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CMF Question



  • golfergrandma
    golfergrandma Posts: 131
    edited August 2011

    Sara - I took the Claritin everyday for about a week.  Since, I have also have seasonal allergies, it couldn't hurt!

    Cabmom - Since the dr. didn't call, your problem is probably nothing, but I would certainly get an earlier appt. if possible.

  • Patty252555140415
    Patty252555140415 Posts: 97
    edited August 2011

    Hi- Done ... #8 on Wednesday. Doing CT for Rads on the 28th. Back to onc for blood work in a month and starting Arimidex. In about a month the se don't look pretty. Well, had the neulasta shot yesterday so im going to rest a bit. Hope all is well with our newbie Sara. I want to thank everyone so very much for all your sjpport, I could not have done it without all of you. Big huggs to you all. Patty

  • Patty252555140415
    Patty252555140415 Posts: 97
    edited August 2011

    Sara- Hope you are doing well.

  • sara1970
    sara1970 Posts: 44
    edited August 2011

    I just can't thank you all enough for your warm wishes on Chemo #1. I felt like I had a combative chemo nurse who was providing conflicting information. Will definitely not be her patient her again.

    The actual infusion was uneventful - just a bit of tight throat and some sinusy feeling in the nose during the last 15 minutes. In the 6 hours since, I've felt intermittently tired and spacey (even a bit stoned!) - and my mouth keeps watering. Do any of you feel the mouth-watering before you throw up? It's like that. And while I do not feel nauseous, I took a compazine anyway, followed by a colace chaser.

    Tomorrow morning I'll go get the neulasta shot. Fun : p 

    Patty - so glad you are done - you are an inspiration.  

    GolferGrandma - thanks for your advice on the Claritin. Will pop one on the way to the Neulasta shot...

    Thanks to everyone who is sending me good energy. I need it. I appreciate it. 

  • Patty252555140415
    Patty252555140415 Posts: 97
    edited August 2011

    So glad... I never had the watery mouth, but drink lots and lots. I always had some nasal stuffiness too during the last part of tx. If it is a problem for you they can slow the drip. Neulasta tomorrow, I hope you don't have any side effects. I'm in bed right now, hate that shot, but knowing I will feel better Sunday gdts me through. Take care, rest be good to yourself.-Patty

  • golfergrandma
    golfergrandma Posts: 131
    edited August 2011

    Sara - They gave me Emend (the anti-nausea drug) for 3 days, and I did feel dizzy (high) for the first 3 days.  Also, they put atavan in my IV so yeah, you can feel high!  However, it helped me through the first 3 days so bring it on! 

  • Patty252555140415
    Patty252555140415 Posts: 97
    edited August 2011

    Hi- Had last chemo on Wednesday, Neulasta on Thursday. Can't seem to drink, throat gets sore and earache for about 3 days. However im really tired just laying around. Any perk me up ideas?

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Posts: 977
    edited August 2011

    Hi Patty!  It's probably nothing, but I'd call my onc and tell him/her about the ear ache.  The sore throat seems to go with CMF, but try to keep drinking. Do ice pops work or is warm better for your sore throat?   If you feel really tired, I'd say to rest and maybe to treat yourself to a movie and/or dinner out later today or tomorrow.  Don't have any other great ideas.  Feel better.

    Sara: how are you today?

    Sending cyber hugs to all


  • sara1970
    sara1970 Posts: 44
    edited August 2011

    Patty - sorry girl! Nothing wrong with laying around - I am expecting a lot of that so I've loaded up on a lot of magazines and books in  anticipation of bad days. Also, a really funny and/or dumb movie or two might help??

    Mandy - thank you for asking! I am feeling good today - following yesterday's very first dose of CMF. I had he neulasta shot about 3 hours ago and went out to lunch, to the farmer's market, and walked about a mile home afterward (in NYC it's easy to walk everywhere). Yesterday I had a tight and constricting throat, took some compazine in anticipation of nausea but didn't fall victim to it. I was wound a bit tight from the steroids yesterday as well.

     Slept 9 hours but woke up 3 times to pee because I drank a gallon of water yesterday. Today I feel absolutely fine - just slightly tired. This can't be right - I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop, ya know? 

    GolferGrandma - no fair - I got no  Atavan in my IV! I'm gonna ask for my money back. Ha : )

    Thanks to all you ladies who suggested the Claritin - the nurse who injected the neulasta said a lot of people take it and it helps. So I took one pre-shot and will follow for the next few days. 

    What a trip this has been and continues to be. Thanks for welcoming me into this group. I hope I can be as helpful to people in the future as you all have been to me... 

  • ValerieM
    ValerieM Posts: 1
    edited August 2011

    I've had 2 AC treatments so far and each time the week after I get ulcers in my throat.  My doctor gave me "Magic Mouthwash," and it REALLY helps- makes my tongue numb for a litle while.  I've also taken Claritin wtih te Neulasta shot and have had no problems whatsoever.  Has anyone ever had severe kidney pain with AC?  My first time was so bad, but the second was much easier.

  • golfergrandma
    golfergrandma Posts: 131
    edited August 2011

    Patty - I'm with Sara - nothing wrong with laying around and resting!  I've read so many books since February and it's good and the movie idea is good too.  You're on the way to complete recovery so enjoy the down time.

     Sara - As I said before, the first 3 days were pretty good, but the 4th day was always my worst. Feeling really tired then, but this CMF is doable.  Glad you're feeling good.

  • Patty252555140415
    Patty252555140415 Posts: 97
    edited August 2011

    Hi girls- Yes I have been taking it easy today, I guess it really kicked my butt the last two treatments. I honestly think it is the neulasta, my $%$& knee is hurting from the car accident I had a week ago, going to ortho on Monday maybe they will do PT. I wont mind being massaged at

    Sara- keep us posted on how your feeling

    Golfergrama- My friend drive to VA for a vac at VA beach 11 hours from NY, I would be sitting on the roof of the car

    A good we to all.


  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Posts: 977
    edited August 2011

    Patty: hope you're feeling better today.  How are things?

    Sara: Let us know how you are doing.

    Hugs to everyone,


  • sara1970
    sara1970 Posts: 44
    edited August 2011

    Mandy... it's so clear that you are a nurturer - thank you for asking about me. It's day #3 and I've had some serious fatigue. Slept late, then slept 3 more hours in the afternoon. A bit of constipation, so I took a colace (which was a dear friend to me post-BMX). I am going to try to hit my fitness class in the morning (specifically for cancer patients) - I hope I can continue to a fitness routine, even if it's minimized.

     I am thinking tomorrow will be rough, as Golfer Grandma and others have mentioned that day 4 is the toughest.

     And Patty - where are you at today? Any SE's, or feeling better? 

    I am taking my own advice and watching "Wedding Crashers" with my dad right now. I am allowing myself to enjoy a stupid movie and am going with it! 

  • Patty252555140415
    Patty252555140415 Posts: 97
    edited August 2011

    Sara-feeling better today. Glad yo hear your coping ok. Did you feel any se from the neulasta? Take care, let us know how your doing.

  • Patty252555140415
    Patty252555140415 Posts: 97
    edited August 2011

    Mandy- feeling better wishing i could be more active.we had some wicked weather here in NY today.

  • golfergrandma
    golfergrandma Posts: 131
    edited August 2011

    Sara - I remember how tired I was after the first tx - just go with it and rest as much as you need.  Am sure you can continue  your fitness routine through tx.  I played golf between tx when I felt like it.  Constipation can be a problem all right!  I used metamucil and stool softener capsules during tx which really helped.  Hope today isn't too bad for you.

    Patty - Pretty soon the se's from neulasta will be over.  I really hated those shots!  Take care.

  • Patty252555140415
    Patty252555140415 Posts: 97
    edited August 2011

    Golfergrama- Thanks

    Sara-How are you doing?

  • cabmom
    cabmom Posts: 291
    edited August 2011

    Patty, hope you are still doing okay :)!

    Sara, how are you doing?  Sending positive thoughts your way......

  • Patty252555140415
    Patty252555140415 Posts: 97
    edited August 2011

    Cabmom- Thanks so much! I'm hanging in there. I think I have to reaize it takes time my last tx was on the 17th. I need to chill out.

  • Patty252555140415
    Patty252555140415 Posts: 97
    edited August 2011

    Ssssaaaaaarrrraaaaa, we hope your doing well.

  • TooManyCocktails
    TooManyCocktails Posts: 49
    edited August 2011

    Did anyone have a arthritis flare after finishing CMF?  I think that is what's happening to me.  I couldn't understand why the Neulasta shot hurt me so much more this time (after starting Abraxane). My scalp has been burning and my whole spine is stiff and sore.  I stay in the bed most of the day.  I can't sit up for long.

    It dawned on me that I am, probably, getting a double whammy!  A flare from stopping the methotrexate and plus the Neulasta shot is what is putting me out of commission.  I asked the doctor to increase my pain medications; but I'm wondering if I need to stay on the methotrexate?

  • golfergrandma
    golfergrandma Posts: 131
    edited August 2011

    Too Many - Did you just get the neulasta shot?  I was laid up with it for 7 days after, and my back pain was excruciating!  I even had to take percocet,  and laid on a heating pad for hours.  But if you're finished with tx and the neulasta shot was awhile ago, then I don't know what might be causing your pain.  So sorry.  What is abrazane? 

  • TooManyCocktails
    TooManyCocktails Posts: 49
    edited August 2011

    Hi golfergrandma, I did not receive Neulasta shots during my CMF tx's.  When they started me on Abraxane, about three weeks after finishing the CMF, they gave me a Neulasta shot the day after the infusion.  I have had Neulasta shots before when I received FEC and Taxotere.  I got some severe pain in my lower back and sternum after receiving the Neulasta shot back then; but not in my entire spine.

    So that's why I'm wondering if it's an arthritic flare along with bone pain from the Neulasta.  When I started the CMF it cleared up my psoriasis (so I think it was helping my arthritis in my spine too). When I got arthritic pain during the CMF tx,  it was, usually, in my neck.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Posts: 10,184
    edited August 2011

    My docs cut my neupogen shot dose in worked just as well with out the excruiating pain

  • TooManyCocktails
    TooManyCocktails Posts: 49
    edited August 2011

    SoCalLisa, I called my doctor office yesterday and told her that my pain pills (Norco 5) weren't working.  I told her I needed something stronger.  She, reluctantly, gave me Percocet 5.  The nurse said that I probably needed to take an NSAID like Ibuprofen or something, which I was reluctant to do because of all the stomach problems that I have from the chemo.  The Percocet 5 worked somewhat better than the Norco; but it only lasted for about 4 hours.  This morning I took two aspirin and it did give me enough pain relief to sit up for a longer period of time; but now my stomach's upset.  What to do?? IDK

    I don't go back in to the Onc's office until Sept. 6.  I'll let you know what she says.

  • sara1970
    sara1970 Posts: 44
    edited August 2011

    Hi ladies -

    Hope everyone is getting through the day. Well, my SE's have been minimal thus far. Now at day 5 post-infusion 1 of 8, the fatigue has been the biggest issue, and honestly it hasn't been that horrible. The Claritin for the Neulasta shot was a brilliant suggestion - I have had zero bone pain. I may have mentioned that there's a bit of constipation; I'll just have to take more Colace.

    There are a few things that I'd love to throw out there to see if anyone could concur with these:

    1- My tissue expanders really tightened up after chemo. Up until now, they weren't really bothersome anymore. Now the feel like they're encased in cement. It's a very odd feeling. MO's office says "No, this has nothing to do with chemo!" While the PS's office says that they've heard of other patients describing similar issues with chemo. This discomfort is just very frustrating because the TE's were just starting to get comfier...

    2- Recall/Memory - honestly, I started noticing a few issues right after dx. I guess I could chalk it up to having so much to remember and study in regard to cancer, that there's not a whole lot of room in the harddrive to remember everything else? Little things that scare me - like watching a movie and not being able to remember an actor's name (who I should be able to recall in a snap) - not being able to remember the name of a TREADMILL.... I was calling it "you know - the machine that you walk on in the gym." Holy cow. This is scary. I can't necessarily blame it on chemo although I've felt a little foggier these past few days...

    Anyone able to provide any hope, or any ideas on things to do to get my brain sharper and more focused? Supplements? Activities? Any hints would be very much appreciated... 

  • golfergrandma
    golfergrandma Posts: 131
    edited August 2011

    Too many - My onc prescribed prilosec for my stomach problems and it helps.  As to your "chemo brain", I think that's par for the course.  Of course, at my age, it's a continuing issue!

  • MaryNY
    MaryNY Posts: 486
    edited August 2011

    TooManyCocktails: I started having bone and joint pain three weeks after finishing chemo. Since this also coincided with the beginning of rads, I was blaming that. But it was on both sides of my body, so that brought me back to blaming chemo. The medical oncologist said she had never seen anyone with this SE. How often do we hear that? She sent me to see as specialist as was also having neurological issues (residual effects from a prior auto-immune disorder aggravated by the chemo). By the time I went to see him, I had done some research and found that arthritis is an occasional late-occuring SE of chemo. He agreed with this and said that it tends to clear up on its own. And that tests for rheumatoid factor usually come back negative. In the first few weeks, the pain was bad enough to wake me at night. It eased off gradually over a period of months and was gone completely 7-8 months later. I did start a thread about it - Joint pain following chemotherapy.

    Edited to add -- fixed the link.

  • MaryNY
    MaryNY Posts: 486
    edited August 2011

    Sara: I found the same issues of not being able to remember words and names. I would attribute a lot of it to the hard-drive being too full. You need to reboot whenever possible -- sleep, exercise, relaxation. I recommend funny movies -- laughter is a great releaser of stress. Try laughter yoga -- you will likely find some classes in the city. Have you checked out Gilda's Club?