Illinois ladies facing bc
It's 6PM at Pompeii's on Higgins road in Schaumburg. I would have to look up the exact address, but it is in a strip mall that I believe also has a Target. Wish I could meet you there, but my son has come for a surprise visit, so I am cooking for him tomorrow night. Have fun!
Next time, Pat
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Hi gals!
Well the weather fairy sent a nice downpour our way and both the day and night Golf Rally for the Cure were cancelled. We got everyone registered this morning and then it hit so we couldn't play. It's rescheduled for next week .....or whenever we can get it in but what a lot of work went into getting everything out there today, only to pack it up and take it back to Wendy's house and then carry it all back next week. WendyTY has the brunt of the work unfortunately but so far we have earned over $3,000 and still haven't collected any money from the night gals and still have another week to sell raffle tickets on the Cubs tickets and the homemade afghan that were donated.
Buddy, I'm so glad that you got your treatment in today! I had no trouble with the nuelasta shot so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you follow in my footsteps. Hugs as you continue on with your journey now.
Laura, how long are you going to be needing the glitzy jewelry? Is this a short-term project or are you going to be working on it for awhile?
I hope all of you gals have a great time tomorrow night! I wish I could have joined you. We need to think about a more central gathering so we can all get together this summer, but summer is getting away from us quickly.
Blackjack, the golf swing is such a unnatural swing that it takes some time to learn. Hey, I'm still learning! It wasn't until last year that I actually learned to use one of those big drivers. The main idea is to not worry about how you golf..........just get out there and do it and you will begin to see improvement and have fun at the same time.....and it will give you the chance to wear your golf outfits or to shop for some new ones! LOL Just keep hanging in there and you will get it!
Hey Smerf, enjoy your son's visit! What a nice surprise!
How you doing, Annette? Been thinking about both you and Ginny and hoping things are going well for both of you.
Well, I need to just crash for awhile. I was up and at the club by 7:15 this morning. I'm usually up well before that time but I don't move that quickly everyday. It's just wore me out! (sniff, sniff, sniff!!!)
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Hi everyone ! Wow, there are about 5 or 6 full pages since I last popped in.
Just wanted to say hello - I started the new job on Monday & I'm really tired. I'm in 8 hour classes all day long for the next 2-3 weeks. It's a very detailed job, and the pay is crap - lol. It's a nice, new building in a scary neighborhood. There was a murder in a store across the street a few months ago. Yikes! In this economy, they realized they could get experienced help for little $$. But I won't complain, I am lucky to have gotten the job.
Sorry I dont' have time to "talk" to everyone........
Smerf - sending the very best thoughts to your friend
Laura - congrats on the new arrival, so darn adorable!
Ginny - best of luck with tx, I"m glad the first one went ok
Wendy - thanks for asking how I'm doing I'm sorry but I wont' be at Pompei tomorrow night.
JulieB - early b-day wishes to you. I'm not sure when I'll get online again!
To everyone else - just sending good thoughts & all that jazz.
I've got 2 hours of MRI on Saturday (what fun!) - just to r/o anything weird in brain/cervical spine. I'm not worried about it, to be honest. It's a royal pain to lie in that stupid thing, isn't it ??
Anyway - just wanted to let you all know I'm thinking of all of you guys..... don't forget me .
Take care.. Juliet
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Probably won't be able to get on here tomorrow much....but I'm finally home and it's about 10:40 p.m. Some of my days get awfully long. Just wanted you to know all my numbers today were good ones. Lymph nodes all small and in place with no unusual feelings. Ca marker 16.....hooray. No complaints from me this time. Hope you all had a most wonderful day. I'll catch up with you again tomorrow some time.
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Jackie, So glad the appointment went well. The last time that I went my number was 18. I guess it can vary from time to time because mine was a 14 the time before. It's just like cholesteral or weight. There is a safe range and then a range that causes some concern and extra "watching." So glad you got good news. I had been thinking about you. What a long day that made for you, though! Hugs!
Juliet, always good to hear from you! Yikes! That does sound scary! It sounds like the job is very challenging. Do you like it? You know I taught in a rural school district for 33 years and the pay was also pure crap. (so is the retirement benefits when you don't make that much over the years of work) but I always loved my job regardless of the pay. Now I wish that I would have been teaching in a larger district with better pay, but it's sure too late for that now. At least I can say that I enjoyed going to work for most of those years.
Laura, I go to lots of yard sales to find toys and books. I will keep an eye out for glitzy jewelry for you. I probably won't get to any this weekend but hope to get back into the yard sale mode next week. You can sometimes find real treasures there! LOL The bras are cute. With much of my house being a large A-frame, I don't have much wall space for hanging anything so I don't have any place for one. However, that's a very creative idea. I still think you should make up several different things and do the craft shows or the summer and fall drives and craft festivals. Maybe you should just come down this year and go on the Spoon River Drive with me and see the types of things that are selling there.
Well, I'm doing coffee later this afternoon with a gal that I was connected with from the Reach to Recovery Program this afternoon. I'm so glad we were connected. She's such a great gal and is doing the CMF chemo now, too.
In the meantime, I'm going to write some questions and do some laundry so I'd better get off here and get moving.
I'll be back later.
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Just a quick drive-by as I overslept - chilly nights are good for something!
Budders...claritin I was told to take it day of and 2-3 days after the neulasta. I never got any bone pain.
Jo....instead of yelling "Wendy", look in the parking lot for a black "Z" convertible with the plates "Wendi K"...and then look for the extremely pretty lady with the killer bod.
I will be the one sitting behind her in the corner.
Juliet...BE CAREFUL!!!! Aw c'mon! Come to Pompeii! Even if just for a coke or something!
Jackie....YAY!!!!!! 16 is a beautiful number!
Gotta scoot......
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good THOUGHTS Juliet....WOW. new job too.. Got alot goin on and yet it is a good sign that life is goin on and that is great to see. Lying in that thingy for a MRI, does sounds kind of boring but i never had one done... think of a song and start singing when you are there..lolol. Really i am hoping it goes fast and everything turns out perfectly.
Jackie...YEA for you!!!!!Bet having that all done feels like a major relief!!! You are one strong lady and feel it in each post you send!!!! You are a true inspiration to me and appreciate your sharing of wisdom. What a long day it must of been as you wrote late!Hope you got some decent rest.
Ginny... good thoughts being sent for your treatment being under your belt!!!
This weather is sooo annoying.. hope all is well. HAVE TO IRON today..who is goin to help??
Rita... too bad the golf outing was cancelled!!1Terrible how this weather is continuing as it is!!!You certainly are one busy lady..phew!!!Tire me out just following!!
Budders...Hope all is goin well and one more..yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!\
Jo... Quick question, when you had your ovaries taken out... what were your side effects as I am assuming you were not in menopause yet? Are you taking any hormone therapy for this? That is what i am so confused on, i am now in menopause, from chemo and started prior to my BC surgery.AND now i wonder is it safe to do any kind of hormone therapy.. as i am triple negative.. what can be affefcted now?? The ovaries coming out bothers me as i just feel they are still somewhat useful?! I do NOT have a mutation in my BRCA gene test.. only a insignificant variant found in BRCA 1.. have no idea what that means, and goin to call MYRAID labs.. my gene counslor could not confirm anything other than notbeng very concerned. Anyway.. just have alot to educate on this now.
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Sorry i posted all wrong again.. read carefully!!!
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Good morning everyone...
I won't be able to make the get-together tonight. So hopefully I'll get to meet you all when this darn chemo is over. I started running a fever yesterday afternoon, and then got to spend 3 glorious hours in the ER. (which of course were from 10-1) so besides having a virus going on, and my WBC at a 1.4, I'm tired too.
Did anyone have counts this low? The docs act like it's okay but kind of scares me.
Donna... No I wasn't in menopause yet. (Don't know if I've ever said but I just turned 40 when diagnosed. I haven't had many SE's. A few hot flashes and 2 times I've had night sweats. (don't know if coincidence but both were when I had a nightmare) This is it in 2 months. I don't get hormone therapy but I think that's because I'm ER+. Though it still makes me worry about all the things that the estrogen does help protect against, though no going back now. I just listened to the doctor. I see the gyne in the fall so will ask more about it and see if there is any thing natural that I can take that won't also affect my bc outcome. Don't know if this also helps but "they" say that menopause symptoms are hereditary. Like if you know what your moms or grandma's were like they should be similar. Fortunately my grandma said they were no problem and I seem to be taking after her. I would call Myraid but I think that means the same as non-conclusive, but definately check with them, obviously they know more than me.
Okay, back to bed now. Hope everyone has a good time tonight.
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Hi ladies - looking forward to dinner tonight!
Juliet - good to hear from you. Sorry your job is so tiring. Keep at it and you never know what will pop up in the future.
Jo - sorry about the fever. I hope you feel better. I had low blood counts a few times but I don't think they got below 8. 1.4 does sound low, but I'm sure your doc knows what he's talking about.
Jackie - congrats on the low ca marker! My onc never mentions my marker. Does everyone else know theirs? Is it always checked? If I got my blood work what would it say - I'm sure the report doesn't say cancer marker - or does it?
Thinking of everyone going through treatment! Have a great day.
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Juliette, where are you? Are you in the city? Of course, no one will forget you.
Rita and Wendy, sorry the golf was canceled. You are making lots of money.
Jackie, happy for your news! Like Connie, my doctor never talks about markers. Probably good for me as I get obsessive about stuff like that.
Laura, I too will look for jewelry. My darling mother wore "gaudy" jewelry all the time. It was so gaudy, we gave it away. Wish I hadn't. So much of it is coming back.
For some reason this is the year of the weddings and with them, all the bridal showers This is getting expensive. I have one standard outfit I wear and am getting away without buying anything new as I do want to drop weigh and not invest in clothes. I am optimistic. Luckily, the hip only hurts at night and when I climb stairs or ride a bike up a hill so I can still walk and swim!
Have fun tonight. I am so happy surgery day has finally arrived. Sally is climbing the walls.
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Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers for my friend. She is still in hospital, and still very ill.
Susan, I'm thinking of your friend too, and wishing for the best. Surgery is frequently done without general anesthesia, and sometimes better with fewer se's. Happy to hear good news about your hip pain, but sorry you still have it.
My onc does not do tumor markers as they vary so much from person to person. I think I'm glad to have one less thing to think about.
Jo, I'm sorry you're not feeling well. My counts went down to 1.8 during taxol, and I did have a low grade fever a couple of times during chemo. I felt like a wet noodle, and could barely stand up. I slept right through the bad days. My WBC's went to 1.8, and my onc said if they went down one tenth more the next week she would start prophylactic antibiotics. The next week they were up one tenth, so just got chemo. I had 12 weekly taxols.
Gotta run to an appointment, so everyone have a great day!
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Hello everyone- I'm sorry to not be checking in more. I'm doing a lot better now, my ankle has almost healed and they determined that my headaches were from occipital neuralgia caused by trauma to the nerve when I fell. They are much better most days- I just have to watch the way I hold or turn my head. The best thing is that it no longer hurts to be on the computer.
I'm sorry to say that I just found out I can't come to the dinner tonight. Tomorrow I'm leaving for Sonoma for a week and I now have to type up some important reports for my husband's business before I leave. There's just no way I'm going to get it done if I go to the dinner. (Michelle, I'm so sorry to tell you last minute like this...) I'm so bummed... I was looking forward to a good gab session.
Reminding everyone that you are all invited to my home in Lake Zurich for our August get-together. Saturday, August 1st from 1 pm on. I thought we could do a pot luck luncheon- I'll provide the main course (probably sandwiches) and the drinks! Please let me know if you can come!
Well, back to work- and then I'll be gone to California for a week.
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Hi Girls - Hope you're all having a decent day! I can't believe it... the sun is out and it's NOT raining! OMG - lol
Looking forward to tonight... will definately be having bread pudding for dessert! It's soooo good!
Those who can't join us... BUMMER! But we know you'll be there in spirit!
Jan - Have a nice time in CA - When I went to Sonoma, we went to Chateau St Jean winery - stayed at the Sonoma Mission Inn and Spa... It's a nice part of CA. Count me in on the 1st!
Jo - Hope you feel better soon. If you are er+ why are you not taking hormone treatment...I'm just curious.
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Laura... Am I not understanding, doesn't the hormone therapy feed the ER+. I will have to dr. t about it and see if he tells me to talk to gyne. The gyne is the dr. I switched to a week before surgery so I will have to build that repor with her. I think this is why I need to get together with you ladies soon, so I can ask a few more questions.
The bras are so Cool! You'll have to put one up at Blarneys Island. Don't know if it would drum up any business, but it would be the best looking one up there.
Have a great time tonight.
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mamaq - there is a difference between hormone therapy and hormone replacement therapy. Hormone therapy for a cancer patient is taking tamoxifin or femara or one of the similar pills to prevent your ER+ or PR+ cancer from reproducing. Hormone replacement therapy is what your ob would give you to replace missing ovaries, etc if you wanted estrogen in your system. A cancer patient would not want hormone replacement therapy. Estrogen encourages cancer to grow and reproduce, so that is why they are trying to cut off our estrogen by removing ovaries or throwing us into menopause. This is the way I understand it. Annette
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Annette... Thanks for the help. Got a little confused there for a second. Will be doing hormone therapy after chemo. As for the ovaries, they just took them out and that was it after they checked to see how I was healing. Should I be pursuing some more info from the gyne? She just said that she'd see me in the fall.
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MAMAQ - No you are probably fine waiting till fall to see gyn unless something develops before then. Your onc should be giving you the hormone therapy whenever it is time. Good luck with your chemo. I am finished with it and start rads on July 27. Annette
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Annette - Great explanation for Jo...Rads - most of the time - is a slam dunk compared to chemo. It's more of an inconvenience - because it's everyday. Best wishes.
Our get-together last night was small but great - and as usual... we didn't shut up for a second! lol It was great seeing Connie, JulieChicago and Michele T.
Wendy (hope dh is doing better), Jan, smerf and other regulars... sorry you couldn't join us.
Hope Ginny and Joanna are doing okay.
Haven't heard from Sharon, Karin, Sabrina, Jule, Becky & Leesa in a long time! Hope they're doing well.
HELLO to both Carols... and best wishes to any others that we haven't heard from lately.
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Morning! Cloudy (of course), rain on the way (of course) and chilly (of course). Yuck.
JulieChicago.......Happy Birthday!
Jo.....yep. When we say "hormone therapy" we actually mean "anti hormone therapy". The meds we take if we are hormone positive decrease the estrogen in our bodies, hopefully stopping the fueling of any future er/pr+ tumor growth.
Sorry I missed last night. DH is feeling better (or at least he doesn't have a fever this am) but I'm not! Woke up this am with sinus congestion, a killer headache and a sore throat. Hoping that whatever I have is gone by vacay next week. Maybe it's just the lousy weather. I'm gonna scout around and see if I have any sinus stuff but I have a feeling a quickie trip to Walgreens is in my future.
Ever notice that when you run into Walgreens for one item, you come out with 5 or 10????? Interesting store......
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Reading about hormone replacement, being triple negative, i am assuming, it is still dangerous for me to do such. BUT, it my ovaries are takened out as i am considering, would it still be?Actually, i am feeling better and better and getting stronger. I would say, to be without any type of hormone therapy is a good idea.
Happy Birthday..Julie.. enjoy and be well!!!
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY JULIE! I hope the sun shines brightly on your day! Enjoy it regardless of the weather. It's your day to be pampered!!!!
Love Ya....Rita
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HORMONE INFO - Whether you're adding, preventing or blocking hormones (depending on your diagnosis) you may want to research bio-identical hormone replacement. A good place to start is to find a compounding pharmacy in your area. Call them and ask the pharmacist for the name of a Dr who regularly prescribes bio-identical compounds. Then call him/her and atleast talk about it. See what they would suggest to effectively keep your hormones at a safe level. A level that balances the Progesterone and the Estrogen. This is very effective at limiting the nasty side effects that un-balanced hormone levels can cause...moodiness, hot sweats, depression, no libedo, and the list goes on. Bio-Identicals are all natural... they contain NONE of the cra* that's in the synthetic ones... aka the ones that - years ago caused women to GET CANCER! The ones that the pharmaceutical companies used women as human guinie pigs. It infuriates me! But anywho... do some research... check it out. I am going for a consultation in about a month...
Here's a news article about it - of course there are critics, but watch it to the end. Asking a traditional Dr if bio-identicals are harmful - is like asking a hair stylist if you should get a haircut.
Rita - I sent you an e-mail about Spoon River... thanks for all your suggestions!
Wendrew - Hope you're feeling better!
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"Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of your
-- Mort Walker0 -
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JULIE - I have to agree with blackjack -
YOU LOOK FAB - no will be a knockout at your upcoming class reunion!
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Good Morning everyone.....hmmm, those old hormones....such trouble sometimes. I would probably stay on the Arimidex for now because for the most part so far I am doing well but if at the end of five years....depending, I might want to think about changing things a bit.
Feeling that you will find our more Laura ( and will hopefully share if and when you do ) when you go for your appt. Off the top of my head....I am thinking you would really have to balance everything in your body to get the synergistic effects....not just hormones, but all electrolytes etc. wouldn't you think. I just have this idea if one thing is out of kilter that it will have some effect on others.
Glad you all had a good time at the dinner. Was anyone available to take a picture or two. Sure hope so.....for those like myself who so far have not managed to get to's the second best way to be here and enjoy.
Dh is gone starting today and until Sunday night to Bettendorf, Iowa. The Iossi clan has a get together every three years there. So, I have time off and can work on my own schedule w/o having to factor in his needs all the time. One of my first projects is sleeping in tomorrow morning. Also ( some fellows are so typical **jokes and all** aren't they ) I will have total control of the tv remote for a change and I can hardly wait. Dh turns tv down as the commercials for the most part are always louder ( not quite as much as much as they once were though ) and forgets to turn it back up and I struggle to hear everything. ears are not what they once were but when the tv is practically on mute---please give me a break. I'm not touching that down volume button.
Anyway, I'll check back later and see how all are doing...
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Jackie....giggling here re: your remote! DH never wants the remote - he always hands it directly to me. I trained him well!
Funny.....rain moved thru and my headache went with it. Must have been the barometric pressure or something. DH still upstairs, moaning, but I think he is on the mend as he has decided that ice cream would be a good dinner!
Oh well...I don't have to cook!