Illinois ladies facing bc



  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited December 2007

    Morning Girls....Kats...I think you might be right and thanks for reminding me re: the blower.  I have the gas, just need to mix in the oil and remember..."full choke, then half choke then no choke"...and don't even ask me what a "choke" is!

    Laura....gosh, I didn't even know your hand has been bothering you.  Hopefully it is something you can treat with medication and move on. GLAD your 1st chemo went well.  I am surprised that they told you NOT to take any anti-nausea meds unless you become nauseated.  I took Kytril in my IV day of and by mouth 3 days post chemo.  But everyone does stuff differently so if you do start to feel a little "urpie" don't be a strong woman for heavens sake...take the pills.  Promise?  But I really hope you and Ann and Cyd have a very uneventful next few days.

    Rita.....hopefully you are at home, beaming with good news.  I don't know if I would be in such a positive place if you hadn't started this know, back in the dark days of last year.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    Smerf....tell "Santa" you want your own computer, that you don't share well with others!!!!(only kidding)

    Just an interesting note....I was scheduled for a MUGA tomorrow to make sure my heart is still behaving itself while on Herception(already had 2 echos and they were fine) called me to cancel.  Seems the radioisotope they use as an injection for the MUGA...well, there is a worldwide shortage due to a "leaking" plant in Canada.  That couldn't be good!

    Have a great day my friends....hey Pat, don't know if you had a chance to catch the weather but we may be in for some snow so stay in bed and stay cozy, OK?  Hugs and Smiles!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2007

    Hi gals,

    Thank you all for your thoughts, good vibes, prayers, and concern.  I am back from Peoria with good news.  The mammos showed that the right breast (my good one) was completely clean.  The left breast did show a suspicious thickening near the scar line, that of course I already found a month and a half ago.  The radiologist said that there is no reason to think it is anything other than scar tissue and radiation damage, but they want to do another mammo of that breast in 6 months to keep a close eye on it.  

    After leaving the Susan G. Komen Center we headed directly into town to the surgeon who did a complete examination and confirmed the radiologist's assessment.  She saw no need for an ultrasound or MRI at this time.  I see the oncologist next week on Thursday.  She said that the oncologist will look at the blood work and if it appears O.K., I'll be good to go for a few months.  If the blood work is not to his liking, he will order scans, so it looks like I have about a week's reprieve before I need to start worrying again!  :-)  Like Laura says, it's always something.  Unfortunately while I was in the surgeon's examination room, Mary Jane received a phone call telling her that her father-in-law had passed away that morning.  That put a damper on our celebration and she hurried home to be with family. 

    Laura, I'm confused.  Do you have an appointment today with the rheumatologist or is that on Thursday, too?  I'm sending good vibes right away!  Be sure to keep us updated.  Have you ever had any problems with this before or did this just crop up a few months ago for the first time? are so right!  Michele does look cute in a baseball cap, but then take a good look at her.  She's a doll!  I think she'd probably look good in about anything.........and Kater as well!    LOL

    Congrats on your "unveiling!"  That's one giant step! 

    Smerf...I snickered at your venture out in the ice because we did the same thing.  Dave was determined that his vehicle could go anywhere so we went into Penney's to pick up a few bargains.  Just like you, the vehicle did fine.  It was our bodies that had a problem!  We did discover that it was the perfect time to shop lines, disgusted customers or overworked sales people!  LOL

    Thinking of you today Pat as I often do and hoping that you're warm and comfy.  Sending warm, comforting vibes your way dear "sister." glad you got to enjoy the weekend.  It sounds like you timed it exactly right.  And speaking of weather related announcements, it sounds like we might get a little of that white stuff tonight.

    Illinois are doing?  Have you side-stepped the side effects?  Were you especially "wound up" right after your first chemo?  I sure was but just like always I had worked myself into a tizzy before I ever got there.  Sending hugs your way......keep in touch.

    Blackjack, so good to have you join us and so good to see you posting.  This is a very NEAT group of ladies!  Welcome!

    Hi Kats, Nicki, JanClare, Susan, Kater, Michele, and anyone else that I didn't mean to forget. 

    I'm drained so I'm heading for the recliner for a short nap.

    Thanks again for all your encouragement.

    You are the GREATEST!!!!!


  • conniehar
    conniehar Member Posts: 585
    edited December 2007

    Susan - we were at the Wilderness.  I don't know if that is the ad you saw or not.  There are 3 big ones - Wilderness, Kalahari and Great Wolf.  They had the place all decorated for the holidays and even had Santa there both mornings for the kids to meet.

    Gald everything went well for you Jackie!  I agree that the first one is a non-event until a few days later when you start to feel it.  Hopefully, your side effects won't be bad.

    Glad you got good news, Rita. Sorry about your father in law, MaryJane.

    Hopefully, this storm tonight won't be too bad.  I have someone flying in from Atlanta tonight for a meeting tomorrow at work.  If he wasn't coming, I would plan on just staying home tomorrow.  Maybe he won't make it in.  I don't mind snow, but when you have an hour drive to work, it really messes things up.  My kids school is already sending out emails reminding us of where to go to find out if they have school tomorrow!

    Have a great day everyone!

  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited December 2007

    I would like to know if anyone has had problems from their lumpectomy. I had surgery in May for left breast lumpectomy and they took 6 snb. I have been having burning and pinching pain in the underarm area. They took me that I have markes there. Is that normal to have?? I asked to have axray done because the surgeon can't remember if he left a marker in? Why I don't know/ Just want to know if this is normal. I have not had any blood work done since this normal too.


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2007


    I had a tightening in the underarm area for a long time after my surgery and then found another lump above my scar line which fortunately turned out to be radiation damage.  As for the blood tests, I've seen my oncologist every 3 months and go again next week. I've had blood workups at every visit.  Everyone does it differently, though and everyone's treatment plan is different.  When were you finished with your treatments/and or rads?


  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited December 2007

    I finished my radation 21 tx 4 boost in July this year. No blood work was ever done and I am not taking and hormonal therapy yet for ER+. Thinking about it. They will not remove by only ovary that I have . Told me that I still need it. I am so confused about all of this


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,366
    edited December 2007

    Good Afternoon ladies,

    I've come to spend a  few minutes with all of you.  So far, so good.

    Since I was still a little wigged out yesterday I think I had a couple things mixed up.

    First the shots which I will give myself don't start til' tonight, and for the next four nights.  It's Neupogen/filagrasrin and will keep my white bood cells reproducing themselves quicker than normal I think.

    At the same time this morning I had to take a pill, Ondansetron which I will take again at 8 p.m. when I give myself the injection.  This pill will last twice a day ( once in a.m.,,once in p.m. ) for the next three days.  Then after that I have Prochlorperizine ( take as needed ) for the burps and urpes.  I have felt fine today tho' I did early afternoon have a very sudden wilt-down and had to go to the recliner with a blanket for a few minutes.

    Tell me---anyone have any eye problems with treatment.  I thought I saw something ( sometimes I read too much with my poor memory--thanks tyroid & stroke ) that your vision might change.  However it just could be that I decided to wait for my eye exam til' after some of this was done.  Didn't want to have to go twice if I could get by.  Anyway, seemed like it took me quite some time to get the sleepout of my eyes on awaking. Hope it's imagination as all is fine now. 

    Wendy----can you get one of those tables you have in banquet size.  You've made it so nice we all want to come and eat Chex, slurp great wine or some Miller Chill, get a story and be where nothing can hurt and only love and warmth and total acceptance can prevail.

    Blackjack I sure hope everything will be ok for you.  I had some of the pinchy, burning sensation just here recently but only had the surgery in October.  Felt it was just healing going on  but your healing from that should have been done.  They say us older ladies take longer to heal so I didn't get excited about it too much. 

    Kater I am going to get around to a pm to you, I really am but I'm lazier than I thought I would be.  I need to go down to the Optimist  X-mas tree lot and take a sales slot for them.  I don't get to do as much as we did at first, but we do well with the trees to keep our funds up for scholarships and such.  This year SIU has a special children's camp that thery asked for donations too and we will sponsor one ( $500.00 ) for the week, and match any other business or organization from Centralia who also sponsors.  These children go and can take a sibling or good friend which benefits them as some have never been to a camp like this or even away from home.  They have small cottages and there are counselors and Dr's and nurse's there so anything that comes up while there can be handled and they all get the benefit and encouragement of being in the same boat so to speak.  I learned about this just after I got my dx and thought it the most wonderful thing. 

    Rita....great news from you--fantastic--just wish you didn't have to hold your breath for that last report, but I always think the third time is the charm and will give you back your freedom from worry for awhile until it's test time again. 

    See you all soon and about the Miller chill...guess I'll have to bring water.

    Love,  Jackie

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited December 2007

    Blackjack -

    I had SEVERE pain for 1 year after my node dissection. The burning was awful and it felt like I had sheets of sandpaper under the skin on my arm, side and chest area. I took Vicadin and Gabapentin for 10 months and still had pain. What finally worked - was 3 pain blocker injections I got from a pain management specialist. I was at my wits end! My case was probably won't have the same, but you may want to try a strong pain pill for it. There's nothing worse than chronic/constant pain. Hang in there. Also, I really think you should be getting blood test every 3 may want to call your Onc about this and request it.

    Jackie - Count me Wendy's! I hope your treatment goes smoothly.

    Pat - I hope you're doing okay.

    MaryJane - Sorry about your FIL. Deepest sympathy to you and your family.

    Rita - Glad everything went well today! You will be just fine!


    This is soooo weird. Back in August, me and dh were clearing our forest of bad trees and weeds. A thorn from a Hawthorn Bush jabbed me in the middle finger of my left hand (went right through my gloves). I pulled it out...thinking I had gotten it all. But then as time went by, it was really sore and the top of my hand swelled up. It looked like it could also be Lyphadema - because it's the same side as my node dissection. Sometimes an injury or wound can throw you into Lymphadema. So...I couldn't figure out which Dr. to go to! Rheumatologist, bs, gp, orthopedic! LOL Yes...I have one of each! I made an appt with the bs for Thursday, but then there was a cancellation with the Rheumatologist for today, so I took it. He doesn't think its Lympha, but thinks it's Synovitis? He thinks the thorn is in the joint of my finger and it can cause problems. I read, although rare, if left untreated, it can travel to the brain and cause death! LOL OMG - the weirdest crap happens to me... So, I will cancel the appt with my bs. The Rheumotologist wants me to see a hand surgeon. (I hate any Dr.s with the word "surgeon" after their name! LOL) They'll probably do an MRI to see if the thorn shows up or extract some fluid from the joint and biopsy it. IT'S ALWAYS SOMETHING! Geesh...

  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited December 2007

    Blackjack,  It is all very confusing.  I think I need to call my oncologist to see if he forgot about me.  Rita, what are they looking for in those blood tests?  I haven't had a blood test in awhile.  I cannot remember when I had one.  I ended chemo in December of last year, so maybe 9 months ago.  I have had scans but for odd things that never amounted to anything.  My mri and next mammo is in february.  There are times, just for convenience sake, I wish my husband was an oncologist.  I am glad I am not one as I would be poking myself daily and signing up for weekly scans. God, I hate this disease.  The worry never ends.

    I do look forward to hearing form each of you.  Connie, that place was Wolf Lodge and it looked like so much fun. 


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited December 2007

    Susan -

    I think it's quite common to have blood tests every 3 months for atleast the first year after treatment. They check for signs of liver and kidney mets and much more. Also for anemia and thyroid probs.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2007

    OMG bizarre!  But let's look at it this least it's not lympha, which is a plus.  Now of course, you have something else to worry about. I know what you mean about not wanting to bond with doctors that have that "surgeon" title after their names.  To tell you the truth, I didn't know that there were surgeons who only specialized in hands.  I'm way behind times.  LOL  Hang in there.  Christmas is coming and if you're good, you might just get that Mustang!!!!  :-)   By the way, what color was it?

    Blackjack,  I agree with Laura.  If you were done with rads this summer, I would have thought that your oncologist would have wanted to see you and do blood work.  I think I would call and ask about this.  Although these appointments scare the living cr** out of us, it's always better to err on the side of precaution.

    Jackie, the children's camp sounds like a wonderful program. 

    I hope you continue to do well after your treatment.  As for the naps, most of us took them frequently during chemo.  Just keep downing the water and take those naps when you need them.

    Well, I'm off of here for the night.  Think we'll wake up to that white stuff?  It's still pretty clear here.  If so, travel carefully...especially you, Connie with such a long trip to work.


  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited December 2007

    Hi....just a quick peek as I wanted to see how you made out Rita...WooooooHooooooo! So far, so good!  Yay!

    My table is fairly big but I could always put the leaves in the dining room table and I could fit quite a group...anyone that wants to come, all are welcome.  Funny, eating dinner with my DH tonight, watching the snow fall on the deck outside....well, I was just smiling, thinking of all of you, under the table....tying my husband's laces together and then watching him stand up and fall over. I am soooo bad!

    Jackie...glad you are still doing well.  Nap whenever  you feel like it...who cares!?!

    Mary sorry about your FIL...deepest sympathies to you and your family at this tough time. goodness!  You do get the wierdies, don't you!  Hopefully it will just be that pesky thorn stuck there and a "simple" surgery will fix it for good.

    Blackjack....I finished rads 7/18/2007 and I still have some pain where the inicision is...comes and goes.  Rad onc said that could go on for a year.  Have some rib "meat" aching too sometimes but an advil takes care of that quite nicely.  Told this can last a looooooong time.

    I have blood tests every 3months when I see the onc and this will continue for 1 year following the end of my herceptin, then every 6 months for 2 years and then I forget what he said.  Some where in there I have to have a dexa scan and of course the usual mamms.  I see the rad onc every 3 months until Feb, then every 6 months for a year and then I forget what he said after that.  I figure someone will remind me! much for a quick post!  Careful driving, everybody!  Hey Pat...I can't shovel snow since my back surgery in August...since you are not doing anything, how about driving up and taking care of that for me?And no, I wasn't kidding!

  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited December 2007

    Laura-I talked to the nurse tonoc and told her that I am living off vicodin and advil. I think the clip is moving. I am going to take your suggestion and go the the pain clinic for a shot. I really don't like living on pain meds.  I did see my ocn 3 wks ago and I was out the door in 15 min. No test, got boob ck and out the door. Told me to see her in Feb. Listening to all of you I think I need to make a list of all the blood test I need to have done. My mamo post rad tx since July this past Oct was clean. Next one in April.What a b-day present that will be. I was diagnoised right after my b-day in April and an had surgery Mother's day weekend. I hope all goes well until then.  Maybe I need to go under the table too lol. It sounds like a very safe place to be now. I love watching the snow is so beautiful. I love to make snow angles outside what fun.


  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited December 2007

     Wendy: Get the fort ready! I am on my way, girl!

     I do not get 3-month blood tests!!    I see my breast surgeon on a regular basis, but not my oncologist.  I wonder if it is because I am on an HMO and not a PPO. 

    I will call tomorrow but I want the appointment after XMAS.  I just want to be happy with my family during the holidays.  I just have to believe that my doctor  did not just forget me.


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2007

    Susan, I'm on an HMO, too with the retired teachers and I still have to have the tests every three months.  There is a $10 co-pay for the oncologist appointment, which includes the blood tests.  I don't think they've forgotten you.  Maybe they don't think you need them!  And I agree with you completely.  We need to enjoy this holiday season with our family.  I am having so much fun this year finding just the perfect gift for everyone!

    It's just now starting to spit a little snow here...nothing like what is sounds like you're getting in the north part of the state.

    And speaking of clips, Blackjack, I found out today that most of us have three surgical clips that are left in when the lumpectomy is completed. I didn't know this until they kept coming in and having to redo the mammo on my lumpectomy breast.  When I started to panic, she put up the film and showed me one picture where the three clips showed up and the others where she was only getting one or two of the clips because my incision is so close to the cleavage area.  It calmed me down and I actually learned something.

    Good night all...for the second time!


  • conniehar
    conniehar Member Posts: 585
    edited December 2007

    Jackie - I had to give myself Neupogen shots every day for 15 weeks.  I was so scared in the beginning, but it got to be no big deal.  Where are you going to do it?  I did mine in my stomach - sounds gross but I guess that is where it is least painful.

    Wow, Laura - that is crazy.  Hope they can figure out an easy way to get that out!

    Couple of inches of snow here so far!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,366
    edited December 2007

    Hi Connie,

    I'm doing the shots to the tummy as well.  Just easier for me there.  Didn't like the idea of using a leg.  Then I think the back of the arm was mentioned...didn't sound good either and I'd have needed help probably.  Did you have any side effects from this?  I think the chemo nurse mentioned some bone pain or something.  Could go read the paper that came with the stuff but I always worry that I'll give myself something to "worry about ". 

    I try to reserve worry for the rest of the world rather than myself but I may have to get a little selfish this time and let someone else worry for a change.  Have started to get a little taste in the mouth that is not too hot, not metallic like some have mentioned and not real strong---just something I've noticed a few times. I know a Butterfinger Cake would taste a whole lot better.

    Maybe I'll try some of my starlight cinnamom mints. 


  • kater
    kater Member Posts: 447
    edited December 2007

    Illinois lady, yes, if you dont get nauseated, then the taste in the mouth, I thought, was the worst. My mom, over 50 had no side effects virtually....but under 50 beware!

    That's why i liked bread, pasta and such, they say dont eat favorite foods with this taste in your might not like them later after this is all over...I never had that metallic taste they talk about, if you have it, use plastic silverware i guess.   also bananas taste okay....i found that vinegar tasted like water (i cannot smell, born that way, so i'm probably a little dif. in that respect). 

    I STILL get this chemo taste from time to time now.............

    I go see oncologist tomorow to talk about tamoxifen and get *itched at about getting my ovaries out, no doubt. He doesnt think that is necessary. I have read and seen ovarian cancer for 10 years and I'm sick of it.

    I'm going to set up m y planner and get all these apptmts down's so confusing......also, i now tape all dr apptmts oncologist has said wrong things twice now so i dont trust anyone....stage 2 instead of 3 (he told me to write it down and i did....and my mom thought he said 2 also)....and he said i had aggressive cancer......

    he read the report wrong, he said, after i pointed out the report said intermediate. He is very smart and so forth, but i just dont think any doctor memorizes charts, they go fast and wing it, i hate that!


  • kater
    kater Member Posts: 447
    edited December 2007

    Mary Jane I'm so sorry about father in law. Enough pain in your family already!

    Also thanks for the grain rent figures, very interesting! I thought they just escalated down south....tell him some of ours are 170 and some are paying more now... mostly 150 around farm, 160 acres, had 165 yield...we are trying to keep that rental at $140 or 150, i forget which, too!

    I have heard of 200 rent, that might be by sheffield IL

    dont quote me! 

  • kater
    kater Member Posts: 447
    edited December 2007
    oh IL lady, i pm'd you, i remembered someone said how easy it was, just click on name on side and you can pm, that's not always easy to remember (my cat is crawling all over me) i gave you my email there, take your time!
  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited December 2007

    Morning girls....

    You know, I think my Mom would get the biggest kick out of this fort thing!  Blackjack, Susan....c'mon down!

    Jackie....not sure what inj's you are doing.  I did neulasta the day after each chemo and I was told to take Claritin (reg., not the D) the day of and for 3 days after as my onc felt that the bone pain was an allergic reaction to the inj.  I never got the bone pain but then I took the claritin so I don't know for sure if I would have gotten it if I didn't take the claritin.  Maybe you could ask about that.  Some of the other ladies on the chemo forum have taken Claritin and it did the trick.  Also...I got the metal mouth too.  I found that even water tasted strange so I used those single serving Crystal Lite packages in lemonade flavor and that did the trick for me. addition to my regular complete metabolic panel and CBC with diff, every 6months they will start to throw in a lipid panel as 1) I am on synthroid now and being hypothyroid can screw up your cholesterol and 2) arimidex can screw up both your cholesterol AND your lipids.  Just a thought for you.  Even if you have an HMO like Rita said, some sort of blood tests are probably a good idea.  Just my 2 cents.'s your Mom holding up?

    Blackjack....I hope you can get some relief for the pain with a blocker.  Let us know how you do, OK?

    Everybody else....have a great day and be careful driving. stay home and watch all us fools, trying to shovel/blow this stuff.  Hugs and smiles, girlfriend!!!

  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited December 2007

    Good Morning Ladies, What a wonderful site to wake up to. We have about 6 " of snow here.. what a day to go snowmobling. I would love to go but I don't think my arm could handle the machine. The pain was really bad last noc so first thing this am I am calling for more drugs. I don't know if the doc will get in today with all this snow. I hope everyoneis enjoying this winter wonderland. I know the kids are. blackjack

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2007

    Good morning, ladies!

    It sounds like the snow found all of you.  We woke up to only a light dusting this morning, which is fine with me since I'm really a warm-weather person. I do admit that it is pretty though as it hangs on the pine trees.  Let's you and me stay inside Pat and read a good book, watch a good movie on the TV or take a nap! your graphics!  Keep them coming.  They make my posts look so blahhhhhh......

    Jackie...I also found that anything lemon-flavored helped to kill the metallic taste....Crystal Lite, lemon drops, Countrytime....

    Well, I'm off and going this morning.  I didn't get my Christmas cards done the other day (in fact I barely got started on them), so I've set aside some time this morning to attack them again.  I hope everybody has a good day!  I'll probably check in later.


  • maryjane8
    maryjane8 Member Posts: 68
    edited December 2007

    Good morning, ladies.

    Thank you for your sympathy on the death of my father-in-law. He was a wonderful man and would have been 93 tomorrow. He had a good life. To complicate things, one of our daughters is in the hospital with high blood pressure and her baby may be delivered Friday, which could be the day of his funeral. Oh my. Does one of us go to the funeral and one to the birth? However it works out, it will be a December to remember!

    Rita was a brave woman yesterday, as you may have expected. At Komen, they kept her a good 45 minutes which had to be nerve-wracking. (I will admit to pacing the waiting room.) The doctor visit was quicker and she came out smiling! Unfortunately I then ran out on her. We've postponed our celebration lunch!

    IllinoisLady, I'm thankful your first treatment went well and hope the side effects stay at bay. Naps are good.

    Laura, hope you got good news about your hand. I have lymphedema in my right arm, and other than having to buy a larger size in some shirts, it gives me no problems. I tried the wrapping which helps a lot of women, but it wasn't something I wanted to take the time for.

    Connie, your weekend sounds wonderful. You timed your arrival and departure around the ice/snow storm!

    Susan, my two cents worth on the blood work: even after 13 years, my oncologist does blood tests every six months. They check for some protein that can indicate cancer. Just looked at my lab card and it says CA 27/29. I know things have changed since I was diagnosed. I'm sure your doctor knows what he's doing. It's important to trust him.

    Kater, I'll pass along to my husband the info about prices in your area. How is your mother doing?

    Well, I need to get moving. Have a good day, everyone. I'm jealous of those of you who got snow!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited December 2007

    Good Morning!

    We are digging ourselves out up north here! We got 8"! DH just snowblowed the driveway...lots of work.

    This week has been weird. Not only with my hand prob. but 2 months ago - just as a precaution, dh did a radon test in our basement. Now that we had it "finished", we will be spending time down there entertaining and watching movies. The acceptable level is 4 - ours came in at 12! He figured he did something wrong, so he bought another test kit and it came back at 13! Radon happens to be the #2 cause of lung cancer and lung cancer is the #2 killer of women (heart disease being #1 and bc being #3)! What really piss** me off is that a radon test is not mandatory when building a house (nor is it mandatory when simply purchasing an existing house). I really think it should be. And even if it isn't mandatory, there should be a law stating that any house could possibly have a problem with this, so people know to have it checked.) We have lived here for 6 years...I can't help but wonder how many people are living in an unsafe radon situation. Dana Reeves' lung cancer/death was due to radon in their home. So, on Friday, we have a company coming here to install a vent system and a fan system that continually (24/7) blows the radon out of the basement. It will cost $1000. Yes...alot of money, but on the other hand, it's a small price to pay for something of this nature. So...for those of you that have basements or crawl may want to pick up a test kit. It's about $25 at HomeDepot. You then send the air sample, in the provided envelope, to the lab. They analyze it and send you the results. I am going to write to the Amer Cancer Soc. asking them if there is any pending legislation regarding this. The radon company told me that RealEstate agents don't tell clients about this problem, because they don't want to lose sales! OMG - that floors me (if it's true)!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited December 2007

    Blackjack/Susan -

    The tests I get every 3 months at the Onc visits are a CBC and a CMP. And then every 6 months at the GP visits I get a Thyroid panel and others (I am going to her on the 18th. so I will let you know what else she orders). And...every 6 months at the Rheumatologist, I get more tests done to check for inflamation and rheumatoid panels and others (just got it all done yesterday, and will let you know specifically which ones I had when I get a set of results faxed to me).

    Just FYI...

    MaryJane -

    Thoughts are with you and your family this Friday. Your situation make me think of the saying, when one door closes, a window opens.

  • conniehar
    conniehar Member Posts: 585
    edited December 2007

    Jackie - I didn't have any side effects from the Neupogen shots.  When I was on Taxol, I had Neulasta shots on the day after chemo and those gave me all over aches and pains for a couple of days.  But, nothing from the Neupogen.  I did like Rita and found that lemon helped with the taste.  That was one of the most annoying side effects.

    Laura - when we bought our first house after we got married, it had one of those radon fans in it.  We haven't tested our current home though.  I guess we should probably do that.  Scary! 

    The snowfall worked out well this time in that it happened in the night.  It didn't affect my drive home or my drive to work today.  I was sure glad about that.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • zkacmom
    zkacmom Member Posts: 146
    edited December 2007

    Laura..We did a radon test in our home and it was about 7(I think).  My husband bought some radon sealer(which wasn't cheap) and did the whole basement floors and walls.  We did another test and it came back at 2.  So he is now working on finishing the basement. He has it framed and is installing the lights and doing the electrical.  Radon is a scary thing and you don't even know that you have it.

    Rita...Glad your tests went well and everything came back good.

    We got just a dusting of snow but it sure is windy and cold out.  I hate this kind of weather.  I am ready to move south but gotta wait a few years for that to happen. 

    I had a Breast MRI today.  That was awful.  Laying on your stomach with your arms up above your head for an hour.  I thought it would never end.  I had a cat scan on Monday for the lymph node in my abdomen area that was enlarged last time.  I will get those results on Thursday when I see my oncologist.  My mammogram came back inconclusive so my primary doctor wanted to do an MRI because on the right side of my left breast there is like hard tissue there.  It isn't were my lumpectomy or radiation was done at.  Also my breast is still enlarged from radiation and the skin on my breast looks like an

    orange peel.  I figured by now that it wouldn't be swollen anymore.  I'll be glad when tomorrow comes.  At least my doctor's appt is in the morning.

    My mother-in-law is coming today...YEAH....I won't have to worry about cooking dinner during the week or laundry or cleaning.  She likes to do that stuff since she is here all day while we are at work and has nothing else to do.  Also, my oldest son should be here on Saturday and will leave the day after Christmas.  He will be going to Afghanstain in March for a year.  I plan on getting a family portrait of us because I don't know when we will all be together again.  It should be a great Christmas.

    Everyone else....Have a great day.  Those going through treatment,

    I hope all goes well.

    Take Care,


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,366
    edited December 2007

    Hi Everyone,

    I just wrote my heart out and apparently it all disappeared into the black hole of Calcutta.  What a waste---erggggggg.  Anyhow, I am feeling so much more like many of you.  I think I was a being dilettantish about a whole lot of things but

    REALITY CHECK time this morning.  I forgot to take the Ondansetron first thing this morning.  HELLLLO and I stress those first four letters.  I was an hour and a half late and thank goodness late fixing breakfast.  I heaved for a bit in the bath rm but managed to get control before all  ( well whatever comes from tummy when you haven't eaten for hours ) was lost.  Not a goo thing though.  This is serious stuff and I'm not playing now---well, I never was but I was complacent to the degree of not having a problem yet.....complacency now out the window.  Hope it stays there. 

    Connie:  Thanks for the info.  I'm thinking that maybe most of what I'm getting is not the injection , but maybe the Ondansetron.  I don't notice much in the morning, but at night it causes mild achey sensations through most of my upper body--no real headache, but I have to work at going to sleep. 

    Rita:  I guess I will be blessed with a flavor too.  Not very metallic but  "what is the flavor of un-brushed teeth" I don't know, just not very good.  Well, I'm fortunate if it doesn't get any worse than it is.  I can busy myself and lost track of it for awhile.

    Laura:  I went to real estate school and got a license ( gave it up though ) about three years ago.  Radon didn't come up in school.  I think the lawyer ( employee of Chicago Title ) teaching the class danced around it a bit, but I came away with the idea it's one of those buyer beware items.  Unless it's part of actual law ( and it's not ) it's up to the buyer to wind their way through the maise of contracts, problems etc.  If defects or problems or known in advance it is the responsibility of either the selling agent or the buyer's agent to disclose those things in advance.  Elsewise the norm is having a qualified home inspector and the catch is that he is onlly required to report what is working and totally operational today and any non-code items etc.  Tomorrow after you sign--anything stops working is a buyer problem.  Good home inspectors can always tell you what you need to watch out for though. 

    Just called to buy some hats from TLC.  Have only a few days left and it will be Hair today-Gone Tomorrow so I need to be ready.  A friend gave me her wig--bought it for fun a few years back and never really used it.  It's lighter than my hair, but before I drank the radiated iodine for my thyroid my hair was about that color so I'm not too bad off I don't think. 

    Well, we may get some of the northern weather here today--light snow if any though.  For those round' the windy city, our part of southern Illilnois--nickname Little Egypt for the mainly moderate weather, we get everything weather-wise everyone else does, but not quite so HARD.  Less snow, less wind, less freezing.  Mother Nature will give us a good taste now and then--don't get off scot free, but we don't have it too bad.

    Talk to ya'll later.


  • elleng
    elleng Member Posts: 6
    edited December 2007

    Wow, after hours of trying I finally figured out how to make a comment, forgot my password, couldn't get a new one, etc. etc. and computer challenged that is definitely me.  Kater can attest to that.  Anyway enjoyed the dinner last week.  I definitely needed to get a smile on my face in that picture.  Sounds like most of you are newbies to this disease.  I was diagnosed in 1994 and a recurrence in June of 2006 to my liver (thought I was home free)  Have been on treatment since with no major side effects. Have always done lots of reading, sometimes too much I think. Sucking on lemon drops during treatments really cuts down on the metallic taste and my taste buds actually came back after awhile.  (can't figure out how you all added your info at the bottom of the postings)  2/22 nodes, neg. receptors, HR2+ (didn't have herceptin back then)  Ok that's enough for now.  Need to go work on my Christmas decorations - a mouse got in one of my boxes :) even with two cats