Zoom Meet-up for Those With MBC: Place to keep chatting
This is a space held for our Zoom Meetup members to gather in between meetings for updates and support. Join our Virtual Meet-ups! For those with a diagnosis of metastatic breast cancer (MBC; also called stage IV) Register: Mondays at 2:00 PM EST, Tuesdays at 1:00 PM EST, and Wednesdays at 4:00 PM EST Young (45 and under)…
Zoom Meet-Up Bonded by Breast Cancer: Place to Keep Chatting
Hey Everyone, Here is a place to keep sharing between meetups. Warmly, The Mods
In Treatment Zoom Meet-Ups: Place to keep chatting
This is a space held for our In Treatment Zoom Meetup members to gather in between meetings for updates and support. Join our Virtual Meet-ups! Tuesdays at 1pm ET, register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEvc-uurzgvHNyvhpw-l0KPkwjlKN_KbOeC#/registration Thursdays at 6pm ET, register here:…
A New Expressive Writing Community for Breast Cancer Survivors
Hi! I hope this is the appropriate thread to present this project. (I did check with Breast Cancer .Org for permission before jumping in like this.) I am Ren - a poet, playwright, and teaching artist (PhD), who finished active treatment for stage 2B breast cancer in January. I lost my best friend to cancer the same month I…
MBC Caregiving Partners Virtual Zoom Meetups every other Tues at 4pm, ET
Hi All, Reminding you that we offer a free caregivers meetup for partners of someone with MBC every other Tuesday. If you are a caregiver, or have a partner who you think could benefit, please share. We meet every other Tuesday at 4pm, ET. People need to register here to participate:…
Monday MBC Zoom thread place to keep chatting
This is a space held for our Monday MBC Zoom Meetup members to catch up in between meetups. To join the weekly virtual support group, Mondays at 2pm ET, please register here.
In Treatment? Join us on Zoom, Tues & Thurs weekly!
Hi Everyone, We have created a weekly virtual support group for all who are planning or going through active treatment. If you've just been diagnosed and are planning surgery, chemo, or radiation, join our weekly Zoom Meetups. We have two meetings for you to register for: Register here: Tuesdays at 1:00 PM…
Under 45 with MBC Zoom Meetup: Place to keep chatting
This is a space held for our Zoom Meetup members to gather in between meetings for updates and support. Please remember to favorite/bookmark this thread for notifications of new posts If you haven't joined the group yet and just found this thread, feel free to join our virtual meet-up! Young (45 and under) with metastatic…
VIRTUAL MEETUPS for people in treatment for breast cancer!
VIRTUAL MEETUPS for people in treatment for breast cancer! Register here and you'll receive a zoom confirmation with all the information! Tuesdays at 1:00 PM EST and Thursdays at 6:00 PM EST
Join our Virtual Support Groups!
We invite you to register to join us: Tuesdays at 1pm ET Register here. Thursdays at 6pm ET Register here. See you on Zoom! We look forward to meeting you! --The Mods
VIRTUAL MEETUPS for people in treatment for breast cancer!
Letting you all know that we host moderated VIRTUAL MEETUPS for people in treatment for breast cancer. Register here and you'll receive a zoom confirmation with all the information! Tuesdays at 1:00 PM EST and Thursdays at 6:00 PM EST
Young Adults with MBC Zoom Thread: Place to keep chatting
This is a space held for our Young With MBC Zoom Meetup members to catch up in between meetups. To join the weekly virtual support group, Thursdays at 1pm EST, please register here. This thread has been discontinued and moved to:
Treatment Zoom Meetup (Tuesdays) place to keep chatting
Update: Hi all! We apologize -- in thinking about creating these threads, we actually thought it might be more practical to have all groups (Tuesday and Thursday) to post on the same thread. This way, if you attend more than one meeting, you won't have to submit any updates to more than one thread to reach all of your…
Treatment Zoom Meetup (Thursdays) place to keep chatting
Hi all! We apologize -- in thinking about creating these threads, we actually thought it might be more practical to have all groups (Tuesday and Thursday) to post on the same thread. This way, if you attend more than one meeting, you won't have to submit any updates to more than one thread to reach all of your friends.…
Zoom Meet-Up for MBC Caregivers: Place to keep chatting
Please connect here to catch up with other caregivers from our weekly zoom! This meeting takes place on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of every month at 4pm ET. Click here to register: https://breastcancer-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcqd-6prDkvGdztPag7To5oGJKH7Mt_wWOa