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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited November 2007

    Well good morning...or so it was.

    First and foremost.  CY is in the center of the circle and prayers about and thought of every single day.  I love her, I care about her and I see nothing here that is hurtful to her.  Birthday wishes and prayers are being sent constantly.  The same goes for Slonedeb and everyone who needs a helping hand or a hug.

    We are not partying here.  This is not a is a place to come and talk like sisters.  I include everyone.  I did suggest a party a while back to be held November early "New Years" party to bring everyone together flush away the old like we had done before and start again.  I also said in that post that we DON'T party here as it doesn't feel like the place to do so but just this once I thought it would help.

    As for the "sniffles"...I don't have the sniffles...I have pneumonia...not once but twice.  Sick is not the word for it.  I am not downplaying anyone else's problems...far from it.  I have mentioned my coughing which is driving me batty but if I were to post how I sick I really am you'd be amazed. I cannot talk as I cannot get enough air between coughing spells to breathe. 

    This is not a bad place.  This could still be the wonderful healing place it was...

    Enough said...I am just hurt that all the hard work I am doing to bring back the happiness that was here is being slammed.  I know you are not referring to just me but it hurts us all.  I have been very repectful of your site please do the same for us.  You were the one who started this circle...why would you tear it down at every opportunity.


    Back to our regularly scheduled day...

    CY...praying for you as always...hope this day brings happiness and rainbows for you.  Love ya and remember the healing circle at Pinkstock.  Thats who we are...all of us.

    Slonedeb...hope today is even better than yesterday...sending hugs your way.

    I'm sorry to all I am missing this morning...just can't type anymore. 

    Please ladies...carry on...keep going cuz we are doing just fine. 

  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited November 2007

    Good Morning Vickie,

    For the record, it was not just Vickie that came up with the idea of a new start on Nov1, several others myself included agreed that it should have gone a long way to return the circle to what it was. 

    You have put so much in to keep the circle the place it was, and we will get there mate.

    Wishing you the very best of days, and hope you start feeling better quickly

     Take care


  • Unknown
    edited May 2008

    Hugs to everyone from A to Z!   Vickie, go to the doctor, please.  This antibiotic isn't working.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited November 2007

    So one day, one person or a handful of persons decides that we need a new circle?  Now that doesnt make sense to me.  If thats the case, you should be creative and start a whole new thread.  Gina started this thread - she will always be a leader and a role model.

    If you start a new home, and people know they are not invited - they will not go there.  But this has been my home for over a year.  I dont need "new" - I think we all would like things to be as they were.  Which was warm and comforting.  The only battle we are fighting in breast cancer.  Right now we have many newly diagnosed with stage 4 and suffering.  Others with reoccurances.  Others with new diagnosis.  Im here to support those who are in need of a comforting word.

    The circle that Gina started remains strong.

  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited November 2007

    Good Morning Jasmine,

    Hugs back to you my friend, hope you have the very best of days


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited November 2007

    Before I head off to work, Im sending hugs to CY - who is stage 4 and having such a hard time right now.  Hugs to Amy who is stage 4 and trying to go on living a normal life despite that chemo has been so hard on her.  To Gina - who is going through a reoccurance - or should I actually say a second diagnosis of breast cancer.  Has been on chemo for 8 months trying to beat this disease with grace and courage.  To slonedeb who is also stage 4 and going through so much right now.  To Cheri who is facing more surgery on her leg this coming Friday.  To Doreen who is dealing with the stress of having an abnormal brain scan.  To Liz who has lost many family members recently.  To DebC whose is waiting for test results.  To Susan who will be having tests this week.

    And to anyone else out there who is struggling with this journey - I send you love, peace, comfort and support.


  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2007

    Vickie, thank you for what you have done to bring the circle back to what is was meant to be.  I would say more, but I promised myself not to, so just suffice it to say, I am sorry there is anyone who is trying to bring back anything and rehash old problems.  Our stage 4 sisters are constantly on my mind and in my prayers.  Gina, I continually hope and pray you can get through this chemo regimen and kick this cancer's butt.  I love you all and will keep posting here unless I'm told not to.

    As far as the play, I didn't get the part.  I was a little bummed last night, but there were a lot of new people and one of the things our community theater tries to do is cast as many newbies as possible.  I have this part that I am loving and will audition every time I get a chance.  Yes, I told you I am stubborn!

    Have a wonderful day--I am planning on doing my best to.

  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited November 2007

    Came to see if Cy had posted; how she is doing and if she has water and if she had a good birthday.

    Many of us are well aware of PM's, e-mails, phone calls and MySpace accounts talking, planning, things sent out to old members telling them to come back and all that "had been done to hurt them or how offended they were".  They've talked about it.

    This page has 6 Post by one and 2 post by another that continually do exactly what Gina was talking about in her post.  It is to bury anything they don't like, by people they have turned on.  This has been the pattern for days now.  

    I think it is time I share a PM I got - I will not call the persons name at this time.  It was after Cy posted the first time and got slapped down because she ask about Cheri - who has been banned.  Many were offended and upset that Cy - stage 4 - and has had to stop treatment got her hands slapped by a fellow sister at a time when she should have been brought to the center.  To this day, the person that made that remark, has yet to say so much as boo to this sister.  It has not gone unnoticed and it has angered many more than just a select few.   The PM I got included a remark on that but also this remark:  I know that Gina thinks she owns BCO but in reality she only owns her own small piece of the internet.   To say I was shocked was an understatement.  I thought I knew the person that sent the PM.

    This isn't about putting the circle back together.  It is about out and out war declared against Gina and anyone else that is perceived as being "involved", "friends" of her and her site and Cheri and her site.  It is about power, control and letting in who is chosen.  This is not the circle and it is a mockery of what we all once had.  Frankly, I just wish it was deleted.  Then whatever it is that some group wishes to start - go for it. 

    How can you say no one is angry anymore, this is a place of peace and love, when you know what is going on.  Gina being disrespectful of this site, come on- what has been going on here is disrespectful of BCO, Melissa and Tami, all of us that once posted here.  Since when is Gina being disrespectful of a place that she has created when over and over and over

    she has said this is the mother ship and she has continued to post?  She has ask over and over for all of this to stop when all she has gotten is nasty remarks by a few or post after post that, once you know about the PM, realize is removing her, neutralizing her.  

    The "rule" that was posted to Gina a few days ago, I believe  that was  the same one that was posted to that individual a few months ago by a currently frequent poster here.  

    It breaks my heart and it makes me so angry that Cy comes here and reads all of this because some have chosen to "eliminate", "alienate" "ignore".  It makes me angry that some that pretend they don't have a clue yet know exactly what was planned and have enjoyed being a part of it.  

    I'm sure this will be buried just like the others with post after post, picture after picture.  It really doesn't matter because I came to see about Cy.  It will be interesting to see if some can come off the "in your face" attitude. I didn't think I would find such nastiness, when I came early this morning.  

    To each of you traveling difficult road, I wish you only good things today.   



  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited November 2007

    You all don't know how happy I am to be "out of the loop".  So glad that I don't get very many PMs. 

    CY - I wished you a HB somewhere, don't remember where, but just in case you missed it: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!  Hope you had a good day.  Hoping you have one today as well.  You're in my prayers, as is everyone, in or out of the loop.  Whatever that may be?!  Wishing the best for you all.


  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited November 2007

    Stopping in to check on CY, Slonedeb, Amy and all our sisters having such a difficult you all and am keeping you close with prayers and thoughts.....

    Bimmer posted on the mets boards that Diane is very sick.....if you can, please let him know how much Diane means to us all and that we are sending our thoughts and prayers to he and Diane.....thank you.......(we sent Diane an afghan a few months ago.....hope she is wrapped up in the circle of warmth and love)

    Hugs from A to Z................

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited November 2007

    Madison:  Im sneaking in at work.  Don't usually have time to do that.  Your post about Diane has brought tears to my eyes.  Bimmer has been working so hard at taking care of her, and he must be exhausted too.  A sad day here.  Another of our sisters is very ill and needs our support.

    Putting both Bimmer and Diane in the middle of the circle.  Maybe cook a special meal for Bimmer as I know he probably isnt eating and taking care of himself while trying to take care of Diane.


  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited November 2007

    Thank you Nicki, Gina and Madison for remembering those of us in the fight for our life against a stage 4 monster. 

    Gina I understood your post perfectly and I do believe it was Nicki that said the only reason you would be confused on it is if you had not been here from day 1 to know what the circle is about. 

    When this circle was started I posted on the 1st day because it was such a wonderful idea to pull together for the ones having a hard time with cancer.  Little did I know cancer was not done with me and has come back with a vengeance to bones, liver, lungs, lymph nodes and soft tissue.  I'm sure not alot of you know the extent of my mets but there it is in black and white.  Stage 4 is not something that goes away as you all know and there is no cure.  I know alot of people are sick with pneumonia or the flu but there are antibiotics for that and next month it will be a memory that you were sick.  Mets isnt that way!  We will forever be on some type of chemo and just hope that new drugs keep being approved for us to try.  We are the guinea pigs of this generation living and fighting daily in hopes that in the future nobody will have to do this fight. 

    This circle was created to surround those struggling and having a difficult time to hopefully make it better.  You all can sit back and praise Vickie for trying to "rebuild" the circle but you need to sit back and realize this circle wouldnt be here if it wasnt for Gina getting it started and the ones of us that joined in and posted daily.  Gina is who she is and you want find Pm's sent from her talking about others and putting other people down.  She is genuine and caring and not two faced at all.  

    An old Irish quote...When mistrust comes in, love goes out.


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited November 2007

    I truly don't know how anyone could ever say that I would or have ignored anyone in need. 

    It is simply not true.

    I pray for you all on a daily basis.  Amy, Gina, CY, Mena, Cheri, Liz, Doreen, Deb...everyone.  Don't you know that if I could, I would take away all your pain, cancer, heartache, sadness, mets...I don't have that magic wand but God knows I wish I did.  You think that I am comparing having pneumonia to having mets!  That is utterly ridiculous and a cruel thing to even say.  Yes I will get better...yes it will be a memory but Nicki posted about her pneumonia and wasn't slammed. 

    I give win...let the circle disappear. 

    I will not come here and be slammed for trying to be nice.  I don't care what you think about me but meanness is not what I am about in any way, shape or form. 

    I have shown my caring and love in so many ways to so many girls with the afghan project.  Not alone by any means but FYI...the two afghans that I mailed out this week...that money came out of MY pocket...and it is because I CARE!  About EVERYONE.

    I will no longer post here or at the Hamptons. 

    I WILL continue the afghans.  I will continue to show love in that way since my words will only be twisted and made to sound different than my intentions. 

    Goodbye and good luck to everyone.

    I loved you all...dearly and wished for nothing but the very best for each and every one of you.


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited November 2007

    Thought that I would share a lovely pm that I just received from someone that I thought was banned from this site....

    Sent: 36 minutes ago
    From: Mizzy
    To: newvickie
    Subject: How does it feel?!!

    To be at the receiving end of all the nastiness for a change!!!

    Words twisted, back take the cake for the most two faced person I have ever encountered.

    You drove both Puppy and I away from this website...we were so upset about the ill feeling that you created we practically had nervous breakdowns.  All the lies and nonesense you told!!!!

    All you want to do it talk behind people's backs and create nastiness and cliquiness and hatefulnesss!!  You have ruined this website for everyone. 


    It may be against the rules to post private pm's but personally, as long as I am no longer going to be part of this or any other board, I don't care.

    I did not drive you and Puppy were the two faced liar that was banned for YOUR issues.  I do NOT lie and I do NOT talk behind peoples backs.  Stop your harrassment or I will continue with my harrassment charges against you.

    And where or where are the moderators.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited November 2007

    Vickie:  I want you to know that you are a nice person.  You have been working on the afghan project and gave many people good feelings.  Im just offering you some support.  Maybe I didnt discuss it here, but I did tell you I was so sorry you were sick and hoping each day you felt better. 

    I dont like hearing those words "Im leaving" thats not what I want to hear anyways, nor is it what I think others want to hear either.  You have been involved in the circle from the beginning.  You and I decided on day one we would be the sunshine sisters, checking in on everyone in the early morning hours.

    Thats an awful pm you just got and Im sorry - you didnt deserve that. 



  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited November 2007

    Vickie, I'm sorry, but that PM you got from Mizzy was inexusable.  Thank you for posting it for all to see.  That is exactly the kind of behind the scenes garbage that has been going on.


  • Mizsissy
    Mizsissy Member Posts: 72
    edited November 2007

    Pardon me, I was never banned.  I was driven away by all the nastiness.  The truth was never told about what happened in September because I don't believe in airing dirty laundry in public.  NV knew the truth all along, she was my "friend."  I wasn't even logging on during the time when she planned the witch hunt.  Vickie talked to me on the telephone  to make sure I would be there to "help Puppy"  ---she just wanted to make sure I'd be there to take all the crap.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,794
    edited November 2007

    Wagon Circle,

    I know you are a passionate and caring group. I do not know what is going on behind the scenes or in private messages, nor do I care to, but it is obviously stirring up a lot of negative feelings. Please agree to disagree and move on.

    You started this thread to support one another.

    Tami, moderator

  • Mizsissy
    Mizsissy Member Posts: 72
    edited November 2007 this the one everyone wanted deleted, or other one?

  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited November 2007

    Mizzy, you are posting private phone conversations and bringing up months old problems just to be vindictive.  These things should be resolved between you, and the others privately.  It truly does not reflect well on you.  

    Moderators thank you for finally stepping in.  I know I have ask you to do that for days.   I think we may need your presence again.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2007



    Please can everyone follow what she has said here???



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited November 2007

    Tami:  Thank you for reminding us all what the wagon circle is really all about.  Caring and supporting each other.

    Lets just all gather in the circle and comfort those who are very much in need of our support. 


  • Unknown
    edited May 2008

    Hugs to all from A to Z!

    Sheri -- I'm sorry you didn't get that part.  I think you would have been the perfect 'Mary.'  The movie is one of my favorite Christmas movies. I know you will get the next part you try for.

    Vickie -- you are much loved by many.  Please go to the doctor again.  Your pneumonia should have responded better to the antibiotic by now.  This needs to be taken seriously.  You want to be well and rested for when you start your new job.  Gentle hugs.

  • Mizsissy
    Mizsissy Member Posts: 72
    edited November 2007

    I couldn't agree with you more about keeping things private....privacy was all I wanted in the first place, correction...privacy was all the three of us wanted.  We were all humiliated and embarrassed to have our personal conversations misrepresented here and aired as public property for public discussion.  Of the three, I'm the only one who's back say move on.  But is it really right to MOVE ON when you've driven people away that have as much right to belong here (and I mean the entire BCO forum, not just the WC) as anybody else?

    I really feel sorry for you girls.  You had something really nice going here.  When Mena got bad news this summer and you all gathered round her it was one of the most inspiring things that I ever experienced.  There are many women here who need a safe place..and now I don't know where they can go.  It is very sad. 

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited November 2007

    Thank you Moderators for stepping in.  I do not want to read others' PRIVATE messages.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2007

    Mizzy, everyone has a right to belong here.

    Vickie, I sent you a pm clearing up a few things that I hope will help you reconsider leaving.

    I have received some beautiful pms today and I thank all of you.

    So many had wanted me to write what I did last night because they, too, could see what was happening and they wanted it to stop.

    That did my heart good.

    Amy, you are a brave and wonderful woman. What you posted about your condition was so moving and heartfelt. I am so glad that you are my friend.

    Nicki, you are my sister and always will be and I thank you.

    Brenda, you didn't have to post what was in that PM, because everyone knows what is being said behind the scenes. It is all ok because it is only a very few who are part of that group who wish to do harm to a warm and wonderful place...but I thank you for your love.

    Peter I thank you for your concern about me. But I am doing quite well and  am very happy. So you don't have to worry about me.

    Jasmine, please keep posting your pictures because they bring you joy. The  rest of the wagon circle will take care of those who need love and support. We never expected anything more from you than what you offer so I thank you for contributions.

    I am not going to name everyone because I just don't have time.

    But I want to say a very very special thank you to Tami for stepping in. I pray you all heed her advice... because she is spot on in what she wrote to us. 

    Now please- can we all just drop this?


  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited November 2007

    The place that brought me so much wonderment and joy now provides a daily dose of pain. 

    I'm saying goodbye because I hope that would make me embarassed if I ever came back.


  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited November 2007

    So who decides?  How bad is bad enough?  What constitutes a problem worthy of being mentioned here?  Does it have to be about cancer?  Does it have to be mets?  I have whined about things that are beyond minor here....I was whimpering just a few days ago about be stressed about my tests.  That isn't even a concrete thing...just stress.  Is that too minor to talk about?  Can I whine about my kids, my sick cat I sent 500 bucks on the vet for?  My friends missing son???  I have brought all those things here and have never had anyone mind.  Where PM's going back and forth saying I was being a baby???  Hmmmm....

    We all have different lives.  We all have things that cause us stress and pain.  Yes...I am worried sick about my scans, but I am finding the simple act of coming here and reading to be more stressful than ANYTHING right now.

    I don't know why it has to be "Us or them", my style of trying to laugh to handle pain or someone else's style of saying prayers, or posting photos, or telling stories about their grandkids...If it is done with caring or love IT IS ALL GOOD!!!

    I know there have been times I have come here and posted something silly and hit "post" only to find that someone has posted a bad problem while I was typing.  Did that make me an awful person or just someone with bad timing?

    I have always tried to be sensitive to other people's feelings here.  Yes I am worried about CY and Amy and ALL OF MY SISTERS who are in pain and having trouble.

    Yes, there are people here who yank my chain.  There are people in any group that I will "click" with more than others...big deal!  If you were sitting in a big room with all these ladies would you find the one or two that makes you nuts, take them by the lapels and yell in their faces?  Would you shake your finger at them and tell them that they are wrong, wrong, wrong...or would you just ignore them and go chat with your friends???  So why is the internet any different?  Why is it OK to chastise people and try and make them do it your way here?

    I am not yelling at any one person.  I am just sick of the whole thing.  I get PM's from one side, and e-mails from another.  I am just not up too it anymore.  I can not for the life of me understand why otherwise kind, loving caring people keep acting so stupid.

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2007

    I want this circle to survive and have been trying to be positive and as caring as I can.  I haven't gotten a bunch of pm's so don't really know what's going on behind the scenes.  Things were good and then they got stirred up again.  I hate to say it, but I think some of you would like to see the circle fade away.  I sincerely hope that is not true.

    If I've posted and seemed to be self absorbed, well, as Deb said, that's the way we've always posted.  We continue to keep those that need it in the center, that's what we've always done.  Do we try to keep our spirits up, of course, whenever we can.  Let's just get back to what we have always done in the past.  Some of us said we were board-a-holics, well some of us still look forward to the different postiings of all of us here with all our different styles.

    I'm proud to be a part of the wagon circle.

  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited November 2007

    Gina I am glad you are doing quite well, and that the Circle was going quite well thanks to the effort Vickie and others here. I just cannont understand why the last two big posts you have made here had to be posted, if you had been reading back you would see that CY , slonedeb or anyone else who posted and in need of extra support was given that.

    Ever since I was invited into the circle it has always offered friendship, and support to others, but it has also been a place where one could talk about other things ouside bc, sometimes with some humor  but never disrespectful to others, and with many pictures posted to help brighten and put a smile on some ones face who may be down.

    Thanks mainly to the hard work of Vickie and others this is what it was returning to. My confusion about yours and some other posts here is, what have you found so offensive over the last week that you felt you should  step in and post what you did.

    Vickie and other members stay and do not give up the circle will not be broken

    Take care
