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ER-, PR-, Her2+ Roll call



  • grammie2
    grammie2 Member Posts: 166

    @catarina_fm oh I would love to!! I have never traveled out of the country! We are going to St John (USVI) next year and looking forward to that. Not out of the US but kinda haha! My kids are all in the air force and I've got to visit several national parks because of that. So same to you! Come visit!

  • catarina_fm
    catarina_fm Member Posts: 32

    @beekaycro24 Around here I'm trying not to lose too much weight because I'm already quite thin and have already lost 5 kg. I need to get them back 😅 I've already thought about going to a nutritionist to find out what I can eat to gain weight in a healthy way. I think that stopping exercising didn't help either because I lost muscle mass... I've started exercising again, it's very important for us all, it helps a lot with recovery!
    I'm glad you and your husband have acquired such healthy habits! Your diet seems perfectly adequate 😊 I still haven't managed to cut out sugar completely (I've reduced it) but I've been trying to exercise more on those days when I eat something sweet, to compensate. Keep it up 😉

  • catarina_fm
    catarina_fm Member Posts: 32

    @grammie2 I googled St John and fell in love, it's just the type of place I adore! I didn't know the place but I already added it to my list 😍 Since I was little, I've dreamed of the grand canyon, yellowstone, zion, yosemite. You have a wonderful country! You don't even need to go out to see fantastic places 😊

  • beekaycro24
    beekaycro24 Member Posts: 33
    edited September 17

    @catarina_fm Zion is by far my very favorite national park. Utah is an absolutely beautiful state. The Grand Canyon was nice, but man…Zion was it for us. Yellowstone and Yosemite are on our to-do list. They were both closed when we were in that are, due to roads being washed out from rain and snow melt. You also have to see Niagara Falls…and the entire state of Vermont is gorgeous, as well. One day! I'd love to come to Peru, but my husband refuses to fly. He'd probably drive there if we didn't have to go through Mexico…he watches too many cartel shows on Netflix…lol.

  • grammie2
    grammie2 Member Posts: 166

    My son, dil and grands are stationed in Ogden UT (SLC). It is beautiful! We spent a week in Moab a couple of years ago. We did Arches and Canyonlands. They were in AZ for a while and we did the Grand Canyon. We want to do Yellowstone and Yosemite as well! VT is on my bucket list!!! We live near TN so the Great Smoky Mtns are a yearly destination for us. So beautiful there!

  • catarina_fm
    catarina_fm Member Posts: 32

    @grammie2 and @beekaycro24 you are giving me a huge desire to visit the USA! Vermont looks beautiful! the forests seem wonderful, I absolutely love nature. Niagara falls were also on my list. In 2020 I had purchased a trip to go to New York with 2 friends (it wasn't my favorite place but the flight was cheap), our plans were to rent a car after visiting NY and to go to Canada, via Niagara Falls. But covid didn't allow it 😅 fortunately the trip was refunded.

    I had never heard of Ogden but it looks BEAUTIFUL omg! Love the photos, mountains are my favorite thing. Also didn’t know the Smoky Mountains, they look beautiful too! Girls, let's get better, you come to visit Europe and I'll go to USA 😁 @beekaycro24 you need to convince your husband to fly 😉

  • grammie2
    grammie2 Member Posts: 166

    I'm all in! The more the merrier!!! We are all gonna kick cancer's butt with help from doctors, meds, each other and God! 😊

  • beekaycro24
    beekaycro24 Member Posts: 33


  • beekaycro24
    beekaycro24 Member Posts: 33

    Okay guys, I've calmed down today. I've decided what shows up on my scans scheduled for lated today, just shows up. If it's there, it's there and I'll deal with it then. My higher power has my back. Also, I'd love to get to know y'all outside of this medium…make it more personal so to speak. Feel free to follow me i you are on Facebook, Instagram, or X/Twitter:

    FB: Berta Crowe, located in Clayton, GA

    Insta: beekaycro


  • catarina_fm
    catarina_fm Member Posts: 32

    @beekaycro24 I totally understand your stress. I was the same when I had the PET scan (which showed that the cancer was still only in the breast/nodes). The problem is that I only started chemo 1 month and a half after the PET scan (there was no possibility in the hospital beforehand) and I have no idea whether it has spread in the meantime or not! My tumor was so aggressive that it tripled in size in 2 months, going from 3 cm to 8 cm. I still have nightmares about it from time to time. But… we need to calm down. Good luck to you, I am sending you positive energy 😉
    You can also have my Instagram, I haven't published anything about cancer yet and I don't know if I ever will, but I think it's a good idea to get to know each other a little better 😊 Mine is catarina_fm

  • djschmidt1
    djschmidt1 Member Posts: 62

    oh goody!! I dont post much on instagram but please yes lets follow each other. I’m donna_j_schmidt on instagram. Im in Tampa, Fl.

  • beekaycro24
    beekaycro24 Member Posts: 33

    Thank you! My tumor has grown since my ultrasound on August 23rd. It was 3.9 cm and at my onc's appt last Monday, he said it was 5 cm. There's no lymphnode involvement, according to the one biopsied. But I'm still worried it went elsewhere through my blood cells. ARGH! It's so hard not knowing. I hope you ignore my ignorance yesterday when I said I guess we could drive to Peru…I thought it was in South America…lol.

  • grammie2
    grammie2 Member Posts: 166

    @beekaycro24 glad you are feeling more calm!

    I don't do a lot on Instagram either, more FB. But here are both:

    FB - CarolAnn Weddle Sutphin

    Instagram - histater1

  • beekaycro24
    beekaycro24 Member Posts: 33

    I received my scan results….not worrying until my doctor tells me to! Pelvis area is good, except I have some gallstones.? One axillary lymph node looks large…could be cancer (idk), there is a 4mm nodule on my right lung middle lobe and a 4mm nodule on my left lung lower lobe. Google says normally not cancer, but being that I already have cancer then it could be. Obviously, I'm hoping not. I also have mild scattered arterial atherosclerosis, which is plaque build up. This is just listed under Vasculature, so not sure which artery they are talking about. I also hope this doesn't stop me from getting chemo. Anyway, I'm calm (except for the steroid high) and hope to have a relaxing night.

  • grammie2
    grammie2 Member Posts: 166

    @beekaycro24 I hope you rest well! You have a big day tomorrow. Glad you are staying calm and waiting on the dr to go over everything. Keep us posted tomorrow on how the port placement and chemo go! And those steroids are something else, aren't they!!! They so mess with my sleep! Hugs and prayers!!

  • Member Posts: 209
    edited 2:01AM

    @beekaycro24 Staying calm is good! I hope everything goes great and it’s only reassuring news. 🙏🏼🩷

    I visited my plastic surgeon’s office for a pre-op appt today. Their plan is to only fill the expander on the radiated/right side before radiation and delay filling the left side. This helps radiation target the correct area without interference. After radiation, the left expander can be filled to match for better symmetry. Also after radiation, they don’t fill the radiated side anymore for a while because the skin and tissue tend to become tighter and less flexible. This allows the area to heal properly before continuing reconstruction. They also use Alloderm, which is mesh, which I’m not thrilled about. Then again, I got chemo, I’m getting implants, and I’m getting radiation, so why not mesh too. In for a penny in for a pound, I guess! This was all new info for me, so I’m digesting. Figuring out how to dress myself  through this should be interesting. I will need to remind myself often through this that ‘what to wear’ is not what is important. And that this is temporary and I will hopefully get the reconstruction I’m hoping for. And, if not, that’s ok! Cancer-free is the goal.

    I’m on insta under mitchalisa, and I’m on FB under Alisa Mitchell, with a Bitmoji style cartoon profile pic.

  • beekaycro24
    beekaycro24 Member Posts: 33

    :) My granddaughter's gymnastics teacher had a double mastectomy and chose not to do implants. She has some type of silicone inserts she uses in her bras. Maybe you could just buy one and use? idk….this is WAY beyond my stage of treatment. ;) I love reading about your current journey. You ladies give me so much hope.

  • aborayis
    aborayis Member Posts: 419

    @beekaycro24 thinking of you! Good luck today, and I hope all goes smoothly! Let us know how it all goes.

    @grammie2 my oncologist’s advice was to listen to my body about what to eat and that I might find my tolerance and appetite to change with treatment. I started out whole food plant based and had to switch because my stomach couldn’t tolerate it. I became a smoothie queen. She also told me I would probably gain weight from the steroids, and that was true.

    @catarina_fm i had the coolest Neulasta thingy they put on my belly. A little box that stuck on with adhesive that had a timer and a little needle that poked in a day after infusions and gave me the shot. It looked like a sci-fi beetle.