CMF Question
Cabmom..........I'm betting that you're just experiencing the effects of the lovely weight gain that usually accompanies CMF treatments. However, my weight seemed to come off pretty quickly once I got through with all the treatments and got back to regular activities and a regular food menu. I was back to my pre-diagnosis weight until I went to Florida in February and ate everything in sight! I'm still only four pounds up, so there is hope!
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My last chemo is a week from this Thursday. Can you believe it? I am opting out of radiation as I think it would be over kill in my case. I made a date to start my reconstruction on June7th. Looking forward to moving forward and leaving this cancer crap behind. I hate it.
I was surprised to see that my recent blood test showed my white count at 6.7. This means my last one will be on schedule and that my body is bouncing back. Ahhhh....I can't wait to be done.
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Meriliee, yay for the last chemo!
Wishing you all the best with your upcoming surgery. Glad your chemo will be on schedule so that you can get it done and over with.
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Rita, I so hope you're right but the weight thing just isn't budging for me...hopefully it will soon but all the weight to my stomach and hips (YUCK).......I'm praying that April 26th will turn out to be NOTHING and I can put this worry behind me.
Merilee.....YEAH.......I know how excited you will be to put it behind you. My last radiation is the 20th and I can't wait.......
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It's been pretty quiet on here the last few days. I hope that means that everybody is doing well!
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I start my CMF today; it's 9am here and my appointment is at 10:30am.
I think I have a case of nerves, haven't started yet and already feeling a little nauseous.
I had chemo back in 2003; this is my 2nd time around; up til this morning, I thought I was use to the idea.
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mom2acat, praying that today will go well for you. For me, I don't think it would matter how many times I might have to go through would never be easy so I think your feelings are NORMAL. Just know that all your friends here on the CMF thread are here to offer support and be there for ya through this ordeal. Hopefully it won't seem so bad after today........
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mom2acat............How did it go yesterday and how are you feeling? I was so scared the first time I went for chemo that I'd made myself sick before I ever got there! I hope all went well wiith you!
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It was a long day yesterday, took about 3 hours for everything to drip through, I had the Zofran first for the nausea, then the chemo drugs and I also had my Zometa. I was feeling kind of tired and lightheaded when I was done, and my legs felt a little shaky.
My treatment finished around 2:25pm. I was able to eat some plain rice for dinner. I was doing ok until around 7:30pm; all of a sudden I started to feel sick to my stomach, and had a bad attack of diarreah. I took my Compezine, and it didn't take long to settle my stomach down. I still felt kind of "bloaty" the rest of the night, but the nausea didn't come back and thankfully I never threw up either.
Today I feel pretty ok; just have some hip pain and fatigue, but I had those issues before I started the chemo, so I have to say, this is pretty close to a "normal" day for me.
Rita; I was feeling nervous before I got there too, and felt a little queasy; I think it was just the anticipation of it.
I also found out that I misunderstood my treatment schedule when I was told last week; I thought the chemo would be 2 weeks and 2 weeks off, but only my first two are two weeks in a row; after next week, it will once per month, and 14 in total instead of 12, so basically, I am looking at a year of chemo. I was in such a shock last week when I found out I'd be starting this, that I only half heard everything my doctor said as soon as I heard the word "chemo".
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Sending positive light in your direction.
One week from today will be my last treatment and I am doing just fine. You will too. Just gotta take really good care of yourself. Now is the time to spoil yourself silly.
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Merilee, that's so good that you are almost done!
I am feeling fatigued today, but I felt that way before the chemo even started.
Today I noticed that the plain water I drink is starting to taste a little "off"; not undrinkable yet, but soon I will have to add flavoring to my water to get it down, as I did when I first had chemo 7 years ago.
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Hi mom2acat: the "off" taste of water really started to bother me about halfway through CMF and continued for about five or six week afterward. I started to drink sparkling water, such as Perrier, instead.
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I use Metro mint water.
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And I drank Crystal Light! We all seem to find something that works for us. Gettting that water into our bodies is so important! I took me months after the chemo was over to be able to suck on ice again, too!
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Tomorrow is my last Chemo. Please send positive light and give thanks for my wellness.
My Chemo starts at 8:00am. I will be thinking of all of you and receiving your love.
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Oh Merilee................In an hour you'll be settled in the chair and ready to have that last chemo! You have done so well on this journey and I am so happy for you. I am sending good vibes for an uneventful last chemo, gal! YEA!!!!!!
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Thank you Rita but just to clarify my last chemo is tomorrow , Wednesday. I am so happy to be at the end. I will be taking the day off tomorrow and taking my son out to dinner to celebrate.
I don't know how I would have made it through without all the support here. Such a blessing you all are.
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Merilee: May this last chemo be the easiest yet! You have been an inspiration to us with your positive attitude.
Mom2acat: I could not drink water through chemo but I could drink some juices, "ginger beer" (it is not beer but the West Indian form of ginger ale with a strong ginger taste), and sparkling water with a little lemon juice in it. I also found ginger candies helped me with nausea.
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Merilee: Congratulations on tomorrow being the LAST chemo....YEAH! I will be sending positive light your way..........and praying that this is an easy one for ya!
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Merilee, I will be sending positive thoughts your way!
I have chemo #2 in about 2 hours.
Mandy; I have some ginger tea; I think I will make some ice tea out of that. I've also used ginger in the pill form to prevent motion sickness.
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Well, it's the morning after CMF #2. Didn't experience any nausea this time, but I did have a stomach ache and kind of a "bloaty" feeling later in the evening. I took my Compezine at bedtime as I was told I should, whether I am feeling nauseous or not.
I read that one side effect of CMF is irritated, watery eyes. I've been having those with my pollen allergies, but last night when I went to bed it got worse; had to get up and put some eyedrops in which really didn't help all that much. It's hard to tell if the eye irritation is from the chemo or the allergies; or both.
I have to go to the hospital this afternoon for a Neulasta injection, because my blood counts will probably be bottoming out in a few days. I've had the Neupogen injections before, so the shots into the belly don't bother me. What is good about the Neulasta is that I only need 1 injection; not 1-2 weeks of daily injections that I had to have with the Neupogen.
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Well, it's the morning after CMF #2. Didn't experience any nausea this time, but I did have a stomach ache and kind of a "bloaty" feeling later in the evening. I took my Compezine at bedtime as I was told I should, whether I am feeling nauseous or not.
I read that one side effect of CMF is irritated, watery eyes. I've been having those with my pollen allergies, but last night when I went to bed it got worse; had to get up and put some eyedrops in which really didn't help all that much. It's hard to tell if the eye irritation is from the chemo or the allergies; or both.
I have to go to the hospital this afternoon for a Neulasta injection, because my blood counts will probably be bottoming out in a few days. I've had the Neupogen injections before, so the shots into the belly don't bother me. What is good about the Neulasta is that I only need 1 injection; not 1-2 weeks of daily injections that I had to have with the Neupogen.
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Greetings from the chair. I will be out of here in less than an hour. Yippy!
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YAY Merilee! Your chemo days are over!!!! Way to go gal!!!! YIPPEE!!!!
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Way to go Merilee!!! So happy for you that your chemo days are behind you! YEAH!!!!!!!!
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YEA MERILEE! NO MO' CHEMO! You did it girl...........and you did it in style! I'm so glad for you!
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Hi everyone
Just want to say a big thank you to all of you for the support during my 5 months of treatment.
Feels so good to have it behind me. For those of you just starting, hang in there It does go by really fast and If you take good care of yourself, you will have minimal side effects.
God bless each and everyone of you.
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Merilee.....hope you are still feeling okay after your final treatment. So happy that you're done ! Do you have to do radiation? I just finished....yeah! Congrats again!
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Merilee...............DONE! That's just super!
Cabmom............I can't believe that you've got the radiation all behind you, too. You really sailed through the treatments pretty well. I am so glad that all of that is behind you now. Now it's time to put your life back together and move ahead! Will you be taking tamoxifen or another AI?
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Rita, Yes......I am so HAPPY that both chemo and radiation are behind me and I am so ready to move on! I still have several tests that I have to do that I'm a little nervous about but hoping for the best. I'm having a bone scan on Monday that I can't shake the nerves about.....but it will be ok. I will be on Tamoxifen once I see the medical onc again.......