CMF Question
Sarah: I also did some hair shedding but never needed a wig or a head cover. I did get a short hair cut; did not comb or brush as I had in the past (I literally could put my fingertips through my hair and it was fine); only washed my hair every third day rather than every day; and did not blow dry it. So basically I babied my hair and I was ok. I had cmf x 8 but mine was every three weeks. After the 4th tx, I did a major shed....when I showered it looked as if a mouse was in the drain and I was horrified to discover that it was my hair (though I'd have been horrified if it had been a mouse too). I remember looking at my hair and being in a panic. But the shedding slowed down and got better after that. So baby your hair a bit and hopefully you'll be ok.
Hugs to all,
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Hi again asking for prayers
! I go tomorrow for my visit with the endocrinologist about the 2 masses in my thyroid. I've prayed and prayed and prayed that everything will be okay. Just trying not to think the worse and leave it in God's hands. My appointment is in the morning, please say a little prayer for me.....Thanks.....Love you guys!!!
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cabmom: wishing you the best on your consultation tomorrow.
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cabmom- Prayers going up for you. Hoping your doctors give you good news.
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cabmom: wishing you only good health and b9 results.
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Cabmom - So sorry you need to go through this anxiety again! Prayers and hugs to you.
Sarah - I colored what's left of my hair the other day and the color didn't take! Don't know what's going on with that. It should be okay to color it by now -- my last tx was 7/18.
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Appointment and both biopsies are to wait for the results, which seems like the hardiest part of this. Thanks for the prayers.....
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Cabmom: waiting is always hard. Sending you a big hug. Mandy
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Cabmom-Oh the waiting... like we haven't been through enough. I wish you could get results right away for such important tests. Just my 2¢. Stay well Patty
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Mandy-how long after TX did your hair stop falling out? My last TX was 8/18 and when I take a shower it is still coming out a lot...Take care Patty
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Cabmom - Still thinking of you and hoping no news is good news!
Patty - My last tx was, but my hair stopped shedding before that. Maybe since you had dose intense, it was different.
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Cabmom: Sending another hug to you.
Patty: I had cmf X 8 but my tx were 3 weeks apart .As golfergrandma said, it might be that your situation is different because of your having had dose dense. I don't recall any hair loss after my chemo stopped. From what I understand the chemo does stay in your system for several months after you've had it, so perhaps you are just experiencing the hair shedding due to chemo still in your system. But you might want to talk to your onc about it.
Hugs to all,
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I am so HAPPY and RELIEVED! Doctor called tonight (yes, tonight
) to let me know that both tumors were benign! I just can't seem to stop smiling. He wants to recheck both in 6 months but I'm even thankful for that. So thankful that I serve such an awesome God
! Thanks to each of you for your prayers.....I am so blessed to have such wonderful ladies to turn to that understand the turmoil that comes with these worries!! Thanks again....
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Cabmom-Excellent...So glad to hear the good news!
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Great news cabmom!!!
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Hi, Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. ? For you you remember when finished did your hair stop shedding? Today is one month and i'm still shedding. Take care Patty
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WOO HOO....CABMOM! Such good news! I'm smiling, too!
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! I am still smiling
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Guys... help. My MO swears this is not a chemo SE... but I cannot stay asleep and it is ruining my life! I can fall asleep fine, but wake up after 4 or 5 hours and just toss and turn. I've been doing half an ativan (.25 mg) and am going to try the other half when I wake up tonight. I tried it once and the second half didn't help... but I'm going to give it another shot.
Before all this, Icould easily sleep 9 hours and not be woken by anything. This sucks. Have any of you had this happen? Any advice?
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Hi Sara: I can say "me too." I used to sleep about nine hours a night too and nothing would wake me unless I needed to go to the bathroom. But during chemo I started to wake up two or three times per night. I think one cause was the steroids I was given for three days around the treatment. Then I was also drinking more liquid so I would wake up with a full bladder, but even after going to the bathroom, I would still toss and turn. Also after a few treatments I started to suffer from hot flashes which would wake me up too. Using a chillow helped enormously with the hot flashes. I still suffer from hot flashes but I'm sleeping much better now and usually sleep all the way through the night. Being physically tired helps. I try to walk a few miles very day and always sleep much better on those days where I've done a reasonable amount of walking than when I've just been sitting around all day.
If you feel able for it, try and get some exercise in during the day. Also you might try a yoga class, I found yoga enormously helpful. Have you ever gone to Gilda's Club? -- they have yoga, other exercise classes and meditation. And the teachers make allowances for people who have a limited range of motion because of surgery or SEs of treatment.
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Sara, I so wish I could give positive feedback on the sleeping thing but I just can't. I finally gave up and talked to my GP, he first suggested melatonin which did not work for me but I think it does for a lot of the ladies on here and finally gave me a sleeping pill, which I only take if I haven't slept for several nights. For me, it's just a mix of things as to the reason. Hot flashes, night sweats, etc......sometimes I think the list is endless but I will tell you that even getting one good nights sleep HELPS so talk to your GP and see what he/she says as well. Good luck......
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Sara-I had the sleepness nights, it def was due to the steriods. Towards the end of tx it stopped. My Dr. gave me .05 klonopin and I was good to go. On Rads now, ughhh tired and turning red. My hair is still shedding one month post chemo. Hugs to you, Patty
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Sara, I also had the sleepless nights. I still have trouble sleeping.....nearly five years later. If it's affecting your life, talk to your doctor and try some sleep aids. Our body needs sleep to repair cells, and heavens knows that we have plenty of cells that now need repaired. Just do what you have to do for yourself right now. Hugs!
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You all are so kind. I miss being able to sleep all I want. I don't get steroids except on the day of treatment,so who knows what this is. And Patty, you're not alone. My hair is shedding and I probably only have a few weeks before I'll need a wig or something. Mary, Patty, Ritajean, Cabmom- you are all so kind to share with me. I guess overall we are lucky that we are doing CMF instead of something more difficult. The sleep thing is just messing with me so hard... THink it might go back to normal post-CHemo, or I guess Tamoxifen will throw other things into the mix... need to focus on positive thoughts... xxoo to you all.
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MaryNY - I am signed up for Gilda's Club and it's not far from my apt... I should go. Thank you for reminding me
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Sara: Gilda's Club was a huge factor in helping me cope with my treatment. I didn't feel emotionally ready to sit in on their support groups. I preferred to take part in yoga and art-type activities. After I finished chemo I did go to one session of the breast cancer support group but I didn't think it would work for me -- group too large and a couple of women very vocal who took over the conversation. But otherwise I just love Gilda's Club and think you would really benefit by going there. You can check their monthly calendar online.
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Mary!! That happened to me - I went to one of the weekly support groups and it was too much. I will try the classes.... thank you for reminding me xxx
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Sara: I have heard others say the same about the support groups. I know they work for some people and maybe I will go back at some stage but I really prefer the classes.
In the classes, you know everyone in the room has been touched by cancer and some will show obvious signs of going through treatment but it's not necessary to bare your soul. In fact some of the regulars at my club do not like it when someone comes into a class and spends all the time talking about their doctors, treatments, etc. That is unless it's relevant to the particular class or lecture. One woman in a patchworking class was complaining about a woman coming in to that class and talking about her treatment. She said (and I do think she's right in retrospect) that the support group is the place for that. She said of herself "I come here to forget." Of course we can never forget but we can become absorbed in an activity and do it with a group of people who are non-judgmental about our appearance, physical limitations, etc. I'm not sure if all that makes sense.
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Greetings from a newbie! I just had my first CMF infusion yesterday. I'd read a ton of posts on this thread that were really helpful. I'm feeling good today but know SE's could kick in over the next few days. I am having one reaction. My face and chest are flushed almost like a sunburn. No itching or bumps, just red. I don't have a fever. Has anyone else experienced this?
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Hi Denise,
I am also a newbie on CMF and I will be doing 6 treatments every 3 wks. I am 11 days out from my 1st treatment and have had no bad side effects yet! I hope it stays that way!! I had my blood counts checked yesterday and they were in the normal range. I have not experienced the reaction that you are having. I would just keep an eye on this and call your Dr. if it does not clear up.