Illinois ladies facing bc



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,103
    edited January 2010

    If a man finds himself with bread in both hands, he should
    exchange one loaf for some flowers of narcissus, because
    the loaf feeds the body, but the flowers feed the soul.

    -- Muhammad
  • rababar
    rababar Member Posts: 4
    edited January 2010

    IllinoisLady:  Thank you Jackie for starting this site.  I've read every word for the last few pages and relish the feeling that the strength of so many survivors is seeping into my bones!

    JanClare: Thanks SO MUCH for your time.  I'm "carcinoma of unknown primary" which sounds a lot like your odd dx.  I'm super grateful to see your 3 year survival-- much better than the "11 weeks to 11 months" from the CUP web sites!  I'm also Triple Negative and probably BRCA1 positive, but those results are not back. Tumor has doubled in size since December, so I'm eager to get on with this, but they want to identify the cancer type first.  Mayo has gone through my paths twice now.  U Chicago is trying new staining methods.  They're meeting about me today.  So we'll see. 

    Zap: I live Glen Ellyn and it's a wonderful town--especially for kids.  The area between Roosevelt Road and Geneva Road is especially good because little kids can have tons of independence and freedom to get to pool, library, schools, friends, etc. without concern about crossing busy roads. PS-- Try applesauce on your potato; it's actually pretty good and fat free! 

    JanC, Cagney, LauraGTO, Lisamed123, elf, and the other readers: Thank you for the welcome, your good wishes, and the good real life info.  Have any of you heard anything about genetic "fingerprinting" as a way to guide chemo? 

  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited January 2010

    OOOOOOOHHHHHH that burns me up!  I just wrote a lot and lost it.

    Radabar, thanks for the words on GlenEllyn.  My husband and I loved it for our daughter and her family.  They still need to sell their Evanston condo and the market is awful as we all know, so I am not sure when they will move.  The house they were looking at was adorable and near the Franklin school.  The library was awesome but not near where they are looking (not in walking distance)

    Here is one for all the ladies.  I received a pm from JulieChicago on Sunday night telling me she was eating in Honeys in Glen. Ellyn.  We saw Honeys and I told my DH it looked like a great place to eat.  Imagine if we went in and I saw Julie!  I would have flipped, so far from home.  We ended up at the Irish Pub Laughing around the corner!

    Sorry to miss the lunch next week.  I start my longer term teaching job on Wednesday.  I am covering a creative tech class which is a joke as the most creative I get with tech is choosing a smiley face emotion.  Actually, he told me that the kids have the project already and just need the supervision while they work on it independently.  Sure...junior high kids working independently.  I have some back up plans in case that fails. susan

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,103
    edited January 2010

    Rababar  --- I wish I could take credit for starting this site but a lady named Rita did.  I can however take credit for trying to find a good quote ( it is always something that awakens feelings in me ) to put in here everyday. 

    I am pleased to hear that you have found comfort here.  All the women here are fantastic ladies that give back by staying here after their initial txs are done --- after the se's are mainly gone and the hair is back, and all those things that are so comforting if you can share with others while it is going on.

    You too have an interesting diagnosis and it does sound like there are similarities going on with  you and Jan Clare.  I hope the answers come quickly.  I'm sure its nerve-wracking to know something is growing inside and nothing is being done about it.  I know I would be very edgy.  It sounds like your Dr's ( other than tumor identification ) are confident about getting a plan for you. 

    Sunny day here so I am feeling chipper even though it is awfully cold out.  Last nights thin snow was quite pretty to watch and right around early dusk four deer meandered through my yard.  That is a beautiful sight with the snow falling down -- another picture post card.  See you all later. 

    The no-no I had for lunch  ( Calzone ) was big enough that I'll be having my left-over half for supper.  Yah -- no  cooking for me tonight.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • BustersMom
    BustersMom Member Posts: 260
    edited January 2010

    I'm just popping in to say HI - so HI everyone!!  Chilly as he** out there, that's for sure.

    Just getting ready for surgery on Monday - you know, clean house, laundry, and a pedicure, of course!!   My toes gotta look good, if nothing else, haha. 

    My Dad is going to take me for a nice brunch on Sunday, so I'm looking forward to that.

    Hope everyone is feeling good today - miss you guys!! xoxo   Juliet

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,103
    edited January 2010

    Juliet -- what a positive thing to do right before surgery -- have a date with one of the most important men  in your life.  While I would have hated the idea of their feeling they had to take care of me -- how great it would have been to have the "wonderful comfort" of a caring parent around.  If you don't get to come back before then -- many giant hugs for everything to go well for you. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Mich101
    Mich101 Member Posts: 489
    edited January 2010

    Hi everyone - its been awhile!

    Bustersmom-sending positive thoughts and good vibes your way!

    Laura-I believe we go to the same onc. Will he check Vit D levels? I don't believe I've ever had that done before. Also, you stopped tamoxifen?  I go see the onc in a couple of weeks for my followup.  Also, I love the screen cleaner!!!!! He's adorable.

    Rita-Have a great trip!

    Welcome to all the new ladies.

    I'm sorry I have a really hard time keeping up with everyone, but I do read often, and you are always in my thoughts and prayers.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited January 2010

    Hey Mich! Glad you popped in...been thinking 'bout you! Yes...he will check your vit D levels. I doubt ANY Onc would refuse to do a vit D level as part of your routine blood work, if you simply ask that it be done. I was somewhat disappointed that my PCP refused to do vit D levels. I still don't understand her reasoning. But that's Onc was happy to oblige. I stopped the Tamox because of the horrible hot flashes and mood swings and bouts of frustration and anger - I turned into a monster woman! lol ...Honestly, it was so bad, there were days that I thought I could no longer continue to live like that. At one point...I think I counted 15 hot flashes in 2 hours. Can't remember exactly, but it was absolutely horrific. I feel as though I am back to my "old self" since going off of it. More rational, more "normal" more human. lol

    I'm glad you liked the screen cleaner. I got a "kick" out of it.


    Hope you're all having a nice evening. It is reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally cold out there! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,103
    edited January 2010

    All the statistics in the world can't measure the warmth of a smile. -Chris Hart

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2010

    Good morning ladies and welcome rababar.  You're right!  The ladies on this thread are awesome!

    I'm quickly checking in before we walk the beach and find something to eat this morning.  We arrived yesterday afternoon to 76 degree weather and can't wait to get a little sun today.  Tomorrow we might hit the giant flee market.  Since we drove this year we have room to bring home packages!  That's the perfect excuse for shopping!

    Juliet....good luck on Monday.  How nice of your Dad to take you out before your surgery!  Keep us informed.

    Jackie...we didn't spot you when we went by your "exit" on the Interstate so we couldn't stop and pick you up!  LOL

    Everyone have a great day.  I wish I could send some of this warmth and sunshine your way!

    More later......


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited January 2010

    Mom was leaving her house this morning to come here for an overnighter...her Parakeet flew out the door (he's never done that). She cld me...needless to say she is devastated. She lives on the 2nd floor - she's been hanging out the window with his open cage - trying to lure him back in. He's sitting on a branch at the top of a really tall Oak tree. It's been about an hour and a half already. This is so's so cold out, he'll probably freeze to death soon. Such a helpless situation.


    PJuliet - Good luck on Monday! Have a nice weekend!

    Rita - Have fun!


    Hope you're all doing well.

  • buddy1
    buddy1 Member Posts: 529
    edited January 2010

    Oh laura that is sad new about the bird  maybe if she stick a long stick or somthing hanging out the door of the cage it can fly and land on  then go in cage from there. 


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited January 2010

    Budder - Ouchy...hang in there. Try to take it easy this weekend. Gentle hugs to you.


    Well my Mom still came over. My oldest niece lives downstairs from Mom, so she has been watching the bird all day. He kept flying to real high branches. He finally flew out of her sight. It's not looking good but the windows in Mom's apartment are open. I'm glad my Mom came here...watching the inevitable was torture for her. My niece has been in contact with us all afternoon. She put the bird cage on a section of the roof that is reachable and is checking it constantly. So sad. But I've been keeping my Mom pre-occupied. She's here to celebrate her birthday, so we're making fondue for dinner.

    Hope you're all keeping warm. Have a nice weekend.

  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2010

    Happy Friday to all !!!  Sorry I have been MIA. I have tried to keep up reading all your posts but that will have to wait until the weekend. It has been a very long week for me between working and being at the hospital for my mil. She had her second back surgery on Tues and she is finally up to walk with a walker. WE are hoping to get her in rehab this weekend if a bed opens up for her.

    The poor women has been in the hospital for a month, had 2 surgeries and now rehab and all she can think about is eating. My family loves to eat so meals on wheels for her. She really doesn't like hospital food. So remember if you every go into a hospital for like a

    Welcome to the new have come to a wonderful place for great support and hugs. We are all different but have alot to offer. Hugs to you all.

    Rita...sun, golf, the I come. lol Hope you get to soak up alot of Vit D. How long will you be gone.

    Jackie..I have to tell ya I am in love with these past few weeks of quotes. Very inspiring and spiritual too. Just what I needed to lift my sagging spirit. Hugs and thanks.

    Juilet...good luck Monday for your surgery. Please let us know how you are after. Hugs to you.

    Zap..we will miss you at lunch. I think you are working just as much as me. lol are you feeling. No tomox now but AI in the for thought. hmmm

    Buddy..keeping fingers and toes crossed for you for a ned free biopsy. rest this weekend. It princess day, lol

    Wendy... I need our beach chairs...can you find them in this snow. lol

    Mich..good to hear from are the college kids doing.

    Well I gotta run mil called needs dinner and a movie at the hospital.

    Have a great weekend...stay warm it cooooooold out there.

    Remember to be happy and enjoy life. My Cosmo is calling me...



  • WendyTY
    WendyTY Member Posts: 94
    edited January 2010

    Just a quick drive by.  First week of work went well.  I am exhausted.  On Thursday morning, I was starting to wonder what I was thinking.  Still amazed by those of you that worked through it all. 

    Juliet - You're in my thoughts and prayers.  Hang in there!

    Connie, Laura - Congrats on good check-ups.

    Rita - Warm and sunny as promised, I hope!

    Rababar - Welcome

    Buddy - Hope you are recovering quickly

    All - Have a great weekend and stay warm.

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited January 2010

    Morning!  15 on my deck so much warmer than yesterday morning! up this weekend!  Let your family take care of you!  Did you get those hangers?  I think you will be truly amazed...I know I was.  Let us know how the bx turns out...

    Juliette...we will all be thinking about you on Monday so be sure and check in as soon as you feel up to it.  Have a wonderful brunch with your Dad tomorrow!  If you need anything, let us know!

    BJ...glad you checked in!  I hope you like the beach chairs...this is right in front of the hotel we always stay in when we visit DH's family in Florida.

    Rita...nothing much to say except...YOU BUM YOU!!!!!!! (oh okay...I'll be nice and not pout...hope you have a fantastic time with great weather)

    Mich101...I never had my D levels drawn so I requested that on Monday.  And of results.  Doc's ofc checking...they think lab forgot to run them so I have to go back for another blood draw.  Whatever! are the boys doing?

    Laura....I am so sad for your Mom!  I like to think that it was just the bird's time and he didn't want your Mom to find him so he flew away to the sun.  Maybe???  I like thinking tho that just maybe that's what happened.  Wish Mom a Happy BD from all of us!  And glad you are feeling so much better after no more tam.... sound very crazed at work.  Hope you enjoy this weekend.  Still have that S. King book for you!  Should only take you 3-4 months to read....LOL

    To all the new girls...don't forget that we are here, if you need us.  We've been where you are at some time or another.  Hope you are all doing as well as possible...and please get enough sleep.

    And to and I had a long discussion about Omega 3-6-9 last spring and I just got my labs done on Monday.  My total chol dropped from 258 to 229 and my LDL only went up 1 pt vs the 21 pts it had gone up last year.  Fats still extremely low and my chol ratio is only 2.8 so the doc's are very happy...they did write down what I take and where I get it (  Liver enzymes did tick up a bit again but of course omega is not gonna help that and all these elevations are related to arimidex.  They don't seem worried tho - and since I was 90% E+ - I will stay on my little white pill!  So....YAY!  for omega 3-6-9 (the one I take has no flaxseed so also good for us +'s!)

    Kater...great bx news!  Whew!  Past another hurdle!  How's Mom?

    Saw eye doc again yesterday....doing fine.  Tech tho that put in the dilating drops put in an extra one of "something" that the other techs didn't..which she claimed they all should have been doing on me.  My pupil was still dilated 12 hours later and very red and irritated.  It's OK this am but I think I will ask about what the heck that 2nd drop was yesterday.  Vision in that eye was horrible both for close and far - driving home in the bright sun was so painful I had to pull over several times which never happened before.  Spent all afternoon and evening in the dark - literally.

    OK....done with me and my boring updates!  Nothing much planned for this weekend except for a "grandbaby shower" - which I guess is the newest, latest craze.  I do have some opinions on this tho - and those of you who know me, know what I am thinking!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,103
    edited January 2010
    Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They
    bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver.
     - Angelis, Barbara De
  • buddy1
    buddy1 Member Posts: 529
    edited January 2010

    Thank you for the well wishes. 

    Do any of you know if it is ok to take gelatin capsules while taking my arimidex.  I would think its ok.  I was just told to stay away from soy and hormone stuff.

  • Rene23
    Rene23 Member Posts: 290
    edited January 2010

    Hi ladies, just popping in for a drive-by "hello." 

    I went on a short 4 day cruise last week with some coworkers, which was a lovely getaway from all this cold.  I thought I was going to have to cancel because I've been having such problems with what my internist is treating as asthma.  I swear, I haven't felt "well" ever since I stayed overnight in the hospital with my daughter in early December.  I've NEVER had asthma... except apparently I do now.  The chest tightness/pain was freaking me out a bit - I know you guys understand why.   After deciding that the caribbean air would probably be good for me, I did go on the cruise, and I did feel better.  Two days after arriving home, I had to leave work because of stomach flu!   I don't think I picked it up on the cruise, but on the plane ride back.  A fellow passenger vomited in the aisle right next to me, and it sat there for the entire flight.  I asked the flight attendant if they could do something.. cover it, spray it... but all she did was spray an air freshener over it. 

    Anyway, I had a pretty long day of wallowing in self-pity and frustration.  I'm so tired of being sick, and of worrying all the time.   I did make an appointment with a Pulmonologist for this Thurs. so hopefully, he'll get this sorted out.  

    My Zometa infusions were approved by my insurance, but I need to get my dental check-up and  lung situation under control before I schedule the first one.  

    I need to get something for those bad times and to help me sleep.  I think some Vitamin V(alium) might be in order. Wink

    Laura - I've been on Femara for a few (3?) years.  I had zero SE's on Tamoxifen, and intolerable joint pain on Aromasin.  Since switching to the Femara, I do still have joint pains, but never to the degree that they were on Aromasin.  Also, I do believe my pains have decreased substantially since I first started on Femara.   I do believe my hair has thinned, and I have definitely gained weight and have dryness.  Many of my biggest symptoms are typical for post-menopausal status, so it's hard to gauge how much can truly be blamed on the Femara.  

    I'm going to try and make the luncheon this Friday.  Looking forward to seeing whoever makes it!

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited January 2010

    Morning!  Nothing new around here but...

    Rene23....why are you getting zometa?  Just Tscore went from .9 to -1.3 in 2.5yrs but that is OK....for now! 

    Hope everyone else is doing well....Juliette...good luck tomorrow!  Budders....I really don't know why you couldn't take gelatine caps, but you could always give the doc a call or check with the pharm.  Saw "The Proposal" last night.....we almost fell off the couch laughing!  Good one!

  • buddy1
    buddy1 Member Posts: 529
    edited January 2010

    Wendy  thanks  I didnt think so .  Butttt  I wanted to be sure.  I am trying to get some finger nails growing.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,103
    edited January 2010

    Good morning everyone.  Renee', wow you really do have a lot of stuff going on.  Knock on wood or whatever you "currently do" for that I seem to breeze along with little if any problems.  Arimidex does make itself known, but it is not enough to consider doing anything else.

    Didn't someone else here ( Bj was it you ? ) have some lung issues.  I sure hope you can learn some information/answers on Thursday. 

    I need to make a GYN appt. at Marian and also go for  blood work again at Mt. Vernon.  Everything seems to come at once. might know, they made all the appts. for a work day.  I told them I ONLY work on Thursday and Friday -- so any other day.  Makes you wonder if someone delights in going backward.

    Woke up to no furnace this a.m. but Dh went out and easily got it going again.  We really should turn it down at night.  It is so much more pleasant to sleep. 

    Hope you will all have a good Sunday -- we are having a heat wave here.....sun and up to 34. Whoopee. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited January 2010

    bj - I'm considering an AI/Femara to appease my Onc. I'm still "on the fence" with it. 

    Irene - Thanks for the Femara info. have dealt with so much cra*! I am appalled that the flight attendants didn't clean it up. That is disgusting. I'll ask one of my gal pals, who happens to be a flight attendant what she would have done...just out of curiosity. Back in the old days, when someone threw up in school, the teacher sprinkled a powdered disinfectant on it until the janitor arrived. At a minimum, that's what could have been done. The asthma "thing" is weird. Did you initially take an antibiotic? Hang in there... let us know what the Rhuematologist says.

    Budder - Hope you're resting comfortably.


    Geesh - it's cold out there. Just think...Rita's probably sipping a cup of Java, beach or poolside right now. Lucky gal! lol

    Mom's bird never returned. She's bummed but will get over it. My girlfriend's daughter is on a dance team. They have a competition this morning at the highschool down the road from me. So I am going to bundle up and head over there. Go Lynzi! Hope her team wins!

    Stay warm...have a nice day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,103
    edited January 2010
    Most of us spend the first six days of each week sowing wild oats; then we go to church on Sunday and pray for a crop failure. Fred Allen
  • buddy1
    buddy1 Member Posts: 529
    edited January 2010

    Laura the dance competition sounds like a lot of fun

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited January 2010

    Jackie...LMAO....GREAT quote!  And so true!

  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited January 2010

    Just stepping in to wish Juliet well!

    That quote is great, Jackie.  Paul and I  skip weekly services and do our service project instead.  We did that yesterday and I painted a whole (little) room at the mission.I  love the people I work with.  They are from all over the city and I learn so much.  It suits my "restless" nature and I can move at the mission; something I could  not do in church.  There are positives to both.

    Rene, I understand your impatience,  I am glad you are going to a specialist who will treat the cause of your breathing problems.  My grandmother developed asthma as an adult, but she had a smoker in the house and I blame the second hand smoke for her issues  Good luck, Rene, I want you to get your health back.

    Have a good Sunday!~


  • donnadio
    donnadio Member Posts: 674
    edited January 2010

    Connie.. Sounds like a rough week.. jobs and relocating and the market is ALL getting crazy and not sure how one can be assured they even have a job anymore. Our school distirct, next year, wll be letting go all of non tenured teachers and eliminating ART and Early Childhood program and probably those teachers as well!!!!

    Have been seeing my new DR once to twice a week and IS DOING AMAZING work on me. Not only balancing my adrenals, but detoxing and balancing my entire endocrine system!Has now been working and testing on my joint issues. ANY one who is needing a MD who does also Intergrative Medicine and treat the whole body holistically see me!!IThe location of his office is near Midway Airport and there is no really easy way to get there and is defintiely a gem in the wild once you are there!!!!SLEEP is back and so is my spirit!!!!

    I have some icky news as it is not the best news as it is one more thing. My last BRCA Gene test was a question on my BRCA 1 and it was a insignificant variant and now is being considred as a mutation and treated as that. Ovaries are suggested to be removed and where i am right now and all i have been thru not sure if i want my total ebb and flow to be disrupted as my hormones are in balance. Love to know if any hormone restoration is given after the ovaries go...doubt this! Not in any hurry as i have alot to consider and timing is not felt yet.

    Hope all are well and wishing all healthy and happy wishes!!!!


  • conniehar
    conniehar Member Posts: 585
    edited February 2010

    Good luck tomorrow Juliet!!

    Glad your surgery went well, Buddy!

    Thinking of you Ginny!

    Sorry about the bird, Laura.

    Hi to everyone else.  Heading off to bed!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,103
    edited February 2010

    Connie -- loved your post.  Hope all are well and looking forward to your day.  Life is happening so I will join in with all the rest of you to make the day a good one.

    Hugs, Jackie