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How Many Stage 4 Girls are getting SS disability..



  • LuAnnH
    LuAnnH Member Posts: 348
    edited November 2008

    Something to remember also, when you are on your interview with social security they look at every program you may be eligible for.  At least my rep did, he was great and said I was eligible for this money for my children and looked at all programs available federally and in my state.  I thought they were very efficient and super helpful.  Kenzie you really should do your SSD on your own so you don't have to pay any of your benefits to a lawyer when Stage IV is a slam dunk!

  • kenzie57
    kenzie57 Member Posts: 13
    edited November 2008

    Thanks LuAnn... I really just want an atty or someone for a consulting fee to help me get the time line down correctly between COBRA and Medicare.  I am getting a lot of info from these boards, but just dont want to be screwed in the end.

  • Watson
    Watson Member Posts: 70
    edited November 2008


    The people at social security can probably help you with that for free.  They really aren't trying to work against you.  Or maybe someone from your HR department at work?  You might try people like this to see if you feel comfortable with their answers.  We just hate for you to have to PAY someone!   Do what's gonna make you feel at ease!


  • wayover20
    wayover20 Member Posts: 191
    edited November 2008

    It seems like we got different info about the trial work period since I was told by my case manager that I could start it anytime AFTER getting first SSDI payment, then the nine months of earning over SGA starts ticking. Everything I've researched says the same thing. However it doesn't suprise me since my best friend who was recieving ssdi for 3 years and went back to full time work and the payments stopped, she wasn't never aware that she could get the benefit reinstated when her health again declined. I brought her up to date and in no time she had her payments back.

    I wonder if the ssdi people don't always "offer" certain info. When I got my award letter I promptly called my case rep (who was not the person that took the original application) and asked a ton of questions and got a very good response from him.  I was especially diligent about the TWP since --if my health holds up-- I have to get back to full earing power for as long as they'll let me so I can pay for my health insurance and a roof over my head.

    Lisa, nothing was ever mentioned about a 12 month waiting period to start twp, only that from the time you apply till the time you get approved, if you work and it's over the SGA then it is counted towards the twp once you are approved.  AND it makes them look twice at your claim if during the 6 month waiting period for disability, if you are working at all because then of course you're probably not disabled.

  • curlieqs
    curlieqs Member Posts: 806
    edited November 2008

    I am new to this forum so I am sorry if this qustion has been asked already............but there is 16 pages for me to read in order to "catch up". How does Health insurance work with SSD as far as the waiting period? Would I have to go on Medicare or is there another option through SSD?

    Thank you :)

  • LuAnnH
    LuAnnH Member Posts: 348
    edited November 2008

    you normally go on cobra when you leave your job, then there is an exception you can get that will allow your cobra to continue to run until the 2 year waiting period for medicare to kick in.

  • curlieqs
    curlieqs Member Posts: 806
    edited November 2008
    2 year waiting period? YIKES! Ok, thanks LuAnn for your help Smile
  • DiamondJAL
    DiamondJAL Member Posts: 7
    edited November 2008

    Has anyone found information on whether there is any SSI or disability due to anyone not at stage 4?   I am by no means disabled and am a 4 year survivor but have been told by people that I should have applied and collected the money due me.  Is this true?  Also, I recently lost my job in July 2008 and now I have no health coverage.  I don't qualify for medicaid because I make too much on unemployment but I cannot afford to pay for it.  COBRA is a joke, they wanted $1000 a month to carry coverage for myself and my son.  I managed to get my son onto CHIP but there is a 1 year waiting list for adult basic.  I need coverage now, not a year from now.  Thank God, I am basically healthy right now but also God forbid something come back, I don't know where to turn.  Is there something out there that provides for us being cancer victims?  Am I qualified for any programs such as SSI or disability?  I'm fully able to work but even partial would help pay the bills.  I payed into the programs for 30 years, I should be able to use them when I need them. 

    Thanks for any help.

  • kgrimm
    kgrimm Member Posts: 20
    edited November 2008

    Diamond,  I'm not far from you -near Uniontown.   The Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention and Treatment Program provides full, free treatment of breast or cervical cancer to uninsured and underinsured women in PA.  BCCPT is administered through the PA Dept. of Welfare and funded by Medicaid.  More info is available at the FAQ section of the PBCC website.  To apply for coverage, call 1-800-215-7494.  Sounds like this would only be of help with cancer treatment but I keep this info handy in case I would ever lose my ins. before my Medicare starts.  If you are able to work I doubt you can get disability.  You could try calling the SS office and see if there is anything available to help in your situation.  Good luck.   I am going to PM you.

  • DiamondJAL
    DiamondJAL Member Posts: 7
    edited November 2008

    Thanks for the info. kgrimm......I grew up with a Karen Grimm, tell me you're her? 

    That's the thing though, I need regular health care, not just the screening and cancer care. This is what our government needs to work on.  I'm not poverty level but I'm sure as hell not well off.  Seems if you're caught in the middle, you are tuff out of luck.  People say get a job, get 2 jobs.....honestly, I don't have the stamina or tolerance that I used to and to work 2 jobs or more would probably kill me.  As soon as I get stressed or the anxiety kicks in, I feel horrible.  The best thing about losing my job is my stress level pretty much dissappeared.  I would come home mentally exhausted and physically sick to my stomach from stess.  Think it was a blessing in disguise that i lost my job but in the meantime, things are pretty tuff.  I will survive, I always do.....just tired of the battle and the costant turmoil, ya know? 

    The welfare office near where I live is not very helpful......almost rude.  They almost made me feel bad for asking for help when i was drawing a decent wage on unemployment.  I paid in for 30 years to these programs, don't make me feel guilty for asking for help.   I'll give the SS office a call.......thanks.  All they can do is say nothing out there for ya.

  • denise1962
    denise1962 Member Posts: 18
    edited November 2008

    Hi Ladies

    I will get my first SSI check in January, does my unemployment insurance stop?



  • LuAnnH
    LuAnnH Member Posts: 348
    edited November 2008

    SSI or SSDI?

  • denise1962
    denise1962 Member Posts: 18
    edited November 2008


  • LuAnnH
    LuAnnH Member Posts: 348
    edited November 2008

    I would think unemployment should end because you are drawing unemployment in the attempt to be rememployed so you could be required to pay money back if you continue to collect unemployment.

  • hezzy
    hezzy Member Posts: 6
    edited November 2008

    I just went to SSI to see if I quilify.  I am young and spent most of my time in college not working full time jobs.   My work history was not enough to get anything back. 

    Therefore, they attemped to get me on disability, because my husband made over a certain amount I was turned down.

  • hezzy
    hezzy Member Posts: 6
    edited November 2008

    Just some more information.

     My uncle felt like the goverment did not help him any.  Therefore, he gave up his SS number.  I thought everyone was born with one because you had to have one.  You can give up your socail security number and get all the money you payed into the federal goverment back.  TONS of people are doing this for retirement.  You have to go to Federal Court to do it but many have.  Its another way of getting out of some taxes and getting money back.

    I dont know what the catch is and I am sure there is one, but its something lots are checking into.

  • DiamondJAL
    DiamondJAL Member Posts: 7
    edited November 2008

    Wow Hezzy.....I'd like to know more about that issue, has to be a serious catch I would think but sounds very tempting.  With the state this country is in, I"m sure alot of people would like to do that just to be able to for one. 

    If you get more info, please share....thanks.

  • jojobeans
    jojobeans Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2008

    I am stage iv and so far I can continue to work. My company offers long term disability. Does anyone know if you are on LTD if your insurance from the company continues? Is the rate the same if I still work? My major concern is losing insurance if I can't work.

     thanks in advance.

  • kgrimm
    kgrimm Member Posts: 20
    edited November 2008

    I my case, my company would have continued paying my health and life ins. for a year(medical leave/LTD).  After the year, you are on your own.  Probably depends on your benefit plan at work.  I'm sure they all vary and best to check with HR.

  • kgrimm
    kgrimm Member Posts: 20
    edited November 2008

    hezzy,   just had to say God Bless you.  You are so young-my older daughter is just a few months older that you.  I have been survivng with mets for 10 yrs and it has been a long time for many ladies on this board.  I wish you the very best as you fight this terrible disease and pray that you will see your daughter grow into a lovely lady.  Kathy

  • LuAnnH
    LuAnnH Member Posts: 348
    edited November 2008

    Hezzy, can I ask how old you are?  Did they tell you how much you needed to qualify?  Maybe you just need a couple of quarters and you could possibly work that in order to qualify.

  • jojobeans
    jojobeans Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2008

    Thank Kgrimm - appeciate it.

  • mom2acat
    mom2acat Member Posts: 87
    edited December 2008

    I just received a phone call with great news! I have been approved for SSD!

    Ladies, if you are applying, make sure you ask about the Compassionate Allowence, it will move your claim through faster. I started my application process on November 6th, so it was well within a month for me that the decision was made.

     I am so releived, a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Now I can concentrate on finding out what is causing my hip and knee pain and do something about it. It will be a Merry Christmas for me indeed!

  • kgrimm
    kgrimm Member Posts: 20
    edited December 2008

    Glad to hear that your financial worries are eased.  Glad you will Have a Merry Christmas!

  • LuAnnH
    LuAnnH Member Posts: 348
    edited December 2008

    thanks for posting another reassurance of how well SSD processes our claims!

  • Fllorik
    Fllorik Member Posts: 381
    edited December 2008

    Does anyone know if they will be raising the amount you are allowed to earn while on SSDI?

    I know we will be getting an increase in our SSDI checks.

  • wayover20
    wayover20 Member Posts: 191
    edited December 2008

    The new SGA amount is $980.00, and for the trial work period--$700.00

  • mom2acat
    mom2acat Member Posts: 87
    edited December 2008

    A few pages back, there was some discussion about getting that 5% raise with the SSD; well, I think we are getting it!

    I got my phone call Tuesday with the news my SSD was approved, and the amount I was told I would recieve, starting in April. Well, today I got the official letter in the mail, and the amount I am getting is higher than I what I was told it would be when I first applied, so it sounds to me like we are getting that raise!

  • ejallison1
    ejallison1 Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2008

    Stumbled on this discussion board and would like help from you-the real experts on qualifying for SSDI. I actually read all the pages!  My wife has not worked since the birth of our first child 10 years ago.  Therefore she doesn't have the required 5 out of the last 10 years of credits.  On some of the earlier pages there was mention that an exception to this rule was available if you stayed at home caring for your children.  Anyone have any info on that?  I called SSA this morning and rep said he thought there was an exception but after he consulted with a technical expert the answer came back "no". After reading all the post it is apparent you have to double check things so that is why I am posting this question. Thanks.   

    PS She won't qualify for SSI since household income is too much. 

  • Fllorik
    Fllorik Member Posts: 381
    edited December 2008

    Thanks for the info..... It is good that we can earn a little bit of money. It helps me feel like I am contributing to our family's finances rather than sucking it up!