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Illinois ladies facing bc



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,667
    edited February 2008

    Another one of those gray things called a day.  Maybe a few snow showers but nothing of any real note.

    So, guess I'll just have to hang on for something better.  It rained most of the night and I had hopes it would wash the lingering snow out but didn't. 

    Lots of work to catch up on today and then have to be in Marion by 9:15 a.m. in the morning.  Not looking forward to that but the earlier we go, the sooner we get done.  Hope they don't set all my appts. that early.

    Well, I'm off to make some breakfast....lets see, maybe pancakes.  Hope you all have a great day and don't work too hard.


  • NancyLa
    NancyLa Member Posts: 81
    edited February 2008

    Kater, Thanks for sharing your ovaries out story.  My medical oncologist said it might be a route to go if I want to stay off Tamoxifin as I have a family with lots of heart disease...  Then I read about forced menopause and the body pains with Arimidex and I just get more confused and scared.  How is it being forced into menopause???  On one hand I am so glad I have not hit it yet, as I have had horrible PMS.  I can only imagine what menopause will be like and my husband is scared too. Frown    Unfortunately, he has seen my moods....which I am not happy to say.... can be pretty bad....I did find a way to get rid of the PMS and my moods...2 years ago I went on a soy supplement two times a day... I was so even tempered...then I get bc...gee, I have to ask myself... did the soy have anything to do with it?    Yell  My medical oncologist told me to stay away from it, as no one knows for sure.  Funny thing is since I have gone off the soy my PMS has not returned.  I think the thing that scares me most is the unknown.  I need to do more praying to ask God to help give me courage to handle all these things. 

    Well I hope everyone enjoys the snow.  If the snow is light, I am going to go out and do a little shoveling. Smile

  • kater
    kater Member Posts: 447
    edited February 2008

    Nancy La

    Tamoxifen, etc.

    As far as I know chemo throws you into menopause, taking ovaries out just hurries it along and is more complete.

    I, too, drank soy milk for a year with my cereal  -- wondered about that. I had stopped due to blader pressure problems circa 2002.

    But I really think it was just accumulation of stress that caused the BC..a dear uncle died (after 2 years of stress as well in family)...July, August...then Oct. 30 the uncle I am responsible for with Alzheimers had a weeks in rest home....then car accident the day before we brought him home...daily care at least 8 hours a day...and my work and house suffered......

    otherwise all who drink soy would be getting BC...possibly?

    When I asked surgeon about deoderant, he said, if it caused cancer everyone would be getting it.


    Power of suggestion may be a Bernie Siegel, his books can be found at libraries, cancer centers...used at amazon...that's why placebo pills can cause people to stop having symptoms!

  • tdbear
    tdbear Member Posts: 286
    edited February 2008

    Nancy LA My onc also suggested having my ovaries removed "would not be a bad idea" My obgyn did ultra sounds said 1 ovary was normal other was abnormal so out they came!! Only I wasn't lucky enough to be able to have lap.. But I am still taking AI as the ovaries are not the only producers of hormones. Thought I was done with the menopause symptons in '02 during my first round BUT NOOOO, chemo and the AI's brought them back full force.!!

    Hope everyone is staying warm & dry

    Looking forward to March!

  • NancyLa
    NancyLa Member Posts: 81
    edited February 2008

    Soy.........yes or no..........Stress.........yes or no......... Deodorant.....yes or no.......who knows for sure.....  I wish they new........ But since no one knows for sure, I am looking at what I put in and on my body and how stress is affecting my life.   I too think the way we handles our daily stress has a HUGE impact on our immune systems. 

    Kater, I am sorry you went through such a stressful time.    Thanks for the book recommendation, as I enjoy reading Inspirational books.  I start each day reading Pearls of Great Price by Joni Eareckson Tada. 

    I just finished doing some shoveling....boy was it heavy 

  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited February 2008

    Hi all:

    I am in a weird place! I haven't heard about my tests yet but will. My mother is dying and hospice says less than a week. My mother looks so sweet and tiny. It will be a blessing when she leaves. I am feeling a bit rattled as I am very involved with my mother dying and yet I need to stay focused so I keep my health a priority. Then there is work and standarized testing next week in my classes and my school goes bonkers with ISAT testing. Kater, thanks for reminding us that stress is unhealthy. I need to manage mine.

    I am not complaining, just using this venue to sort out all my "issues" at the moment. I did attend my LIFE Lance Armstrong Survivorship meeting and it was great. I found out everything (too much) about my kind of cancer and what difficulties I could face in the future. I am on a fitness plan and am part of this study which will keep me in the loop of all new things coming out. What was sorta scary was all the information they had about me regarding my health. This was from a computer. I was stunned they knew so much about me and that such records have been maintained. Talk about privacy. Ladies, we don't have much of it.

    Stay well and healthy and ladies in active treatment....knock those cancer cells down and flatten them into their demise.


  • tdbear
    tdbear Member Posts: 286
    edited February 2008


    I am so sorry to hear about your Mom I know I speak for everyone when I say you are in our hearts and prayers.

  • JulieK_11_30_07
    JulieK_11_30_07 Member Posts: 17
    edited February 2008

    Hi Illinois ladies - I've been lurking lately and haven't had the energy to post. I'm on day 13 past tx #3 and am still not out of my fog. I, again, had delayed nausea/vomiting with this round and my onc had me come in for a second round of Aloxi/Zofran the day it usually starts -- however, it decided to hit one day earlier this time, so it didn't help much to have the second dose! I was also dehydrated when I went in, so I ended up with four bags of IV fluids also.

    I had my 39th b-day last Friday and it stunk -- let's just say I'm looking forward to 40 -- and I NEVER thought I would say that!!

    Zap - thanks for the PM! I appreciate your concern. Laughing

    I wish I lived closer to you northern ladies so I could come to the lunches!! Maybe once I'm done with my tx, I'll make the trip for one of them. I'm half way now and am not looking forward to #4 already next week.

    Hope all of you are well - I need to catch up on the posts from the last week or so!

    Take care -


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2008

    Hi gals!  Well, I finally redeemed myself with the last game of bowling.  I didn't even make my average the first two and was worried that my team was going to send me home!  LOL

    Karin, I think that our computers quit communicating.  I can't get open your Feb. 25th picture titled Winter Be Gone.  I just have one of those ugly boxes with the red x in it like everyone (except you) saw when I tried the process. 

    Julie...hope you are doing well. Haven't heard from you in awhile now.

    Suzanne, only a couple more days and you'll have your path report and know what's going on with your journey.  You do have somebody who can go with you for that appointment, don't you?

    Susan...Wendy's right.  You had some tests coming up toward the end of the month, didn't you?  Have you had them yet or are they still looming in the future? 

    Nancy in Quincy...although you had a bad time of it, the chemo part is finished!  YEAH!!!!  That's an accomplishment.

    Nancy in Barrington...Enjoy the rest of your week.   I'm anxious to hear your rendition of the rads process. careful driving tomorrow.  We'll be thinking about you!

    Michele, I do hope that you can make the March luncheon.  We missed you. 

    Although I've cheated quite a bit on the diet these past few weeks, I do think that a good diet works wonders for our bodies.  I had blood work done last week and met with my general doctor yesterday to go over the results.  My cholesterol was down to 185 and everything else was well within the normal range except for the white blood count which was still lower than she wanted.  She thinks that the immune system has been busy fighting off the cold that I'm just getting over and that is the reason for the lower than normal white blood count.  I was excited with all the results as they were threatening to put me on cholesterol lowing meds if I couldn't get the numbers down by myself.

    As for stress and cancer, I'm sure there is some correlation but I don't think that stress causes the cancer.  I think it will activate an existent cancer though.  Just had to put in my two cents worth!  LOL

    Well, I hope everyone is having a nice day.  The snow seems to be about over here with just a few flurries cascading through the air.  You summed it up perfectly, Connie.  This winter stinks!

    Leesa made me feel guilty so I've decided I need to clean up the messes and piles that I've accumulated in the house this past week (so that my cleaning lady can clean efficiently tomorrow!  LOL)  Better get moving!


  • kater
    kater Member Posts: 447
    edited February 2008

    Zap/Susan------ how we got it and the book name

    My whole theory is that we all have cancer potential in us, and when we have high stress or let things bother us bigtime...our immune system cannot fight as well in that condition.

    My Grandma lived til 104.75...with no cancer, yet my high stressed Mom got cancer at 72.....her son had non hodgkins lymphoma at 79....

    the oncologist mentioned the good genes probably helped my Mom survive this long, yet he tells her little else and believes in eating the right food and will not discuss vitamins or supplements, that's not his area, no doubt.

    I should add the name of the book, Siegel wrote several, I got several used copies at amazon or like i said, libraries keep his stuff:




     He started a study testing if the right attitude helps and it did help some apparently.

     It's been a year since I read dont quote me!

  • tdbear
    tdbear Member Posts: 286
    edited February 2008

    Ok Ladies I'm trying out snapfish, I sent e-mail w/ a link to all those of you I had e-mails for. Let me know if it works!! ( hopefully no red X LOL)

  • tdbear
    tdbear Member Posts: 286
    edited February 2008

    If I missed anyone it's because I don't have your e-mail address

    Just PM it to me and I'll add it to my list.Smile

  • elleng
    elleng Member Posts: 6
    edited February 2008

    Hello IL ladies, I finally made it back on.  Just been busy working, computer problems and snuggling up under my blankets at night.  Looking forward to a trip to Mexico (never been there for a long stay) over spring break with my husband and youngest son.  Hopefully I will see everyone on the March 21.  My treatments are on Friday mornings but hopefully will be done by 11:30 or 12:00.  Kater sent me the pictures - you'll looked great. I think I remember reading your Bernie Siegel books too.  elleng

  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited February 2008

    Julie, it was wonderful to see your adorable face again along with a post. Happy birthday belated, and know that 40 will be better. You are so young, and as I may have mentioned before, I do remember the onc nurse told me that younger women have more se's with chemo. I wonder why. Anyway, it is almost over and you will feel so good and so happy and so healthy very soon. I associate you with the pics you shared of your family. My goodness, what a great family! I see the love for you in their eyes. How is your son doing? Like Sabrina, Connie, Michelle and other moms I may be forgetting, it must be tough having kids olds enough to see your pain. I wish you moms well!

    So anyway, rest tight tonight everyone!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,667
    edited February 2008

    Hi all, I have been absent most of the day now.  Got into more work than I thought and had to go see my friend Maggie.  Good thing....she was depressed and under the covers....had not touched her lunch tray....and no one had picked it up and was about time for supper. 

    She finally sat up and started talking and I think she is better now, but I stayed way longer than I had intended. 

    Re:  cancer was my understanding ( where I got all this I don't now recall ) that any cells we have in our body can get too stressed and when they do they tend to replicate too much of a negative part of the cell which after several negative replications then becomes the cancer.  It's a bit simplified---but that is why we get a grade # with the cancer diagnosis.  The grade number determines whether what the oncologist/pathologist is looking at resembles a cell or not....and the higher the grade the less resemblance anymore to what a cell normally looks like. 

    The truth is.....the stronger the person starts out...the less likely they will get cancer---my dad smoked like a chimney all his life and ate the most hideous food---he never had cancer although he did have a heart attack---only one, and died at the age of 83 from complications of Parkinson's. 

    I have a theory---also complicated that we plan our life span---triumphs, failures, illnesses, life partners etc. before we come into this dad is a case-in-point.  Frankly, he did everything wrong and yet though he had a couple of bad medical incidents ( heart attack & ulcer--he was a Type A personality ) smoked and in early years drank in excess.....yet he lived the majority of his life pretty well for the most part.  He allowed himself tons and tons of stress....daily. get what you opted for in your life lessons............and for some of us that is cancer.  Wish I could tell you why.....In my spiritual studies it seems while making your life plan you are in a stress free place and due to feel your inner strength and often choose very difficult learning experiences not realizing how hard they will turn out to be.  Sounds right to me....because the way my life has been ( I shoud have died twice before but didn't ) so hearing that rang a little bell inside and I knew it was the right information for me.  Some people will not be able to relate to this......that's ok.  All get to choose the time they take in information from their spiritual much, when, etc.  I have lots of books by Brian L. Weiss, M.D.  He was a heavy duty skeptic to the nth. degree but is very interesting to read.  One of his books I recently read is " Same Soul,  Many Bodies".  Obviously, he is no longer a skeptic. 

    Susan, I know it's easy to say don't worry, but in a world like we live in that takes a lot of work and concentration---we are so evolved now and everything tosses something at us to deal with...bad drivers, rude people, rotten food,....just don't stress because you think your not keeping enough of the stress away from you.  Do the best you can for today---ask God to take care of it all while you are asleep, and then do the same thing tomorrow. 

    Julie, I am so sorry to hear things were so hard for you again.  You sound so strong ---- we do don't we when we start moving up the other side, because some of the bad stuff fades fairly well when we are able to eat again, and smile at dh or ds and feel just a little strength starting to return. It is a downer to have to use such harsh medicine to cure yourself, but once it's over...... I think much of the un-plesant episodes will fall well into the background somewhere and the joy of being done and being well will soften the memory and most of the brutal part will have lost the punch.  At least that is what I keep telling myself.  I'm on this earth now 62 years......this 7 or 8 months--counting all chemo, rads, etc. is such a small part to give up for good health..........and I have found such hidden treasures all because I got this I wish I didn't have to do some of the chemo part ( though I think the A/C is a bit brutal and now it's done ) and I only have 4 more Taxotere to go. 

    The Illinois girls are tough and we are one for all and all for one. 

    Well, I'm going to go for now......all take care.


  • FEB
    FEB Member Posts: 13
    edited February 2008

    Hi Everyone

    I have been busy getting my life back together after finishing treatment, I have to find families for 30 French students coming in April so I have been very busy. I only have 8 to go!

    Anyway, I talked to Blackjack and she told me what a great lunch you all had. I told her I would suggest that we could do a March lunch at my house if everyone wanted. I am in Naperville, just off both I88 and 355 so it would be easy for everyone to get to. And if any of you ladies who have a little farther to go want to have a slumber party, there is a holiday inn express and several other nice hotels near my house. Just a thought.

    It is great how you are all supporting each other.

    I just met with my doctor yesterday, and she was amazed at how well I look. She said she just gave a presentation on the merits of exercising during radiation, and she feels I can be her poster child. I can honestly say, I never had any fatigue because I walked every day, so those of you who are still going through everything, try to walk as much as you can. Not only did it help me physically, it really helped me clear my head. I actually feel better now that before BC. 

    I agree with the stress factor. I had 3 french girls from hell this summer, who made it really tough for me, and I have not been very good about my diet. I found the lump right after they left.  Now I am determined to change the things I can, and that is why I know I will be better off and I am confindent this disease will not return.

    Let me know if you want to come to Naperville. It would be a lot easier for everyone to socialize in a home, because we can move around.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,667
    edited February 2008

    I don't want in any way to be argumentative but I have trouble with the idea of you have stress and bang....right away you have cancer.  I think the cancer is already growing ( my Dr. told me that I had time to make up my mind as I had already had the cancer for some time ).  By that I mean.....something causes us---either by finding a lump...or going for yearly tests, or by just sensing all is not well in some way...and the tests prove out what has happened.  I do very much think stress has a role.......but this world is so full of stress.  It is not cave man days...that was easy in a way....a bear starts chasing you for his dinner tonight....that fight or flight and your stress kicks in.....I don't think the early people had the same amt. of stress as we have in this world today.....we have it all --- pollution, contaminated water, man made food chock full of chemicals, gang wars, job woes, short vacations if at all.......and the hassle going and coming, hours of bad news on t.v........this all takes a toll....traffic---the fact that we didn't all get cancer at 22 is probably a huge miracle.  It's years and years of different stressors.....and I do believe the cancer grows already to a certain point before we become aware of it.......but the stress we had a month or two before we found out seems a large culprit........along with the many years before.  That is why meditation is such a huge part of some treatment's not yesterday stress that is the's the stuff that started from years ago.  But we grow and we learn....and I'll probably incorporate the meditation practises I learned years ago........and quit doing because I didn't really see how it was helping me THEN----now I see a connection.

    I refer to my earlier saying: Old too soon---smart too late. 

    I'll be doing lots of different knowing that sweating the small stuff is on ME now......I should have always known that my annoyance was not hurting anyone but me. never changed that much anyway.  The same annoyances are still around.....I'm just trying harder to Let it Go. 

    Just my ideas......


  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited February 2008

    Morning!  Thought you ladies would enjoy a pic of DH...aren't I a lucky girl!

    Wow....a bazillion posts to read thru!  I'll have to catch up later.

    Just wanted to tell Karin thanks for snapfish, I will check it out later.

    Julie...oh honey!  You are having such a bad time with chemo.  Hugs and hang in there.  As my friend Karen would say, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger"...and I will gladly smack Karen upside her head if she ever says this to you!!!!  LOL

    And Susan....I knew your Mom was ill but I had no idea her days were so limited.  You have my thoughts and prayers and if you want to come up to south elgin and sit in my fort for a while, you come on ahead.  Hugs and more hugs for you and your family, and your Mom too.

    Catch you all later....

  • conniehar
    conniehar Member Posts: 585
    edited February 2008

    Hi all - just popping in quick to say hi.

    I have read one of Bernie's books also, Kater.  I am a great believer in the power of the mind, so I enjoyed them. 

    Julie - good to hear from you but sorry that you are having such a  hard time.  That stinks!  Just keep telling yourself - one more.  You can do it!

    Jackie -  I probably agree with you about the stress thing.  I know lots of people that cause themselves a lot of stress and they don't have cancer.  I think stress could probably feed on someone predisposed to get it.  Who knows? 

    I know I have heard about this stuff growing for years, but in my case it seemed to pop out of nowhere.  I had my first mammo at age 38 and they called me back for a few more views as they saw some calcifications.  That scared the crap out of me and I felt the sh*t out of my breast and couldn't feel a thing. 6 months later they called me back to make sure nothing looked different (it didn't) and I still felt nothing.  6 months later and I feel this hard thickening in my breast and I turn out to have a 10 cm tumor, grade 3 tumor!  I have a hard time believing that it was growing there for 10 years and all of a sudden one day I feel it.  Something inside me tells me that all that manipulation (mammo smashing and self exams) got something moving in there.

    Suzanne - good luck with your appt today.  Make sure you come home with a copy of your path report.  Share if you like and we can all help you with your decisions.

    Karin - thanks for the pictures. Some of the avatar pictures come up pretty blurry, but they are there!

    Linda - I'm always up for a lunch in Naperville as I'm right in Aurora. Thanks for the invite! I think we were looking at Elgin because that's where Karin is staying.  I haven't even checked my calendar yet, but anything is probably fine with me as long as I have time to get back home to get the kiddos.  Glad you are doing so well!

    Susan - so sorry to hear about your mom.  It's a tough situation.  I lost my dad 3 years ago after a long battle with emphysema and it was rough to watch.  You are in my prayers.

    Welcome back Ellen.  Post often!

    Have a great day girls.  This winter better be over soon. 

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited February 2008

    Back again!

    Rita....did you get your shoes yet?  I also went looking for a new Olay product...supposed to totally fiil in DEEP wrinkles and seal them.  It was $18.49 but I figured I would give it a try and I will let you know...not of course that you need it (wink-wink). sweet of you to invite us all to your home (wow, you're brave).  I do think we may need to stay closed to Karin in Elgin as she needs to get back to the house and then leave for the airport.  You are more than welcome to come - I know you aren't too fond of long lunches, but we did a whole lot of laughing and that's good for the body as well as the soul.

    Blackjack...that was nice of you to call Linda.  And I still see your tulips!

    Welcome back Ellen! are you today?  Hugs!  Fort is open.....

    Jackie, Kater and everybody else re: stress and cancer.  OK..this is just my opinion but I don't believe that stress causes cancer.  What I believe stress does is puts a burden on all our systems which in turn can cause a change in our body's ability to fight off WHATVEVER is going on.  I'm one of those who beleives that we all have the propensity to develop cancer, it's just what genes we have and what we do (or don't do) to our bodies that flips a switch somewhere.  I truly feel that I did everything right but then there was my Dad and his sister and I bet there is a connection there, just not a test for it. DAD DID EVERYTHING WRONG and had a hard life as did my Mom.  Dad got bc, but did fine after surgery as did his sister - both dx'd in their 80's and both died in their mid-90's NED.  My Mom didn't get BC and she worried and stressed every day of her life and it wasn't an easy life as I had a mentally-challenged much older sister.  So...I do everything and anything I moderation.  I drink fat-free milk, but the reg. kind.  I don't do anything soy.  I eat red meat, but once a week or so.  I drink, but only 2-3 drinks a week and that is wine/beer only.  I eat processed meats as I LOVE salami, but I buy the reduced fat kind and only a few times a year.  I eat bacon too, but the center-cut kind which is much less fat and only eat that every couple of months.  Egg beaters only....yada, yada, yada.  I guess what I am trying to say that for me, QOL is important too.  I'm going to sit in the sun, have a glass of wine while eating my salami sandwich with my hair dyed while taking my arimidex, calcium, Vit d3, magnesium, having just done my breast check after having my 6-month mammogram.  This is the only life we are going to have so do what you need to do, and then have a little fun while exercising caution.  Whew.......relax, girls...I'm done.  And that whole spiel was JMHO!!!!

    The sun is out and it will be in the 40's by Sunday...YAY!!!!!  Spring is coming.....

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited February 2008

    OH....Connie....I think you might have something there with us always poking our boobs.  I would love to massage away some of the scar tissue from surgery/rads and in fact was told to do this by the surgeon and rad onc but I did so much poking and squeezing when I first found the lump I hope I didn't in fact squeeze in right out of the duct and into the breast tissue, making it idc rather than DCIS.  So except for the monthly breast check I leave them alone.  Is that silly?  I don't know......Who knows!!!!!

  • tdbear
    tdbear Member Posts: 286
    edited February 2008

    Don't change plans on my account, I can travel to Naperville, But LindaM it would be a H**L of a lot of work for you !!! I wouldn't want to impose! I pretty much have Friday free, just have to be @ airport by 6PM.

    My onc also says cancer cell are in everyone, what makes them grow is the big question.

    I'm glad a few of you were able to see the pics on snapfish. Avatar's don't work very well ......I'll post a bunch after next lunch!! Kater if you want I can just give you my sign in and you can add all the pics to the same album.

    Everyone  stay warm!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2008

    Good afternoon to everybody!

    Karin, I also got the pictures on snapfish and they were just fine.  Thanks for sending them.

    Julie and Susan.  I guress we were posting at the same time and I didn't see your posts until just a few minutes ago.

    Julie...I'm so sorry that you're having such a hard time with the treatments.  What a horrible way to celebrate your birthday!  The big 4-0 will be much better.

    Susan, I'm so sorry to hear this latest news about your Mom.  Hugs to you!  Come and vent any time that you need to!  I am so glad you're involved with the LIFE meetings.  I like the idea of begin in the loop of "new things."  You'll have to share those new things with us. glad to see you're back!  :-)

    Wendy...I got the shoes and as my luck runs...they didn't fit.  The width was fine but I ordered 8 1/2 since that's what I usually wear and they were too short.  I guess I need a 9 so I need to bundle them up and send them back this week.  They're still showing a 9AA on the site so hopefully they can just be exchanged.

    Just think about how much fun Laura and Pat are having right now!  I'm jealous!!!  At least we're not supposed to get any more snow this week.

    You've posted LOTS of interesting theories about how cancer starts and grows.  I sure wish we could point to something tangible and say.....This is the main cause of breast cancer.  Then we could all eliminate that in our lives and be cured and others would never have to follow in our footsteps.  Maybe the scientists are closer than we think to coming up with this answer.  In the meantime, I think I'll do as Wendy is doing and just live life moderately.......doing the things that I enjoy in moderation and eating as healthy as possible.

    Well, I've got things I need to get accomplished this afternoon.

    Talk to you all later.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,667
    edited February 2008

    Back home from Marion........turned out to be somewhat of a comedy of errors.  Got there late...we knew we would and the onc nurse said that would be fine anyway.  Got to lab and I couldn't check in by computer because I had multiple appts.  So---ok.  Got upstairs finally......had to wait for labs.....I have to stop taking one of my calcium pills...morning only now....and double up on the potassium.

    Then we sit and sit and sit.  Dr. L had forgoten to write up the orders for my new chemo and had to wait for that to go to the lab----then wait for them to bring it up.  Was there at 9:30 am. and infusion didn't start till at least shortly after 12:30 p.m.........

    I thought I'd be over at Steak and Shake having lunch by that time.  So we had a very late to Sams Club late.......then had to deliver the two gallons of Odo-Ban out to the Humane Society lady.........then over to Maggie's house to find some papers she needs to sign and mail in to the credit union.......first thought we had to drive out here to the lake to feed Baby Boss and let him out to potty.  Then back into town to take Maggie's papers.  Then we ran to the Corner Cafe for a patty melt.....I was starving again ( hello steroids ) with all the running....stress-stress. 

    Had to poke my twice to find a vein that would work.....first time for that problem.  No other problem except that sitting there while it was running in .........  I had a strange pain that went across my lower back and felt like it was raising up a bit....then it just went away.......Is this shades of things to come.....oh well.  I also noticed that I have had some "warm incidents".  They are not exactly at the level of hot flashes---but I can see what may be coming I think.  Funny.....I've always believed that one of my stressors was the injudicious idea that since my whole family used HRT and had no problem.....that I could probably follow suit.  The hot flashes I had when we still lived in California with it's fairly mild climate and NOhumidity was not a problem....but once here with the humidity....I was a miserable puppy.......I not only think the HRT contributed to my cancer, but very much so to my stroke as well.  Even though I asked questions of my Dr.'s they seemed in retrospect fairly eager to give the thumbs up.  Later after my stroke when I told my Dr. I thought it had been a big contributing factor....he sort of blew it off and I nearly tried to devise my own way to get off the HRT.....but before I got around to investigating ----  and maybe after the Dr. probably thought I had forgotten about it.....he asked me ( this was probably the third visit after the remark I made ) if I was ready to wean off the HRT.  I silently forgave him and said you bet.....lets do it.  Now here I am.....stuck probably with going through it again....without help, but it's ok----if that is what it takes to beat this crap.  I might be more aggravated if I had gone all the way with nothing the first time.....although I had a long menopause due to a grapefruit size fibroid tumor in my hello total hysterectomy.  I was 51 or 52 by then. 

    Well enough about my long somewhat frustrating day at chemo.  Here's a kicker....I have to go back this coming Wednesday and have more see if my calcium and potassium levels have gotten closer to where they should be.  It's pretty much my first bump in the road.....though I have been doing the potassium for a few weeks's just having the calcium screw up now.  Well, I'm not surprised......I doubt whether most of us can get through six months of chemo without throwing some of this stuff out of whack....we are doing some rough stuff.

    Just a little footnote though on QOL Wendy----you definetly are on the right tract about nutritionist friend who lives a couple blocks from here----and she is very spot on all the time..........also tells me....when you choose to go out ( hopefully you don't do it more than once a week ) eat what you's treat time---eat a nice gooey desert if you find something you like on the menu........just get back to your program because the other 5 or 6 days will override what you let your body go wild on that one day.  Now I knew there was somes reason why I always thought the world of Gloria....that must have a lot to do with it....I got permission to be BAD one day a week. My kind of friend.

    Work to see Maggie for a short while..and then home to this machine...

    Stay well....spring is around the corner.  Talk to ya'll tomorrow.


  • kater
    kater Member Posts: 447
    edited February 2008

    Odo-Ban, IL lady...what do they use it for?

    Our caregiver uses it for bedclothes...the only thing that gets smell out he says...I also have used it for carpet and floor in kittenhouse...

    I wondered if it's okay for pets paws?

    They also have a floor kind of odoban, available online...humane society could probably get it sent to them, sometimes its free  shipping...


  • kater
    kater Member Posts: 447
    edited February 2008

    if it's not okay to post this, tell me and i'll delete...

    update on 2/22/08 

    HOLD ON!

    If there is anyone that did not log in to view aforementioned pictures, please see email (if you are on addy list) that invites you to snapfish, then teddy bear will get 20 free 4x6s, If i understand it right.

    TEDDYBEAR, I added emails from the addy list for you. 



    I didnt even take my arimidex today...whoops...and it's tomorrow already (I drank a pepsi and a red bull). Oh well, at least i can see my countertops and red sink in kitchen again. That's about all I got done!! 

  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2008

    Good Morning Ladies,

    I see everyone has been very busy including me.

    Jackie..I am sorry to see that you had a rough time at chemo. It is just a bump in the road and it to shall pass.. Rest and sending you a hug to feel better.

    Wendy.. I love the pic of you dh. The copper-tone behind is so cute lol. I totally agree that the QOL is very important. This bc is just a bump in the road and we will get through this. Life is too why not enjoy it to the fullest. Moderation is the key, making good choices about nutrition and exercise will keep us healthy.

    Karin..Thanks for the pics on snapfish. You can share the album this way and Kater could put all your pics in there too. Can't wait to meet you in March. Could you bring nice weather with

    Kater..the pictures were wonderful. Thanks for taking them..You are now the official photo girl. I like your new avatar.

    Clyspo and Leesa..were are you. Did you go to your md appointment and what did they say????? Please let us know. We are here for you.

    Laura and Smerf..are you having fun on your trips. Enjoy the sun we are in for some nasty weather this week. Where is spring???

    Rita..I was thinking of you as I was cleaning my basement and found my old bowling ball and shoes...haven't seen these in years!! Very out dated the shoes are..but then again in New York they are a fashion statement. Bowling shoes in different styles and colors..go figure.

    To everyone else I hope you are staying healthy and stress free.

    Question did anyone go to a lymphedema therapist for breast massage ? I am looking into this as my chest is very swollen and painful to touch..When will this all end..

    Now off to the shower and to work. Have a good healthy.. be happy. Think spring.......

    Hugs to all


  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited February 2008

    Morning all!  No snow I see but cold!  And snow tonight with rain/ice/sleet.  Oh goody!!!!

    Jackie...that is a terrible way to wait and wait, then get poked and poked all to start another new chemo which is already nerve-wracking!  Did you get my list that I sent by snail-mail?

    Blackjack....I haven't gone to a LE specialist as that has not reared its' ugly head - yet.  My onc. says that one of the best LE people is sitting right here at Delnor tho.  I may go if we go by plane anywhere, just to see what's what.  Do you want me to get her name for you?  If she is the best, and you don't have to go that often, maybe a place for you to start.  Delnor Hospital is right on Randall Road in Geneva, about 15 min from me.

    Rita...sorry the shoes didn't fit!  But were they cute?  Did you ever try DSW?  Oh...that Olay wrinkle filler?  Didn't do too much.  I will bring it along next time and you can have it, or I can send it to you.  It did work on the shallower craters, but not on the big one.  And I think you would need to put some foundation or something over it but I don't use that so I don't think this will work. are you doing today?

    Karin...bring the spring with you, please?????

    Calypso, are things?

    Well...DH up and moving down the stairs so need to get going...catch you all later.

    Kater....cute avatar!!!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,667
    edited February 2008

    A quick good morning to all.  We are due to warm to the 40's here though the forecast if for my favorite color  not  and maybe even spotty rain.  Rest of the week looks tolerable---is slightly the wrong color.

    ODO-BAN---I have used it on walls ( 2 Bengal cats I took in to find homes for went crazy on a couple of my walls ) and I was able to completely ERASE the damage.  I put it in one of my heat registers and cured that.  I think you can use on nearly anything.....rugs, clothing, etc.  It has something in it completely safe for animals which works on the bacteria of waste materials. 

    Spent a somewhat wakeful night removing sleep cap and bed clothes for periods...not really a huge problem....or at least one I will get use too and live with.....because if it keeps me away from the BIG C I say so what.

    Wendyt---I did get your snail mail and I'm still thinking on it....but I have narrowed the list....only by one....hope I can get back into reading mode....though I'm sure with that much free time at rads time I can.....also hoping that I can do some walking at time of rads for at least a half hour per day if I don't wear out.  My mini-trampoline folds up....I could take that with me as well....decisions, decisions, huh !!!!!

    Karen....I too enjoyed the Snapfish pictures though the avatar ones did all tend to be fuzzy.....I probably would have ordered a couple but didn's know if they would be fuzzy when they came to didn't check into that yet.  It's a great idea though.

    Blackjack---I love this just being bumps in the road....ok, it made me feel that problems are coming along with everything...but it's all manageable in some way...where's there is a will, there is a way. You don't know what phraseology will help people look ------ hopefully in  a positive light --- about the aspects in life that are way less than desirable to so many of us.....and that one plus moderation just strike a cord in me.  That is why it's numbers in this game in more than one are counting even when you don't see it to make things better for all of us. 

    I have to feed all---including myself and get to work this morning but I will be back.  I'm hoping for a good day which I actually believe I will have.  To all, have a fine day today.

    I'll be checking back in after work.


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2008

    Good morning!

    It is so nice to see the sun.  Wendy, I hope you don't get that rain and ice this evening.  That's even worse than snow!  So far, we are supposed to avoid it, which is fine with me.  I'm really getting tired of winter.

    It's funny that you gals are talking about Odor ban.  I just ordered another product off the Internet that's supposed to remove all odors.  It's a concentrate that you mix with water and quite expensive.  It really isn't what it's cracked up to be.  I know this sounds funny but I wanted it for shoes and boots (also for the cat's mistakes).  I walked into the entryway the other day and smelled this horrid odor that smelled like something was damp and wet.  I traced it to Dave's boots.  OMG...terrible!  The stuff I ordered wouldn't even touch them but I'm using it in my new bowling shoes to ward off the bacteria.  Bowling shoes have a tendency to reek a bit too after time because you just leave them in the bag with the ball when you're not using them and I don't want my new ones to smell.  I'd really like to throw those boots away but they aren't very old he'd hyperventilate about it.

    I haven't tried the DSW, Wendy.  I did try a similar product from Clinique.  It made my face feel sticky and tight but didn't do much for the wrinkles so it's just sitting in the cabinet now.

    O.K. Karin.  I did get into snapfish and got the first batch of pictures that you sent.  What do I need to do to get the new ones that you posted there.  I went back to your first album and there wasn't anything new in it?

    Susanne, thinking about you today.  Hugs to you as you go to your appointment!  Please let us know what you find out.

    Well, I'm going to lunch with a friend today so I need to get moving and try to do a few things around here before I leave.  I know it will  be a LONG lunch followed by some shopping or something else.

    I'll check in later to see if Susanne has news for us!  Have a great day!
