Illinois ladies facing bc



  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited January 2008

      Hi all!

    Sleeping in Rita??  Ha!  Now I am up at 5:30, getting DH's paper, breakfast lunch together...then shower, then off to the gym!

    JanClare....I am so glad you are back and you seem so much happier  and I LOVE YOUR HAIR!  Wish my bangs would grow some...seems like my forehead is a foot high.

    Blackjack...well, at least you have an answer now.  I have no idea if asthma could be caused by radiation damage to the lung.  Let us know what your new pulm md says abut that one.  Are you feeling ANY better?

    OK...Florida, Vegas, CA and NOW JANCLARE OFF TO BELIZE?????  gee...later in the week I am going to BATAVIA.  Woo hoo!

    Connie, Blackjack...that would be nice if you two could meet up for a drink or coffee or something.

    Jackie...sorry you are having mouth issues.  I seemed to have escaped that se as well.  Have you tried Oasis?  It also comes in a little spray bottle that you can carry with you.  I bought it prior to chemo but never needed/opened it so I gave to the chemo nurses who passed it on to some patients.  It's now the only thing they rec. as it works so well.

    Laura....don't really know anything about deer, but Mother Nature has ways of taking care of her children.

    Rita...have fun today!  And you have a creek?  Neat!  The Mag. is really helping my joints/muscles.  I couldn't believe the difference so I stopped it for a week...pain all came back.  Started back, 5 days later....75% of all achy pain is gone.

    Laura...PM me where Biaggio's is and where is Deer Park?  We have one up here, right in Algonquin Commons but I've never been.  If I am not being a good great-aunt and baby-sitting that day, maybe I could make it.

    Well....I finished putting away everything in the bsmt. yesterday, and today I am tackling the pantry as when we open the door...we have to duck!

    Everyone have a wonderful day.  We got very little rain compared to some of's colder today for the sun is out and everything looks so green!  Well...until it snows again.

  • maryjane8
    maryjane8 Member Posts: 68
    edited January 2008

    Blackjack - Sorry about the asthma. I think there must be some connection between the radiation and lung issues. My onc told me back then to be sure and get a respiratory flu shot. If I hadn't needed it before, I would then. That may have been because of the compromised immune system, however. Sure hope you are feeling better. My weirdest condition to arise from radiation was that 6 months later I had to have carpel tunnel surgery in both wrists. I even found an article dealing with this issue. Sorry, girls, just trying to give you something else to look forward to. Ha!Smile

    Susan, that is so neat that you stay for your students' games sometimes. That age group really appreciates the interest. I always felt sorry for the ones whose parents never came. That's one reason daughter #1 and I try to go to so many of my niece's games. Her parents don't go. But that's another story.....

    I'm still cleaning, taking computer breaks until daughter #5 gets out of bed, then she takes over. . the computer, not the cleaning. Actually, she's very helpful. Just want her to enjoy her last two days at home.


    Mary Jane

  • maryjane8
    maryjane8 Member Posts: 68
    edited January 2008

    Wendy - didn't see your post. Congrats on getting your basement cleaned up. I hope to attack my attic as soon as the carpenters are done with the upstairs ceilings. I had to laugh when I read what you said about your pantry. My Mom used to call that Fibber McGee's closet. There apparantly was some radio show called Fibber McGee and Molly and one of the gags was when they opened their closet and everything fell out. Of course, we are MUCH TOO YOUNG to remember that, right?

    Mary Jane

  • conniehar
    conniehar Member Posts: 585
    edited January 2008

    Hi girls - just checking in quick - super busy at work.

    Hope you are feeling better soon blackjack.

    I like your new picture JanClare.

    Julie - how are you feeling??

    Sounds like everyone else is busy, busy, busy - but having fun!  Yea!

    Have a great day!

  • nandy
    nandy Member Posts: 4
    edited January 2008

    May I intrude on your "Illinois Laddies" site ? I am a part of the Jan. 07  "Going through Chemo." group, but I always read your post also since I lived for years in Southeast Iowa right on the Mississipi.

    The game Jackie is telling you about Rita, is what we always play at our family gatherings only we call it "Contract Rummy" the rules are in the official Hoyle rule book. It is lots of fun for any size group.

    Glad you are all doing well. I finished my chemo in April and have made a strong recovery--Thank God !---Nandy

  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited January 2008

    Dear Ladies:

    Rita, can you believe all the people you have touched with this blog?  We have power here!

    I have been looking up some advocacy groups to raise money for breast  cancer research.   I think all medical research is being negatively impacted with financial cuts. I know the walks/runs raise money and awareness but I really want to get into the legislative angles now.  I  have no idea what I am doing, but I guess the only way to START is to BEGIN.  This is my first source of information:

      If you know of anything else, let me know, especially if you hear of workshops designed to figure out how all this advocacy works.  


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited January 2008

    Hi Girls...   blackjack - I am so sorry about the resp probs...hang in there girl! Drink lots of water and follow the Dr's orders. I hope you're feeling better.  

    Rita - you and that darned Kickapoo creek I love it...LOL You are absolutely right...kater could whip us up an Ark in no fact, she could design a pulley system to keep it overhead when not in use! LOL I would have freaked if I saw that deer trapped! HOLY heart would have given out! You are QUITE the entertainment queen! Lovely no doubt...  

    mary-jane - I'll talk to JanClare...I don't know how much time she has free that day. I'm open...but I'll let you know if we can head out your way (and Rita's and Ginny's). You are so funny with the daughter's #'s! Too cute...  

    jackie - Hope your mouth is better. I had thrush 3 times during chemo. It wasn't pleasant, but it could have been worse. I used worked for me. Gawd...I feel for you...  

    Susan - Your area...I can imagine how much deer traffic you get. I really wish there could be a placement program for all the deer in our areas. Basically, no matter how "wooded" we are, we're still quite urban. The spray bottle called "Deer Away" really works when sprayed on flowers. Any word on your dd's tests?  

    Wendrew...we'll keep you posted on the kick-a** lunch...I would LOVE meet you...  

    Nandy - Stop in anytime! Glad you are doing so well...keep up the good work. Your hair style is adorable!  

    Connie, Mich, Pat, kater, Joanna, Julue, Nicki, Mary and EVERY Illinois Girl...Be well...Be happy and just Be!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,578
    edited January 2008

    Good Evening all,

    I got some Biotene---first thing I spotted at the drug store so i grabbed it.  Seemed to have made a difference right away.  Funny, when I asked Oncology at Marion they seemed to poo-poo the idea of using anything in your mouth.  I'm still "thinking" what gives here.  They tell me they don't want me to have these discomforts and then they seem to hold out on me for what you can use.  I will keep checking in with them but I think we need to have a meeting of the minds of some sort.  I'm not hard to deal with but the mixed messages are starting to get to me a little.

    Well, I was a dilettante today at home.  Went out to lunch around noon with a couple gal friends......and called dh around 5:30 to come over to Betty's from work. We had such a good day together we couldn't let it end.

    Blackjack.....I'm sure sorry to hear about the asthma.  Hope the Dr. can make a difference for you and maybe this will resolve and not be a long standing complication.

    Nandy it's great that you know my game........I don't know where the May I name came from, but glad that it's been mentioned several times now as it is a fun game. 

    Well, I'm off to finish my laundry....need clean clothes for work tomorrow.  Stay well all.


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2008

    Hi gals!

    Wow!  What a fun day!  Bunco went well even if I didn't win and then I always come home motivated after dealing with the youth group at church on Wednesday night.  Now I'm ready to kick back and relax.

    My step-dad and I are heading for Lexington, KY on Friday for the weekend to go to my son's.  He made my son a very nice piece of furniture for Christmas and with all "Grandma's special Christmas finds" it wouldn't fit in the truck so we are taking it down.  I've never seen their new house so I'm pretty excited about going.  Poor Dave...he's left behind at home again with the cats.  He has to work!

    Jackie...glad that the biotene is working.  I just used both the toothpaste and mouthwash the whole time I was doing chemo.  I think that the biotene products and the ice chips helped me get through without the mouth sores or thrush. get up at 5:30 to get the paper and make breakfast???  Hey're SPOILING that man!   LOL  Mary Jane does the same thing!  (But maybe it works.  She got a diamond bracelet for Christmas!) just pop in anytime.  We'll adopt you.  Thanks so much for the info on the Contract Rummy game.  That will save Jackie time as she won't have to write down the rules for me.  I am so glad to hear that you are doing well.  Are you taking any hormones now?

    Susan...Wow!  What a lofty goal you have ahead of you!  I wouldn't know where to start either but can see where you might really make a difference with it.  Good for you! glad you went to the doc.  I don't know if there is a connection between asthma and radiation.  I've had allergies and asthma all my life but it's gotten better with age.  I didn't have any flare-ups during radiation and sure hope that I don't in the future.

    Laura...I gave up growing roses.  The deer like them too much!  We put chicken wire around all the new bushes this Fall so they wouldn't eat them this winter.  Last year they made quite a meal on some of my bushes.  Live and learn, I guess.

    Ginny...tomorrow is the day that those drains come out, isn't it?  Whew!  That will be a relief.  You will be a NEW woman!  Let us know when your appointment is with the onc.

    Jan from Clinton....drop back on.  I'd love to meet you sometime.

    And everybody else........all you wonderful IL ladies..........have a good day tomorrow. 

    I'm off to the recliner.


  • maryjane8
    maryjane8 Member Posts: 68
    edited January 2008

    Just checking in before I head to the recliner. Just got back from my niece's ball game. They won, but it wasn't pretty! 

    Tomorrow I go see my radiologist for the yearly appointment. He's nice but totally different from my oncologist. I remember when I made it to 5 years past surgery, I was elated. The radiologist told me that really didn't mean anything. Well, that certainly flattened my tire! But my oncologist assured me every passing year is a good sign. I think some doctors need to go to charm school.

    Have a good day tomorrow everyone!

    Mary Jane

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2008

    Good luck today, Mary Jane, with your charming radiologist. 

    Do you have to go to Galesburg to see him or does he do routine trips to MDH? 

    Nandy...I knew I recognized you from someplace.  I, too, was in the Jan. '07 chemo group for awhile.  Then I realized that I didn't have quite the same symptoms as those of you who had AC chemo.  I had CMF.  I found a thread just for CMF chemo patients and felt more at home there.  I still went back and lurked at the Jan. site, keeping track of several of you for quite some time before moving away completely. is Joanna doing?  Do you ever see her?  She got the "knack" of posting and then disappeared, but I do think about her.  Also hope that you and Mom are both doing well.  I hope we didn't run her off.  I keep telling Mary Jane that it's hard when you first get on a thread because you're the "newbie" and you sometimes don't feel like you fit in the group.  We've had a few other new gals who have posted and then disappeared, too and I hope it's not because we didn't make them feel welcome.

    And speaking about disappearing temporarily...Julie...where are you?  Check in and let us know how you're doing and what is next in your plans.

    Ginny...let's hope that those drains come out today.

    Connie...glad that you're busy at work and with your family.  That will help with your transition from treatments to the real world again and all the emotions that go with it!

    Hello to all the rest of you. I hope you have a good day.  I will be back later.  I have to change sheets in the guest bedroom before my step-dad arrives and wrap a birthday present for my youngest grandson as well as get clothes ready for the short Kentucky jaunt. 

    Catch you all later.


  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited January 2008

    Good morning all!

    Nandy, you look like a very cool lady!  Welcome.

    Mary Jane, good luck with the radiologist.  My radiologist barely speaks English but I would smack him one if he made that comment about my longevity.

    Rita, it (BC advocacy) does seem a bit of a lofty goal for me as I begin to face the prospect of facing 85 hormone-pumping students!  I am just at the reading stage here.   It is not like I am planning my own march on DC in a week.  Imagine, once there was bra-burning on the White House lawn.  We HAVE come a long way.

    Illinois Lady....they don't mention biotene because they never had to use it!  I hated mouth sores with a passion.  I gargled with salt water and that heped me.  Put the biotene on with a Q-tip and do it often.  It helped me a lot.

    Wendy, your husband is lucky to have you and you are lucky to have him.

    Everyone else....have a happy!  I go to the eye doctor.  Remember when I ripped my retina and thought I was going blind in one eye?  Well, I am fine but have to do my followup.  My husband has to take off work to fetch me because they dialate the eye and I cannot drive.  I am beginning to feel like an old woman who must depend upon the world to get her  needs met.  Daughter has her second test today.  Cross your fingers, you legs, your arms and if possible, your toes.


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2008

    Susan, I was just ready to log off and finally get to work when I noticed your post.  I couldn't do that without telling you good luck today with both your appointment and your daughter's test! 

    You are so right!  It is hard for independent women to have to depend on others, isn't it?  And as for your lofty goals...I think they are wonderful!  You do need to keep us informed on what you find out.  I think all of us understand the extreme need for this!  Have a good day!  Today's Thursday already so the week is just about over!  :-)


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited January 2008


    Jackie - My Onc's ofc gave me a thick packet of info relating to chemo. Biotene was listed in it. If your probs continue even after you've gargled with the Biotene, there's another you can try. It's also called Biotene, but it contains PBF (plaque, bio film reducer). It's new, so if you can't find it by you, let me know and I'll send you a bottle.  

    GIRLS - JanClare and I are going to a meeting that's being held for all the people who want to volunteer for the 2008 Komen Walks. There's the 3-day in August and the 3 mile in September (althoughI won't be volunteering for the 3 mile because we have our TEAM: NO SURRENDER that walks in it). The meeting is on Saturday, February 23rd, from 9:00AM to 3:30PM at our office location in Hillside. If you would like to meet us there and commit to volunteering - that would be great! Maybe we could have dinner afterwards.  

    ALSO - If any of you want to consider joining me in the 60 mile - 3-day walk LET ME KNOW! I'll be on my cousin Kristen's team. She and her friends have walked it for the past 5 years. IT IS DO-ABLE!

    Susan - Good luck with your appt.  

    ---------- seems as though my life is in 3 month segments. Next week AGAIN, is my 3 month Onc appt. It seems as though it was just yesterday that I was there!  

    Be well neighbors...remember Illinois Girls are tough! We play to win!

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited January 2008

    Morning All!  Nice out this morning, and nice to see the sun. All-in-all, not bad for January. are now officially adopted as an "Illinois Girl".  Not sure if you are lucky or not LOL! have your head (and heart) pointed in the right direction.  Keep us updated on what you've discovered. you ever just...veg?  You are so busy, always doing things for someone and in general...having fun!  Just what life is all about. are you doing? glad you had such a nice day and that the biotene is working for you.  I had such a list of all sorts of things to try if the se's reared their ugly heads...your group of nurses needs to come up with a booklet of sorts with all kinds of tips/suggestions in know, the ones that actually work!  Hey....maybe you could help make up one?

    MaryJane...good control on your part.  I would have wanted soooo much to smack your rad onc.  Just hired him, you can fire him and hire somebody else. 

    Ginny.....IT'S DRAIN-DAY!!!!!!!!   WooooooHooooooo!  Another step on the journey to normalcy, or what passes for it these days!  You go girl!

    Well....everybody else...hope you are doing well.  Hey Kater...I need you to invent a device that goes out in the dark every morning and searchs for the newspaper...kinda like those "roomba" vacuums?  I could just let it out of the house every AM and it would run around like I do, searching for where-or-where did they throw it today!  This morning....actually under the SUV..I give up!

    Time to put the clothes in the dryer and then I am going to empty out the kitchen cabinets and declutter....If I haven't used it, out it goes.  I am so in the mode this week!

    Don't forget to WoooooHooooo something you enjoy with someone you love! (I remember, fitzpatti!)

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited January 2008

    Drain, drain go away! (but DO NOT come again another day!) and those graphics! LOL Too funny...

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2008

    Wendy....yah, I veg out sometimes.  I crash on Sunday nights while I watch Desperate Housewives and Brothers and Sisters.  I also chill out on Thursdays for Grey's Anatomy.  Lots of times I just grab a book and curl up in a comfy chair.  I love to read.  My cat usually climbs up in the chair with me.  However, if you haven't figured it out (LOL)  I am a Type A person and I don't think there is any changing me.  I have really tried but I'm just happiest when I am on the move.  Maybe it's because I've been on the move for at least 40 years......non-stop...mostly to make ends meet with a rural teaching salary.  I spent lots of my time as a single parent who got very little child support so I had to be energetic and make every minute of the day count.  Would I change all the things I did to make things work over the years?  No.  Guess that's why I can't understand all the young kids today who grab at any kind of welfare they can obtain.  I must admit that last year was the least inactive year of my life and maybe why I was so depressed along the journey.  :-)   One of these days, I'm just going to drive up there and take you up on the shopping and lunch day!!!

    Well I wanted to check on Ginny, Mary Jane, Julie, Blackjack, and anyone else who's on a mission today or having problems but nobody has posted yet. Ginny and MJ...let us know how the doc. appts went today.  Blackjack...are you doing better?  Julie, we're wondering about you and how you're faring!

    And speaking about vegging out..I have a new Lisa Gardner book that's just screaming for me to pick it up and it's such a dreary day that I think that's where I'm headed for now.

    Catch you all later.


  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited January 2008

    YES!  My eye is fine and my daughter's test was fine. I guess it is very common to get a callback.  Life is great as far as I am concerned.  

    I am wondering how the lungs are going, Blackjack.  Also, Illinois Lady, so happy you got together with friends (although that may have been awhile ago).  The secret for me was putting one foot in front of the other and moving. I only took three days off work because of chemo.  People said I was crazy, but I just felt better moving and being with people.  Of course I collapsed at four and pretty much slept nonstop until the alarm went off the next day at six!  That was me, though, and I know we are all diferent.

    Thanks for thinking about me and my daughter.  We are two healthy girl scouts!


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2008

    Yeah Susan!  Such good news!  Now you can really enjoy the weekend! 


  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2008

    Hi Everyone, Just wanted to update you on the respitory issue. After spending all week in and out of md office and hospital I am no where near clear! My poor husband had to put up with my coughing all noc long. The poor guy can't get any sleep...even if I am down stairs he still hears me. 

     I am on new inhalers and new antibobitc which I started today.

    I found a pulm. md but she can't see me until April. I could be dead by need to find another one. Going back tomorow to md to try a new inhaler. I have to tell you I believe this radation did me in. My lungs have never been the same since tx. Asthma or no asthma I will be on that plane next week....playing those slots!!

    I hope everyone else stays healthy and happy, no chemo / rads side effects, drains out....

    Off for more tea to drink..

    Take care,


  • JanClare
    JanClare Member Posts: 267
    edited January 2008

    Waves to everyone- hope you are doing well. 

    Ginny, I hope everything went well and the drain is out!  I hated those things!  Frown

    Susan- glad everything is fine with you and your daughter!

    Blackjack- I'm inclined to agree with MaryJane that there is a connection between your lung problems and the radiation.  Have you talked your radiation onclogist about this?  (Aw, heck, I'm so far behind in posts, you probably already have and I just missed it..) 

    Jackie- Like Laura, I also had thrush and mouth sores.  After taking anti-fungal meds for the thrush, the biotene worked for me on the mouth too. 

    Michelle, I thought your hair was cute when I saw you last.  I can't wait to see it now!

    Naddy- thanks for the real name of that game!  LOL, I knew "Grandma's Game" was wrong, you know?  Stop by anytime!

    Ginny- do think you think you can come to lunch on Tuesday?  The Deer Park Restaurant is right on Route 12 (Rand Road) just south of Long Grove Road.  But, I'm more then willing to go to Algonquin Commons if that will help.  Well, I should say, if Laura wants to go there?- she's the one driving because I don't have a car on Tuesdays. 

    Yep, Laura and I are trying to stay involved with Koman For the Cure.  If any of our other Illinois gals are interested that would be great!  I'd love it if maybe we could all get together to run one of the aid stations- wouldn't that be cool?  Just a dream right now...

    I  have to work at 5 am tomorrow and it was a long day already today, so I'll say good night.  Big Hugs to all!

  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2008

    JanClare, To answer your question I am not seeing my rad onc any more. He told me I didn't need to see him after rads were over in July. Only see med onc in Feb and surgeon in May. That will be on 1 year anniversy. Do I need to follow up with rad guy?? Are you all following up to?


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,578
    edited January 2008

    YellI'm trying so hard not to wimp out, but this blasted gray and rainy that has been hanging around all day is gettin' to me.  I was sitting here wondering if I could get a post done before I fell asleep.  Well, that last load of laundry still has to be folded so that will keep me awake.  My mouth is coming along pretty good for now, but I'm really tired.....just hope it's the yucky weather.

    Susan, I admire you.  I have had so much time off---though in my own defense, I caught up my end of year work early and my bosses paid me to stay home so the other secretary could catch up with her things.  Still, it has made me lazy I think. 

    Well, dh came home early so I'm going to get off of here and go take care of him.......and the laundry.  Hope you are all doing well.  Enjoy your trip Rita. 

    Blackjack take care, ok.

    Wendy, Laura, Mary Jane, Ginny, Mich, Julie, Kats, Kater.

    Catch you all later.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited January 2008

    susan - YAY! I am SO HAPPY FOR YOU TWO! Not only girl scouts...but you're troopers too!  

    blackjack - Hang in there..I'm sending healing thoughts your way. I don't think it's necessary to see the Rad Onc...JMO...unless of course you're having radiation related probs. If your latest complaints are due to Radiation, you may want to see him.  

    rita - Hope you actually DID pick up that new book...  

    jackie - I'm sending some sunshine your way! You're not a're going through a lot right now...hang in there...think spring, think happy.  

    JanClare - So glad you're back here...we need you! You're our fashion style expert!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2008

    No time for a  long chat.  Everyone is up around here and my step-dad is  ready to head out.  I still have a few things to plop in the suitcase and we're on our way.

    Hang in there Jackie.  It does get better.

    EVERYONE....enjoy your weekend and I'll catch up with all of you when I get back.

    Hugs to all........


  • nandy
    nandy Member Posts: 4
    edited January 2008

    Good Morning Everyone, to answer your question Rita, I had 4 tx of AC, no radiation, but am now on Arimidex since May. I really have no complaints. I did have some stiff joints, but that has gone away.I am 65 so guess I may have had the stiff joints anyway.

    My hair is the wig I wore all last winter (need a new avitar)

    I did have a big scare on Monday. I have been having some slight pelvic cramping and I knowEmbarassed, I knowEmbarassed it's bad but, I had not had a pelvic exam for maybe 20 years. I was terrified that I had the dreaded C back again. The hardest thing was picking up the phone to make the appointment and then I was able to get right in. After my exam the doc told me I had a mass in my uterus and he wanted me to have a ct scan right away.I had the scan the same day and he called for me to come in for the results yesterday. The test showed a fibroid tumorLaughing and everything else came out clear. He thinks the cramping was stress from fearing the worst.I will now be happy to go for all my yearly check ups. God is good!---You are a very warm bunch of ladies and I feel I am truly blessed to know each of you through your post.--Nandy

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited January 2008

    Hi all!  OK....dreary, rainy, sleety,icy, snowy.  YUCKY!!!!  But I woke up so all in all, a good day.  At least I am on this side of the dirt.

    Susan....YAY for your daughter!!!  YAY  for you!!!  DOUBLE YAY!!!!

    Blackjack....I see the rad onc every 3 months until 2/13 (my last rads was 7/18)...then I go every 6 months for a year, then every year for 5 years.  JMO...but if I were having lung issues, I would have called the rad onc for an appt, and then have HIM call a pulm. md to get you an appt.  Trust me...dr-to-dr ALWAYS gets you in for an appt. within a few days.  ALWAYS works!!!!  You get right past the front-office staff that way.  Try it!  Or if you want to skip the rad onc, ask your MD to get you an appt....moan, weep, cry a bit.  He'll get you an appt a lot sooner than April.  That's just totally unacceptable.

    Nandy....whew!  You must be relieved BIG TIME!!  Now...let this be a lesson to you!  Should I put you on my birthday reminder list for your next pelvic?!!!  LOL addressed a note to Ginny,  did you mean me about lunch next Tuesday?  I would never ask the two of you to drive up to Algonquin (but the shops are great!)...just that if I have to pick up my grandniece from school, I would be in a time crunch to get back to South Elgin in time from your neck of the woods, esp. if the weather is snowy.  Let me know what you guys decide to Laura knows, I am a lazy butt and am not gainfully employed so if not this Tuesday another day could work.

    Rita....I know you left on your trip...hope it is fun and safe! are you doing?  Kater...all recovered from your "little" surgery? disappeared again!  (good...time to steal more of your old graphics....hee-hee),do you miss rads?  HA!!!!

    Well... it is sheet-day.  I should get a move on...I put together a low-fat, high-fiber lasagna for dinner that I got from the JennieO website...I will let you know how it tastes (so far the little samples are delicious and it smells Heavenly!)

    Don't forget to do the Friday Dance!

  • zkacmom
    zkacmom Member Posts: 146
    edited January 2008

    I went to the surgeon yesterday.  I didn't get my drains out.  Still producing too much fluid.  Hopefully on Monday...I did get some staples out and will get the rest out on Monday.  I see the oncologist on Tuesday.  I am really getting tired of not being able to go anywhere or do anything. 

    Well, it's a dreary day out and the bed is calling me...

    Talk to you all later,


  • conniehar
    conniehar Member Posts: 585
    edited January 2008

    Sorry, Ginny!  Those drains are the worst.  Maybe next week.

    Glad to hear your good news Susan!

    Hope you feel better Blackjack!  I got your PM and I will try to give you a call from the Mirage!!

    My doorbell just rang and I got the cutest cookie bouquet from my mom and sisters.  Three of the cookies are pink flowers and 3 are the pink bc ribbon.  The card said they were glad I was finished with treatment and that they want to take me on a girls weekend somewhere soon!  I get to pick the place!  They are so awesome!!  If I wasn't going to Vegas next week that would be my first choice, so now I need to put my thinking cap on.

    Went to the plastic surgeon yesterday and we are planning my implant surgery for March.  Can't wait to get this rock hard expander out!

    Have a great day everyone! 

  • nandy
    nandy Member Posts: 4
    edited January 2008

    I had nothing else to do today so I just changed my avitar to the real me, minus the wig shot. Maybe that would be a good idea Wendy, but somehow I think I will not need any reminder. I have learned my lesson. I was thinking of you and your daughter Susan as I was on the table getting my pelvic ultra sound, happy that hers turned out well also. Sometimes fear can be our greatest enemy.You all have a GREAT weekend.  Nandy