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Illinois ladies facing bc



  • conniehar
    conniehar Member Posts: 585
    edited March 2008

    I still have numbness in my feet and I agree - it is worse when I wake up then after I have been walking around.  Also, mine gets really bad when my feet are cold.  It drives me crazy.

    I get my drain out tomorrow - yippee!!

    Suzanne - glad you are moving forward.  You want to say you did everything you could so you can be here for your family!  Other than the annoyance, rads wasn't bad at all (sorry blackjack).

  • tdbear
    tdbear Member Posts: 286
    edited March 2008

    Suzanne: If you do get skin discomfort from rads make sure you ask for a "hydrogel pad" They are SOOOOO soothing! Wish I would have known to ask for them sooner!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,696
    edited March 2008

    Connie:  So good to hear from you and you sound like you are mending pretty good.....and will look fantastic I bet.  Another one of the hurdles behind you....that must feel wonderful.

    Suzanne....the radiation is like the chemo---just more insurance upping your chances tonot get a recurrence.  I'm glad you decided to do them.  Many people have the operation and do some radiation because their tumor was so small----and for the majority I think it works surgeon even told me that if they got in and found my tumor small....that is all I would need.  We had high hopes, but Dr. Ryan saved my life.....I had a small tumor---most of which came out during the needle biopsy, but there was a second much larger tumor under a big I'm doing all I can including rads and then a five yr. pill afterwards.

    Blackjack, Leesa, Kater, Kats, tdbear, Susan, Pat, and anyone I missed, hope you had a great Green Day today.

    I'm off tonight to the local hospital for that Look Good, Feel Great to see if anyone can help transform me into........well something.

    I'll see ya'll later.


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2008

    Oh'll love the Look Good, Feel Better session and will come home with a bag of neat beauty products.

    Hip Hip Hooray, Connie....DRAINS BE GONE!!! Tomorrow's the day!  You'll feel so much better!


  • sparker38
    sparker38 Member Posts: 47
    edited March 2008

    Hey all just another lazy day in the neighborhood.  Chilled out with DH trying to get back that ole luvin feelin (I know TMI)lol.  Still feels pretty weird trying to be seductive with one (girl).  Will it ever change? 

    tdbear- I did notice the more I moved around the less pain in legs and feet I had.

    Rita- yes the Reach to Recovery needs you.  Especially if they have anymore people signed up for it like I had.  Called me one time and never called me ever since.  See how great of a job you have done with this thread and getting people together.  They need people like you and the rest of the women in here.  Great women of inspiration.

    Connie glad that you are doing fine.  Yes, planning to have a good time with the fam.  We are staying at the Skyline.  I bought one of those specials to tour a resort (time share) for $120.00 for 4 days and 3 nights.  Just to get away since my finances are on a all time low.  What a cheep way to Touring the Glacier Resort. I think it's part of the Wilderness.  We are getting passes to go to Mt. Olympus.

    Laura- Had a left modified rad mascectomy.  No plans on reconstrucition.  Any info you have please pass it my way.  Especially on swim suits.  Plan on wearing a sports bra and putting my fluff in it for now...

     Hope you all have a great evening.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,696
    edited March 2008

    Oops...found this Irish Blessing for all you lassies when I went into my regular email.

    Herre's wishing you the top o' life without a single tumble

    Here's wishing you the smiles o' life and not a single grumble

    Here's wishing you the best o' life and not a claw about it,

    Here's wishing you the joy in life and not a day without it.

    Enjoy !!!!!!!


  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited March 2008

    HI Ladies,

    Happy St. Pat's Day to everyone..may the luck of the Irish keep all of you healthy and happy!! Sorry, I have not posted all weekend as I have been so busy with mom. She is not doing well at home with her pneumonia and SOB issue. I had to change inhalers and finally got home health involved to come over and see her. I hope this helps her. As for my knee it is a nice shade of blue and doing better. lol

    Leesa.. I am so glad that you are going to see Dr. J. I hope you like him and things get moving for you.  Here's a big hug to you and see you Friday!! glad to see that things are moving in the right direction for rads for you. Taking the first step is always the hardest..we all know as we have been there and we will be there for you too. Baby Are you coming Friday to the Lunch Bunch at Maggianio's??? Let me know.

    Rita..I think a hired contractor is in order now to finish that

    I had to wait 7 months for a toilet..and boy was my bladder full when it arrived 

    Wendy...hope you dh is feeling better. I know my principle was really sick this week and I told him to stay home..but nooo he came to work and infected all of us with his germs. lol men they never learn lol

    Karin..have a safe flight this week. My daughter is still at the airport in Missouri sitting on the tarmac for the past 3 hrs..waiting to take off for a one hr flight. Boy, she is not a happy camper or traveler..crabby lol I told her welcome to the  travel world were things are always on time. not lol 

    Jackie..glad to see that you are feeling better.

    Connie... glad you are feeling better too. I liked your cute hair. It brings out the color of eyes. I hope your son is feeling better too.

    We will miss you you need carryout  lol

    Kater..are you bringing your photog equip on Friday? You know we need to look good for your pics. lol

    Nancyla..Is this your first walk? My girlfriend walked in my honor last Mother's Day as I was having surgery that weekend. Is is so sureel that it will be one year..and what a roller coaster year it has been. But as I look back.. I am so grateful for all of you as you have helped the through this journey. Now I look forward to many new Mother's Day and for every mother who has this bc.. I pray for them too. are you doing over seas and are you safe? The news is so scary because they tell you only the bad stuff. Your work is very important and I hope that they keep you safe. Please keep posting when you can and let us know how you are.

    Nicki..hope you are coming by for a drink Friday..

    Sabrina.. hope you have fun at the Dells. Just watch out for those water slides lol

    To everyone else I missed I hope you are having a great day.

    Now remember to eat lots of corn beef and drink lots of green beer.

    Happy St. Patty Day's to all. Be healthy.. and think spring!!!


  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited March 2008

    Hi Women!

    Sabrina, you are so funny! have one "girl" and I have a football.  They told me it would be funny-looking, but man they never quite got it over how funny it would look!  I have a five inch, nippleless scar! 

    I actually have a funny nipple story to tell you.  Any of you Catholic?   There is a Saint (Peregrine) and he is the patron saint of cancer.  In a desperate moment I went to a St. Peregrine service to pray, among other souls, for a cure.  They gave me this St. Peregrine medal and I kept in my bra (football side).  I kept it there everyday.  I was shopping one day with daughter, Mary,  (Carsons) and tried on a blouse.  We checked it out together in the mirror.  First I found it....then my daughter did.  We looked to right and then to the left.....and by golly we thought we had a miracle on our hands.  I had two nipples!

     I looked at Mary and she looked at me and then back at the miracle.  I went under the blouse to feel my new nipple.  OOPS!  My St. Pergrine medal had slipped down into the bra and formed a nearly perfect nipple.  Reconsider tatoos, girls and consider putting in a medal, or a pea, or penny. 

    Thank you Sebrina for allowing me to recall that delightful day.  My daughter and I were nearly on the floor laughing about that miracle.


  • NancyLa
    NancyLa Member Posts: 81
    edited March 2008

     Hi All,

    I just got a call from my medical oncologist and he told me my Brac1 & 2 came back negative.  I am so happy!!! Laughing  This good news today made up for not being in Naples Florida playing tennis.  Next year, I will be back stronger and better than ever.

    Blackjack, yes this is my first walk. I want to give something back.   I have also signed up to volunteer one day with the Avon 2 day walk.   I believe from the bottom of my heart that God has blessed and bestowed grace on me.  Wow, look at what has happend...first I get bc and now I feel so blessed... it is truly amayzing.

    See you at lunch on Friday.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited March 2008

    LEESA - PLEASE DO JOIN US! You need us now more than ever...we will keep you laughing through this chapter.  

    connie - OMG I take Tamox every day and did not know this! Thanks for sharing that with us. As for the hair...I told you I looked like Curious George...and yes...I had a cut to style my hair through the re-growth will be fine. Don't worry about messing it up...little kids have "virgin" hair and they get haircuts all the time. I'm so happy for have hair again! Isn't hair great! LOL

    calypso - You are one smart gal! You made the decision that's right for you! You will never regret this one...we'll help you through doubt! The decisions that we have to make ARE've made the progression and you will do just FINE!'s an inconvenience, a "pain", a daily reminder of bc, but it's also a lifesaver and a good way to rid your bod of any stray BAD cells. Try to focus on the positive side.  

    Nancy - I will join your team!  

    GIRLZ - Yikes...I miss chatting with you. I'm reluctant to log on during work hours...because of the shortage of office space. I read all the posts though...and keep up with you girlz!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,696
    edited March 2008

    Oh were so right.  I think I may even go back to using make-up again.  I didn't recognize myself when we got done tonight and to top it off......I came home with a great free wig.  It doesn't look like a wig and has way less hair than most wigs so it's very comfortable.  I'm really amazed.  I'm glad you said what you did because after having to go all the way to Carbondale --- 75 miles from here to have my mammo and then all the work when I got back...I started to wonder if I should bother...I'm so glad I did and it was what you said that gave me the inspiration I needed to do it. 

    Well, Dh just may have to take a pic of me soon too.....forget the dog.

    I loved reading all your posts since I was last on here.  See ya'll later.


  • elleng
    elleng Member Posts: 6
    edited March 2008

    Rita, I think you would make a great Reach to Recovery volunteer.  I did it for 10 years prior to my recurrence.  I think you have to be one year past treatment (at least that's how it used to be).  Got questions, let me know.

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited March 2008

    Morning! Raining here, but 36 so no snow is good.  DH is back to school today....he WHINED all day yesterday so I knew he was back to normal. So far I am fine.

    Connie....try getting some Garnier (sp?) super stiff gel...comes in a green tube, not the jar.  I think that's what it's called...then try spiking your hair a bit and see if you like that.  One of the gals that works at exercise wears her hair like this all the time and she looks totally fantastic (and she's in her 50's so no kid) could try this look first.  I tried it and nooooooooooooo!  Went in the shower immediately.  Not the spikey type.  But the gel holds forever.

    Calypso/Suzanne.....YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!  Well not yay that you have to have rads, but YAY!!!!!!!!! that you went and you are moving forward and hitting this hard the first time.  I am so happy we kicked you a bit.

    Rita....Wow!  You sure find time to help people.  I need to do a bit more too.  There is a Wellness center attached to Delnor Hospital and they are always looking for volunteers...I think it's time a called and see.  Thanks for again reminding me that we are not alone, you guys were there for me and I can be there for  the next gal...just so sorry that there is always the "next gal".

    Jackie...I have spellchecker, but not for this forum..unless of course I am looking in the wrong place.  How are the flowers down south?

    Leesa....look forward to seeing you on Friday, honey!  You will be getting extra hugs from Rita, via me.

    Connie...oops...forgot to comment on the glove thing.  The nurse sure wouldn't want to ingest any tam. so that's why the gloves (could be absorbed thru skin, cut etc) and you wouldn't want to pass it on to your children, but I think good hand-washing after pill taking would suffice.  It's a pretty potent drug so you wouldn't want to give even a crumb of it every day to your kids with their cereal.  YOU don't have to wear gloves to take it tho. sound much more upbeat today.  I'm glad....

    Everyone I have forgotten....hope you are well.  Need to get hopping here....Hugs and smiles everybody!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2008

    Hi everyone!

    Wow Ellen!  Think of all the people you've helped during your 10 year service with Reach to Recovery.  My hat goes off to you, gal!  I just finished all my treatments this past August so they might not want me yet in the program.  Nobody called yesterday so we will see what evolves from it.  I'd at least like to talk to somebody from our local and see how it really does work.

    Karin...happy traveling!  It won't be long now and you'll be in Illinois.  So sorry that I won't be able to meet you on Friday.  Enjoy your trip, family and the lovely Illinois ladies!

    See, Wendy...I knew I could convince somebody to adminster my hugs to Leesa on Friday!  While you're at it, please give a few to Karin for me, too.  I've really wanted to meet her.  Thanks!!!!

    Glad hubby is on the mend and that you've escaped the "bug."

    Jackie, so glad you enjoyed the Look Good Feel Better program!  I think everybody should take advantage of it.  Enjoy all the goodies in your sack!

    It's a dreary, rainy day out there so far in central Illinois.  Tuesday bowling is over so I guess I'll scour the stores for things to put in my son and DIL's Easter basket.  I have the baskets done for the little guys but like to make baskets for my "older kids," too.  Then perhaps I'll stop in at one of the book stores with my laptop and write a few questions. 

    Catch you all later.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited March 2008

    Morning Girlz!

    Today is's weird - without an alarm clock I woke up at 5:30! It's amazing how quickly I've become accustomed to my new "schedule".


    (I think this is the dif:)

    Tamox prevents the hormones from producing malignant tumors. The AI'S block the actual production of the hormones that can produce malignant tumors. Key words are highlighted to further define the difference. I - along with my Onc. and my cousin, (she happens to be an Onc. at Loyola) were all "on the fence" regarding whether or not I should switch to an AI. We all agreed - that Tamox has a longer "history"/more research/more clinical trials. AI's are fairly new. After many discussions, they left it up to me. I'm sticking with Tamox for 5 years...I've already been on it for 2 years. We're hoping that by then, more research or perhaps an even "better" alternative OR PERHAPS A CURE will be available. I have Osteporosis. Tamoxifen actually helps build bones, while the AI's can cause bone loss.

    Sabrina - Quite a few of the girls here like the LandsEnd Mast Suit. I have found that if I buy a suit that has a double lining in the top, I just cut a slit - about an inch and a half - just long enough to squeeze my prosth into it. I cut it on the side closest to the arm pit, along the edge.

    SUSAN - I think...last year you did the Y-Me Mother's Day walk with your family and then you did the Komen - Team:No Surrender walk with all of us in September.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited March 2008

    Will one of you let me know if my previous post is encrypted with returns, etc.? (If that's the correct term.)

  • tdbear
    tdbear Member Posts: 286
    edited March 2008

    Laura your post looks normal to me ~

    Am waiting on concourse....passing my time till plane boards. Looking forward to meeting you all on Friday!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited March 2008

    Thanks! Have a safe and happy trip!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,696
    edited March 2008

     A very, very wet good morning from Southern Illinois.  It poured all night----starting around the time Dh got home from work  10:00 p.m.  It's still doing's nearly 9:00 a.m. now and no sign of letting up.  Our yard is SOGGY all over more than any place else.

    The whole winter has been wet and we are saturated. must not have the thingy I do right above this box where I can hit the bold button or the Italic button or paragraphs....or smiley or other faces.....and spell checker.  Maybe I have a newer version since I didn't join until December of 2007.

    Oh well.....I just couldn't manage without the thing.

    Laura....glad you talked about the Tamoxifen....this is going to come up for me later on this summer when I'm done with the radiation.  I had made up my mind to try to "use" anything I could to handle this  so I won't need much discussion when the time comes.

    Forgot to mammo turned out fine....they did a third picture as their was some dense tissue at one side but it read just fine.  I felt like all would be well and had that attitude along with me. 

    Well, have to go back this a.m. and finish cleaning which I stopped early to go to Carbondale yesterday.  I will be checking in later on today. 

    Hope you all have a great day.....and stay at least half way dry. 


  • tdbear
    tdbear Member Posts: 286
    edited March 2008

    Free AnimationsYEA Drain be gone day!!!

    I have spell check and I've been a member since '02. Far rt side above typing ABC and a check mark...

    Yes I'm bored waiting Laughing

  • tdbear
    tdbear Member Posts: 286
    edited March 2008

    NOW they tell me Chicago is on "advisory" due to T'storms!!

    Thunder storms GO AWAY!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited March 2008
    Wendy - When you key in a post...across the top of the box is a check mark with the ABC...that's spell check.
  • motheroffoursons
    motheroffoursons Member Posts: 80
    edited March 2008

    Jackie (Illinois lady)  Congratulations on a good mammogram.  It would be so much easier if we could study for these tests and then pass them.Laughing

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited March 2008

    LOL - I was never good at tests! LOL  Laughing

    Connie - DRAIN, DRAIN, GO AWAY...but DO NOT come another day! Wink

    Rita - I second that notion! You would be a FAB counselor...

    Ellen - That's wonderful of you too!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2008

    Hey, we not only have continuous rain, we have fog, too and it hasn't lifted much all day long.  It's yucky out there!  I hope you don't have any weather-related delays, Karin!  We'll keep our fingers crossed.  So Sharon...what's your weather like over there this time of year?

    Jackie...a good mammo report is ALWAYS good news!  Yea!

    The clothes dryer is buzzing and since I hate to iron about as much as I hate to grocery shop, I'd better get down there and get those clothes out!

    Hope everyone is having a good day.


  • Calypso
    Calypso Member Posts: 132
    edited March 2008

    Yay Jackie! 

    Sharon, that's so funny!  I'd sure burn the midnight oil if I could study for my next mammo. 

    I'm going to make a little "good rads charm" to carry starting NEXT WEEK MONDAY at my appointed time of 2:45.  (I picked that time so I'd get home a bit early each day.) Anybody need a "good mammo charm"? 

    Blackjack, I think I won't be there for lunch Friday as I now have to go back to the hospital for one more appointment at 10:45 on that day.  What are they going to do next? I don't know!  Today they did a CAT scan and put on my tatoos.  At one point while I was laying there all exposed a bunch of people came into the room and they were all excited about something.  Turned out they were about to use a brand new version of their ultrasound software that had never been used anywhere before (so they said).  Felt kinda good to be getting cutting edge technology.  Now that I've decided to do it I feel so relieved, and the people there are quite nice.  Gave me some pretty daffodils as I left. 

    Connie Drain Out Day! Yay!

    Oh thanks, Laura, just found my spell check. 

    Oh cool, just found the smiley, too!!!!!! Kiss Laughing Money mouth Smile How fun is this!

  • smerf
    smerf Member Posts: 476
    edited March 2008

    Yay jackie!

    Sharon, I'd be willing to cram for that test!

    Calypso   So glad you are going ahead with this next step. The appt will probably be your simulation. My sim was good, so they gave me my first tx at the same time.

    Hope everyone is staying dry today!

  • smerf
    smerf Member Posts: 476
    edited March 2008

    I'm so glad my post went through. I've been locked out again, by my dh's security. Most annoying thing, but he likes to be safe. For some reason everytime he updates the security I'm locked out of this site. Well, not completely. I can read posts, but not write any. Grrrrrr.....frustrating!

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited March 2008

    OK....well, duh....I found the spell-checker.  Thanks, Jackie.

    Now....this is so strange....I missed every post on page 114.  They were not there this am. I missed some stuff!

    Jackie...Yay!  regarding your Mammogram!

    Nancy....Yay!  regarding being neg Brca...for you and your family!

    Karin....hope you have made it safely to Elgin!

    Sabrina....I am betting your DH does not care one whit whether you have boobs, one boob, two boobs, or 5 boobs.  He just wants you around.  Now that I think of it...maybe I overspoke...I don't think there are any men alive who could handle a 5-boobed woman!

    Calypso....Yay!!!  You have begun, and it will be a pain in the a** to go everyday but I am soooo happy that you are whacking cancer's butt with everything you can.  Are you sure you can't make lunch?  You know we will be there for quite a while!

    Connie....Yay! Drain-be-gone!!!!!  C'mon...get a baby-sitter for Friday!

    Nicki...don't forget Friday! is great on the computer, but it sure screws up the fun things!

    Restaurant update for any of you who go to Algonquin Commons...went there today with my exercise ladies to Mimi's Cafe.  Great food, great service, great prices.  And the BEST part?  You order a cup of soup and a salad, being good, right?  Well...with salads you get a ginormous muffin..almost as big as my head!  5 different kinds plus one seasonal.  I did behave and had the low-fat blueberry...and I ate the whole thing!  It was so good....

    Everybody...hope I got you all this time...have a great night!

  • conniehar
    conniehar Member Posts: 585
    edited March 2008

    Well, the drain is out!  Feels very good to be free!  Dr. wants to me massage my new boob for the next month to see if we can stretch out the skin at all for a nipple.  At this point, because of the radiation, he can't do it - so I guess I am stuck with a football.  Too funny, Susan - never thought of it that way.

    Hope everyone else is ok!  Have a great evening.