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Illinois ladies facing bc



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,782
    edited April 2016

    If seeds in the black earth can turn into such beautiful roses, what
    might not the heart of a human become in its long journey toward the stars?

    G.K. Chesterton

  • doxie
    doxie Member Posts: 700
    edited April 2016

    It's snowing along Lake Michigan. Nice sight because we know it won't last and winter is over.

    Thanks for all your postings Jackie.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited April 2016

    Snowing in Lincoln Park too. Not sticking but it sure does look like winter.

  • ChicagoReader
    ChicagoReader Member Posts: 54
    edited April 2016

    I live in a high rise near the Bloomie's building and around 8:30 this morning, big, fluffy snowflakes were falling outside my window, but not sticking. Now I'm seeing sporadic, lighter flakes. I'm tired of winter and ready for spring!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited April 2016

    SNOW????? No, it's time for that snow to be gone!


    We are back in Illinois and the daffodils are in full bloom, as well as the flowering tulip trees. I am ready for a good Illinois spring......without any of those white flurries! I need to get my taxes ready to take to my tax man and then I need to get out in my yard and work. That's a pleasant task for me! I have several flower beds that need to be cleaned up and lots of small tree branches and limbs that need to be removed.

    Hope everyone is doing well!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,782
    edited April 2016

    You can't live a perfect day without doing something
    for someone who will never be able to repay you.
    - John Wooden

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,782
    edited April 2016

    Welcome home Rita......on this lovely Sunday with all its sunshine coming down to Earth in yellow smiles. Starting off cool but should get to low 70's today. I'd wash my car but already used the car wash a couple of days ago when I was short on time. So, it should be a delightful day here. I wish I could send a whole lot of it to Chicago since I think their weather has turned snowy again. Brrr. Well, I'm wishing you all of you a soon to be renewed Spring will all sorts of warmth in your forecasts.

    Hoping greatly.



  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited April 2016

    Thanks for the Welcome Home! I am still digging things out for the pesky taxes that I need to get done this week. It is quite windy here but the sun is out and I'm going to try to get out in the yard and work on picking up branches for at least an hour today. Hope that everyone is having a good Sunday! It was nice to get back to our little church and see all our church family.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited April 2016

    I left for work this morning and it was 35. It's now 8:00pm and 71. Strange weather these past 2 days.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,782
    edited April 2016

    Acceptance confers great freedom. It's a recognition of reality, and once you've achieved that grounding, it's moving forward. Embrace acceptance as another mode of love in action, one that releases your negative attachment to people and frees you to progress in even more challenging virtues that foster spirituality without judgment.

    Michael Goddart

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,782
    edited April 2016

    image unselectable="on">

    Thought I'd share a cute friend -- something I don't do here very often at all.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,782
    edited April 2016

    Humility does not mean false modesty. Humility does not mean taking a back seat. When you take a back seat consciously and deliberately in order to show others how humble you are, you are not being humble at all. False humility is what slaves show to their masters. Slaves know that if they do not obey their masters blindly, if they do not show this kind of outer humility, the master will punish them. True humility is something totally different; it is the feeling of oneness. Humility means giving joy to others. Here on earth we want to get joy. But how do we get joy? Real joy we get from self-giving, not by possessing or by showing our own supremacy. When we allow others to get joy, then we feel that our joy is more complete, more perfect, more divine. By making others feel that they are either equally important or more important, we show our
    true humility.

    Sri Chinmoy

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,782
    edited April 2016

    Although many of us probably didn't get a thorough education in the value of a positive attitude, we can teach ourselves. Simply by making a decision to look for the good, happy, and beautiful in all things and all people, you will have completed the first and most important step in learning to accentuate the positive.

    Sue Patton Thoele

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,782
    edited April 2016

    Simply give others a bit of yourself: a thoughtful act, a helpful
    idea, a word of appreciation, a lift over a rough spot, a sense
    of understanding, a timely suggestion. You take something out
    of your mind, garnished in kindness out of your heart, and put
    it into the other person's mind and heart.

    Charles H. Burr

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,782
    edited April 2016

    We are all born with a belief in God. It may not have a name or face. We may not even see it as God.But it is there.It is the sense that comes over us as we stare into the starlit sky, or watch the last fiery rays of an evening sunset.It is the morning shiver as we wake on a beautiful day and smell a richness in the air that we know and love from somewhere we can't quite recall.It is the mystery behind the beginning of time and beyond the limits of space.It is a sense of otherness that brings alive something deep in our hearts. -Kent Nerburn

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited April 2016

    Great quotes as always, Jackie. I especially like the one about creating a positive attitude!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,782
    edited April 2016

    Perfect courage is to do un-witnessed what
    we should be capable of doing before all the world.
    La Rochefoucauld

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,782
    edited April 2016

    The ultimate lesson all of us have to learn is unconditional love, which includes not only others but ourselves as well.

    Elizabeth Kuebler'- Ross

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,782
    edited April 2016

    There is no need to invent an ego that is separate from the divine if our basic human nature is trusted. If we trust ourselves, we know how to avoid interfering with nature and how to live in harmony. When we know God as an unseen, loving, and accepting power at the heart of everything, allowing us to make our own choices, then God is a trusted part of our nature.
    Wayne Dyer

    one of my favorites for quotes.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,782
    edited April 2016

    When we experience moments of ecstasy—in play, in art, in sex—they come not as an exception, an accident, but as a taste of what life is meant to be. . . Ecstasy is an idea, a goal, but it can be the expectation of every day. Those times when we're grounded in our body, pure in our heart, clear in our mind, rooted in our soul, and suffused with the energy, the spirit of life, are our birthright. It's really not that hard to stop and luxuriate in the joy and wonder of being. Children do it all the time. It's a natural human gift that should be at the heart of our lives. -Gabrielle Roth

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,782
    edited April 2016

    Joy is what we are, not what we must get. Joy is the realization that all we want or need in life has been
    etched into our souls. Joy helps us see not what we are "going
    through," but what we are "growing to"--a greater sense of understanding, accomplishment, and enlightenment. Joy reveals
    to us the calm at the end of the storm, the peace that surpasses
    the momentary happiness of pleasure. If we keep our
    minds centered on joy, joy becomes a state of mind.

    Iyanla Vanzant

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455
    edited April 2016

    Checking for the first time since March 24......Mimi=my heart hurts reading your ordeal with the AI, Do you ever go to the RENEW c lasses the 4th Tues of the Month? I think the one this month might be on cognitive impairment.....(aka chemo brain---although Dr. Migas says its PTSD since I have it and didn't do chemo)..... After moving my dad from hospital end of Jan to 26 days of rehab then to assisted living on March 3, I have moved him to the nursing home on Monday. the Director at assisted living said it wasn't safe as he slipped or fell twice in one week and wasn't getting up and down well without assistance.

    Had my check up with the ONC today. He is pushing me out to October for the next one as I am two years past diagnosis. Have to the see the PCP for a new symptom we discussed that he wants her to follow up on. toes and fingers and eyes crossed that it is stress and nothing more.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,782
    edited April 2016

    The most glorious moments in your life are not the
    so-called days of success, but rather those days when out
    of dejection and despair you feel rise in you a challenge
    to life, and the promise of future accomplishments.
    --Gustave Flaubert

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,782
    edited April 2016


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,782
    edited April 2016

    Join the great company of those who make the barren places of life
    fruitful with kindness. Carry a vision of heaven in your hearts, and you
    shall make your name, your college, the world, correspond to that
    vision. Your success and happiness lie within you. External conditions
    are the accidents of life, its outer wrappings. The great, enduring
    realities are love and service. Joy is the holy fire that keeps our
    purpose warm and our intelligence aglow. Resolve to keep happy,
    and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulty.
    Helen Keller

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,782
    edited April 2016

    One does not need to fast for days and meditate for
    hours at a time to experience the sense of sublime
    mystery which constantly envelops us. All one need
    do is to notice intelligently, if even for a brief moment, a blossoming tree, a forest flooded with
    autumn colors, an infant smiling.

    Simon Greenberg

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,782
    edited April 2016

    Learn to become still.
    And to take your attention away from what you don't want,
    and all the emotional charge around it,
    and place your attention on what you wish to experience.
    - Michael Beckwith

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,782
    edited April 2016

    Acceptance is not a talent you either have or don't have. It's a learned response. My meditation teacher made a great point about the difference between a reaction and a response: You may not have control over your initial reaction to something, but you can decide what your response will be. You don't have to be at the mercy of your emotions, and acceptance can be your first step toward empowerment . . . For me, acceptance has been the cornerstone to my having an emotionally healthy response to my illness. -Morrie Schwartz

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,782
    edited April 2016

    The ideals that have lighted my way and , time after time, have given me new courage to face life cheerfully have been kindness, beauty, and truth.

    Albert Einstein

  • vanmama
    vanmama Member Posts: 74
    edited April 2016

    Just thought I'd drop in! I do still read a few evenings a week, but rarely post...

    My cancer markers are still looking great. No signs of cancer. I am on a 4 month schedule with my oncologist who I love so much. No matter what kind of mood you are in, when you leave you are feeling very positive and happy.

    I have moved again, this time just 5 miles on down the highway, to the town in which I grew up. My house actually is in the general neighborhood where I lived. I sold the original house we lived in for 29 years and now need to sell the house we had just moved to when my husband died.

    I have a new medical issue--primary hyperparathyroidism. I have a benign tumor (adenoma) on one of my parathyroid glands which will require surgery this summer. I'm really struggling with the symptoms, especially being tired.

    My birthday is Tuesday (I'll be turning 60!!!) and will be celebrating it in Walt Disney World! I decided who deserves "happy" more than me and where better to find it! I am taking my sister who has never been and will probably never have the opportunity otherwise. It'll just be us two old ladies!

    Still dealing with everything the death of a spouse causes... grief hits at the funniest times. We're still working with the estate which will go on for another 6 months, because the local newspaper failed to print the required notice back when  this all started, so now we have to wait another 6 months since it's being posted now. Aarrgghh! I was so ready to be done with some of this!

    Life is going well. Breast cancer is leaving me alone. The world is still turning and I am trying desparately to keep up!


    Edited to add: Rita, please keep our mutual friend up to date. She was so supportive throughout my diagnosis and treatment. I miss her at work!