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Re: Bioidentical anyone taking after breast cancer?
I tell you ladies...I read these posts and I think I'm beginning to feel really blessed that I made it to 71 before getting bc. I didn't do chemo or rads and my brief experience with Tamox was not pleasant...still need to find out if it was actually the Tamox or my cold bug that was causing the severe flu like symptoms that I was having, but they went away when I stopped taking the drug. I will start back when I get over the cold completely. Yes, forget the libido, hello dry skin, thinning hair, and so on...gurrrr! Not one MO I've seen has brought this up or made any suggestions as to how I might solve the problem. If not for this site, I would be totally bewildered.
I did 20 years of birth control and another 20 of HRT and 1 of BHRT before being dx with bc. Now all of this was at the recommendation of my doctors who said it was providing multiple benefits to me, like protecting my heart and bones, helping to prevent bc, and keeping me young. Now, I'm being told the complete opposite by these same doctors, after I got bc! Pardon me, if I no longer accept their word as gospel!
It's a crap shoot to try and stay healthy in today's medical environment if you are taking any of the prescribed drugs that are being doled out. When guys started having libido problems, they came up with Viagra overnight, and what is more, insurance pays for it! They didn't pay for my BHRT!
I'll listen to what my doctors have to say, but I'll do my own research and the final decision will be mine.
Re: HRT after Breast Cancer? Maybe!
Hi mpetago and fukcancer
Was so happy to read this today!! Diagnosed 8/21, 66 yrs old, so already menopausal. Did HRT for 10 yrs and was of course HR+ HER2 -. Stopped hrt a yr ago and omg I felt so much worse. No sleep, sweating all the time and that list goes on and on. Then was a good girl and did AI for 5 weeks, it was all I could stand. This is not the first time I'm reading about estrogen after cancer, so there must be something to it. I will definitely be getting Dr Bluming book. Thanks for this info, I need some ammo to maybe get my dr to listen to something other than standard of care or maybe I just need a new crew!!
homemom, I have had 2 cone biopsies (older procedure) and 3 leep procedures over the years to remove abnormal cells. This wasn't exactly fun but could have been worse. If the margins are clean you are good to go until the next time they find something. It's better to get the rogue cells out before they spread. My last three pap smears were fine.
Re: What do you want people to know about Breast Cancer Awareness Month?
Focus on listening to individual stories and offering personalized support, rather than just using generic phrases or assumptions.
Re: Newly Diagnosed with ILC
@pharmdee That is so great to hear about your sister doing well many years later! That is wonderful!!
I am not brave either to not take anything. I figure if the SE are tolerable then may as well take it for as long as medically possible. Just need to figure out which is better for me, tamoxifen or go the AI route. My current MO is totally against removing ovaries, doesn't want me to fall into an abrupt menopause and with the potential issues that brings, but she is potentially open to the ovary suppression. A second opinion will help me decide (hopefully!) which path to take and who to take it with.
Stay strong, this is not easy, but you will get thru it like a boss!! 😎
Re: Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?
Taco, playing golf in 100 degree weather doesn't seem safe. You recovered fast from your partial knee replacement. My dh's knee surgery is scheduled for late October. I'm thinking his will be total replacement.
It would be nice to hear from Sandy, Chris, MM and others who are MIA.
We're due for another unseasonably warm and humid day, high about 80. I plan to drive the golf cart to nearby Eagle View GC and play some holes. DH went to town to the gym.
I hope Betrayal is having a great time on her trip.
Happy Tuesday.
Re: Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?
Good morning. Not much going on here. I have a lunch planned with my BFF and a trip to the library. This afternoon I have a meeting at church to do get well cards for those members that are ill. Hope everyone has a pleasant day.
Re: ER-, PR-, Her2+ Roll call
@catarina_fm Zion is by far my very favorite national park. Utah is an absolutely beautiful state. The Grand Canyon was nice, but man…Zion was it for us. Yellowstone and Yosemite are on our to-do list. They were both closed when we were in that are, due to roads being washed out from rain and snow melt. You also have to see Niagara Falls…and the entire state of Vermont is gorgeous, as well. One day! I'd love to come to Peru, but my husband refuses to fly. He'd probably drive there if we didn't have to go through Mexico…he watches too many cartel shows on Netflix…lol.
Re: NorCal Kaiser Dr Rec??
I’m in San Jose and have received all of my tx at the Santa Clara campus. My surgery was 13 years ago and I know that my plastic surgeon is no longer with Kaiser. So while I can’t give you any surgeon recommendations, I have been very pleased with my care and the Santa Clara campus has everything in one location. I have been stage IV the entire time. My current oncologist is Dr. Amy Lei. Please let me know if you have any other questions.