Illinois ladies facing bc
C-sq. You have a good memory....I could have never come up with all those names.
Peace and love,
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C-Squared, many have just moved on with their lives with loving memories of this thread and a few stop-ins! My thought is that they are just doing great as treatment options are so effective for most.
Many, including myself, are doing lunch at Maggianos on March 27. We have always been an all-inclusive group, so if any wish to join us we will let you know the time and set you up with a reservation. Blackjack (the woman who plans the holdiday party) would need to know who is attending, but trust me....all are welcome as traditionally we welcome all stages, ages and places on the BC journey along with the GREAT ITALIAN FOOD of Maggianos in Schaumberg! I believe Laura and Onward will be there.
Susan (Zap)
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Hi Susan (zap)~ I agree that many have moved on but it doesn't hurt to ask.., right?
And I thank you so much for the information about the lunch at Maggiano's March 27th.., I had no idea & it sounds wonderful. I would not normally be able to attend an afternoon affair but it just so happens I am on spring break that week! I am, however, curious how this "all inclusive" gathering came about without a general post on the board? Or maybe there was a post and I missed it(?)
I am fearful that I have "outed" myself due to my recent challenge with another member. I hope that this is not the case. At this point, you may be thinking.., I know nothing about that! So I feel the need to share with you that I reached out (to our IL Ladies member, lago) to share some thoughts (in a PM) and was basically "shot down" and borderline "threatened" to be turned in to the "moderator police" for sharing an alterante perspective. It is not my desire to be excluded just because I share thoughts that may be different. I think all of us have something to share. There are no "experts" - and we ALL have an experience to offer.
Has anyone else heard from any of the others???
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C-squared...I haven't heard from the others but you make a good point here. We are not clones and the beauty of this site and all of BC.Org is that we all have unique perspectives about things as we have all had different experiences. Coming from a very small town/area and living in the woods as I do, I find great value in each and every one of you. You have all given me great value and I have always seen myself as richer for it. I think we truly should be celebrating each other not because we are alike but because we are different and because this disease teaches us how much we sometimes need others, and how easy it is to share.
I cannot make the party, but I think that day....just when I think you might be eating I'll just spend some quiet moments celebrating all of you. You are each very special, kind, considerate, loving and giving. Its a splendid recipe to treasure.
Peace and love to some wonderful, wonderful women,
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C-squared your recent post was brought to my attention. I had you blocked because you seem to mis-interpret my postings and PMs so I felt it best we do not converse directly. Unfortunately to block your PMs also blocks your posts so I had no idea what you were posting on this board.
But to clarify I did not threaten to turn you into the moderator police. What I did suggest is if there was a problem with my post, this site has moderators. Here is the exact quote "There are moderators here that police the site. You don't like what I have to say etc then just block me."
I'm not sure why you felt the need to post this on a the public forum. This happened, over a week ago. Not sure why you are even still thinking of this. I was not "invited" to this luncheon get together either. I plan the ones in Chicago. I haven't planned and IL ladies one since after the Strides walk in October.
Please note that you will be blocked again so I will not be able to read your posts nor send you PMS.
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Life offers its wisdom generously. Everything teaches. Not everyone learns. Life asks of us the same thing we have been asked in every class: "Stay awake." "Pay attention." But paying attention is no simple matter. It requires us not to be distracted by expectations, past experiences, labels, and masks. It asks that we not jump to early conclusions and that we remain open to surprise.
Rachel Naomi Remen0 -
Great choice today Jackie!!! Have a great day!
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Morning everyone. Glad you liked the quote. It was ( I get a lot of subscriptions daily ) the first one in my in-box and it just made me feel good -- when I feel a positive nudge I just go for it. I hope everyone likes it. Not sure just what got me -- I think the not jumping to conclusions and perhaps blocking a natural flow. I have been for such a long, long time into spiritual gifts......and to me life flowing naturally through acceptance just means so much. Keeps doors open that might otherwise be closed.
Hope you all have a wonderful day as well and that you are all open to gifts that are possible and positive. All you have to do is reach out.
Peace and love,
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Also for the day.......some nice Irish Blessings:
May flowers always line your path and sunshine light your day.
May songbirds serenade you every step along the way.
May a rainbow run beside you in a sky that's always blue.
And may happiness fill your heart each day your whole life through.
- Traditional Irish Blessing
May love and laughter light your days, and warm your heart and home.
May good and faithful friends be yours, wherever you may roam.
May peace and plenty bless your world with joy that long endures.
May all life's passing seasons bring the best to you and yours.
- Irish Blessing
May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields.
And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.
- Irish Blessing
May God grant you always...
A sunbeam to warm you,
a moonbeam to charm you,
a sheltering Angel so nothing can harm you.
Laughter to you.
Faithful friends near you.
And whenever you pray,
Heaven to hear you.
- Irish Blessing0 -
Oh dear, I have been misunderstood. This is not a party at all....just a few ladies who live close getting together. I so regret even mentioning it.
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"We have always been an all-inclusive group, so if any wish to join us we will let you know the time and set you up with a reservation. Blackjack (the woman who plans the holdiday party) would need to know who is attending, but trust me....all are welcome"
I'm not sure what was misunderstood. It sounded like an invitation to me? Didn't mean to get you in trouble zap. No worries, if I am not welcome, I will not crash your luncheon. Though I DO love Maggiano's! Enjoy!
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Thank-you ladies for your notes of encouragement, through this journey I have learned how strong I truly can be so I am hoping to stay strong through this part of treatment also.
I do have a question about hair growth. when does it start coming back? My onco told me I will have only a little once radiation is over. My twin sister is getting married in Aug so I was hoping to get my hair back by then but it doesn't look like that will happen.
Anybody know of any good quality wigs I can buy?
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I am 65 and don't get into much trouble anymore I would love to meet just you and get to know you. I think lunch together would give us a better opportunity to get to know each other and I am open to that. Let me know what date works for you. I am going to California (yeah) at the end of April but let's look at a date. I teach too but only as a sub these days.
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My hair started coming back fairly quickly in about the 3rd week of rads. By the 5th week I stopped wearing a hat when I got radiation. It was about 1/4" long with lots of longer whispy white curls. I went hatless when Chicago had a string of 80+ degree weather in March and I had a dinner I had to attend for work. I had to dress up and a wool hat was too hot and out of place with spring clothes. That was about 10 weeks post chemo.
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Hi Meni -- I don't post here that often anymore, though I try to keep up. I had the same chemo protocol you are having, followed by rads, followed by tamoxifen (though I quickly switched to an AI after I had my ovaries removed).
It's all do-able. I found A/C made me feel, all over, kind of "off". But I was able to keep up with work and my kids, and really didn't miss much. I found Taxol was tricky for me I had a lot of bone pain the first two or three days after the treatment, but then overall it was easier to tolerate than A/C. It's different for everyone, but chemo was nothing like I feared. When I sat in the chemo chair the first time, my blood pressure, went nuts, I felt so scared. But then after a little while, nothing awful happened, and I calmed down. I kept in mind a quote that stuck with me (might have been one that Jackie posted, or it might have been on someone's tag line). "You' don't have to brave, you just have to show up." That was me, I didn't feel very brave, but I did everything I felt I should do.
I also had rads. The hardest part for me was staying still for thirty to forty minutes at a stretch while they took measurements and set up for the first treatment. The treatment itself wasn't bad, other than the pain of going every day to the cancer center. I was pretty lucky skin wise -- didn't burn much at all.
Hair -- well I was very insecure at work (I was new to my job at that point) so I didn't want anyone to know. I also didn't want any attention drawn to me when I was out with my kids, so I wore that wig whenever I left the house. After it was initially fitted, it felt a little uncomfortable, and I went back to the shop and they shaped it up better, and then I was fine. At windy soccer games, I put on a baseball cap. Nonetheless I was really grateful when my hair started to come in. I had my last chemo in early April, and went wigless end of June. And by then I was rocking the Jamie Lee Curtis look, and most of the comments I received were "OMG how did you get the nerve to do that! It looks great". I just said, yes, took a lot of nerve, and moved on.
There is a great wig shop in the Western Suburbs of Chicago -- but I don't remember where you are from, if that's convenient? Funny story, the woman who shaved my head and fitted my wig was an angel..... and when I met the other moms on the high school cheer team.. there she was! Turns out that her daughter and my daughter became friends, small world.
Come back here lots for support. These women are wonderful and during treatment, this place was my haven.
Good luck!
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Thank-you so much Lisa for all the great info. Can you please tell me the name of that wig shop. I live in Macomb IL but visit Chicago quite often.
I just ordered some scarves and hats today, have any of you tried the cold cap therapy to avoid hair loss? I've been reading about that and am wondering if its worth trying.
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Happy Sunday to all...Just thought I drop by and say hi to all the old and new girls here. This site has grown over the past 6 years, ladies come and go and there are a few who post daily. BC is a disease that no one wants to get, but when we do get that dreaded call we reach out to others for comfort, compassion and friendship. Illinois Ladies has provided that since day one when it was started by Queen Rita. This site holds a special place in my heart for all the wonderful ladies that I have meet over the years. Yes, I am the one who has hosted the annual holiday party each year for all the wonderful ladies.
The Lunch Bunch was started years back as a way to get together for some fun, laughter and shared information about treatments we are receiving. Over the years, we have tried to get together monthly but due to our busy lives, work commitments, and families we have not. A few girls have made friends with girls that are near them so they try to have get together when there schedules permit. The Lunch Bunch is open to all ladies who would like to join us. Yes we are having a impromptu lunch bunch get together on Weds 3/27 at Maggianio's at 11:30 am. I am off for my spring break, so I decided to have one. I do not have the current Addy list anymore so I sent this out to a few old timers via email. If you would like to join us for some fun, laughter and friendship please pm me so that I can make the reservation.If you have any questions, please feel free to pm me.
Life is good when you are healthy and happy. For all the new girls, yes there is a light at the end of treatment and you too will be busy living life and having fun. As for me life is good, trying to stay healthy, training for my second Chicago marathon and working full time. So you see life moves on...
Have a wonderful day....
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I think she's talking about
Naturally Yours
phone: (630) 570 5004
7219 S. Kingery Hwy. (Rt. 83)
Willowbrook, IL 60527Their website is currently under construction. My wig didn't fit well. When I went back to have them fix it she said it was fine… it wasn't it was too big. I think she just wanted to go home early because then I noticed she left within 5 minutes of me leaving her styling room. I wore it twice. My advice is be sure you are comfortable with it. I live in Chicago so it was a pain to go out there again so I never did.
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Meni-I'm new to this thread. I stopped chemo in October and still wear my wig mostly for the warmth. My hair is coming in black, silver and curly. Not my "normal" color or texture. The wonderful shop I went to for my wig is called Naturally Yours. It's in Willowbrook off of 83/Kingery. The stylist was great. She gave me a buzz and then fitted and styled my wig. I've received a lot of compliments and some people can't tell it's a wig. I bought a synthetic one.
Hope this helps. Good luck to you.
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Happy St. Paddy's Day!
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Wow......... that's big......
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Hi Mehni,
I did use the cold caps and they were a big success for me. I just finished chemo this week with almost all my hair in tact...i.e. thinning only noticeable to me from what I can docs are amazed I have kept 'all' my hair and I don't correct them! Before I did the caps, I talked with 4 local women who used them successfully and spent lots of time reading the 'cold caps users past and present' board to do my research...I will say its a lot of work but for me it was manageable. Mdg is another success story and you can take a look at her blog to read more about her journey. I know she as well as I would be happy to help in any way we can. Definitely something for you to think about...:)0 -
Yes, the wig shop I went to was Naturally Yours, Lago has the info down right.
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zap~ Thank you for the gracious offer. I would enjoy getting together with you. Let's target after you get back from California. What part will you be visiting?
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Hello, I just found this thread. So happy to see there are others near me. I am in NW suburbs, just NW of Crystal Lake; about an hour from Chicago.
I am 55, was diagnosed in October, 2012. I am on the TCH regimen of chemo, and depending on scans, have surgery after the chemo is finished. I just had round 4.
I am ER+, PR+ and HER-2+. I get herceptin weekly. Still working full time, as I only started the job late last year, so don't have any short term disability or anything like that until after employed for 1 year.
I am interested in talking to others in the area; especially if any have had the diep flap surgery; surgeons doing that procedure around here seem to be few and far between. I have BCBS insurance, so that cuts down on my choices as well, surprisingly.
Hope this is a good week for everyone!!
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laurie2025 --- this is just a welcome, glad you found us note......I did not have the surgery you spoke about, but many of the ladies have had it or something very much like it I think. It is last Sunday night so don't know how many may be keep looking though as it is a fantastic group who love to hold hands and help others.
It's pouring rain here by the way and has been most of the day. I worked until 7 p.m. tonight ( oops some good thunder outside ) and am hoping you gals way North had a better day -- maybe even a little sun. I'll be looking for you all in the morning.
Peace and love,
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I had a umx with immediate DIEP reconstruction in January of 2012! I have BCBS insurance. My surgeon is Dr. Loren Schechter of University Plastic Surgery. There is a website but I cannot cut and paste a link . If you put his name and the name of the practice in a search engine you will get a hit on the website. All of my team are down in Park Ridge/ Morton Grove and I had my surgery at Advocate Lutheran Hospital and my PT was on the campus of the hospital.
I highly recommend Dr. Schechter. He and Dr. Pavone did my surgery.
Any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
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Hi Laurie:
I'm in Chicago. I didn't have diep (wasn't an option for me since my tummy is too small) but I did do TCH but did H on the same schedule as chemo (every 3 weeks). BCBS is a great insurance but if you are on the HMO it can be very limiting. I was on BCBS through most of my treatment but on a PPO.
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Laurie - got everything done with a
small stomach - I wouldn't have had enough for two however (but that wasnt something i wanted). Dr. S told me that it wouldn't hurt to eat more over the holidays - lol.
BCBS HMO. Have a most excellent team!
You can do this!!0