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Illinois ladies facing bc



  • kats
    kats Member Posts: 162
    edited February 2007
    I had a hysteroscopy and D&C last March because the transvaginal ultrasound I had done found the endometrium thickened and also 2 polyps.
    I asked if I could have twilight anesthesia instead of general, my OB/GYN had no problem with me having twilight instead of general. For a few days after the procedure I had some spottting and cramps. The histopathology was negative for cancer.

    Best wishes.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited February 2007
    Thank you, Friends, for your words of encouragement. My gynecologist told me she has no control over the anesthesia. So I called the hospital just to give them a "heads up." The anesthesia department manager told me they could increase the anti-nausea drugs and I told her that I had a whole cocktail of those while I was on chemo (Zofran, Compazine and Ativan). Guess what? I still threw up. I had thyroid surgery in November and it was supposed to be outpatient and I spent two nights in the hospital throwing up. I don't tolerate these medications well at all and I have a hard time getting them to listen to me. I figure the squeaky wheel gets the oil so I am going to continue to be proactive. One thing I have learned through this cancer journey is that we have to advocate for ourselves!

    I'll let you know how it turns out.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2007
    Just keep on them, Joanne. You have the right idea about being proactive! Let us know how it all comes out! We'll be thinking about you.

  • Catherine8718
    Catherine8718 Member Posts: 12
    edited February 2007

    I'm with Rita on this one Joanne! Keep on them - after everything you've been through, you know your body, etc. and they need to respect that! Best of luck to you!

  • kats
    kats Member Posts: 162
    edited February 2007
    That sounds like BS that your GYNE is giving you. I'd tell your GYNE that your not comfortable having the procedure if general is the only option, I bet then the type of anesthesia can be changed. I'm also betting the anesthesia thing has to do with how much money your doctor and hospital will make off of your procedure, they can bill your insurance more for general then twilight.

    I was schedule for general anesthesia when I had my Hysteroscopy and D&C until I asked my GYNE for twilight.

    When I had my port put in I was scheduled for general anesthesia too, I asked for twilight like I had with my re-excision surgery and my Surgeon had no problem with changing it to twilight.

    Like you, general anesthesia makes me very sick to my stomach. I had general for my lumpectomy and SNB, I vomited several times in the recovery room & I took a long time to fully awake from gerneral as well.
    General is usually given for longer surgical procudures and when a deeper level of sedation is needed.
  • Gulfwater
    Gulfwater Member Posts: 3
    edited February 2007
    I don't enjoy general anesthesia either. But I know I'll survive -- especially if they let me just sleep it off comfortably after. My lumpectomy was supposed to be out-patient, but I ended up spending the night in the hospital. I think that may have been at least in part due to the general. Most recent biopsy had to be surgical. "It" was small and shallow so could be done under just twilight sleep. That experience was amazing! Wake up in the recovery chair. Eat and drink immediately. Then get dressed. Go to pharmacy in the building on my own to get a med. Ready to go home. AMAZING!

    kats, I'm in Lombard and go to Elmhurst Clinic and Hospital. Where are you?
  • nancy101
    nancy101 Member Posts: 12
    edited February 2007
    Hi ladies. Just wanted to stop in and give everyone hugs. I am celebrating my 1 year anniversary today. It feels good to be a 1 year survivor. I plan to celebrate this weekend. My 16 year old son and I are going out to dinner. Can't do it tonight because of the snow and wind. It's terrible here. I live near the Wisconsin boarder (northeast corner-Lake County), in Waukegan, next to Gurnee.

    I just want to tell all of you that are going through treatment that there is light at the end of the tunnel. You need to take it one day at a time and say lots of prayers, and of course, get as much support as you can to help you through this. My prayers are here for all of you.

    Glad to be a part of this thread.

  • mary1220
    mary1220 Member Posts: 16
    edited February 2007

    Hey Ladies, how nice an Il. thread. I have been here for 3 years now on the June thread (from 3 years ago). I had IDC Her 2+++ Harmone neg. I did the usual and 1 year herceptin. I am 30 miles south of Springfield and tonight it is not pretty. Good luck all you going through chemo now and it goes pretty quick. Congrads on the 1 year celebration Nancy101. I have to check in on the June thread and it's good to have this thread. I will come back. Mary

  • Catherine8718
    Catherine8718 Member Posts: 12
    edited February 2007

    Nancy - congratulations!!!! I'm so glad you and your son are going to go out and celebrate! What a year this has been, on so many levels! For me it will be a year ago tomorrow (Valentine's Day) that I had my mammo, then ultrasound and walked out of there having just been told by the radiologist that I needed to have BOTH BREASTS BIOPSIED!! Then it was on the 20th that I was officially diagnosed. We're just a week apart. Never thought a year ago I'd have such a wonderful support system in a group of strangers with whom I have so much in common. Enjoy your celebration and your one year of survivorship!!!

  • kats
    kats Member Posts: 162
    edited February 2007
    Hi Gulfwater,
    I'm in Streamwood (east of Elgin, near Hoffman Estates and Schaumburg). I had my surgeries at Alexian Bros Hosp and chemo & rads at the Cancer Institute which is there too.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited February 2007
    Hi Girls -
    Wanted to pop in and say Happy Valentine's Day! My little "Heart Breaker", Buddy Love, sends a big pooch smooch to the Illinois Ladies:

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2007
    Laura.........thanks for sharing Buddy Love with us. The picture brought a big grin to my face and I'm a little down today. I've been feeling so good that past couple of weeks that I don't want to start all over with #2 on Friday. Guess I've been having a pity party yesterday and today, so the cute picture boosted my spirits! Maybe the 9 inches of snow, my completely drifted lane, the cold temps, and winter in general has something to do with the "blues" I've had lately. I'm going to attempt to get out of the doldrums today by doing a few things that I've needed to get accomplished for quite awhile. Perhaps a sense of accomplishment will get me motivated again!

    Nancy and Catherine! How wonderful! Congrats on the one year surviorship! I really admire all you ladies who have gotten through the first year after bc. Now you'll just start checking off many more years and we'll celebrate each one!!!!

    Thinking of you today, Joanne and hoping all goes well.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2007
    Welcome to the Illinois thread, Mary. DO come back!

  • Catherine8718
    Catherine8718 Member Posts: 12
    edited February 2007
    Lovin' the Buddy Love - very cute! Thanks for sharing.

    Rita, perfectly normal how you're feeling. I used to feel the same way. One way to look at doing chemo in the winter vs. the summer (like me) is that everyone is pretty much housebound so why not have this going on while you're stuck inside! I actually found that chemo got easier for me, I learned how to manage my meds and kept a journal of how much I was taking, etc and would track how I felt too. It was a challenge for me to try to feel better sooner than the previous time (I'm a little competitive like that!) Just a thought. Remember after Friday, you're one step closer to being done - it will happen much faster than you realize. Stay strong!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited February 2007
    rita -
    Glad Buddy Love cheered you up a bit...he's known for that. Catherine is so right! This is the best time to be going through chemo. I was always down in the dumps for the days just before another infusion. But remember...this summer will be all YOURS. You can hit the golf course, hang at a pool, etc... And, you'll be in the next chapter of your life. Hang in there...
  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2007
    Thanks gals for your encouragement!!!

    Laura, are you healed up enough now that you can wear bras comfortably or are you still struggling with that issue?

    Don't know about all of you, but I'm tired of this snow and they are forecasting more for late Friday night or early Saturday morning. Guess you're right........I might just as well be puny from a chemo treatment because if we get much more snow on top of what we already have, I wouldn't be going anywhere anyway! :-)

    Thanks again girls.

  • mary1220
    mary1220 Member Posts: 16
    edited February 2007

    Rita, you must not be too far from me as I have 7" of snow and 1 to 3 more tonight. I am frankly sick of cold and snow and the winter hasn't lasted that long so far. You are half way to feeling better. You just have to take the bad days and know good days are around the corner. I would get out and walk through Wally when I could just to see people and feel a little like a half a human. I had it bad with the A/C but the Taxol was easy. Hope you feel better soon. Mary

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2007
    Hi gals!

    Just checking in after chemo #2 yesteray! What a fiasco! My appointment was a 10 a.m. and I didn't even get back to the chemo room until 11:30. Because of the heavy snows and cancellations this week, they were putting all the cancellations in-between the regular appointments. I know that those poor people had to have their chemo treatments ASAP but it made a very long day by the time we got out of there. The nurse that there were only 6 who made it in on Wednesday for their treatments. But the good thing about the whole ordea is that it is over! I have more chemos to go, but it sounds much better to say that I am 1/3 of the way done! :-)

    So far, I'm doing pretty good, but they had me start the compazine 6 hours after the chemo and I will keep taking it for 3 days every six hours. I have had a little gaseous feeling, but that is all. I'm keeping my fingers crossed because I am such a wimp!

    Mary, I am in Bloomington. Where are you located? I think we got about 4 inches of additional snow last night but it's still coming down very slowly. It didn't cause much of a problem in our lane this time because the winds weren't as strong and there was little drifting out here. Actually any snow at this point is too much for me!

    Joanne, we've been wondering about you! Please check in and tell us how Thursday went and how you are faring!

    Everyone have a good weeknd.
  • mary1220
    mary1220 Member Posts: 16
    edited February 2007

    Hey Rita, I am in Taylorville. My sister lives in Lincoln so we go to Blm. sometimes shopping when I go up there. We got about 2 more inches and it is still snowing lightly. I guess the 40 mile an hour winds are going to be a beast today. You are half way done with the crappy stuff so just hang in there. It gets a little yucky each time but you still have good days so look for those. Great weather to stay in. I did my chemo in the summer and I really missed the taste of my home grown tomatoes. I did get out and work in my flowers some. Stay warm, Mary

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited February 2007
    Hi Rita and all my Illinois friends: Rita, I'm so glad you had your chemo. I always feared a delay because of bad white counts but neulasta did the trick for me every time. I did have chemo the week of Thanksgiving and Christmas in 2003 so I know what it's like to have to change your schedule. I am a creature of habit and I always liked to be in the same area (same chair, if possible) and a couple of times I had to go to another area. My cancer center has a whole new space now, much nicer and newer. (Edward Cancer Center for any western suburban ladies). I still have difficulty sitting in those chairs if I go to a lab that has them. It kind of freaks me out. I'm getting much better with it now.

    My surgery went quite well, thanks for asking. It was below zero and I had to be there at 5:30AM. The nurse couldn't get an IV line in my hand despite wrapping my arm in a hot pack and warm blanket. My veins seems to have constricted ever since chemo, even though I had a port and I drink so much water every, single day. Also, I only have one arm they can use, like so many of you. Anyway, I had a bad experience with IV infiltration with my thyroid surgery last November. My arm was so sore for over two months. So here comes a vein that wouldn't take the IV and I got a huge bruise on my hand. I was so upset. They told me the anesthesiologist would put it in but they didn't know where it would go. I had visions of my foot or somewhere horrible but he put it in a vein right above my wrist, no pain, no difficulty. Think I'll ask for an anesthesiologist EVERY time!

    I didn't have general anesthesia (no breathing tube or gas) but I was OUT for the procedure. I asked for no narcotics, so I awoke well, sat up and didn't feel sick at all. I had a little pain that they took care of with an IV pain reliever akin to ibuprofen. Cleared it right up and no further pain or discomfort. I feel great!

    My doc told my husband that the polyp and endometrium looked fine, she's not worried at all. I still have to wait for formal biopsy results but I am very optimistic.

    I have been waiting to get on with my life since I finished radiation April 1, 2004. First I struggled with my thyroid for two years, finally got that resolved, now this! I am going to New York for my 50th birthday in mid March and a cruise for spring break in late March. After that, I have to have a colonoscopy and the doc is also going to look at my other abdominal organs, either through scope or ultrasound. I'm telling you, they better not find anything. I am sick of being in this bad health hell!

    OK, wow. I am really long winded today. Oh! I have good news! My younger daughter found out yesterday that she was accepted to University of Illinois. My older daughter is a sophomore there. We are so thrilled for her. I went there, too.

    Ok, I'm done now. Thanks for listening to me. Stay warm and dry. The snow is pretty, though.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2007
    We are close! We head to the Springfield Mall about 5 or 6 times and year and of course hit the state fair, so I know where you are located. We ended up today with an additional 3 inches today. It wasn't drifting much this morning but the wind has picked up as the day has gone on. I am so glad that you're all done with the treatments and sincerely hope that all is going well for you healthwise. Isn't this site wonderful? Thanks for your encouragement.

    I am so glad that your surgery went well. I was worried about you...and am also glad that you've gotten preliminary good news. These surgeons pretty much know what they have removed before it ever goes to pathology so you should be feeling pretty good about it right now!

    Congrats on your youngest daughter heading for U.of I. That will be neat when they both graduate from your Alma Mater. I went to Western Illinois University but my son went to University of Missouri Rolla for an engineering degree because Western didn't have what he needed.

    Hey, your "spring fling" sounds wonderful! That should perk you up after this last fiasco and what a great way to celebrate the big 5-0! Several of my girlfriends think that we should hop a plane and head to Vegas in late August to celebrate my 60th birthday and hopefully the end of my BC journey. It is sounding better all the time!

    Did you have problems with the neulasta shots, Joanne? I've heard really mixed reports about them.

    Well, I'm heading back to the recliner. I'm doing much better with the side affects this time. I don't want to push my luck.

    All of you Illinois ladies have a great weekend.

  • EllenFitz
    EllenFitz Member Posts: 7
    edited February 2007
    I just found this Illinois thread - don't check the boards that often, but I am happy to find some local people!

    My name is Ellen - I live in Chicago (Lakeview) and was treated at NW. I was diagnosed in March of 2004 at the age of 46 - so coming up on my three year survivor anniversary. I had a lumpectomy for a 2.1cm tumor - 1 node of 10 was positive. I had 4 DD AC, followed by 4 DD Taxol, then 37 radiation treatments. I was on Tamoxifen for 2 years and switched last month to Arimidex. Since I was still premenopausal, I get monthly Zoladex shots to put me in menopause - since I wanted the extra benefit that the AI's show.

    I'd love to join the Susan B Komen walk - last year I did the American Cancer Society - Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk and raised more than $4500.

    I'm single also - gives us a different set of issues to work through in facing the disease alone. On the other hand, I don't know how people with families make it through the treatment. I worked every day, but when I got home I was too tired to deal with anyone but me!

    Glad to meet all of you!
  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2007
    Welcome, Ellen! Congratulations on your approaching milestone! Wonderful! Laura is going to post the walk dates in your area and I'm sure they'll love to have you join them. I would even like to come up and walk with you if it works out. You're so right.....the single ladies going through BC treatment have completely different issues than the married gals with families. Either way you look at it, I think it's a pretty tough journey to make and really admire those who complete it and move on with their lives. Today I'm a little nauseous and really wish I was farther down the trail than I am!

    Come back often Ellen and check in on us!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited February 2007
    rita -
    Thanks for asking. The pain has subsided ALOT! And yes, I can wear bras again! Good thing because me and my dh are leaving for Mexico in a week and a half and I will be wearing a bating suit everyday...which is somewhat scary, because I am petrified that the gel inserts in my bathing suit top are going to fall out!
    Hope your nausea isn't too bad. Hang in there.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2007

    Post deleted by Melissa & Tami

  • Ontario
    Ontario Member Posts: 4
    edited February 2007

    Returning to topic. Moderators notified

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2007
    Hi Laura!

    Wow! A trip south of the border! You will have so much fun! I'm sure the gel inserts will be just fine.....but look at it this way. If they fail....nobody there knows you! :-) You deserve a good vacation and you'll have a ball!

    I'm just looking forward to a little warmer week and no snow.

    Have a good President's Day.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited February 2007
    Hello Friends! I just heard from my gynecologist. My polyp was benign and there were no atypical cells in the endometrium. I'm so happy!!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2007
    YEAH! YEAH! YEAH JOANNE! WONDERFUL NEWS! Thanks for letting us know. I've sure been thinking about you!'re on to much better things!

  • Catherine8718
    Catherine8718 Member Posts: 12
    edited February 2007
    That's fantastic new Joanne! I'm so happy for you.

    Rita -how are you doing today? Is this your day to start feeling back to normal? I had my treatments on Monday's and with the AC once it came to Friday morning, I woke up and felt NORMAL! I have always loved Friday's but those 4 Friday's were always particularly wonderful. I would get out into my yard and work in my garden or mow the lawn. I would look up at the sky and "Thank God" for getting me through it! You just keep getting closer to the end, keep up the great work!

    Laura and Joanne, what fabulous trips you have planned. As we all know, living around here, having something fun to look forward to during the winter is always such a light at the end of the tunnel! My DH and I are supposed to go to AZ on Thurs - Sun, a combo 1 year survivor anniv and our 10 yr wedding anniv. First trip really, of this kind, with friends watching the kids, etc. BUT OF COURSE....They're talking flash floods around here this weekend, etc. and we had flooding last Fall, how can you enjoy yourself with that going on!

    Ellen, so glad you found us and welcome!