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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2009

    Hunky, you ALWAYS manage to crack me up! Understand about the brain not retaining much. Darrell always just looks at me, and shakes his head. Wedding will be Oct 6th. Another thing you must have forgotten.......that ATM machine with endless money giving abilities, used for the casino. Well, I don't see any reason why we can't make a withdrawl and use it for those Thunder boyz! And don't ya know that " I scream" has no calories. So have a few!

    Business slowing down is the usual norm. We are a seasonal one for sure. I wish we could find something that would sell in the winter months. But Darrell always gets us set up financially before it dies. We do quite well when we are busy. Our land, home and vehicles are all paid for, so can't complain. I would never have imagined living that dream for a long long time, and we managed to do it in a very short time period. So very blessed there and thankful for it.

    My new doc has me set up for bone scan and CT scan on Aug 20. Gonna have to read up on PET & CT to see what the dif is. Had a PET scan back in Feb.

    Kathy, I don't think I will ever get the hang of the Hawaiin pronunciations! But everyone will get a laugh out of my trying!

    Pau Hana (that one's easy)


  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited May 2011

    Lori, wow, you do have a good thing going with everything paid.  We had that same thing until DH bought a new Tundra last year right before my diagnosis...he needed it.  So, no big deal.  What a coincidence, Oct 6 is my next surgery date, so I guess I won't make the wedding...LOL.  I seriously hope you have a great time.  I hope your scans come back nice and clean.  I am sure they will as you are out and able to work like a dog with no bad symptoms.  I swear I am the only whiner here and that is going to stop.  P.S.  I don't believe you about the calories in I scream.  Pau Hana...(the only one I know) LOL  HunkyD

  • junie
    junie Member Posts: 784
    edited July 2009

    So good to be back home and even better to be sitting in our lounge with some ice cold MLs!!   Read back to try and catch up--Hunky--I recognized the "picture" at once and thought it was great--then, got hysterical when you had to point it out to Wahine!!!   LOL--usually, I'm the last one to figure them out!   What a great job!!   I think we missed our three days of sunshine while we were gone--it has rained most of the afternoon and another line of heavy T-storms headed our way.  Forecast is gloomy--am sick of all our rain!!

    I did look for Hot Stoopid beer in this huge liquor store we stopped at.  They didn't have any.  And, is it HoT or HoP Stoopid???   Grabbing my ML and heading out to the pool to see who all is up to what all out there!              Big hugggsssss to all!!!

  • CAZ
    CAZ Member Posts: 94
    edited July 2009

    Kathy-I had a great weekend at the cabin.  It's in Pine about an hour north of home.  Saturday was cloudy and low 80s, so I spent most of my time on the deck.  Here in the valley it is over 90 degrees by 6 o'clock in the morning.  They warn you not to drink alcohol in this heat, but I've had a lot of practice.  The peach drinks sound dreamy.  Thanks for sharing.

    Junie- it's HopStoopid by Lagunitas in California.  They may not distribute very far east.  I guess I can never move out of their distribution area.

    Lori-I'm glad you have a doctor you like closer to home.  Were are they located?  I hope all your results are boring and benign.  I had a PET scan on my brain years ago.  I volunteered to be a control subject in a brain scan study.  It was no big deal.  The MRI was harder for me since I'm claustrophobic.

    I'm off to get final touch up on my nipple tattoos.  Bring on those little umbrella drinks boys.  I'll be back in a bit.


  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited July 2009

    I am going to have to look for some Hop Stoopid here.  Should be able to find it.  CAZ, please tell me it doesn't eat the enamel off your teeth like the beer critics suggest....LOL.  Bet it is pretty good and at 8% alcohol b/v.  How can you go wrong.  Glad you had a good time at the cabin too.  Hope your tats came out good.  I have to find out at next appt. just what the heck he is doing to me as far has the nipples. That is scheduled in my next surgery too.  Junie...glad you spotted Hunk on the tv.  He has just been so popular around here, and you did promise him he would be famous.  6 hour work day today for me and I am ready for some rest and beer.  Coming out to see who is still at the pool!   Maybe wahine will be here with some more peaches.  OH, that would be good.  HunkyD 

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2009

    Carol, is that just north of Payson? The new doc is in Scottsdale, off Thomas (I believe) don't know my streets down there too well. But I too am hoping for boring and benign! That I can deal with! 90 degrees by 6am, doesn't get any cooler than that, I don't think! Good luck with the nipple touch ups. Jocks is ready, little umbrellas in hand!

    Hey Junie...welcome home girlfriend!

    Hunky, I am here! I'd sneak up behind ya and push you in, but I don't think you are quite up to that yet. So getting out my squirt gun. Ready......Aim........FIRE!

    Hope everyone is having a great evening!


  • dee1961
    dee1961 Member Posts: 902
    edited July 2009

    Just wanted to pop in and say hello to all you lovely ladies. Sorry I haven't been in the lounge for a bit and I haven't caught up on all your posts yet. Still trying to cope with these darn TE's. All I can say is they better be some pretty fabulous tatas after all is said and done...LOL

    Jocks, PERCOCETinis all around! Take care sisters Dee~

  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited July 2009
    • I'll take what Dee is having!  Make mine a double please.  Hunkydory
  • CAZ
    CAZ Member Posts: 94
    edited July 2009

    Dee--hang in there.  The TEs are a necessary evil.  The implants are so much better, and the exchange surgery is a fraction of the bother that the mastectomy was.

    Lori--yes, the cabin is 13 miles north of Payson.  While it still hits 90 at this time of year, it at least cools to 70 in the evenings.  Saturday with the cloud cover, I was able to spend most of the day outside.

    Hunky--I'm a bitter beer fanatic, so HopStoopid is likely to eat the enamel off your teeth.  It has never grown hair on my chest, so I imbibe unafraid.

    Have a good one, ladies


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2009

    Good morning ladies.

    Just stopping by for a quickie. Wishing Hunky and Dee a pain free day Cool

    Everyone else a wonderful day.

    Kathy, did you have your surgery on your tootsies? I had forgot about it until now. Think it was Tuesday? If it was, I hope you are not in too much pain either and hoping to see ya around the HTL soon.

    Hugs to all


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2009

    HunkyD and Lori....You BOTH crack me up!!! Hunky, I think my weight is on "Level Orange" too....I like that analogy. Yup, I brought more peaches, and you all drank up the Peach Daiquiris so quickly, that I just sent my DH out for more! We did use the lo-cal ice cream, does that make it ok?

    Lori, You are a sweetie--thanks for asking. Yes, I am doing fine...toe doesn't even hurt, but the annoyance is that I have to soak my foot and change dressing 2x day, plus have to wear this darn big "surgical shoe" for a week. Boy does that make it hard to get around....cannot even chase after Pants anymore! And as far as getting in the pool, I guess thats a no-no. Taking it easy though, lying around the pool. Sorry gals, but I took Jocks home for awhile to take care of me...was that selfish or what???

    Carol, Glad you had such a wonderful relaxing time at the cabin! That sounds heavenly. Hope your DH is having a good golf trip, also. Mine is playing racquetball at the moment.

    Well girlfriends, it is Pau Hana time...I am having my Seagrams/Diet Coke. Did anyone find the HopStoopid in their area? Hope Junie, Dee, and everyone else is doing well....

    Aloha nui loa,


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2009

    Oops I forgot to ask Lori if you got the Thunder boyz set up for tonight? Cannot wait for the show....maybe we'll have a big turnout....

  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited July 2009

    I am not whining, but I really today just realized how strong WE all are.  Someone in a PM asked me what my story, guess I will let my drinking buddies in on it.  In one years time....I myself have had right unilateral mastectomy, immediately followed by TAC X 6, (Bald, Bloated, Bone pain), radiation immediately following 33X, four fields radiated, (Burned, Burned Out, Bone Pain), my friend Tammy (Tamoxifen) every day, (?, Joint pain),  5 months later, phrophylactic mastectomy with expander and fills, (ouch),  3 weeks later TRAM surgery on other breast,(big ouch).  This little ol' year of mine does not mention the agonizing "FEAR" (Fricking Ever After Recurrence) factor, or emotional family shit we all go through. Now I know many more of you have had more with to go through also with hiney whammos, Tit-Tats, toe whammos, etc.  Plus...many keep their job and household.  So....I propose a toast on this "Thunderous Thursday"  or whatever someone called it..... TO US!!!!!!  Cheers friends....this round is on me!    HunkyDory 

  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited May 2011

    Wahine, we posted same time...glad you are here.  My post took me a whole beers worth of time to type.  Bring on the peaches!  HunkyD

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2009

    Yeah...I will drink to that! Either "Thunderous Thursday" or "Thrilling Thursday"! Do NOT ever downplay what you have been is much more than a lot of us have been through, really. I know others have had even worse, but for our bunch here, I think you may get the prize for the most surgeries, tx, etc. AND you manage to keep your wonderful sense of humor through it all. SO...Hunky...thanks for the drinks....this glass is raised to YOU!!!

    And Lori...bring on the guys...we need to be entertained! Got the peaches....lets see the down under guys...


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2009

    Oh Hunky, how very sweet of you. But I have to say, you have gone through a hell of a lot more than I have. So I too raise my glass to you and the rest of you girls, just because I love ya's!

    As Hunky said.....could be some lightening. I am ready for the Thunder! Sitting pool side with one of those yummy peach and I scream drinks.

    Kathy, selfish? You bet.........but you are entitled Wink You just keep Jocks for however long you need him. And I don't want the low cal scream. I want it ALL!  Hope you up and about soon and glad you are not in that much pain. But if you are, I bet Hunky and Dee will share their PERCOCTETinis!

    "TO US" Let the Thunder Roll

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2009

    AARRGGHHH....while waiting to get back to HTL and see our down under guys, we have had a really big storm. Lots of lightning, thunder (not the guy,extrememly windy and heavy rain. Then doorbell rings...neighbor I have not met is standing there w/ my 2 totally drenched doggies! How they opened the gate, I don't know. BUT I did have to hobble out in the rain to help her get them back into the yard. My babies do have a large covered deck,and doghouses, so they don't HAVE to be out in the rain! Nice of the neighbor to do that though.

    Yeah Lori.... Let the Thunder Roll.....I am ready!

  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited May 2011 be careful with your toes....I do see 2 of the Thunder boys showed up!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2009




    And they even brought some HopStoopid. Sure hope Carol (AZ) shows up!

     Woot Woot! Surprised

  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited July 2009

    Can't believe you could see that label Lori...Good eyes!!!!

  • junie
    junie Member Posts: 784
    edited July 2009

    ...slipping in to share in Hunky's round.   I kinda like the sound of Thunderous Thursday!  Has a powerful sound to it!!!   By the way--Hunky--are you a graphic artist?  If not--you SHOULD be--quite talented.   I always look forward to see what pic's you post--have learned to look closely at them!!!

    We had rain off and on all day but the strong storms out of Texas went south of us--Wahine, that must have been what got you!    Are you gals in AZ getting any of the rain???   Hard to send it back west, but I'll try!!

    ahhhh, thanks Hunky--my ML is icy cold.  Joining you all in a toast to Hunky for hanging in there and a toast to all of US...what a great group we are!!!


  • dee1961
    dee1961 Member Posts: 902
    edited July 2009



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2009

    Wow ladies....that sure was some fun party last night! Went through all those baskets of peaches too.....DH is going to the orchard today to get some more...and a basket for the neighbors that brought back our dogs in the pouring rain. More peach daiquiris....yummmmmmmmm

    HunkyD, your talent always amazes me...just love the pics you put together and post! Hope your recovery is going okay....very long process though...stay strong, and vent here anytime.

    Yeah junie, that must have been the storm we got. We usually get what you get too, though. Can't remember such cool temps EVER for July, and also lot of rain, so everything is so green and lush. Sorry some of you are getting higher temps than ever though. And so shocked at the NW temps.....over 100 for days, and they aren't used to that.

    Well....going to just chill by the pool....and Pants is being sooooo nice to keep standing there, fanning me....what a life!


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,342
    edited July 2009

    You ladies are a riot!  I read this thread now and again for entertainment.  I love your spirit. 

    I haven't had a drink since the evening of July 22nd.  My bilat with immediate one-step recon (Alloderm and implants) took place on the 24th.  So no alcohol 24 hrs. in advance.  Nobody has said I should avoid alcohol during my early recovery period but I sit every night and sip an iced tea or cranberry & ginger ale in a tall stemmed glass while my husband has his gin martini. 

    Here's my question.  Do any of you imbibers take effexor?  I started on it two days ago.  The literature says avoid alcohol, but I figure that's because alcohol is considered a depressant.  I'm taking the effexor for hot flashes, not for depression.  Although I could get pretty darned depressed if my future didn't hold a nightly vodka martini and an occasional glass or two of wine.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2009

    HI Carole, Nice to hear from you again! I just sent you a PM. And realized you were a fiction writer---that is soooo neat. My DD writes too, just for fun, although she did publish a book. Her library at home...mostly childrens books, is outgrowing the entire room it is in...thousands of books,and so many bookshelves! I think it is okay to drink some with effexor, many meds say that...but I feel that if you are happier with a drink or two, then that should be a consideration. Not fair to cut that out after all we go through with bc!

    Hugs and good wishes,


  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited May 2011

    Hello all!  Carole, I am with wahine on the drug interactions.  I do think many of them list everything under the sun as an interaction to cover their A$$.  I took effexor for three days and that was all I could take.  Made me sick.  I think you would be fine in moderation...DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor and this information should not be used as a substitute for a consultation or visit with a physician...LOL.  Really neat that you are a writer!  I can tell from your avatar you are a golfer too.  Maybe waiting between holes on slow golfers is one of the many foundations of your creativite writing ....I golfed for years until this last year.  Welcome to the lounge.  Glad you are recovering well from surgery.  The ladies here are so nice and they are entertaining.  Wahine....keep off your feet!!!  Junie...nice to see you again too.  I am really trying to figure out Dee's "Cheers to Big Ears" toast.  Someone may have to help me out.  Lori will know!  Somtimes I am challenged mentally upstairs on these drinking toasts!  Sláinte!  HunkyDory

    P.S.  I got carried away last night I think on my consumption.  Thanks for all the good wishes! 

  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited July 2009

    OK...never mind...I just Googled "Cheers Big Ears"  I have to admit, I had not heard that before.  So, I learned something new!!!  Thanks Dee.  I guess I am supposed to say the response to that according to Austrailian custom...."up your nose with a rubber hose."  

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2009

    LOL...thanks for googling that Hunky...I wondered too! Guess I better bone up on that b4 meeting the Aussie relatives in a few weeks (Hope they're drinkers)...  Surprised

    (I'm finding the response "Same Goes Big Nose")???

    Pau Hana Time!!! Drink Up!!

  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited May 2011

    LOL, wahine..I saw that response too.  At first I thought Dee was talking about one of the Thunder boys having big ears...then my mind got some naughty thoughts which I can't post.  Glad it is cleared up....Pau Hana!  HunkyD

  • dee1961
    dee1961 Member Posts: 902
    edited August 2009

    LOL!!  Hunky and Kathy you are cracking me up. We used to have a show back in the 70's with my all time favorite hunk John Travolta. It was called Welcome back Kotter. They said things like, "up your nose with a rubber hose" and "upside your head with a loaf of bread". Any who.. it's not the same as "cheers to big ears" hehe I meant as more of a blessing? LOL get my drift?? As in something to hold on to?? get it , huh, huh? LMAO!    OXOXOXO