Illinois ladies facing bc



  • donnadio
    donnadio Posts: 674
    edited July 2009

    Laura.... KNOW all about the bio-identicals.. did  it for a good 7 years. Had a compound pharmacist and they did monitor is but you really need a good DR to read the saliva testing and to monitor it as the pharmacist does not with the amount of women they handle. One good thing is having a nurse practiciner as a back up for questions and to be sure you are on target with what is prescirbed as homrones  do not stay the same.

     Loved beng on the creams prescribed..but still got breast cancer and who knows what really is safe?Heck,Suzanne Sommer stayed on her Bio's during her breast cancer. I am still on the fence to start it all again.

  • conniehar
    conniehar Posts: 585
    edited July 2009

    Hi ladies -

    Happy Birthday Julie!  I was great to see you, Laura and Blackjack last night.  We missed everyone that could not make it.  Glad to hear your DH is feeling better Wendy - and that you don't have to cook!  That probably makes up for having to be his nurse yesterday.  I think most men are big babies when they are sick.

    Well, I am headed to Allstate Arena with my daughter tonight to see... The Jonas Brothers!!!

    She is jumping out of her skin.  I am prepared for lots of screaming girls.  I have ear plugs!   After the concert, we are headed up to MI for the weekend.

    Hope everyone is having a great day!

  • donnadio
    donnadio Posts: 674
    edited July 2009
    Connie....HOW funny!!!!!Goin to see the Jonas Brothers.. just a hoot!!!Hope you do not loose your hearing!!!! What a MOM!!!!
  • elf_song
    elf_song Posts: 148
    edited July 2009

    Hello, ladies~!  

    Julie- I wish you a wonderful Happy Birthday~! 

    Christi73- I hope you are doing well from your 1st chemo..  rest as much as you can..  take one at a time my thoughts and prayers are with you~! (that quilt is BEAUTIFUL~!)

    Buddy- I hope your elephant feet will go away soon..   I had my hands swelling big time with tx and it was very painful but it went away little after last chemo..  

    Susan- HERE I AM~!~!   I am glad your test results are good..  but sorry for the pain though...

    Jackie- glad your 3months check up went well..

    Jo- hope you are doing well, sorry you had fever..  hang in there~!

    Annette- thanks for the info. something new for me since I am ER-

    Wendy- something about Walgreens...  I do too..  run in for the medicine and come out with extra~~     like you said, it is interesting store~!

    Connie- wow~ going concert with your daughter...  I wish I can do that..   be prepare for the big and loud screams~!~!  and don't forget to have fun too~!

    My CT scan was Negative...  what a relief~!     but head pain still there... why why why...  I told my rad doc and she told me to see a pcp and ask her what she can do to help so, I will do that.. and went to see my ps and he said, I have to wait until november to get my implant to put in..  he said the longer radiation treatment you have you gotta wait longer too..    I was hoping I can get it around september or october...  darn it~!

    Did I miss another get together again??  I am glad you ladies had great time.. 

    I am thinking about your ladies all the time and wish you well always~!~!  When I can meet you ladies???   one day I will~!  love you all~!~!~!~!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185
    edited July 2009

    Evening everyone.....good to see you back Elfsong.  May I be the first to say whoopee for the negative ct scan.  That is wonderful.....Didn't get to sleep till after 2 a.m this morn....up at 5:45 for coffee and morning news.  Got Dh off and out of my hair....then some breakfast, pills and off to work.  Finished just after five....went and fed feral cats....then home to clean out 10 litter boxes, then decided to wash my car....suppose to rain and just enough dust to make it look awful if so.  Then inside, fed Baby Boss....jumped in the shower and got clean.  Too tired to cook now so I made me an egg sandwich with mustard....sure love them.  I'm about ready for my recliner for sure. 

    Ah yes.....the remote.....I think that sparked some movie --- like War Between the Tates are something like that.  I hurry at night to turn on the t.v. thinking.....I've got control now but the moment I'm engrossed I look down and suddenly it's on hubby's side of the table.  I am always saying " that's a really good way to miss the sun coming up tomorrow " but he just laughs at me. 

    Hope you all had a wonderful day.  See you tomorrow.


  • Juliechicago
    Juliechicago Posts: 179
    edited July 2009


    Thanks for all the birthday wishes! I actually did have a really nice day. Took the day off of work.  Got my hair cut, colored. Did a little shopping, found a great outfit at the um- Black & White store- forgetting the right name right now.  Even shoes!  DH and the kids and I went to a new Italian place that just opened in Palatine-- Bella Cucina. OMG I'm so stuffed. Please ignore all reports of an elephant loose in Palatine tomorrow-- it's just me trying to go running.  Had to laugh-- after this enormous meal, my husband's gift to me was-- three personal trainer sessions!  The kids had found these funny cards that sing- we were all laughing. A nice night.

    I have much catching up to do on everyone- just did a brief skim.  Sending my best wishes to all. Have a great weekend!

    *Wendy-- I get barometric pressure headaches constantly- whenever a front of some kind comes in- I feel the ache begin. Wish I understood how that works- and how to make it stop.  I joke I'm the human weather head...

  • Rene23
    Rene23 Posts: 290
    edited July 2009

    Sorry I missed the gathering last evening, ladies.  Glad you had a nice time.

    Happy Birthday, Julie!  

    Elfsong - Congrats on the negative CT scan.  Such a relief to get those over with.

    Connie - LOL... enjoy the concert.  I'm laughing because I did my time with my daughter years ago with more N'Sync concerts than I can remember!   Actually it wasn't that much of a hardship since I really enjoyed Justin and JC's vocals... and the dancing was great fun!  

    I had my visit with my BS this week.  He was very confident with the report on the calcifications in my good side not having changed in the last 6 months.  I told him my concerns about a lump I am feeling in my mastectomy side.  I already gave that boob, NO LUMPS ALLOWED!  Anyway, he felt the same thing I did, so he did an ultrasound.  Fortunately, or unfortunately, he couldn't find anything with the sono... so, we are going to just take another look in 2 months.  I'm comfortable with that since I'm trying very hard not to over react about it.  If it was truly significant, I think we would have seen more on the sono.  Of course, as a sono tech, I may be overconfident in my technology. :)

    Went to the Harry Potter exhibit at the Museum of Sci. and Ind. today.  I really love those books/movies.  If you are, or know of anyone who is a fan, it's worth going to see.  

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185
    edited July 2009

    from one of my favorite spiritual authors

    "Accept - then act. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it."

    Eckhart Tolle

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Posts: 1,458
    edited July 2009

    Morning! OK...I see that I can't post pics this morning! Very cloudy on the deck this am, everything very wet...temp 68.

    Jackie....laughing and thinking about you last night as you sat in your recliner with your remote. Our cable, for no discernable reason, went out at 6pm and did not come back on until almost 11pm (and I know that as someone who will not be mentioned left on the TV downstairs and it came booming back on, waking us up). Would have been a shame to have that remote and no TV to point it at!

    Elfsong....glad your scan was neg but it didn't answer the headaches. When was the last time you went for an eye exam? Just thinking....

    Karin...hey, where ya been? You OK?

    Rene...gosh, haven't been to the Mus of S&I for years! It's one of those things I have on my list to re-visit tho.

    Conniie......are your ears still buzzing from the concert???? You are a good Mom! And a fun one!

    JulieChicago...sounds like your BD was a great one! You know, winds tend to blow away fronts and change air pressure so maybe if we just aimed a fan at one ear, it would blow thru and out the other ear and take our headache with! I'll try that next time and let you know.....

    DH is up and around already this am, but still whining and moaning. My patience is wearing thin (read that as: I am going to smack you if you don't shut up). Time to get a move on, maybe a long walk this am....or...maybe not! Reading a good book and it is calling me......

    Have a great Saturday everyone....hope everyone in tx is feeling as good as possible. Christi - check in!

    MAMAQ Posts: 140
    edited July 2009

    Hey everyone...  Just venting my insecurities this morning.  I love to take pictures, which most of the time is for fun but occasionally people will ask me to do it for them.  Family pics, simple wedding, etc.  Well, there is another mom from school that has cancer.  It started in lungs and metastisized to brain. However, she was battling like a trooper until a few weeks ago when the dr. told her she only had a few weeks left.  (don't you wonder how they can give a time frame like that, as if they know)  Well, she asked if I could come over and take a family picture.  I really want to do it for her and especially for her husband and kids but it is really messing with my optimism about myself.  I can't say it's only her prognosis but other things also.  My daughters teachers husband lost his battle on Wednesday and Matt (The boy from 8th grade) now has a tumor in his mouth.  I'm feeling a little overhelmed by cancer altogether.  Has anyone else felt like this?  Sorry, what a downer I am this morning. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185
    edited July 2009

    MamaQ.......Can't say that I know how your feeling....but I think it is difficult to feel secure when often it seems like canser ( intentional miss-spelling ) rages all around us while it is inside of US too.  We face so many difficulties in life.....and then here comes this one that is so life-threatening showing up --- often for no reason ( no family history ) and out of the blue.  We do what we can, and often feel fairly comfortable with our treatment plan, but then someone we know --- or worse yet, a friend or family member loses the battle and the little nagging chip of a feeling that sits somewhere inside bounces right back up to the top.  Am I going to make it ----  what if all my confidence --  all my bravery and fortitude, is miss-placed.  What if I am one of the negative statistics after all. 

    I have no truly good one really knows what part of the statistic we will be.  For me, all I know is that I have to do all that I can to work with my Dr.s to effect a return to a non-cancerous body and then walk on in faith.  Now that does not mean that I will always have supreme confidence or never get scared again or have some feelings of depression, but it means that in the absence of complete certainty ----  which none of us are really going to have.....I have to occasionally pick myself up when I'm down and once again choose faith....then go out and live every minute doing the best I can. 

    It is ok to be down now and then.....after all when your down....the only other way is up. 

    My thoughts are with you....and you are not a downer this morning.  You are honest and realistic.  That counts for so very much.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • zap
    zap Posts: 1,850
    edited July 2009

    Mamaq:  I have felt this way.  I really felt it one day in the onc's waiting room with a young mom who's chemo was palliative and not curative.  I then realized just how unfair cancer is.  I had my babies and watched both grow up and one have two of her own. I shared the infusion room with her as it was a busy  day for cancer-killing and we talked while the poisons dripped into our veins.  Cancer robs of of our lives (for some) and of our confidence (for most) We are told to live a moment at a time.  But how do we do that?   Mamq, you have the perfect opportunity to do that by snapping a picture of a moment in that family's life as they know it at least  for today.  That mom knows it is going  down, and she has asked you to capture something that is priceless. You cannot change anything for her or for you;  but you can seize a moment in both of your lives as you grab that family moment in a picture..  I would love if someone asked me to do that.  I have no talent so it probably won't happen.  What a privilege  you have been served. It helps me to sort through my own anger by accepting that cancer is so unfair, as is any death (war, hunger, accidents). I wish you well.  .

  • buddy1
    buddy1 Posts: 529
    edited July 2009

    Illinois lady.  I love egg sandwiches too.  Do you just fry your egg and put mustartd on it.  I gotta try it. 

  • hope4cure
    hope4cure Posts: 53
    edited July 2009

    Hi all,

    Rainy morning here.  Finally read through the posts - I can hardly keep up with them all.  Today we are taking it easy - we have been really busy lately and need to slow down.   Tonight we are going out with friends - my dear friend who has lymphoma.   He decided he was feeling well enough and wanted to go out to dinner.  Thought it was a good idea too.   He said his treatment was going pretty well for him which I am glad to hear.  

    MamaQ - That has to be hard to take but I think ZAP said it so well.   I would go and capture that priceless moment for that family.   We all need to take time to enjoy the "moments" and encourage one another.   What an honor.   They apparently believe you do a wonderful job to make the request.  

    Wendy - thanks for the gorgeous beach picture!   I loved it so much I saved it as my background on the computer.   So relaxing to look at.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend.  Take care!

    ~ Jennifer

  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited July 2009

    Susan...what a great answer to MamaQ!  I don't think any of us could have expressed it better!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185
    edited July 2009

    Buddy.....yep !!!!  I have a very small skillet and I spray with Pam/Olive Oil.....whatever I'm using that month and I do not break the yolks but let them fry too.  I try not to let them fry real I'm making it sound hard to do and it's not....I pierce the yolk after I turn the whole egg over for the second time to make sure the yolk is fairly well cooked.  At that point I shake a small amt. of pepper on the egg.....a little spice to break all mustard flavor. 

    I often do something like this when I feel I need protein but am just too tired to cook what I should.  I also use 100% whole wheat or multi-grain bread.

    If you are fond of might like my egg salad recipe

    I use only brown eggs at my however many eggs you want to use.

    When boiled and cooled and peeled, I mash with a potato masher.....after having put them through an egg slicer both ways to get them small first.

    Then I take green olives and put them through another egg slicer and throw in with the mashed eggs.  Enough Best Foods Lt Mayo to moisten well and at least a tsp to tsp and a half of mustard.  Mix all together and put on bread or your favorite crackers.   I use bread. also poured rain here as well.  Sun came out much later.....but I know the rain is not done...we are just going to get a nice break. 

    Wishing you all a wonderful afternoon. 



    Susan....shame on me I forgot to gave a perfect well thought out answer regarding the picture.  Very wonderful....

    MAMAQ Posts: 140
    edited July 2009
    • Jackie, Susan, Jennifer, & Rita...  Thanks for all your support.  The reasons you explained about the honor is the reason that I said yes.  I wanted her husband (don't know him real well) and the kids (I was the little girls teachers aide in first grade) to have something special.  However, I'm not sure that was accomplished.  I don't know if men don't think of these things but she didn't wear her wig or a hat.  I think it might have been more to her liking.  I don't know if that's vain of me but they were looking to hang in family room.  Having her best friend find out if they would like me to do it again tomorrow.  Doing black/white so clothes don't matter, just think it would be better for the longevity of the photo.  Just don't know if I'm thinking at it too much. 

    However, I had a nice conversation with the ladies husband.  He reminded me that we should not put off til tomorrow what we can do today.  Said he always thought that they would have more time.  He said that even if I have 40/50 more years on this earth, we all should know that.  This is something that we all know, but I hope he passes this onto other husbands and caregivers. 

    The only thing I do know is that this has made me decide that I need to take some more of my kids but more importantly I need to have someone do one of the 6 of us. 

    Again, thanks for all the support.


  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Posts: 1,458
    edited July 2009

    Jo...just reading yur post and the posts of others...nothing I can say to add.  I agree with all that has been said.  How treasured you must feel that they asked you to do this.

    And how difficult it would be for you.

    But.; did it.

    And he (the DH) is so right....we always think we will have more time, and we just might not.

    And....that if nothing else, is the one gift that cancer gives treasure today as there might not be a tomorrow.

    OK....enuf philosophy from me tonight!  Last 2 episodes of Harpers Island coming up.....

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 4,011
    edited July 2009

    Jo - Since you have been diagnosed with bc, you will see other people's cancer in a whole different light. It's very sad. My friend's friend just died from lung cancer last week - non smoker - ex Olympic wrestler - 47 years old. It's wonderful that you will take her family photo... her family will think of you everytime they look at the photo.

    Donna - I will be PM'ing you... I would love to ask you a few questions about bio's...Thanks for the response! 

    Elf - Glad your test came back good. JanClare is having a get-together on August 1st during the day. Please try to join us!   Irene - Hang in there... everything's crossed for the next couple of months.  


    My niece, Nicole (brother's daughter), is moving to Florida and her 19th b-day is next week, so we had a going away/b-day party for her today. I have been so sad that she's leaving. We are very close. Ever since the day she was born she has been a huge part of my life. I got choked up every time I looked at her today. BUT - I really think this will be good for her... she is going to go to college down there. I am really hoping she meets a great guy and makes lots of new friends. She is very outgoing and I am sure she will have no trouble with either. I am going to miss her SO MUCH! My best friend has a condo on Marco Island - she and I are going to meet there.  

    I held AriAnna Nicole almost all day! Well - let me just tell you - she is absolutely stunning! Her feet will rarely touch the ground! Here's the little princess:   


    Have a great Sunday!

  • donnadio
    donnadio Posts: 674
    edited July 2009

    Jo.....Totally understand where you are coming from and know that i have some raw feeling yet to know that thought my treatments are over, i am seeing so much around me who are starting the jounrey and i am so not able to wholeheartedly help yet as i am just still recovering from all what i have gone thru. BUT.. i have to help and have to try as it is a emotional time for anyone of us to havegone thru what we have and then to help others, somehow makes it all ok. I feel some residual fear and insecurties and never know what is ahead.. all i know is we are doin it and the courage you and I and all here have, is what defines us. YOU did the photo and like SUSAN and all the rest said.. make the best of the moment and share what you can.. and that is all we can do.. You are a great person and feel your heart!!!

    Laura... pics are great!!!!PM me anytime.

    Sorry i have not written alot, my mind is so out there and just feel kind of disconnected trying to get my bearings and what i am to do next?!!

    ALL.. have  a great night and love being here..


  • conniehar
    conniehar Posts: 585
    edited July 2009

    Jo - That picture must have been tough to take.  How heartbreaking.  You should feel proud of taking the picture.  Years down the road when the pain has lessened, that family will love to look at that picture and will think of you.

    Well, I survived the concert.  It was LOUD!   Ear piercing screams all night.  But, that's ok - it was a ton of fun.  I got up and danced just like a teenager.  I had a couple next to me that brought their teenage daughter and they just sat there with their arms crossed the whole time while their daughter jumped up and down.  How boring!  The boys did a good job with their show - they had some cool special effects.  NSync - that would have been fun too!!

    Beautiful day on the lake today - I finally got on my boat, Blackjack!

    Laura - beautiful pictures!

    Enjoy the weekend everyone!

  • blackjack
    blackjack Posts: 771
    edited July 2009

    Connie...glad you survived the concert. I remember I took 8 girls to see Brittany Spears concert...back when she was a normal teenager singer. Yes it was soooo loud but the girls loved it. Glad you got your boat ride today. I was on the lake all day today too. Soaking up that Vit D. lol Hope to be out on the water again tomorrow.

    Wendy.. are you packed for vac yet and is your dh feeling better. The beach is calling you.

    Laura.. the baby is soooo cute. I hope Nicole will have fun in Florida. Now you can go visit her while on vacation in Marco. I love your new avatar....sooo cute.

    Jo...taking pics is a gift. Giving of one's self in doing it is priceless. Pics are our memories and you have done that for your friend. A job well done.

    Rita / Wendyty....played my first 9 holes of golf. It was very hard but I liked it. Now I can see how people can get addicted to this game. It must be that beer cart that comes around. lol I hope your benefit goes well for you next week with good weather.

    Smerf...we missed you at dinner. How was your visit with ds. Hope you had fun.

    Jackie...I had to laugh about the owner of the remote control. My dh is a control freak with the remote. He is a channel surfer which drives me crazy. So to fix that problem I got myself my own little TV and remote for me. So no more remote surfing. lol

    I hope everyone had a great day. It's jammie time for me and then bed. That sun really makes you good night to all.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185
    edited July 2009
    The Road Not Taken

    Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
    And sorry I could not travel both
    And be one traveller, long I stood
    And looked down one as far as I could.
    To where it bent in the undergrowth,

    Then took the other, as just as fair,
    And having perhaps the better claim,
    Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
    Though as for that, the passing there
    Had worn them really about the same,

    And both that morning equally lay
    In leaves no step had trodden black.
    Oh, I kept the first for another day!
    Yet knowing how way leads on to way
    I doubted if I should ever come back.

    I shall be telling this with a sigh
    Somewhere ages and ages hence:
    Two roads diverged in a wood, and I --
    I took the one less travelled by,
    And that has made all the difference.

    --Robert Frost
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185
    edited July 2009

    Beautiful Sunday morning --- if rain comes ( somewhat iffy ) it will be evening time I think.  Am throughly enjoying my time alone for the most part......of course, with all the pressure off that old remote  doesn't stir much of my interest. 

    I am on the road I usually do not get to take and can capture some solitude for myself and think what I want and have a nap if I want.  I do try and find some time everyday to call my own and not let the world interfere but it is difficult often.  Have been thinking of meditation, yoga, and some other things that would I think be beneficial in many, many ways.  I continue to feel inner nudges about things.....and these are some of them. 

    I do believe we each have messages.....and at some point they will impinge and when they have done so for a time you will start to see these things as important on a personal level.  I feel like the body,mind, and spirit need to work together and the closer they do.....the easier life becomes.  Things will tend to fall into place that may have been problematic before because you have become -- like any fine tune with life......and you can believe what you so often hear, about never being alone, that you truly are not as the universe is set up in such a way as to direct you --- sort of a spiritual GPS.  I definitely need to work on that more.....I have always known we were never alone, but it has only been in these later years it seems that things have opened themselves to me.  Part of this is your willingness to allow it.  You are always free to do as you want.....and ignore the deep urges you might feel now and then  ---  but it is there for you as it is for everyone.  If you do not avail yourself.....that is fine too.  You can be on whatever level you like......that is one of the greatest things about the universe.  You are being guarded and protected.....and that goes on is your choice to step up or back.  No points off either way. 

    I have no idea what brought that on....just my lovely thoughts in my solitude.

    Hugs, Jackie

    have a most beautiful day.

  • zap
    zap Posts: 1,850
    edited July 2009

    Wonderful thoughts, Jackie. 

    I have a meditation tape and an am/pm yoga DVD that I love.  It is with Rodney Yee.  I actually do better with the DVD than the class as the latter is not alone and it is hard to forget that.  If you have a laptop you could even go outdoors. He verbally guides you so after the first sessions, you do not need to watch him (although he is something to watch, let me tell you).

    DH and I went into the city last night for a play.  We go to these tieeny tiny playhouses in the neighborhoods where there are nearly as many in the audience as there are actors.  It was a three hour performance with two intermissions.  A very sedate-looking man in the audience spontaneously opened a bottle of good wine and the director passed out plastic cups and shared with the audience during the intermissions.  He thought his group would be going to a BYOB  restaurant before the show, but arrived  too late for dinner, so he just shared his wine with all of strangers.  It was so much fun!  The play was wonderful. 

    Have a great day!


    MAMAQ Posts: 140
    edited July 2009

    Laura... What a beautiful princess.  I would have held her the whole time.  I love holding babies, something about it makes you feel a little bit of heaven on earth. Nothing better than a baby curled up and sleeping to make you feel at peace.  Also, my sympathies on your friend. 

    BJ... Priceless, I like that.  That's what pictures are, a priceless memory captured forever.

    Donna... Thanks for the understanding. 

    Wendy... First that beautiful lady at Docks would be thinking that about you.  (I've seen your avatar)  Second, thanks for your compassion, also.  Third, I thought I was the only one watching Harper's Island.  What did you think of the ending?   

    Connie... Glad you survived the JO BROS.  I took my oldest daughter to NSync (She was 4 and feel asleep) and I danced and sang too.  It was great, she might not remember it, but I will.Smile

    Everybody have a great sunday, off to Dick's Sporting Goods.


  • Christi73
    Christi73 Posts: 15
    edited July 2009

    Hi Ladies, Sorry I left you all hanging about my first chemo but I have been having some computer problems and I wasn't up to fixing it. Only 2 really bad days. Wed and Thurs. I have some major mouth sores but I have sjogrens and lupus so that is expected. I got an Rx for magic mouthwash. (has lidocaine in it) so that helps with eating. Had nausea but never vomited so I guess those pills they give you work. My hair is stick straight and very dry. I am sure I will lose it by next weekend. I might have my dh buzz it off with the clippers cause I am sure it would look better than what is up there now. I will try to catch up with all the posts. Take care everybody. Christi 

  • elf_song
    elf_song Posts: 148
    edited July 2009

    What a nice and quite sunday afternoon..  Hi, ladies~

    My dh got flu and coughing and hacking and my throat tickles and kids are starting to coughing...   so he is at work and kids are taking nap~!   I am sitting here drinking hot tea..

    Jackie and Susan- you ladies are writers~   the way you said to mamaq is very right and very understanding too and how thoughtful..  you should write a book or something..

    Mamaq- it must be really hard to take the picture I can only imagine..  How are you holding up? when is your next treatment?  

    Laura- OMG what a sleeping beauty~!  I like your new avatar too~! lovely..   

    Christi- glad you are ok~  good that nausea pills are working for you..   I had 6 different kind of nausea med they gave me and none of them worked so toilet was my best friend.. yack~!  my dh buzz my hair too..   he wanted his hair done too then I told him not to then one day I came from my treatment and saw him with no hair...  I cried..   oh, well..  his hair grows a lot faster than mine did..

    Wendy- yes, head still hurts and I need to see an eye doctor (ophthalmologist) sometime soon, I was suppose to see him last december after my yearly eye exam but I was going through chemo so I postponed and haven't seen him yet..  what if he finds something wrong with my eyes?? oh, god~

    My kids are up from nap.. guess this is my q to get off the computer, uh....  

    hope everybody having a great sunday~! love you all  xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185
    edited July 2009

    Hi this afternoon....hope you are all having an ok Sunday.  Our rain has come...but it i just soothing to me.  I will leave a link about some other soothing rain before I leave

    Susan....your theater outing sounds like it was such fun.  There is something about spontaneity that is not expected which can elevate an enjoyable experience just a little higher --- a treat from the Universe.

    I hope this link will open for all of you.  I have to admit....I am pasting this from one of the other Bc groups I check into but mainly just lurk there.  This I think is beautiful work.

    This is really worth watching.  This group, without
    instrumentation, sing Toto's 1982 hit song "Africa".  

    Enjoy everyone,

    Hugs, Jackie

  • donnadio
    donnadio Posts: 674
    edited July 2009

    Jackie...I think you should tape yourself and for those who need good wisdom and spiritual insights. I , just read a book during my BC jpunrey Being in Solitude and it is not easy for most to do!!!!I always find a way to honor myself and take time for a nap or whatever to nuture me. I find that the spiritual part of this journey in my life is what truly feeds me.

    SUSAN..  Play sounded great and the sharing of fun!

    This weather is wearing me thin.. i did get a walk in this morning with my roaming senior Goldens.. like walking three cows who would rather not go..lolol..BUT Mom makes them, they need excercise too.. but it was a beautiful morning..sunshine galore and cool!!!!

    Getting hot flashes since chemo.. very strange feeling and they come very lightly and leave me just warm and flashy?!!!Is this forever now? My brows are REALLY thinning now too.. that is hard to see go as i am scared how i will draw them as i am SOOOO not artistic with the brow brush etc!!!!LOLOLOL... Before my mom died.. she had bad dementia etc.. she came to the dinner table.. never without makeup on.. and she had NAVY BLUE line pencil on her brows. IT was so hard to contain ourselves as she knew nothing was wrong!!Well that is my  vision for me!!!

    Hope everyone is well and had a good enough weekend. Jo,Kristi..Buddy. be well in all that you are doin in treatments and recovery. Healing hugs!
