts: 116

    @fossf56 I imagine it is frustrating, but be patient with your care team. There's a lab that could be responsible for the change. I think someone here said their tumor was both + and -, so it sounds like a wide array of variances are possible. Ask questions until you're satisfied with the answers.

  • Love4All
    Love4All Member Posts: 113

    @fossf56 I am truly sorry that they screwed up your diagnosis. What a disappointment, and I agree that confidence in your team would be rocked by this. So what does this mean going forward as far as your treatment plan?

  • bythebay
    bythebay Member Posts: 40

    @fossf56 Praying that you will get the answers and can feel confident with your diagnosis and team moving forward. 🤗

  • bythebay
    bythebay Member Posts: 40 You still have a very full plate to deal with going through chemo. When I was diagnosed when young with 3 young kids, I didn't get chemo, just radiation so it wasn't as difficult caring for the family as going through chemo. I was only 43. This chemo is a whole new ballgame for sure, especially at this age.

    I feel you about the steroids…I totally spaced on taking my second dose at lunchtime yesterday so called the after hours nurse to ask if I should still take it in the evening. She said yes definitely but be ready not to be able to sleep. Then my chemo brain forgot to reorder and today I had to take them a bit later again. 🤪 Ive always been a great multitasker and taking care of others but this chemo brain is a real thing! You take care!

    @ebfitzy Bravo to your adorable girl and best to you caring for your young family and yourself 💞

  • dw0330
    dw0330 Member Posts: 18

    @fossf56 I'm very sorry to hear about your mis-diagnosis. I would be angry and frustrated too. Going thru treatment is brutal. Mentally, emotionally, and physically. You have every right to have answers on how this happened. Sending prayers for you!

  • dw0330
    dw0330 Member Posts: 18

    @jlhmom75 after my first treatment I was very dizzy for almost two weeks. After speaking with my team we believe it was caused by Olanzapine. I had my second treatment. This time, I did not take Olanzapine and I have not been dizzy at all.

  • justsnapd8
    justsnapd8 Member Posts: 116

    @lyniepooh Congratulations! 👏I'm excited for you! You get a nice break after chemo and before radiation. Hopefully, you bounce back quickly and can do something fun during your break!

  • bythebay
    bythebay Member Posts: 40

    @lyniepooh Yay for final chemo this week!!! I'm so happy for you and the little break you get! 🌺

  • sarahjunefox
    sarahjunefox Member Posts: 58

    Chemo 4/6 done and dusted! Went well despite the computer system being down and loads of delays. I had an oncology massage this morning and it was so wonderful. I highly recommend it if your oncologist okays it.

  • Love4All
    Love4All Member Posts: 113

    @lyniepooh You get to ring the bell 🥳🥳🥳!! So happy for you to have this almost behind you! Time to celebrate! ❤️🙏

  • bythebay
    bythebay Member Posts: 40

    @sarahjunefox Great that you are 4 down! A delay before chemo sounds awful but its done and done! Thank you for the oncology massage reminder, I booked one! Not available until the 5th but I'm booked. Hope you're SE are manageable. I had a couple of yucky days but today was a bit better, so thats great. 🌸

  • Love4All
    Love4All Member Posts: 113

    Well, son-of-a-bitch…. I think I have lymphedema in my arm 😩 I developed cording in my arm shortly after my lumpectomy, but it went away on its own with lots of stretching and self massage. Then, a few days after my third chemo, the cord was back. I had an oncology massage on Saturday and she noticed some swelling in my arm and it was warm to the touch. I woke up today with a swollen lymph node on the inside of my arm near my elbow and my shoulder and breast are achy. I contacted my surgeon and she prescribed an antibiotic and wants me to be seen right away. The fun never ends!

  • sarahjunefox
    sarahjunefox Member Posts: 58

    @Love4All Ah no!! Hope the antibiotics sort it out quick!

  • justsnapd8
    justsnapd8 Member Posts: 116

    @Love4All I too hope the antibiotics do the trick. My MIL had lymphedema after mastectomy. I remember her seeing a lymphedema specialist for it. I don't know if it involved massage.

  • Love4All
    Love4All Member Posts: 113

    @justsnapd8 I have an appointment with the lymphedema specialist at the hospital on august 13. I had to wait because my last chemo is august 5 and it takes me a good week to bounce back. This is what I sent out to my family and friends after my appointment today with my surgeon’s PA:

    Too early to tell if it’s lymphedema, but the antibiotics seem to have shrunk the swollen node in my elbow. She is not convinced that it was a lymph node that was swollen. Coulda been my vein swollen. Either way, I’m keeping my appointment with the lymphedema specialist on the 13th, going forward with chemo Monday (unless I develop a fever), and will know more when I get my blood work done on Monday. They want me to keep a close eye on it, and let them know if it turns red or swells more. Then I’d have to come back in for further evaluation. It’s a wait and see. My immune system is compromised right now, so it could just be the result of some kind of infection elsewhere in my body, and since the pathways are blocked under my arm, the lymphatic fluid is pooling there. For now, I am to rest my arm completely. No lifting anything, keep it elevated, and continue my manual lymphatic massaging and gentle stretching. ❤️

  • missannabele
    missannabele Member Posts: 4

    i love everyone’s cat pictures!

    I see some are saying the first chemo was the worst? I thought it got worse after that? I have had my first - and it was like an exorcism. I had 10/10 every symptom and think I invented another dozen. I am NEVER going thru that again. I have a meeting with my doctor this week because i told her i can’t do it. I want a BMX - then see what happens.

  • justsnapd8
    justsnapd8 Member Posts: 116

    @Love4All Hang in there and do what you need to do in the meantime. The specialist will be able to help you!

    @missannabele Happy to have another cat lover here.😻 My first chemo wasn't bad at all. I've had intestinal issues off and on, and sometimes I feel like I'm shaky on the inside, but thankfully that's it. Do they give you pre-meds to ward off evil spirits (side effects)? I've wondered why they don't just inject the chemo into the tumor and leave the rest of my body alone. But logically, cancer cells can and will escape the confines of the breast and the chemo can catch them. I hope the doctor can help you be better able to tolerate the chemo. If not, I would go to a different doctor.