Illinois ladies facing bc
Morning....sounds like we are getting at least 6 ins. through today ( don't know when it will start ) but due to go all night the weather report said. Weather being like it can be here in the Little Egypt area could be anything within that range to more like Chi town. We will just have to hold our breath and wait. Well, I can manage as I'd rather have snow than the rain....some of our areas are so mushy now and I think snow is pretty --- but I was sort of hoping for the end of it all. I am truly tired of the mushy ground and it will go back to that after the snow. We so need several days of straight sun to dry us out.
Hmmm, a little clarification --- glass of milk per day is not going to do anything -- unless you are one of the super-sensitive types. To me that is moderation -- even two to me is moderation. Lots of people drink milk for the calcium -- it does not always help. My Mom drank lots of milk ( mainly in the coffee she drank ) and ended up having to use Fosamax. What works for you is what works -- but I tend to believe with how we have altered so much -- moderation is the key. There are too many un-knowns with things we have done -- I don't eat cereal everyday -- but when I do it's either Irish Oatmeal for hot cereal or Kashi if it's cold. In between I eat brown eggs with 14 grain whole wheat toast with Laura Scudders peanut butter on it. I'm truly not a fanatic ( at least I hope not ) but try in-between some of the things I know are do as many things that seem right. My cholesterol is normal now and I have lost 12 pounds so I think I'm on the right track for me --- but I always try to keep some flexibility so I can make adjustments if it comes up that I'm slipping here or there.
Dh got the new starter in his truck finished yesterday....ah, there is a God. My new motto is: the family that stays together has two cars -- that work. I am not nearly so flexible when it comes to having to schedule my time/life around take me here and I'll call you to come get me --- and maybe you can make it eventually.
High note from yesterday. Found out that I can turn my time spent feeding the feral cats and working volunteer time at House of Hope to my Women of the Moose chapter and they will get benefit which is a great thing. I am really pleased about that. Since this is a daily chore for me it should garner some real benefit --- though I was happy enough just to know that the cat colonies did not have to forage for all their food. Icing on the cake.
Onward and upward for the day....hope to feed before it starts snowing. The cats will come out in the snow --- but nicer if they don't have too. See you all later.
Hugs, Jackie
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Oh no, more snow! Yuck!
Marina - Sorry about your diagnosis. And you're so young. As for others have varies. Best wishes to you. Hang in there.
I'm busy working on our new website - can't wait til it's up and running! Have a nice day!
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Hi to all.
I haven't read for much for the last month, and I am so behind with everyone, except those who were at lunch. It was so much fun, and great to see you all. for what? I guess I'mm really out of touch. What's up with that? By the way, thanks so much for keeping me germ free. I think of you daily, of course!
Jackie, I love all your quotes, but you gave me a great laugh with the "two cars.....that work." Boy, can I relate to that!
Juliet....wherefore art thou? Hope everything is going well, and you are recuperating. Missed you at lunch. We control freaks have to stick together.
Laura...if I were betting with you I'd settle for just your deck with the view. It's so beautiful I wouldn't need the whole house.
Got to hop on the treadmill now, and then clean up the house, do the laundry, blah, blah, blah, you know the drill. Another exciting day!
Have a great one!
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Is every one ready for the BIG SNOW??? Goiod afternoon gals. Welcome to our new friend.
This is the absolute last thing I will say about vitamins....I was not able to find the soft gel calcium anywhere I looked at walgreens, walmart cvs and Jewl. So I bought viactin. They are pricey, LIttle chocolate chunks 500 D and 500 calcium. I will take 2 a day. They are so yummy. Maybe I can watch for coupons. My sister also has osteopenia. Her doctor put her on a once a month pill. My Doc says to just take the over the counter vitamins. She also has RA that might have somthing to do with it. It sounds like we might be snow bound for a few days. I am having my first colonoscopy next week. WHOO-HOO...Wont that be a party!!!
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Hugs to you MakMak. There are no words to ease your mind right now. At least when you can get more information you will be able to make choices for what is best for you. This thread is a wonderful place to vent or to ask questions. The women on this site are very intelligent and compassionate. We all understand what you are going through because we have been in your shoes. Sorry you have to join this club but I am glad you found it.
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Just wanted to pop in to welcome Makmak. Sorry for what you are going through, you are so young too. Your family and friends will help you get through this, as will the wonderful ladies on this site. Hugs to you and your little one.
Bustersmom-how are you doing - stop in when you're up to it.
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Hello there.. Just a quick update. Spent the last 8 hours with all the different doctors and I think I now have a team of my surgeon and oncologist. Thanks to everyone who wrote me their suggestions. I will be doing all the scans and MRI on Wed/Thur then on Fri I am getting a node checked out (not sure the term for this) and a port put in.. Start chemo on Wed.. so I can go back to work on the 22nd.. depending on my hormone info which I should have soon we'll know what that means.. The surgeon said the tumor may shrink enough to do a lumpectomy, but then I also have to do the BRAC analysis.. sometime in the course of the chemo... Fun times.. But thanks to all of you, I am not alone and you have all made it seem a bit less frightening and easier to make the decisions I had to make today..
And I HATE SNOW!!!! so not looking forward to it.. but I have the day off tomorrow before all the tests so I'll snuggle up and breastfeed my baby one last day before I have to stop it all on Wed at 1 pm... and watch the pretty snow fall...
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It all sounds so "in control" and so that sounds great. You seem strong. and organized.....I can tell!
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Hello from SnowLand. Just got home a half an hour ago. I left about 10 a.m. this morning. Sure makes for a long day. I was not really working....just helping Maggie with a lot of things. Diva got her glasses off the table and tore them right after breakfast she and I went and fed feral cats -- then off to her house to get her check-book and ruined glasses. Then away to Sears in Mt. Vernon to pick out more. Back to Maggie's to feed her crew of animals and I did some cleaning chores for her.....then, it was a little after 6 p.m. so she took me out for a bite to eat. Then I needed to take her by the store -- just in case the snow is bad tomorrow. Then home for me. Whew -- being gone 11 or 12 hours from home in one day means you are not going to get anything done. I had cleaned most of my kitchen before Dh. left for work this morning at 9 a.m. so did manage that.
The snow is beautiful -- RIGHT NOW but who knows about tomorrow. Sure hope we don't get too much.So far -- with the I-Heater going it seems like the furnace is not having to put out much at all. I admit that I have little idea about how this pennies a day ( hmmm -- just how many pennies is pennies a day ) machine manages to keep a three bedroom two bath home warm enough so your furnace only needs to come on about half of the time it used to.
Well, I'm going to go crawl into my recliner I think and snuggle with a couple pooches ( not completely willingly ) and relax. See you all in the morning.
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Hi Girls!
Made it to my 3rd week back at work. It's been crazy but I am getting through it.
I had an appt with my onco today. All is well!
NanaA - I finished Herceptin in mid August. I would say I started feeling like my normal self by December. I still have a little issue with my joints and some numbness every now and again. Nothing like it was in treatment! More of an irritation than anything else. You should start feeling better quickly. Don't over do it. I notice more problems when I really push myself. Let me know if you want more information. I had more trouble than most, so my story should be the extreme!
Rita - Hope you are enjoying yourself. I am fielding questions about you with the homeowners association! I told them that you moved to the sunshine state! Just kidding. There were trying to verify your information for the directory and couldn't get ahold of you.
Got to run. It's past my bedtime.
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Morning! Well...I see that the snow never materialized and the sun is out and it is already almost 70. (I love playing "let's pretend!)
MakMak....well, you've got your plan in place. Once mine was in place, I did feel so much better. I didn't like it, but it was easier when everything was in place. Just put one foot in front of the other, baby steps and you will finally get to the finish line! Snuggle up good today with your little one and enjoy! Port placement for me was pretty uncomfortable afterwards but most here really didn't have too much trouble/pain with it. But then...I had pain meds and that did the trick. Do you know what chemo protocol they will be doing? Just being nosey....
Budders....oooooh!!!!! A colonoscopy! I want one! LOL I've never seen the gel calciums either. I did buy the chewable calcium/D's which are pretty good....I take an extra one of these at night before bed if I haven't eaten my Total cereal that day. I am betting Laura got those at a health food store maybe????
Jackie...yes the snow is pretty, if you are sitting inside and don't have to do anything but watch it melt in the spring. Or sit at home by your pool, watching the news from up here! Still remember DH's niece being up here some years ago and being astonished that we didn't have "snow melters" to make it all go away. She asked what we do about the piles and we told her...we just wait until it warms up in the spring. Then she asked that question after pondering this..."and why do you people live here?" Hmmmmmm......... bum.
BJ...maybe you will have a day off tomorrow! Maybe?????
I am skipping the gym this am as there are no plows as yet and DH just called from the car....roads extremely slippery even with his 4WD. Gee...I'm thinking I will get a great work-out with all the shoveling anyway. Hope you all have a quiet safe day and if you have to drive, please be careful and allow plenty of time for stopping. Just watched my neighbor try and stop to pick up some kids to drive to school...and she slid all the way past the house AND past my house!
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Wendy you crack me up. It sounds like we have the same type of humor. I call the gastro guy my butt Doctor and my Plastic guy my boob Doctor and my gyne my .......... well never mind.
MacMac You sound like an incredibly strong and organiuzed person. You will do fine all of my Docs and nursese told me a good part of this journey is your frame of mind. This site kept me positive. We are all proof that it's doable. And dont be embarrased to ask anything.... Some one here will have any answer. Love Buddy (Lefty)
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Hey MakMak, remember to keep a journal of some type. Keep a running list of appointments and procedures. If your Doc doesn't give you your reports/test results make sure you ask for them and keep them handy in your binder. I taped the business card of each Doc on the front inside cover so I had all the phone numbers and appointments in one place. Also keep a diary when you start chemo. Write down your side effects both physical and mental. This helps your Onc know how you are tolerating TX and helps you to know what to expect after each TX. Also, keep a folder for your medical bills and statements from insurance. The last thing you need is the stress of miss placing a piece of information when you are on the phone having a discussion(arguing) with your insurance company.
Hello to everyone else.....75 and sunny here too! Just kidding. I hate winter. I just hate it.
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Good morning.. Wow I love this place already with all the wonderful advice!! I will be researching all the Bone/CT scans today to figure out what their puprose is and how to interpret results when I get them... Question for all since I have to go back to work a week after my first chemo and want to be prepared... When does the hair loss come and what's the easiest way to deal when you work in a building of over 3 thousand? Should I go this weekend while I still have my hair and get some kind of wig close to what my hair is and start wearing it my first day back at work? I'll know the type of chemo next Tues I believe once all my results are back and I meet with the nurse..
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Good Morning....I like winter ---I'd say just kidding like Wendy's weather forecast but I do like it a great good deal of the time. I have to be truthful in the part of the state called Little Egypt it is not nearly as harsh generally as what comes to the far southern end of Illinois and yes from there the far northern part of Illinois.
Didn't get what was predicted I don't think which was 6 to 8 inches, but it is quite pretty. The trees have snow up and down the tree trunks and all the branches have a share. Not been out to see if there is ice underneath although there didn't seem to be any on the deck. Very clean looking out of doors.
Navy Mom -- good to see you again here. I wish I would have kept a little history/diary of this whole thing. I think ( at least I blame ) I stayed in shock a little too long. By the time I came around I was nearly through the the whole four A/C -- Adriamycin -Cytoxin tms. Helped me lose 10#'s each time but I don't recommend it for wt. loss.
WendyTY....hooray for good exams with Oncologist. I have to make some appts. Been putting it biggie. Just blood draw and GYN appt. Don't have any more appts. with Oncologist....just the yearly mammogram which is yet some time away.
Anyone going to Denny's for free breakfast today. It's on until 2 p.m. I think. Dh has the day off so maybe we will drive to Salem. I have to go to Wal-Marts ( geesh, I should own at least one of their stores for the amt. of pet food alone that I buy -- and litter too ) and get dog food. Been thinking about that Blue Diamond brand although I know it is a little more expensive.
Ok - Ok....when I get to this part its time to go I think. Hope you all have an ok day and don't have to do too much shoveling. Our snow I think is somewhat fluffy so won't be hard to deal with and will probably get a little more before its over. Stay safe and warm.
Hugs, Jackie
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The greatest explorer on this earth never takes voyages as long as those of the man who descends to the depth of his heart. ~Julien Green
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MakMak....I had taxotere/adriamycin/cytoxan( I am triple negative).....Onc told me my hair would start to come out around day 16 after 1st TX. and it did. the next 2 days it was coming out by the handfuls. I had my DH shave my head and that was that. I had long hair and had fun getting a shorter style before I started chemo. I also went and got a wig before I lost any hair. It is a great wig but to this day I hate it. I wear mostly scarves. My hair is growing back now. I finished TX on December 1, 2009. Wishing you and everyone here a good day.
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Marina - Good morning! You've gotten some good advice. Something to add: after every blood test, diagnostic test, biopsy, surgery, etc., I asked for copies of the results. Quite a few times, I had to refer back to them or share them with my other Drs and it was so nice having them at hand.
The Node biopsy: a Sentinal Node Biopsy - SNB (Sentinal is the main Node that usually "feeds" the Axillary Nodes. In some cases, if the Sentinal Node is positive, there's a chance that some of the Axillary Nodes might be positive. If it is positive, then an Axillary Node Dissection will be done to find and remove any Axillary Nodes that may also be positive aka: search and destroy mission.)
As for the hair "thing". My hair started to fall out two weeks after my first chemo. It was a real windy day. I went out on our deck and pulled clumps of hair out and let the wind carry it away. It was quite surreal. Later that day I had my head shaved in the backroom of the salon I go to. I didn't want to deal with having clumps of hair all over my house. Before my hair started falling out, I went to and ordered 7 wigs. I liked the idea of trying them all on in front of my mirror - instead of in public. I kept the 3 wigs that I liked the most and returned the other 4. As for your work situation (I worked from home), your idea of wearing the wig from the beginning is a good one. It's what you're most comfortable with.
Also, ask your Onc about Neopogen/Neulasta. He might want you to have an injection of one of the two - 24 hours after each chemo. If so, two possible scenarios: you might have to go to the Onc's office for it OR you might be able to have the injections shipped to your house and you can give yourself the shot or someone can do it for you (my hubby gave me mine). The latter of the two - will depend on your insurance. It's much more convenient to get them sent to your house. Also, JMO - if I knew then what I know now, I wouldn't have taken the injections. JMO - I would have only taken them in the event of an infection or if I had been considered "high risk". JMO - if a person is overall in good health (other than cancer), there's a low risk of infections or other problems. I don't want to frighten you, but I had very severe joint pain from the injections, but others tolerate it. Best to just talk to your Dr about it.
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Hi MakMak,
Lots of good ideas above about wigs. Your doc should give you a 'script for a "cranial prosthesis" in case your insurance company might cover part of the cost.
I went to a local place called Jerome Krause Fashion Hair Inc in Skokie. I tried on many, and bought two completely different wigs. One short, one long, and different colors. I thought I might as well have a little fun with it. Also, the American Cancer Society has a web site with lots of good info, and they sell wigs and other nice head coverings there. They also have a catalog to browse through. I was always comfortable in my wigs, but some ladies prefer hats or scarves, and they have nice ones. I had my husband buzz off my hair as soon as it started falling out, because I didn't want to be cleaning up hair all over the house. Oh, and about the eyebrows. I bought a stencil that came with a brush and powder eyebrow color because I could not draw them on freehand. I'm all thumbs, it turns out.
Going to venture out in the snow for a doc appointment. Looks pretty anyway....
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Wendrew and Budder - Nature Made makes a liquid calcium geltab.
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Hi ladies -
Welcome Marina - so sorry you are here. I was also dx'd at 39 - 3 years ago. My kids are 8 and 12 now so I sure feel for you with a baby on your hands. I continued to work full-time during chemo. Took 3 weeks off for surgery and then returned. I would have chemo on Thursday and I would start to feel yucky on Saturday. Monday's weren't the best but better and by Tuesday I usually felt as close to normal as possible.
My hair started coming out around day 21. I had an appt to have my head shaved at about day 16, but it wasn't moving. So, I canceled. I wanted to keep my hair as long as possible. When it started coming out in chunks, I got it shaved and got a wig. Even though everyone in my office knew of my situation, I had some people come up to me and tell me they liked my new hairstyle when I came in with my wig. I was at a loss and just said thanks. The harder part was when I finally took my wig off when my hair started coming back in. I was so sick of the wig, but my hair was really short. No one said anything to me - just acted like I looked the same as I had the day before. Now I have really long curly hair. I hated every minute of the hair loss, but I did make it through. I went to Naturally Yours in Willowbrook - they were so understanding and shaved my head with my back to the mirror so I didn't have to watch. It was soooo hard.
Had my bone density test yesterday - no problems - should have results in 4+ days.
Laura - you will understand this - this past weekend my son was in a science fair (all the local middle schools). He was one of several from his school chosen to take his project to the Regional competition next month. He was so excited! He worked very hard on his project.
Made it to work today in the snow - hopefully I will make it home!
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Marina- I was just diagnosed last year. I had just turned 40. I had at that time, a 13,11,9, and 2 year old. The older ones were a great help with the little one. (though she's obviously more independent then a newborn) However, we just used this as a way to strengthen our family ties. That family takes care of family. Though my oldest, took it hard and was quite angry most of the time during treatment. I bought a wig before my hair fell out, which was around day 21. I had Adrimyacin and Cytoxin. (I was suppose to have taxotere but was allergic) I just wore a hat most of the time, never did wear that wig. Scarves when I had to be more dressed up. I did not have the Neulasta shot. If my blood showed that I was in danger of infection, the doctor put me on a low dose of antibotic, which was fine with me.
Come back in here as much as you need. These wonderful women helped me through a dark time, that I don't know how I would have made it through without them. Stay positive, it does help.
Connie... I don't know which is better. When I finally when out without a hat, everyone told me how much they loved it. I was so overwhelmed that I actually cried the first moment that I was alone.
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OK, with all your recommendations I found a wig I like.. will wait for my hubby to measure my head and pick out the color.. Will go to the girl at my MAC counter tomorrow during my CT scan (they said I have 2 hrs from the start to when they do the scan).. and get some brow pencil and some lashes.. As you all may have guessed I am a HUGE planner.. as in I have 2 vaca's booked one for July and one for Nov that I am still crossing my fingers for being able to take..
Looks like I'm ER-/PR- but HER2 positive and Dr said the HER2 + was good because I will use herceptin (I think that's the name?).. but of course I'm already reading the side effects...
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Connie, what was his project? My DH has been a judge at science fair. Lots of fun with the kids. good luck with you bone density results. I like that needles!
My DH did the honors with my head, shaving it all off. My beauty shop does it for no charge when any client is dx. They also trimmed my wigs for no charge.
Jackie, I like winter too, and every other season! We just returned from Deerfield doctor's app for my DH, {post-op sinus surgery} and we have much more snow here than they do. I think about 8 inches so far, and still coming down. Looks beautiful in the backyard, especially with big buck walking through.
Have a great afternoon all.
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Marina - I just thought of of the things I wish I would have done back when I was dx'd was to take advantage of The Look Good Feel Better program. They have lots of resources, free make-up, etc. If you're interested:
There's a program for it at:
Highland Park, IL
Highland Park Hospital
718 Glenview Ave
Phone: (800)782-7716Also...I finished chemo in the month of February and went to MX for a week two months later in April. Felt problems! Although I was still bald! lol Wore a bandana at the pool and a wig at night. Here's my all-too-famous MX photo (I'm in the middle-lol - fists up):
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I just read some of the posts about soy, which is an interesting topic. I always buy organic eggs and milk, but I know that soy is often in the animal's feed. It is really difficult to eliminate soy from the diet. Another thing about which I shall not obsess. I hope.
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Smerf -
The best defense, IMO, is to eliminate the OBVIOUS bad things. LOL You're right...if we scrutinized EVERY little thing we consumed...we would obsess. LOL Just by eliminating the OBVIOUS bad things, we're doing ourselves good.
As for the website I'm working on - it's all about healthy ways to prevent a Cancer diagnosis and healthy ways to prevent mets and recurrence in those who have been diagnosed. We have many Dr's (traditional and holistic) and health professionals who are interested in writing blogs and we'll have a discussion forum - featuring many different topics. Such as supplements, diet, exercise, etc. I am responsible for the overall design/graphics of the site and I will be hosting a forum pertaining to organic/healthy make-up, moisturizers/beauty products.
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Hi All! Welcome MakMak and Marina.
Tomorrow is my 2nd opinion and I'm very excited. I can't believe I had to be convinced to go for a 2nd opinion. Anyway, I've sent all my records and pathology slides, mammograms,etc. I have my questions ready. I'm really ready to move forward at this point. My sister's going with me. She's really super! She takes great notes. I should be able to hear more than the first time I heard all the news.
I've been having difficulty sleeping even with a sleeping pill. Was up at 1:00 A.M. on Monday. Work was pretty difficult! Still having the chest pain but it isn't too bad. I wonder if the tumor isn't sitting on a nerve.
Laura - Your website sounds interesting.
Sorry I couldn't come to lunch on Friday - I was working. It sounds like you guys had a lot of fun.
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Lots of talk here. I lost track who asked what. Anyway, I went to the same place Smerf did for the wig and spent a lot and got the best I could. I was told I would lose hair at 14 days and I did. Went to the wig place and she shaved my head when it started falling out. Like Connie I faced the wall and not the mirror. She slapped the wig on and turned me around and I looked better wigged than natural. DH went with me and I loved him for coming as I was so sad.
Went to school and my 8th graders applauded! They knew what was going on as I had told them. We got on and read "Diary of Anne Frank" and it was routine after that. Like Connie, I hated the wig even though it was so nice. I abandoned it when I had some hair. People seemed uncomfortabe. I just moved on and they got used to it.
Losing hair is not fun but you get past it.
Snow is all over here!\Susan
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Susan, it is still snowing hard here! Hard to believe how close we are, and yet such a difference. I'm ready to move to NB.