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Illinois ladies facing bc



  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2007
    Hi Ladies.........

    I am doing better today. Thanks for asking, Catherine. I went into the bowling alley and bowled three games and came home and crashed on the couch but it was so nice to get out and SO GOOD to find food appetizing again. (Not that I need to stock up on it. I gained 2 pounds during the last cycle.)

    It sounds like you have a great trip planned, too, Catherine and such wonderful reasons to celebrate! I hope you get to go!

    Well, ladies, just wanted to check in today and see how everybody is doing. It's pretty slushy outside here today, but the warmer temps and NO SNOW add a positive aura to the day!

    Take care!
  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2007
    Catherine......Isn't today your one year anniversary date???? You talked about your trip but it didn't quite connect until about an hour ago.

    You give all the Illinois gals so much encouragement and hope! This is just the start of MANY MORE YEARLY celebrations! Way to go, girl!!!!

  • Catherine8718
    Catherine8718 Member Posts: 12
    edited February 2007

    Thanks Rita! You're the best!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2007
    Hope all you Illinois gals have been enjoying the warmer weather! Spring is on the way!

  • mnance
    mnance Member Posts: 18
    edited February 2007
    Today was wonderful.

    I haven't posted here for awhile, but I'm back. In answer to some questions, I work at Roosevelt University as assistant dean in the College of Business. To CatherineF, I taught accounting while Roosevelt was in Arlington Heights. Maybe you were in one of my classes.

    Although I live in Chicago (Lawrence & California), I grew up in Barrington (we lived in town and didn't have horses).

    I've started my rads and have had 15 out of 36. So far, so good. Looking forward to some hair when the spring flowers are here (very tired of hats and scarves).

    Best wishes to all!!!!!
  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2007
    Hey 6 Kitties! Glad to have you back! Also glad to hear that your rads are going well. Are you getting radiation on both the front and the back or only on the front? I have to do rads, too. They'll probably start in late April and continue through May so I'm naturally interested in the process and the side affects. I always assumed they were only given on the front until I ran into a lady a few weeks ago who had them given to both the front breast area and also to her back.

    Hope this weather continues!

  • mnance
    mnance Member Posts: 18
    edited February 2007

    Just in the front, from both sides.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2007

    Post deleted by bco-administrator

  • Ontario
    Ontario Member Posts: 4
    edited February 2007

    back to topic. Moderators notified

  • moonsong
    moonsong Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2007

    Love the weather, went for a walk let my son play at the muddy park and went home. My last chemo will be mid-april than rads. I contribute much of my depression to not being able to get out in my yard and doodle, my 4 year old said to me "when the trees get leaves mommy will get hair." I live in Joliet il.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2007
    Oh your child's view of spring and your hair! We're driving up to Joliet on Sunday if the weather holds out to the casino. :-)

    I am so sick of snow, ice, and freezing rain! The delightful Illinois weather has not helped out much with our morale, has it? Hang in there and come back often!!!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2007
    Are all you Illinois women hibernating????? Hey, spring is on the way!

  • mnance
    mnance Member Posts: 18
    edited February 2007
    Us "bares" are just sleeping! Machine was broken today, no rads, oh well.

    Really doesn't seem like spring outside...
  • wendypetru
    wendypetru Member Posts: 34
    edited February 2007

    I'm new and from Champaign, IL. I start my chemo on Wednesday. I had a bilateral mastectomy on 1/29/07 (was diagnosed on 1/03/07, Happy New Year!)

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited February 2007
    Hi Wendy: Glad you are joining us but sorry you have bc if that makes any sense? I went to U of I and my oldest daughter goes there and my younger daughter will go there next year. Love Champaign!

    Good luck to you. I will be thinking of you on Wednesday. Let us know how it turns out for you.

  • wendypetru
    wendypetru Member Posts: 34
    edited February 2007
    Hi Joanne,

    Thanks! My son will be going to the U of I next year too! He will be in the College of Business. I'm glad I found all of you!

  • Catherine8718
    Catherine8718 Member Posts: 12
    edited February 2007
    Hi All!
    Despite the snow, at least it's not sub-zero out like it was a couple of weeks ago! Just checking in, didn't want poor Rita to think I abandoned her!

    DH and I had a blast in AZ. Of course, as we know, it didn't rain here so our basement survived and our flight was only delayed 4 hours yesterday returning home. It was really nice to have a change of scenery and have the ability to have conversations without constant interuptions! But, of course, we really missed our boys. But, now it's back to regular life!

    I hope everyone's doing well. Laura, are you heading out to Mexico soon? Joanne, are you continuing to recuperate well?
  • Catherine8718
    Catherine8718 Member Posts: 12
    edited February 2007

    Oh, yes, one little thing I'd like to share with everyone....If you decide to stash your chocolates in the laundry room away from your children....don't put them anywhere near the "Bounce" sheets!!!!! My caramel Crunch bar tastes like a Fresh Spring Day.....................

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited February 2007
    Catherine: I am feeling great, thanks for asking. I have had one medical issue after another since my cancer diagnosis in 2003. I am psyched about finally getting on with my life. Funny story about the chocolate; thanks for sharing!

    Wendy: My daughter is going to major in English. She hopes to get into the journalism program. My older daughter is a music history major with a minor (or perhaps a 2nd degree) in French. She will be in France for the entire 2007-2008 school year.

    Rita: Are you having chemo this week or next? I've lost all track of time. Sorry. I'm having a chuckle over your pronouncement that spring is coming. I guess you actually have spring in central Illinois. I'm jealous! As they say, in Chicago we have two seasons: winter and August. In fact I think we had our "spring" in December. I'm still hopeful that better weather is on the way.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited February 2007
    Hi Girls -
    Just wanted to pop in and say hi! Hope you are all dealing with this weather better than I am! LOL I'm leaving for MX on Wednesday morning - I'm concerned our flight will be delayed! Arghhhhhh...I need this vacation so bad! LOL

    I wish I could hibernate! That's the easy way out! LOL Hope you're feeling okay...hang in there. Remember...Us Illinois girls are tough!

  • scarednancy
    scarednancy Member Posts: 10
    edited February 2007
    I just finished my radiation treatments. I had a bad red rash from week 3 until the boosts started but then it all cleared up and I am left with a tan breast. I started Tamoxifen yesterday. My problem now is a lump which has never left under my arm since my SNB. It was bigger in the beginning but is still there about the size of an apricot. My radiologist isn't concerned but my oncologist was so I'm going to go back to Dr. Mammolito to get her opinion. Have any of you had a lump under your arm that hasn't gone away since surgery. It has been 4 months.
  • mary1220
    mary1220 Member Posts: 16
    edited February 2007

    IlNancy, I had one but after 3 years it has gotten smaller(1/2 walnut size). I notice my armpit is kinda tender there still but I have never gotten under arm hair back except one hair that grows on the surgery side. Both arm pits are hairless except for the one lonely hair. Wish the legs wouldn't have came back... My Doc said my lump was scar tissue but get yours checked because one never knows. Mary

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2007
    Hi Wendy, So glad that you found us. This site (and especially the Illinois gals) have really helped me in this journey and we will all be here for you, too. Come back often and post so we can share in your treatment progress. I hope that your first chemo session went well. I was petrified when I walked through the door of the chemo room at the cancer center for the first time. What type of chemo "cocktail" do you have and how often are your treatments? glad you got to make the AZ trip. You needed that time and had lots of things to celebrate! Oh yes, I loved your chocolate story! I needed a laugh this morning.

    As a few of you know, my mother passed away on Saturday, Feb. 24th and the funeral and burial were yesterday in Rock Falls, Illinois. This has been a very emotional week for me, and being an only child, much of the responsibility for the arrangements and preparations fell on my shoulders. She had recently had another bout with congestive heart failure and we had to put her in a nursing home because we could no longer care for her. Although I know it was for the best, it is so hard to lose a parent, especially one that has also been your best friend. Luckily I am teaching an adult education class at the Children's museum tonight so I will have to keep busy today. I worry about the stress and my chemo but have managed to weather that storm pretty well so far.

    Joanne, My next chemo is March 9th. Thanks for asking. See, somebody was looking out for me. My mother's death coincided with my best week in the cycle.

    Nancy, you are wise to have Dr. Mammolito look at that lump. She is one of the best! I also had a lump under my arm after surgery. I can still feel it a little bit when I "poke around" for it. I showed it to Dr. Jalovec and she said it was nothing to be concerned about...just a remnant from the surgery. I am hoping and praying that yours is the same.

    Well Gals....I need to get prepared for tonight. I am so glad that so many of you posted this past week. I'd missed you!!!!

  • mary1220
    mary1220 Member Posts: 16
    edited March 2007

    Ritajean, sorry to hear about your mom. Time helps but we never really get over them being gone. Wow, you have a lot on your plate. Hang in there kiddo. Mary

  • Member Posts: 1,435
    edited March 2007
    Moderators have been notified about the above post.

    Changing title back.........
  • kater
    kater Member Posts: 447
    edited March 2007

    Rural Elgin. Diagnosed Feb 5....pea sized lump and lump in armpit...what does atypical mean in armpit? Pea sized lump marked malignant in core biopsy procedure...WHERE SHOULD I go for chemo and radiation? Surgery is in Chicago but i want to go closer like Delnor? Aurora Rush Provena? suggestions?

  • kats
    kats Member Posts: 162
    edited March 2007
    Hi kater,
    I'm just east of Elgin in Streamwood. I had my surgeries, chemo & rads at The Cancer Institute at Alexian Bros Hosp in Elk Grove Village. The Cancer Institute is also has a location at St. Alexius Medical Center in Hoffmans Estates too.

    Atypical in referring to cells means that the cells aren't quite normal but they are cancerous either.

    Best wishes
  • wendypetru
    wendypetru Member Posts: 34
    edited March 2007

    In response to your question, I had my first "cocktail" Wednesday and it was Adriamycin and Cytoxin. I will have one every two weeks for a total of 6 doses. I am in a clinical trial so that is what I ended up with. So far so good. I had a slight headache the first day - now I'm just having problems sleeping.

    I am so sorry to hear about your mom. I lost mine ten years ago and I know it is hard. Please know my prayers are with you.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited March 2007
    kater: Is Naperville too far for you? The Edward Cancer Center is affiliated with the Cardinal Bernardin Cancer Center at Loyola. You get university level care but you don't have to go to Maywood.

    Good luck.

  • scarednancy
    scarednancy Member Posts: 10
    edited March 2007
    Hi Mary,
    Thanks for the info. I don't have hair under that arm either. I feel better knowing that someone else had the same lump as me under the arm. It seems like there is always somethng to worry about. My surgeon is going to see me in a week so I will know for sure. Thanks again for posting.
    Take care,