Illinois ladies facing bc



  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2008

    Hi gals....

    Gosh...none of our lunch gals have surfaced yet!  They must have had LOTS of desserts!  LOL   Anyway gals, I hope you had a fun day and can't wait to hear about it.

    Jackie...good luck tomorrow on #3.  I'll be thinking about you.  It always seemed that just when I thought I was back to feeling pretty "normal" again, it was time for another treatment and my responses to them were each a little different. you start your rads tomorrow?  What time? 

    tdbear...I was lucky.  I did CMF chemo and didn't lose all my hair so I'm not a real authority on the regrowth issue.  I do know that most of my friends had their hair come in curly, too but it didn't stay that way. 

    Calypso...good luck on Friday with your lumpectomy.  Once you get the path report back, you'll be able to gather information about treatment plans and get the rest of the journey in order.  This first part is really the worst........making the decisions, learning your options, etc.   Please keep us informed. will have fun no matter where you go on your "gals days out."  I can see why you are leaning toward Vegas. 

    Hello to all the rest of you.  I hope you had a good day and that you stayed warm.  It's going to get even colder this week.  Brr.........that fireplace is sounding better all the time, Mary Jane.  Aren't you glad that you added on that room now???

    Well...I'm heading for the hot tub and then my recliner.  It's been an emotional day and I'm glad it's over.  Tomorrow is a new day!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited January 2008

    Hi girls!

    We had a FAB time today! Not a moment of silence amongst us! Those who couldn't join us...we kept you in spirit! We should get together more often. It was nice to finally meet some more of you! Wendy is just as funny in person as she is here at

    left to right front row: Wendy, blackjack, JanClare

    left to right back row: Laura, Kater, kats

    Jackie - Good luck tomorrow...we're cheering you on! I PM'd you the updated Illinois Addy List.

    Rita/Wendy - I asked about knitting or crocheting because there's a thread in Moving Beyond (The Circle Club) called Community Afghan. I just joined them...we make 7x9 squares and send them to 3 of the girls and they make afghans and send them to girls who are struggling here. They're also involved with a website's all in their thread. I have just finished my 10th square and will be sending it to them tomorrow. It's fun to have an on-going project and it's fun to use all different colored yarn. So...just FYi, if you're interested.

    Off to a bath...and then some crocheting!

  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited January 2008

     Dear ILBC

    I love the pic.   Jan Clare, as my artist daughter would say, "You are sooooooo European looking!"  Kathy, I love the beret and the smile,  Wendy, I just love you in this pic and you in my daily daily posts.  Laura, forget the crochet, show me how to have your figure!  Michelle, again I need to work on my look! HELP!  And Mary.....Mary, you are as sweet looking as you are in you posts. Yes, I love you all!   I love you all!   Thanks, ladies, you made
    my night. Laura, I spent my day at school and not with the lunch bunch because you never called my boss......

    Rita, on a more serious side, I felt your pain today. We know today was hard, and emotional and personal. I am hoping that "recliner", that cat, that book, that Kickapoo River  and maybe  that man we know as Dave will give you what you need to feel okay...if not tonight then maybe soon.

    Off to a bath and no crocheting...


  • Mich101
    Mich101 Member Posts: 489
    edited January 2008

    Great picture! You girls look great!

    I hope I can make the next get together!

    Rita-thinking of you today-feel our hugs.

    blackjack-I just realized, you're a Michele with 1 'L' too! Ok, I'm a little slow these days :)


  • JanClare
    JanClare Member Posts: 267
    edited January 2008

    Thanks for posting the photo, Laura! 

    No desserts at all, Rita.  It was just sweet to be with my bc sisters today.  I think we talked for over 4 hours??   We talked so much, it was cathartic.  I swear, we need to do this on a monthly basis!  We can call it SAL- Sisters At Lunch.  LOL!

    It was wonderful to meet Wendy (oops- would you believe I almost typed Ginny again?  Must be some kind of glitch in my memory circuits!), Michele, (Black Jack) and Mary, plus see Kater and Laura again.  As I said, I felt like you were all my sisters!   

    Ginny- YEAH!!  No drains.  I hope the healing continues to go well. 

    Jackie, I was going to say the same as Rita- each one of my treatments was a little different.  My worst one was probably the 5th- my first Taxol.  I think because I still had so much of the AC still in me.  The combination of the two literally made me turn green- at least that's what my hubby said. Wink

    Calypso- I'm not sure if I'll be able to check in for the next two days, so I want to say good luck on Friday, I'll be praying for you!

    Jan- good luck as well with your rads.  It's a daily grind, but it will eventually end!  (Of course, after hearing BlackJack's horrifying account of her rads, I'm so grateful that my rads went so smoothly, even if I did hate doing it!)

    I'm low battery here on my laptop- so that's all I can type!  ((((hugs)))) to all!   Especially to our dear head Illinois Gal- Rita.  Thinking of you and your dear angel friend


  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2008

    Hi Lunch Ladies, Just wanted to say I had a wonderful time today at lunch. It was so nice to finally meet everyone after posting all these weeks on the Illinois Ladies site..Each one of you is an inspiration to each other... your warm and caring affection toward one another is very refreshing to see these days. Your stories, support and encouragement made my day!! Thank you for the fun, food, and laughter....Let's do it again really soon


  • JulieK_11_30_07
    JulieK_11_30_07 Member Posts: 17
    edited January 2008

    Hi Illinois gals --

    Sorry I've been MIA this week. I've quickly read through the posts I've missed, but there's no way I can catch up on it all! Rita ~ I'm very sorry about the loss of your friend. My thoughts are with you. Ginny ~ YAY!!! I'm so glad you finally got your drains out. I'm sure you're feeling much better by now.

    I appreciate all of your concern while I was "missing"! Here's the latest on me and why I've been away all week. A couple hours after finishing my chemo last Thursday (Jan. 3), I started coming down with a migraine. My migraine turned to severe by the evening and none of my usual medicines were working to get rid of it. Around 3:00 a.m., I started vomiting from the pain and ended up in the ER around 7:30 a.m. Friday morning.  SO, we were at the ER until about noon. I got a shot of demerol and some anit-nausea medicine - that didn't work too well, though, so they gave me another shot of morphine. They also did a CT scan while I was there and that all came back fine.

    My migraine finally went away by Friday night, but I was wiped out! Soooo, then the chemo side effects started coming on Saturday - basically very tired and nothing tasted very good. By Monday afternoon, though, I was unable to keep anything down that I ate or drank. I met with my onc on Thursday (and was still vomiting!!) and he gave me some "stronger" anti-nausea meds - which didn't really help much! We now think that I might have also caught a flu bug at some point during the week and it had to work itself out. As of yesterday, I am no longer getting sick every time I eat.

    I was originally scheduled to go back to school yesterday, but that didn't happen. So, I'm taking the rest of this week and trying to get my strength back up for my next round of chemo. I didn't make it to my wig shopping excursion last week so my sister and I are going to my cancer center "free wig" day tomorrow just so I at least have something. Laughing 

    I'll try to keep up with the posts from now on! HUGS to all!!


  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited January 2008

    Morning!  Yep...we had the best time yesterday!  Good thing I didn't have to pick up my grandniece or my husband yesterday as lunch was indeed almost 4 hours.  It was so great meeting you all.  And by the way....I do not weigh 275lbs as pictured.  Remind me NEVER to wear a winter coat, open, and stand sideways for a picture.  Good Lord!  I agree with Blackjack....the 6 of us live fairly close and we could do this more often.

    Rita....hope you are feeling better after your sad days.  Hugs! you can see, we were worried about you.  And didn't you have a time of it all.  Don't worry about catching up...we never seem to be able to...well, except Rita.  She's our leader...hey, Rita!  You started this thread 1/13/ happy 1 year IBCL!!!! of luck on Friday.  Let us know how you do, OK?

    tdbear....I had straight hair and now have little curls BUT the nurses at my onc's say they can see that it is already coming in straighter.  I would like some waves, but these teeny, tiny curls...not so much.

    Laura...I will catch up on that crocheting thread.  I have yarn all over the place.  Maybe I should start doing that in the afternoons instead of eating all day since of course I weigh 275 lbs.

    JanClare....I really do love your hairstyle.  My hair is still just a bit shorter than yours but I think if I actually approach someone with a pair of scissors without screaming and get it shaped I might like your look, if I can borrow it.  Maybe then that woman from Barnes and Noble would be more appreciative of my "new" look.  I hope someday I run into her again....and again and again and again, if you get my drift!

    Everybody else.....hope you are doing well.  Enjoy the day today as I think today is going to be the warmest before the bottom falls out....-8 by Sat am?  Yuck.

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited January 2008

    Great.  Just showed Tom the picture from yesterday...he said and I quote...

    " look about 200 lbs".

    I do so love my DH.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2008

    What a nifty picture of you nifty gals!  I'm off to the shower so I will be dressed and have the clutter picked up when my cleaning lady Christmas present to myself!  LOL  Just had to check in and see if you'd posted that pic.  I'll be back later!!!!!


  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited January 2008

    OMG...I forgot.

    Miss Laura...did we take our calcium this AM?  Right now, young lady, right this instant!

  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited January 2008


    O my, I am sorry you were so sick.  This is not what you needed at all.  Do you get migraines ordinarily or did that chemo just  do it?    I am so hoping you stay feeling well.


  • conniehar
    conniehar Member Posts: 585
    edited January 2008

    Wow - what a great picture.  So nice to put a few more faces to names.  Sounds like you girls had a great time.

    Julie - so sorry that you had such a hard time.  Hopefully, it was the flu bug and you will not have such a hard time with the next one.

    Have a great day Illinois gals!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2008

    Hello again...the clutter is finally contained (or hidden) and I've got some time to read the posts and chat.

    Julie....OMG...what a way to end your first chemo session and certainly not one you want to repeat.  I'm betting that they're right about having a touch of the flu.  What wonderful timing, eh?  HUGS, gal!  I am so glad that you're doing better and that you're taking some time off work to regain your strength and energy.  We'll keep our fingers crossed that chemo #2 goes MUCH better.

    Now...back to that picture!  Blackjack, it was so nice to be able to put a face with your many wonderful posts.  Laura and're both looking very good, as usual.  I do like your hair, JanClare!  :-)   Kater....always love your hats!   Mary....I really do want to meet you.  And's not the coat.  It's the darn scarf.  They do it to us all the time.  They feel so warm and snuggly when in reality they stick way out in front of us, creating this ballooning illusion.  All women realize that and NO woman would look at that picture and think you were fat!  

    Also...loved the graphic for today.  I am SO traditional.  I hired a cleaning LADY!!!!  You'd think we'd just go for our fantasies as we mature, wouldn't you, but then I guess we'd have to REMEMBER all of them!  YIKES!

    It has been a year now since I started this thread.  As you can tell from my initial post, I was indeed searching for "near-by support."  The dreaded chemo was about to begin and I was pretty lost then. I never dreamed that I'd meet such a wonderful group of ladies, and hopefully other Illinois women who need an "ear" and a "helping hand" will join us this upcoming year.

    Also...thanks to all of you for your comforting and consoling words this week.  I arrived early at the visitation yesterday.  The parking lot was filled and I've never seen so many cars displaying the breast cancer magnetic ribbons in the same place at any one time.  I guess that says alot for Sandy.  She touched the lives of so many of us.  She is indeed my guardian angel and role model.  It took me a few days to get out of my "funk," but now I'm ready to move on, knowing that she's probably met up with Pat already and they're scheming about how they can keep an eye on all of us!

    Thanks again!

    Well, gotta get moving.  Hope you all have a good day.  It looks like today is going to be the "hot one" this week.  LOL

    Catch up with you all later......


  • maryjane8
    maryjane8 Member Posts: 68
    edited January 2008

    Good morning, ladies!

    It's supposed to top 40 degrees today and the sun is out! You have to feel good when you see that sun!

    Julie - I cannot imagine what you went through. So glad to hear you are feeling better. Hopefully, the next time will be 100% better!

    Ladies who lunched yesterday - sounds like you had a great time! The picture was very good. I'm glad to put names to three more faces, Wendy, Blackjack and kats. JanClare, Laura and Kater - you look wonderful! Wendy, I agree with Rita - it's the scarf! Your face definitely does NOT look like someone who weighs 275 lbs! Or even 200, as your husband said.....

    Well, our carpenter came today to start replacing ceilings upstairs. I hate the mess, but it will look so much better. Need to run to town and get paint later. That's all that's on my agenda today besides making potato salad for supper. Real ambitious, huh? Have I mentioned I LOVE being retired........

    Have a good day, everyone.

    Mary Jane

  • zkacmom
    zkacmom Member Posts: 146
    edited January 2008

    Well, I got good news at the oncologist's office.  I don't have to do chemo or radiation!!!!!!  I do have to change my meds from arimidex to femara.  Which is no big deal.  He also told me that having the breast mri saved my life.  If I hadn't had that done they wouldn't have found the tumor in my right breast(which was .4cm) and then having a bi-lateral mastectomy and them finding another tumor in the left breast(which was also .4cm), I would be going down a whole different path next year.  He suggested I wrote the the medical director at blue cross/ blue shield about how important it was for me to have that mri and if it wasn't for that then who knows what would have happened.  I guess they deny alot of breast mri's.

    I think I got Rita in a more happy mode with my news.  It's just so depressing that this has to happen to us.  I am thankful everyday for

    being able to live through this.  I wouldn't want it to happen to anyone else cuz it sucks....I just hope that someday I can help someone out while they are going through this.  All my co-workers know my story and I have been an inspiration to them, so they say.

    You just have to take one day at a time and live it to the fullest.

    Well, I will quite rambling.  I hope to meet some of you guys soon.

    I actually will be going to Hoffman Estates in Feb.  My husband has a dentist appt there and I am tagging along.  Maybe we could get together????????

    Have a great warm day everyone!!! Enjoy while you can....


  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited January 2008

    You can ramble on anytime you hav the GOOD news, Ginny.  Wow,  am so relieved for you.  The idea of chemo....again......well let's just say once is enough.  Congratulations!

  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2008

    HI Ladies, We all had such a wonderful time at lunch that I propose that we should have a monthly lunch or dinner meeting. We can rotate places to accommodate the ladies who live far. What do you think??? Any suggestions??

    Ginny.. if you are going to HE in Feb. let me know I would like to meet you and have lunch while while your dh is at the dentist.

    Rita.. I am glad to to see that you are feeling sl. better. It is devastating to loose a special friend to this disease. Remember that she was an inspiration to you and others and her legacy will carry on in your heart. God bless you and her family.

    Julie.. I hope you are feeling better and your headaches are under wraps now.

    Connie.. have a safe trip to Las Vegas and I hope you win big when you have spare moment to play. I hope to meet you too.

    Ginny.. I will ck out the palm tree jewelry. I just may have to go over to Maui to ck out the new collection!!

    Laura..don't forget your need it for those strong bones.

    Mary, Kater, JanClare and everyone else I hope you are enjoying the sunshine..stay warm and have a great day.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited January 2008

    Julie - I'm sorry you've had so much trouble! I really hope things get better.'ve been through alot. It's great that the scans were clear...hang in there! Think spring...think next chapter...

    Ginny - THAT IS AWESOME NEWS! You might want to create a thread about it in the Moving Beyond just may "push" a few more girls to beg for the MRI! Let us know the Feb HE date...

    Wendy/blackjack - LOL I took my calcium...thanks so much! I checked...the ones I currently take have vita D but not vit D 3. But they do have K in them...I should still get ones with the D3 right?


    I had my 3 month Onc appt this morning...I'm such an idiot...he looked at my Bone Density report from last week's dexa and said I don't have an increase in bone loss, increase in bone density! I misunderstood the nurse who originally phoned me about the report! Embarassed So...I guess my exercise efforts are working and the Onc said the Tamoxifen can actually add bone density too! Now...if I can just be more diligent with my calc...I just may not be a rickety, break-able, frail ol' lady after all! LOL

    I asked him about a 6 month visit instead of 3 and he compromised with a 4! LOL So I don't have to go back until May...springtime! He's really a great Dr...I'm so happy I went with him from the beginning.

    Enjoy this heat wave..I hear a cold wave is headed our way!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2008

    Hey!  Hey!  Hey!  Lots of good news filtering into this thread today!  That's what we like to hear.

    Laura, I checked out the thread on the afghan squares and think I will actually practice up and give it a try after I get back from Florida.  The finished products are gorgeous!

    I think the monthly meeting sounds fantastic!  Great idea!  We need to start brainstorming and looking for a time when the "working women on this thread" could join us. 

    Gotta get moving again.  Catch you later.


  • kater
    kater Member Posts: 447
    edited January 2008

    By the time i get to this page after reading all your posts in my email, I forget what i was going to say!

    I think it ws...I'm glad to hear all the good news of course, and sorry for those of you with bad sure is nicer when we are all happy!

    The lunch was would be nice to get together every month or two...if we have enough of these we will start remembering details better, that is another upside. 8-)

    there was something about the photo...I think that the front row was too close to the camera, wide angle is not flattering to anyone...I have to say I was really surprised how the photo came out because we looked MUCH better, how can i say that right?!! I told Wendy I'll bring my camera next time....maybe I'll even find my tripod and do a self timer...

    When I took a lot of portraits I think I read that 100  mm is the most flattering...and I know wide angle like 24 and such is always AWFUL...

    Back to the subject, I was concerned when Dr. W. called me today...turns out my CA 125, ovarian cancer marker is above the digits, along with my Mom's! I can only hope it's from the surgery healing process and Mom has a cold. Mom will have a ct scan after chemo 3...and I'll have ca 125 rechecked in 3 months. My insides looked normal the doctor is still saying, so next check is just precautionary (I will listen to everything she says, Jan Clare!)

    . Got another pap too and will see if the chemo affects are gone by maybe I'll have a normal pap..

    Laura, I looked too, today and sure enough, wrong vitamin D on those chocolate things. (not the recommended vitamin d3)

    My mom said her doctor said just one calcium a day, and get the rest in your food....because it can cause side effects...Dr. B mentioned gas and stomach upset so maybe there is something to that, so i had two glasses of milk at lunch and supper today. 8-)

    i'm also trying estroven or whatever and am trying the fan trick i learned from the luncheon. (using the fan to put it simply!) 


  • kater
    kater Member Posts: 447
    edited January 2008

    Future luncheons: I can borrow my Mom's van, we can meet up and I can hold 6 others....

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited January 2008

    Morning All!  Have we all done our stretches this morning????

    I agree with Kater....we are all much better looking in person.  And Laura...great news about your bone density and you, my dear, will NEVER be an ol' lady!

    Ginny...I am sooo happy for you!  You "lucky" girl!  OK...not exactly what I mean to say, but I think you know what I mean.  And writing letters to insurance companies re: the necessity of MRI's is such a good idea.  I am going to write to my old ins, thanking them for covering it.  It didn't show anything but still glad I had it.  And while I am at it, I am going to thank them for covering the genetic testing as well. just may be that your body is still recovering from your surgery and chemo.  Keep us posted on how that number does! are you feeling?

    Jackie...calling OK?

    I truthfully don't know the difference between Vit D and Vit D3 but I read thru the threads from "Rosemary" and she said D3 was better and did explain it but of course...ahem, chemobrain...and I don't remember.  But I figured if I was gonna take D, might as well be D3.

    (Missy Laura....TAKE YOUR CALCIUM)'s DH feeling?

    Everybody else....have a great day.  Hear we are getting some snow this afternoon, so everybody please be careful driving.  I would miss you if you got smooshed.

    Out to lunch today with my exercise buddies...every month we try someplace new...and all we do for a few hours is laugh and laugh 'til we cry.  We have the BEST time, just like I did with you guys on Tuesday.  I LOVE having all these new friends...really makes my life very!!!!!

    Smiles and Hugs....and don't forget to "woohoo" today!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2008

    Good morning, everyone!

    A light dusting of snow has just started here. Since I'm not a big snow person, I'm not super excited about this but I must admit it looks pretty as it cascades down.  I hope everybody is doing well today.

    Gals..I really do think that the vitamin D-3 versus the regular vitamin D does make a difference.  I have been very faithful about taking it and the magnesium, and my feet are MUCH better.  In fact, I'm meeting a friend for lunch and after lunch today I'm actually going to try to walk a mile or so in the Mall.  I'm not going to push it and go my full 3 miles but I'm going to head off at a good clip and see what happens.

    Then I need to do a little shopping so I have plenty of the essentials...underwear being the #1 priority....for Florida.  I can't believe that I'll be off in about a week for a few days in the sun.  WHAH HOO!  Guess I'm going to be pretty much of a lazy butt today, too, Wendy, and it looks pretty appealing today!  Maybe Mary Jane is right....retirement IS pretty good.  (When I have more time, I will tell you my latest job-search story.)

    Kater...your body has gone through alot with all the chemo and surgery.  Hang in there.  This could just be your body's natural way of healing.  HUGS!!! 

    Well, I'm off to start the day.  I'm sure I'll be back later after the shopping is done!  Everybody have a good one!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited January 2008

    kater - I understand how ingesting calc through food/milk could be a more direct approach to absorption, but I'm worried about the growth hormones in milk...I don't trust it. In fact it was listed in the top three culprits as possibly being bc causes. I think if I was going to increase milk consumption, it would have to be organic. And...I think there's hormones in lots of other dairy prods as well.

    And...just FYI - my SUV/bc mobile holds 6 passengers too!

    Rita - It's great that you'll be heading to sun, sand, fun soon! We'll miss you though...

    Wendy - Thanks...I'm off to the vit store to purchase some new calc supps!

  • kater
    kater Member Posts: 447
    edited January 2008

    My dairy farmer friend says Walmart just signed to not have hormones, but they will not label it as such in case they run short. There is plenty of milk around without hormones as far as I know.

  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited January 2008

    hi all,

    I think you all look great.  

    I need a personal secretary.  I have to have a breast MRI in February as that is the 18 month date the doctor used for a followup.  Now because of the lower back problem (siatica-spell????) I need an mri on the spine.  The doctors are are not the same so I need to communicate with the one that I need her paperwork to do both on the same day so I am not doing two different MRIs.  It just seems complicated, but maybe it is not.  I am not even sure if the machine is the same for both.  They should know.  I will deal with it tomrrow!  It gets even more confusing as I have terrible claustrophobia so I need a prescription for two sedatives to get me through the ordeal.  Then I need to have my husband go with me because I am sedated!  It is not easy being me.  I am sure I lost 75% of you.

    Anyway, have a great day.  


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited January 2008
    Susan - I know ALL TO WELL how overwhelmed you feel with all these tests...As time goes on, the tests get less and less frequent. the breast MRI and the back MRI are two totally different machines. Hang in there...I'm glad you're getting the breast opposed to a mammo. It's good that your Dr's are taking your complaints seriously...some do not. I have claustrophobia too, so I take a half of a .25 Xanax about 30 minutes prior to every scan or MRI and it works great. I also have them put a wash cloth over my eyes...not seeing what you're going to be "under" or "in" makes a big difference for me, atleast. The amount of Xanax that I take is sooooo small, I drive myself with no problem...I've been doing this for years now. It's just enough to "take the edge off". Just FYI...good luck.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited January 2008

    kater - One more thing...I know it's going to be hard to NOT worry the next few months. You may not think so, but odds ARE in your favor. There's nothing worse than the 3-W's...waiting, worrying, wondering. Good luck to your Mom too! Are you sure it's okay to take Estroven? And...I'm confused...didn't you have your ovaries taken out?

  • tdbear
    tdbear Member Posts: 286
    edited January 2008

    You gals look great in the pic!! Wish I could meet you for "the Sister at lunch bunch" I do normally visist family in Elgin once a year......

    Julie, I had about the same problem, SEVER migraine after first chemo, went to ER also. Thankfully they gave me morphine right off. The rest of my chemo was uneventfull!

    I'll have to check out the community afghan, am sure our grand daughter would love to help knit!! (she's 15, help keep her mind off boys!!Surprised)

    glad I found this group!

    "tough times don't last, tough people do. We ladies are the toughest!!"