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CMF Question



  • colleen1960
    colleen1960 Member Posts: 107
    edited January 2009

    Have great vacation to all that are traveling.  I am very jealous!! I go back tomorrow form tx #7 and of course not looking forward to it.  This last tx left me very tired and I still am.  Hope blood wk goes ok so I can get tx in.  For everyone who had treatments this wk. I hope you all are doing well.  And Ginny I will say a special prayer for your friend Ann.  I would also ask everyone to keep my SIL Pat in their thoughts and prayers.  She went for her 3mth ck. up for her thyroid cancer and it is back again.  She has it in two places right by her juggler and corroded artery.  Dr. said it is going to be a very dangerous surgery and he has not gotten back to her yet about how they are going to proceed.  He wanted to present her case to a team of Drs.  So please keep her in your prayers.  I will check in tomorrow and let you know how my tx it went.


  • colleen1960
    colleen1960 Member Posts: 107
    edited January 2009

    Have great vacation to all that are traveling.  I am very jealous!! I go back tomorrow form tx #7 and of course not looking forward to it.  This last tx left me very tired and I still am.  Hope blood wk goes ok so I can get tx in.  For everyone who had treatments this wk. I hope you all are doing well.  And Ginny I will say a special prayer for your friend Ann.  I would also ask everyone to keep my SIL Pat in their thoughts and prayers.  She went for her 3mth ck. up for her thyroid cancer and it is back again.  She has it in two places right by her juggler and corroded artery.  Dr. said it is going to be a very dangerous surgery and he has not gotten back to her yet about how they are going to proceed.  He wanted to present her case to a team of Drs.  So please keep her in your prayers.  I will check in tomorrow and let you know how my tx it went.


  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited January 2009

    Oh Colleen, your SIL Pat will go into my prayers tonight along with your for hopefully, a lucky #7.  I often found I would have one bad one, then followed by two good ones.  I don't know why.  Eat some red meat tomorrow I found it seemed to help me.  Or some ice cream.

    Good luck, drink that water, and mark another one off the calendar!!! You are getting there!!!! How many more?

    and how is your mom?  Everybody goes into my prayers tonight for you.  Sending white light, good vibes and asking little flower, St. Theresa to protect you all tonight.



  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2009

    Hi everyone

    I spent yesterday afternoon at the beach 

    it was so peaceful..

  • colleen1960
    colleen1960 Member Posts: 107
    edited January 2009

    I want to thank everyone for sending good wishes to my SIL she as an appt with the surgeon on Tues so we will know more then.  Lisa your pictures are beautiful I am so jealous.  I wish I was there it is freezing in NY today.

    I went for tx #7 yesterday.  It was the day from h***.  I went at 10 for onc appt.  My onc was out of the office which I know,  so I had to see someone else.  She seemed ok.  When I went for my tx after getting blood work which was all ok, I started to have a problem with the IV.  The nurse noticed my arm was swelling and began to get concerned.  (The nurses are all so great).  So the IV had to be removed and they started to look for another vein.  After 3 attempts and a lot of pain it was no good.  They called onc and asked if they could try one more time and she said as long as I agreed it was fine.  The nurse tried again (different nurse each time) but still could not get it.  They called onc again and asked what to do send me home and have me come back on Mon?  I was afraid that they would take me off the trial.  After coming this far I just want it finished.  The onc came back with a bit of an attitude and said to me YOU KNOW YOU CAN USE THE OTHER ARM!!! And then said some of the nurses do not know the difference from the sentinel node to a total dissection.  Which was uncalled for and embarrassing to the nurse (who definitely knows the difference).  I told her I was told from my surgeon and onc nurse that I should not use my rt. arm only in an extreme emergency.  And I was not sure this was.  She told me it was totally safe to do.  But it was my decision.  After she left, the nurse and I talked and she suggested it I wanted to do that to go and have lunch and regroup and that they would try one more time on the rt. side.  So that's what I did.  And they were able to get a line in and get treatment.  So I was there from 10 AM till 4PM a very long day.  I just did not like this drs. attitude and I am going to tell my onc.

    I am feeling ok so far, just hope it lasts.  I have one more tx on 2/9 YEA!!!!!Kiss hopefully it will go smooth.  My mom had her 2nd tx on Thursday and so far she says she is feeling ok. Well thanks for listening to my long story.  I hope everyone has a nice weekend. 

  • golfer779
    golfer779 Member Posts: 410
    edited January 2009

    Colleen, sounds like you could have used a pair of "Big Girl Panties".  I would have been off the charts livid !!!  Talk about a true fighter gal ... bottom line, I'm glad that you we're able to stay on track with your regime, the train will be coming into the station soon !!!!

    Boy your family has certainly had more than their share of health issues, I will continue to send my positive vibes to the east. 

    Lisa, gorgeous pictures, is this a hobby of yours or do you take photos professionally as well?  Looking at the sunshine in them made me think of Rita who is hopefully basking in Vit D in Florida this morning.

    Lets see, Harley should be gearing up to pack next right ? 

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2009

    Hi gals!  It's cold in sunny Florida today but it's supposed to be in the 70's tomorrow and we're planning on spending it on the beach and around the pool.  We have a tee time for a round of golf at a nice course on Monday and even the cold temps are better than Illinois chills and snow.

    Hope all of you are doing well.  I will check in later in the week.


  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited February 2009

    Hi all!

    Colleen, my hat's off to about brave!!! You got the job done, girl, A big HOOOORAAAY to you,,,,honestly, I am upset on your behalf, what a jerk that dr. sounds like and it's so rude to do that to the nurses....Good for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  wonderful news that you're almost done, now you can do anything....hope the aftereffect stay mild for you and that your knowlege of you ARE ALMOST done serves you well. 

    Good vibes to you and your mom, and as always, lots of prayers. 

    Hope everybody is hanging in there, hi Carol!  hi Rita!  Harley, happy packing!

    Oh Rita enjoy that sunshine, I hope you are feeling all better now.



  • scarp
    scarp Member Posts: 43
    edited February 2009

    Colleen - sounds like your day was hell.  So happy they were able to get your treatment.  I'm so jealous you only have 1 more left.  I have 3.  My next is on the 9th.  May move it to the 10th.  I like going on Tues more than Mon.  It is less crowded in there.  Best wishes for your mom and SIL.

    Harley - a cruise right now sounds so good!!!

    Rita - hoping it gets warmer for you.  The weather sounds pefect for golf.  Enjoy!!!!!

    Mandy - how are you making out?

    Lisa - Thanks for the pictures.

    My weekend has been hell.  I chaperoned my daughters ski club on Friday night(middle school).  We got there at 4 and by 4:30 I was taking my daughter to the first aid for a swollen wrist.  Sure enough, it is broken.  Was in the ER until midnight.  She is so down becuase she is very active and can't do anything for 6 weeks.  Her whole arm is in a splint and she will get casted in a week or so.  She is a right handed and sure enought thats the one that broke.  Now mommy is dressing her, cutting her food....I guess it kinda feels good to be needed so much but I'm sure it'll get old quick

     Best to everyone!

    Enjoy the superbowl!!!!

  • colleen1960
    colleen1960 Member Posts: 107
    edited February 2009

    Hey Scarp sorry to hear about your daughter's arm.  I have been there.  When my daughter was in 3rd grade she broke her leg skiing.  It was crazy she had a cast on from her hip all the way down.  She could not go to the bathroom or anything by herself.  She had it on for almost 3 mths.  Plus she could not got to school for almost one whole mth.  So we had a lot of mother daughter time and believe me I was more then ready for her to go back to school, as I am sure she was to.  But you will see in a few days  your daughter will be able to do more and more for herself.

    Thanks for all the good wishes regarding my terrible day.  It is day 3 and I am feeling so so.  Not has bad as ususal, but we will see.  Wishing everyone a good Sunday.  Any plans for superbowl?  My dh and kids are going to a party, but I opted to stay home in bed and relax.  Definitely not up to be around people.

    Rita I hope sunny Florida is warming up for you!!!! It has got to be better then being in NY.  They are threatening more snow either Tues Or Wed.  I am so done with the winter....  I want the SPRING!!!


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2009

    Hi again..Rita, I hope it warms up fast for your sake...nothing like basking in a warm sun...

    Golfer,..I just take pictures for fun..I was really kinda physically down and out for 18 months from complications and I had to really spend most of my time in the house, so I started three hobbies with the computer, geneaology, and research...the pictures are the most fun..especially after I could go out and see the world again...

    Scarp..sorry to hear about the broken know it means you have to do alot with her..sending a mother of three boys, I had my share when they were growing up..

    Colleen, I hope you are feeling better today..some alone time is good...I am going to watch the Super Bowl, but we didn't get the 3D glasses.

    Hugs all around..

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited February 2009

    Wow scarp and colleen, both of you have had the days from .... Colleen, as I've said before,  your family is always in my heart and prayers. 

    Scarp, The break will  heal before you know it and you will look back on these "mother daughter bonding days" with a smile.  To make her life simpler though, you might want to be sure that her school teacher knows it is her primary arm and that she will need some homework excuses, extensions, whatever. One of my daughters once had a teacher who had never heard of what daughter had and decided therefore it did not exist. She ignored a very serious condition and made my daughter's life miserable....I had to go to the head of the school and in the end we had to change teachers.  So it can be worth while straightening that kind of thing out from the beginning.  Just my two cents. 

    I have been much more tired after this tx, number 4, than the earlier ones.  Would like a jolt of energy!!

    To you gals going off to the sun...send some to us and enjoy yourself fully!

    Hugs to all


  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited February 2009

    And I almost forgot...Lisa, your photos are incredible!!!

  • mistyblue048
    mistyblue048 Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2009

    I just started my chemo, one treatment so far, all IV in port,,,7 days after first treatment, I got very sick, white count went too low, was in hospital for a few days,,,but I noticed my hair thinning.  My nurse gave me a wonderful and meaningful suggestion, and I followed her advice.  She told me that now was my first time to  speak out against this cancer, take control, and have my daughter finish up the job, and shave my head.  It was sweet,, thru tears,,,and fears,,,I was strong enough to take that step towards me being in control.  I have very cute scarves to wrap,,,i grew up in 60's,,,and it's fun to wear them again!!  So,,,if you ladies have a chance, and a choice about the hair thing,,,,stand up to it,,,and do the job before this demon called cancer has a chance to control you.  I didn't want to wake up and find my hair on my pillow,,,now I wear a cute fuzzy cap to bed,,,no worries.  I will pray for all of you...mistyblue

  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited February 2009

    Hi darlings:

    Good to see everyone on here and chatting away...I've been in kitten mode, trying to socialize little Miss Found At the Dump.  She's a darling.

    Rita, hope that sun has found you and you are having the time of your life!

    Lisa, such gorgeous photos, leave it to you to turn downtime into lemonade...such talent.  And really lovely to look at.

    Colleen, Scarp, hang in there guys, not long now....I hear you, I want SPRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My daughter did the same thing on the playground in 3rd grade.  I had to kind of go to school with her as it was her writing hand. 

    Mistyblue, you are a very brave lady and I salute you!  Do you know, before the chemo, they said I might thin in my hair, so I bought a bunch of those cute bandannas from the 70s.  I wear them now, with earrings, they look cute again!  Hair can grow again and yours will quicker than you know, and you can keep the cute headgear too :).

    Hope everyone is feeling OK, getting over any SEs, and moving's groundhog day girls, spring is not far behind!

    love to all


  • colleen1960
    colleen1960 Member Posts: 107
    edited February 2009

    Day 5 since the last tx. Feeling better but not 100 %.  That won't happened until Sat or Sun and I have to go again on Mon.  I know it is my last tx, but I get nauseous just thinking about it. 

    Scarp - Hope you and your daughter are doing well.  And are able to help each other!!

    Mistyblue - Sorry you have to join this group.  But this is a wonderful bunch of women, with great advice if needed.  A good place to moan and groan, and laugh and cry.  So hang in there.  There is a light at the end of this long road.  Stay strong!!

    All you ladies that are vacationing, I hope the weather is great and bring some of it back with you.  It is freezing again in NY!!!

    Hope all have a good day,


  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited February 2009

    Hi all:

    Colleen, hang in there, take the nausea meds before it gets out of hand....have you tried some candied ginger or good old ginger ale?  They do have you close together, but I'm sure it'll work.  My god, last one!!!!!!!!!!! I remember people telling me to celebrate, but I just did not care I was just too relieved to be done with it.

    This will become a distant memory, I promise.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2009

    Hi gals!

    It's good to see that everyone is doing pretty well.  We're enjoying the Florida sun.  It was a little cooler today so we went out to the Indian Casino.  None of us won enough to "foot" the vacation but we had a good time!

    We're golfing tomorrow and we hope the course is as nice as the one we golfed on Monday.  The sunsets on the beach are gorgeous.  I'm more jealous than ever of your winter sunshine, Lisa.

    Colleen, Annie is giving you good advice.  Take those meds before the nausea gets you.  You are about done!  YEA!!!!!

    Well, this wireless internet connection is not very good and I don't want to lose this so I'm out of here.  Hope everyone is doing well.  I'll log on later in the week and get caught up on all the posts.

    Hugs to all of you..........


  • golfer779
    golfer779 Member Posts: 410
    edited February 2009

    Hello Ladies,

    Been reading, usually from work on my B-Berry, I've got to get faster at typing with my thumbs.

    The weather here in Washington was rather spring like once the fog lifted today, I think we may have hit 50 degrees, whooo-hoooo!

    Rita, sounds like your having a great time even without a "big win" at the casino.  Enjoy your golf game tomorrow ... gotta like the roll on a course that's not water logged  eh?

    Colleen, hang in there ... you've been a trooper and you will get through that last txt.    Load up on the nausea meds prior to that one, okay?

    Mandy, you mentioned being tired ... I think that is part of those cumulative se's.  Listen to your body, rest when you can, keep those fluids going in to flush, flush, flush!

    Lisa, you definitely have the knack for photography, I've seen a few of your other pics on a few of the other postings, so beautiful.

    Scarp, I'm sure by now you've heard many broken bone stories ... yep here's another one.  My son fell off the bench he was standing on getting his Little League Baseball picture, broke his arm in two places.  So much for that season, wow almost 10 years ago!!!  Has your daughter had her cast put on yet?

    Harley, are we in countdown mode for "cation"?  I'd be hyped ... sometimes the excitement of looking forward to a trip is half the fun.

    Annie,  "Little Miss Found at the Dump" ???  Got your hands full gal ????

    Susan, how we doing gal ?  Are we one month down,  five to go ???

    Jill, will be looking to see how you've been doing on another post, or FB.   Hope that your se's are more than minimal.

    Well,  tonight I am continuing my mega water intake.  Tomorrow I am going in for my Zometa infusion.  Being a bit of a "needle phobe" I am hoping that well hydrated veins will make the poke a bit easier.   God I wish I still had my port atleast for these once every six month infusions!!!  Oh well ... will put on my Big Girl Panties and suck it up !!!!

    A pleasant eve to all, Carol

  • aprilgirl1
    aprilgirl1 Member Posts: 806
    edited February 2009

    Hi all  - sounds like everyone has been busy.

     Carol - I will be thinking of you and the Zometa infusion - sure you will be well hydrated, and in the infusion is uneventful and goes by fast.

    Scarp - so sorry about your daughter.  Hope it heals fast.  

    Lisa - I want to book a flight to La Jolla right now- such beautiful pictures...

    Annie - new kitten.  So much fun.  I would love a kitten, but our 8 month old lab needs to calm down a bit first.  Wish me luck on that.

    Everyone else, hope you are feeling well.

    Today is #5 with 19 to go.  I see the oncologist as well.  So, far, feeling okay but the thought of going there AND their box lunches is making me feel sick.  Today we will skip their lunch.

    Carol is right - we have finally seen the sun and it has been above 50.  Groundhog or not, I think spring is slowly arriving in the NW.  The superbowl game was fun, Bruce was awesome and the Office -so funny.  Trying to keep those fun things in my mind today!

    Everyone, have a great day!


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited February 2009


    Congratulations on your new kitten!  AWW.... they are so cute!


    Yes, I am getting excited about the cruise!  My dh also says that one of the best parts of vacation is the anticipation.  He always says that once you walk out the door, to begin your vacation, it is getting closer to the end...   Frown  That makes me sad! 

    Hope your Zometa infusion went well.  Keeping hydrated really helps make those veins bigger, and makes needles easier!



  • colleen1960
    colleen1960 Member Posts: 107
    edited February 2009

    Today I saw the PS and everything went well.  He said he may give me a little more fill on 3/11 that is when I see him for the pre testing.  Pre testing what else could they possible test lol.  They take blood every ten days.  But I will have that on 3/11 and surgery on 3/26.  I am getting a reduction on the left side so they both match.  I will just be happy when it is over.  I am hoping that I do not need a drain on the left side.  He says most times it is not needed.  I am feeling good just tired and of course hungry.

    Annie - Congrats on the new kitten.  I am sure you are having fund!!!!

    Rita - I am so jealous, it only went up to about mid 20's today, but they say by the weekend we could hit the 50's.  Lets hope that is a start!!!

    Carol - I hope your infusion went well and you are doing well.

    Harley - Have fun getting ready for your cruise.  Bring me with you!!!!!!!!

    Hope everyone is having a good day.


  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited February 2009

    Hi gals:

    Rita, great to hear from you, and Carol too!  Jackpot, both of you.

    Carol, I hope it all went well for you today, I hope that hydration served you very well and there were cooperative veins.  I wish I'd seen this earlier so i could have sent you vibes.

    Harley, I am excited for you!!! Oh please take tons of photos and send them on here!

    Susan:  I hope #5 went lunch, well I feel sick now...try a yoghurt about an hour before you go, it served me so well, I never got nauseous even once., well, actually once around the edges, but that was actually it.  I'd take those meds if you tend to being sick, tho.  Everybody swears by them.

    Colleen, almost there, Oh my god.  You made it.  Write it in huge letters on your bathroom mirror and know that you are almost DONE.  Sending my best to your mom.

    Scarp, how we doing? 

    Mandy, I know we've chatted a bit off these boards, and I hope you are feeling a bit better today.

    I know with the hair loss after #4, whoa............well, Carol can tell you about me, I bought a head scarf, a wig, bandannas, you name it.  I was so convinced I'd be bald.  It never happened.  I did thin alot for sure, tho.  In retrospect, a wig might have been much easier.

    Everyone stay well and happy and healthy.  Spring is just around the corner and we have a silly fur filled household here.  Had to make a quick trip to PA as MY 19 year old slipped on ice at college, ended up in the ER thinking she had a broken wrist, (or the school health center did) and called  for mom who drove like a bat out of he** to get there, to find out (thankfully) that no, just a really bad sprain.  So what a week for breaking, spraining, slipping.....everyone walk carefully!  wow!

    love you all:


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2009

    Hello from sunny FL!

    Annie, so glad that your daughter only has a sprain!

    Susan, I hope that #5 went well.  You are just knocking these treatments down!

    Colleen, it sounds like the PS has a plan for you and you will soon be beautiful!  Glad that you are "going for it!" 

    Well, I need to get moving.  We are heading out to another golf course ths morning.  The temps are supposed to rise this next week, but I have to admit that the temps here have been so much better than at home that they haven't bothered us at all.

    Everyone have a good day!


  • golfer779
    golfer779 Member Posts: 410
    edited February 2009

    Happy Saturday Morning,

    As always, happy it's the weekend !  Survived my infusion on Wednesday ... I was more than well hydrated so finding that good vein was no problem.  Went to work afterwards feeling fine.  The achies hit Thurs ( a pretty common se from Zometa), and already dealing with the cumulative se's from Femara it was a double whammy.  Chatted with my onc about my aches and pains ... he said an option would be to switch to Tamo vice an AI.  I'm going to try another 3 months, if gripping my golf club is an issue come March, I may think to switch !  Bottom line ... I believe it is very prudent to stay on some sort of preventative drug for atleast another 4 ½ years.

    Looks like Rita is enjoying her getaway ... golf again huh ?  Lucky you, and hopefully you get some good warm weather to charge those batteries !

    Annie, yikes ... we're only going to allow one broken bone at a time on our post okay ?  Glad to hear your dd's  wrist was not broke, hopefully the sprain is not too severe.  Sometimes those darn things can be worse than an actual break. 

    Colleen, sounds like you have a game plan in place for getting "evened up".    Come spring it should be a done deal eh?

    Susan, box lunch huh?  You will probably never want to see another after 24 of those !!!  Sounds like your cruising thru your txts without too much trouble ... you go gal !

    Jill, I've noticed that you'll be gearing up for a new dosage on your regimen.  Keeping my fingers crossed that you'll have any se's in check, enough already, right?

    Harley, took the advice of you and others and totally hydrated the heck out of myself before getting poked.  In the past, my left side had not been too easy to find that good vein ... thankfully Weds it was no real big deal.  I will admit though I had to lean back in the recliner as the physco part of a needle still freaks me out.  I would have thought by now and what I've been through the past year and a half a little needle poke would be nothing ... can't quite talk myself into that.

    Okay, probably should motivate to do something around the house today ... hope you all have a good weekend


  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited February 2009


    Are you done or did you move your date to the 10th!!! Well if you did not finish you are really close to finished. Yay!!!  Wishing you no side effects from this last treatment.



  • colleen1960
    colleen1960 Member Posts: 107
    edited February 2009

    Hey Everyone - I am finished!Smile I had my 8th and final treatment yesterday!!!!  So far I am feeling ok, but my worst days are usually 3 and 4.  I drank like a half of gallon of water yesteday and they were able to find my vein on the 1st stick.  My blood count was borderline, but she was still able to treat me.  She wants me back on March 9th to start the tomaxfin.  She said she likes to start this drug one month after chemo.  Has anyone else taken this?  And did you start 1 mth after treatment also?  Do you have any SE? I want to investigate has much as I can before then.  She said they would have to take me off the durg 2 to 3 days before surgery which is 3/26.

    Mandy - I hope you are feeling better!!!

    To everyone on vacation I hope you are enjoying you time away in the warmer weather!!!

    I don't believe that I will be on vacation until July.  My brother is giving us is summer place for one wk in July.  It is is Bethany Beach, Maryland.  And I am so excited, I just wish it was at least June already. 

    Well I am already hungry for some lunch, so I must eat before I get naueous.  Stay well everyone.



  • golfer779
    golfer779 Member Posts: 410
    edited February 2009

    WHOOOO-HOOOOOO !!!! Colleen's done with chemo !!!!!  A couple of days to get over the hump and your on to bigger a better things !!!!

    GTG work

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited February 2009

    Yay Colleen!!!!! You are done!! Way to go!

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited February 2009


    Congratulations!  YAY!!  Glad you are 'done' with chemo!

    I am taking Tamoxifen.  At first, I had terrible hot flashes and night sweats, but they seem to have subsided a bit.  I also had to have a D & C last summer, in August, because the Tamoxifen caused uterine polyps, so my gyn onc removed them.  I'm now back on Tamoxifen, but I'm scheduled to switch to an AI in December.  The plan was for me to start with Tamoxifen, and take it for 2 years, and then to switch to an AI.  We shall see how everything goes.  I sure don't want to have to have another D & C, because that was worse than ANY of my treatment so far.  Afterward, I had terrible cramps!

    You may not have any issues with Tamoxifen, though. That is just my experience.



    P.S.  On Sunday, Feb 8th, it was TWO years since I found the breast lump!!  So, kind of an 'anniversary'. 

    We are leaving tomorrow, to start our vacation.  First we will visit some friends in Cocoa Beach, and then on Friday, we will drive to Miami, to get on the cruise ship!  We are finishing packing.