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CMF Question



  • Marcia320
    Marcia320 Posts: 22
    edited February 2006

    Hi Glyn - glad it went well - I have my treatments in the afternoon and always take my Kytril by 8:00 the same night - so I wouldn't worry about it - I usually take them for 3 days.

  • spbx
    spbx Posts: 3
    edited February 2006
    Hi Marcia,
    The "Canadian Method" of rads is a 21 day cycle in which you receive more radiation each day, but for 21 days. 16 days were whole breast radiation and the last 5 were boosts. The end result is that you actually end up with "less" radiation. I had to have bi-lateral radiation (invasive cancer in both breasts) so that was the best method for me. I also did my radiation face down as opposed to the standard "face up". This was to lessen any radiation to the heart area because of where my cancer was located. I also had no side effects with the radiation. Not even a sunburn. I kept telling my radiation onc. that the machine must be broken! BTW, I am 43 with 3 children.
  • Marcia320
    Marcia320 Posts: 22
    edited February 2006
    Hi Steph,
    Thanks for explanation - always learning something new here.
    What type of cancer did you have - I have ILC. I didn't see the discussion boards until almost 2 months after my lumpectomy and I was kind of surprised what I learned about ILC and the number of women who opted for bi-lateral mast due to it the possibility of showing up in the other breast. I made my mammo appt today - will be in early March before I start rads.

    BTW, I lived around the NYC area for 7 years in the early 80's - ended up in Secaucus for 4 years before moving back to upstate NY.
  • spbx
    spbx Posts: 3
    edited February 2006
    Hi Marcia,
    I had ILC in the right breast. The MRI showed a bunch of suspicious spots in both breasts. All spots were benign except a spot on the left side which ended up being IDC. It was very small ( I think .2cm) but had unclear margins, as did the ILC side so they had to go back in. Unfortunately they did not get a deep enough cut the 1st time to do any pathology on the .2cm IDC. The re-excision was not big enough either so I don't know anything about it. Weird, huh? I was treated on the larger mass anyway, the ILC on the right side.

    Funny you lived in Seacaucus. In 1989 I lived in Wallington and commuted by bus to NYC via Seacaucus. Too funny! Now I live in Central NJ.

  • RaeMN
    RaeMN Posts: 36
    edited February 2006
    Well, back from round 2 yesterday. So far so good, no nausea but then I took my Ativan last night before I went to bed. My daughter and I even went out for lunch after chemo yesterday. Didn't get done until 2:00 so was starving. Went to Subway but ate the whole sandwich and paid for it during the night with heartburn. Tums didn't even help. Won't do that again. Slept from 2:00 a.m. until 8:00 a.m. Not enough though so will lay low today and sleep when I need to. I hate taking the Ativan unless at night (mine is also to take for 3-4 days). I guess it is just the sterioid they put in with the Aloxi....I am tired but can't sleep. THIS TOO SHALL PASS.

    Glynn, sounds like it went well for you. It is the fear of the unknown that is the worst, but you should to well. Try to get in some kind of walking or exercise for at least 10 minutes a day. My doctor said even if it is just being in the sunshine (here in Minnesota there isn't much this time of year) but I am faithful about it when the sun is out. Helps with blood counts so he told me. You will do fine. And good luck on your next one. You are 2 days ahead of me I think (my next is February 23). We can laugh, cry, complain together.

    Marcia, I usually was buzzed on the dexatron (steroid) for 3-4 days after first treatment, then was tired on days 6-7, then seemed to bounce back. Everyone is so different. I also had ILC but was told by my doctor that it mirroring itself in the other breast is getting to be a wifes tale. I also had lumpectomy on left breast, had an MRI on both and nothing showed up more on either, so that is why I chose lumpectomy.

    Glad everyone is still hanging in there. It is a tough time in our lives, but we have all made some great friends/BC pals.

  • Marcia320
    Marcia320 Posts: 22
    edited February 2006
    Hi Everyone
    Steph - thanks for the explanation of the rads.
    Rae - Glad things are going so well for you!

    Well, my energy came back as the week went by - even went to the HS basketball game last night -both JV and varsity. Fun and see lots of friends - including my hairdresser who tells me that she has some special shampoo, conditioner and scalp treatment for chemo patients - my hair is thinning a bit - she noticed all the hair on my blouse! Unfortunately, have to wait to get rid of all this gray coming in! Oh well - minor problems really.
    Funny story - I work in a school office - earlier this week we had a lockdown drill where we had to get under our desks - well I was prepared - made sure I had something soft and clean under there - the drill took 45 minutes - ended up laying down - I almost fell asleep. Do you think anyone would notice if I took daily naps there.

    The sun is actually shining today - although lake effect snow coming later this weekend.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend and is doing well.
  • RaeMN
    RaeMN Posts: 36
    edited February 2006
    Hope everyone had a good weekend.
    One question to the veterans. Did you notice your "pubic" hair thinning? Sounds like a goofy question but mine seems to be. No thinning on head, armpits or legs....just pubic.

    Can anyone answer that or could it just be in my head?

    Hope everyone is doing well. Am planning a trip the end of March to Arizona for 5 days. Does that sound like it would be something I should do? My doc says "should be no problem" but you know, I am sorta scared to be away from here while still going to treatment?

    My prayers are with everyone.

  • straykat
    straykat Posts: 26
    edited February 2006

    I didn't notice any change in the pubic hair and the only hair change I had at all came after the fifth infusion. As you know, it was slight and noticeable only to me and my hair dresser.

    Are you going to Arizona alone or with your DH? I wanted to go to Oregon for my cousin's daughter's wedding, three days after an infusion. The doc and my daughter thought it was a good idea until they realized that I had to change planes at SFO and that it would coincide with the onset of chemo-brain, which I've also described to you. My daughter said, "Chemo-brain, hah. You'll phone me from Barcelona pretending you don't know how you got there." I raised a smart kid.

    I too wondered about problems and how I could possibly get along without the docs who were treating me, but it seems that so many on the board had trips to the ER where they always saw a new doc.

    I wouldn't worry about it, but that's me.
  • RaeMN
    RaeMN Posts: 36
    edited February 2006

    Actually, I think it is all in my head about my pubic hair. My mind seems to be playing tricks (is that chemo brain?)

    Did you go to Oregon? After how many infusions and did you do good or did you end up in Barcelona? (HA).

    Hopefully, I wouldn't need an ER trip.

    Love to you all

  • c2et
    c2et Posts: 15
    edited February 2006
    Hi everyone:
    I've had hair thinning/loss everywhere on my body except my legs! But I think I'm an extreme case in the CMF hair loss department.
    Rae, I think if you want to get away for a few days I'd go for it. You've done so well with your treatments and I'm sure you'll be fine. By the way, I'm glad your infusion went well last week.
    All the best to everyone
  • straykat
    straykat Posts: 26
    edited February 2006

    I did go and had a great time. Wish it had been Barcelona but I settled on Medford. I believe it was after the fourth infusion.

    I wish I remembered it better! My cousin assures me I had a great time though, at least I think it was my cousin...
  • RaeMN
    RaeMN Posts: 36
    edited February 2006
    StrayKat, you just keep me smiling !!! I have been to Medford and it is a beautiful place. I will be going to Phoenix after my 4th infusion too so hope I have as good as luck. You and I sound like we are on the same wave length...Good luck and how is radiation going?

  • dobiew2
    dobiew2 Posts: 3
    edited February 2006

    i just finished up IV cmf on 12/9. I did notice pubic hair thinning as well as loss on my head. I think I lost about 60% of my hair. It was thin to begin with so it looks pretty rough to me. Others notice it has thinned but say it doesn't look bad. Good luck to you!

  • kats
    kats Posts: 162
    edited February 2006
    Not a goofy question at all. At about the third month of chemo I didn't have any armpit hairs and the hairs on my legs and arms were almost all gone too. Eyebrows thinned out alot and so did the eyelashes. I lost all the hairs in my nose too....that was weird. Okay now gonna get personal here...the 'V' shaped pubic hair area had thinned considerably but the area below that, if you know what I mean, was hair free & as smooth as a baby's bottom by the time I finished chemo....too bad it grew back OOPS, did I say that out loud???
  • socallisa
    socallisa Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2006

    Glad to say the hair under my arms never came has been over four years..

  • Marcia320
    Marcia320 Posts: 22
    edited February 2006
    Just checking in. I go for #5 tomorrow - more than half way done! I've been feeling so well and staying away from anyone who has been ill - guess I jinxed myself - I'm coming down with a cold - I hope they still let me do my treatment - I figure I'm going to fell pretty yucky for a few days either way so why not get it over all at once. I'm not running a fever or anything.Oh well - we'll see.
    Hope everyone else is doing well!
  • c2et
    c2et Posts: 15
    edited February 2006
    Hi everyone:
    Best wishes to everyone having treatment this week.
    Marcia, sorry you have a cold. Hope your treatment goes well tomorrow. Let us know how it goes.
    Love to all and Happy Valentine's Day
  • Marcia320
    Marcia320 Posts: 22
    edited February 2006
    Hi Everyone,
    Had my treatment on Wed - they gave me some antibiotics as a precaution. Felt pretty nauseaous by the end of the treatment - went home to the couch! The couple of days after that didn't seem too bad. I think I felt more of the symptoms of the cold than the chemo. So that wasn't bad at all.

    Glyn & Rae - you have treatments this week, right? Hope all goes well with you both - will be thinking of you.
    take care
  • c2et
    c2et Posts: 15
    edited February 2006
    Hello to all:
    Marcia, I hope your cold gets better. Thanks for thinking of me. My treatment is this Wed.
    Rae, you are right after me? Hope your treatment goes well.
    Please wish me luck. Had bad nausea last time but this time I'm taking the Kytril an hour before treatment so I should be fine.
    Best to all
  • RaeMN
    RaeMN Posts: 36
    edited February 2006
    Hi all, I have been off the computer for a while as have been BUSY, BUSY....

    Yes, Glyn, I have treatment Thursday right behind you. Hope all goes well. I have been doing so well it is kinda scary. I had pretty bad fatigue last week for 2 days (my own fault, I went dancing and stayed out pretty late Saturday night) (but had a great time....) Good luck on Wednesday.

    Marcia, hope your cold is doing better and thanks for thinking of me too and hope you are feeling better by now. Just think, you are almost done (1/2 way for me this week).

    Hope everyone has a great week. Keep in touch on how it is going.

  • RaeMN
    RaeMN Posts: 36
    edited February 2006
    Well, round 3 is over and the scary thing is, I am still doing okay. Still a little wired from the steriod put in with the Ativan but am surviving.

    Glyn, hope Wednesday went well for you. Was exposed to a cold last week, of which I talked to my doctor about. Here in Minnesota you can't get away from it with our weather. Blood counts were good so he just said "keep doing what you are doing", so far so good.

    Marcia, your cold should be over by now. Hope you are well.

    Hope everyone is well and let's keep posting on this site. I am planning a week's vacation the end of March to Arizona. Doctor says I should be fine, change of altitude will make me a little more tired so will have to watch that. I guess I will just sleep when I need to.

    Hugs to everyone and hope everyone is doing okay.

  • Marcia320
    Marcia320 Posts: 22
    edited February 2006
    Hi everyone,
    I'm glad that you are doing so well, Rae. And I think it's great that you will be able to take your vacation!

    Yep, my cold is over and feeling really well. Can't believe that #6 is a week from this Wednesday - it seems to be really going fast now. YAY!! I go for a mammo and check up with the surgeon 2 days before that. The only thing mildly annoying is that I am really noticing my hair thinning - I don't think most people notice it - just I'm so consious of it. But like I said only mildly annoying - the side effects have been so minimal which I am so thankful for.
    Glyn - hope all went well for you, also.
    take care everyone!
  • PookieBear
    PookieBear Posts: 5
    edited February 2006
    I will be starting IV CMF on March 8th. I've been told hair loss should be minimal but it seems that it varies per person. I have very thick hair, so maybe it won't be too bad. I am ready to start this thing and get it done!
    Does everyone here take a day or 2 off after a treatment?
    They have my first one scheduled for a Wednesday. I don't want to have to take time off if I don't have to. Maybe I should schedule it for Thursday and take off Friday??
    I will definitely keep up with this board and let ya'll know how it goes.
  • dobiew2
    dobiew2 Posts: 3
    edited February 2006

    good luck!!! I just got done with iv CMF in December. I have very thin hair and thought I may lose it all. I did lose some but not as much as I feared. I never had to wear a wig. Hope it is the same for you. Any questions feel free to PM me.

  • straykat
    straykat Posts: 26
    edited February 2006

    Had my last CMF on November 29th with about 20-25% hair loss (the amount was a guess by both me and my long-time hairdresser). Had thick hair to begin with so it isn't at all noticeable. I lost the majority of it right after the fifth infusion, primarily in my brush and comb and on the shower floor. I believe I was shedding for about a week and then it stopped and didn't return again, including after the sixth and last infusion.

  • RaeMN
    RaeMN Posts: 36
    edited February 2006
    Well, it is Sunday and still doing well (#3 CMF last Thursday). I am half done and then on to rads.
    Marcia, good luck a week from Wednesday..yeah...#6. Will you be doing Rads?
    Staples, I have my chemo on Thursdays and take Fridays off, but I think that I will maybe start foregoing Fridays as I have done so well so far, depending on how I feel that is. I seem to be really up on Fridays as I am full of steriods, then seem to come down about Sundays (like right now). Actually, I just feel tired but no real fatigue. Usually have been able to work the other days. I am very lucky as my company is so supportive and if I feel tired late in the day (or any time) they just say "go on home".
    Hair loss for me has been like StrayKat's (very minimal and no one but my daughter has said anything, but she saw me last week after I had just washed my hair and I hadn't had time to really fix it). I have very thick hair also and opted to have my hairdresser thin it out a little on top as I thought it looked better. Good luck Staples on your first (March 8th) and I am sure you are scared (we all were). Just make sure you take your meds and drink lots of water. We will all be thinking of you and offering any support we can give. There is really a sisterhood here on this board (all others too) and you can really find some nifty suggestions and answers to your questions.

    Good luck all.....Rae
  • Marcia320
    Marcia320 Posts: 22
    edited March 2006
    Hi Everyone,
    Just got back from my mammo and a check up with my surgeon. I was kind of bummed that they would only do my right breast - because I have ILC, I wanted them to do both. My surgeon said that I'll probably have another mammo before rads (probably end of April). He said that he would take care of it if my onc or gyn didn't. But anyhow, everything looked ok they said and my surgeon did do an exam on both breasts (said he wouldn't charge double!)

    Glyn - hope you are doing ok

    Rae - sounds like everything is going fine - you have been doing SO well - that's great.

    Staples - good luck on Wednesday.

    BTW - went to my hairdresser on Sat - she had an interesting question - do you think the haircolor isn't good for the hair or just the scalp. She has a couple of clients who are doing chemo - not losing their hair completely but getting gray - like me. She was wondering if she pulled the hair through a cap (like for highlighting) then only the hair would come in contact with the chemicals not the scalp. Interesting but not sure if I want to be the guinea pig. Guess I'll run it by my onc.

    Hope everyone is still feeling well and staying away from the colds!
  • Marcia320
    Marcia320 Posts: 22
    edited March 2006
    Well, I went for my treatment today but couldn't have it - my WBC is too low. I am sooo bummed. I have been feeling so good and things have been going so well. So, we'll try again next week.
  • c2et
    c2et Posts: 15
    edited March 2006
    Hello everyone:

    Staples, I hope your treatment today went well.
    Rae, I hope you are doing well after your treatment.

    Marcia, I'm sorry your treatment was delayed--this also happened to me many times due to low WBC. These delays are tough. I would get all worked up to go only to be sent home. My counts would always rebound with the extra time. I only did Neupogen with one cycle.

    I did my last treatment this past Tuesday. I originally was on 4 cycles of classic CMF and switched to i.v. CMF for the last 2 treatments. My nausea this time was so much better after switching to Emend and being more aggressive with the Kytril.

    All the best to everyone
  • Sha5
    Sha5 Posts: 2
    edited March 2006
    I will be starting my first iv CMF 3/13, Will be doing 2 on, 1 off - Need suggestions on how to prepare. Do I need to drink plenty of liquids prior, if so how many days before, how much? Should I wig shop at this time or wait? Fatique - how long or how many treatments before it may set in, as I need to determine if I can work during chemo.

    Sharon 2/20 Lump 1.9 cm node neg