Illinois ladies facing bc
No snow in Gurnee.
Going out for a run.
Hope the sun comes out and is accompanied by warm temps to melt the snow for you southern IL gals :0)0 -
U of I in champaign has a snow day!
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Hi Ravdeb,
I was on this site looking for the best breast cancer doctor for my dear friend who has to be on chemo/ radiation indefinitely!:(
The tumors starting growing through her incisions right after her double mastectomy almost 2 yrs ago. Now tumors growing on her back and now leg! Drs say its in her skin.
So.... If anyone know of a top doctor in Chicagoland... Please advise!!!!
So.... Just want to say that I am a Christian and hope to some day go to Isreal. I live in St, Charles now but also lived in Oak Park. If you need a place to stay when here, I have a spare bedroom.
Hope you are well. God bless you!
Kathryn0 -
Checking back in .. spoke to soon ... although it truly is a light snow ... but I ran in it anyway!
Okay .. totally off-topic, but do any of you lovely ladies have any experience with a loved one who has Parkinson's Disease? Have found some incredible web sites, but must say that the supports are severely lacking. (We are truly spoiled here on BCO). My Mom (late 70's in Indianapolis) has PD - and I am attempting to help locate information and support. She was thrilled with the information that I found last night just sweeping through the National Parkinson Foundation site and the Michael J. Foxx Foundation for Research site. She loves to research and read - but does not do well with the computer. I did suggest that my step-father set her up in the recliner with his laptop and let her have a go at one of those two sites to begin with and she actually warmed to the suggestion that longer we talked.
Thanks in advance for any insight or information you might have.
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I haven't posted in a long time, but I've been lurking and PM-ing when people have questions about Chicago-area docs and such.
The good news for me is I'm done with the chemo, half done with the herceptin, and no where near done with the arimidex. I know that stuff is working because I am ALWAYS cold and my skin has never been dryer. Other than that, no side effects from anything. I'm three weeks out from my bi-lateral TRAM revision and my breasts look better than they did when I was 25 (if you ignore the scars and the no nipples). I also took advantage of the huge operative set-up charges going to the insurance company to have now-affordable arm lifts at the same time as the TRAM revision. I just had my first hair trim and I'm contemplating keeping it "biker chick" short. I'm getting a lot of comments about how good it looks from people who don't know its cancer grow-back.
The bad news for me is that my mother was just diagnosed with adenocarcinoma of the lung. She'll start the round of scans while they're still in Arizona (winter home) to get a head start on the process and then start the round of surgical and oncology interviews when they're back in Wisconsin in about three weeks. Mom is 81 and is not very good at understanding medical terminology and avoids searching the Internet for such information. She has lots of people who have direct and indirect breast cancer experience (gee, including me), but no one with lung cancer experience. I can talk her through what chemo is like first-hand and I'll confirm with my own oncologist what the likely differences are, if any. However, I think it would be helpful if she had someone in the same boat to "talk to" through her journey. Can anyone recommend a type site (in terms of quality and support) that is focusing on lung cancer that I can point her to?
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dltnhm you might try and look into organizations that deal with geriatric issues. They might have some links on their site. This looks interesting: linky
I would also contact the Alzheimer's Association. The are based right here in Chicago. I know they have booklets on Alzheimer's because I designed one of them:
Kat111 I sent you a PM with my oncologists & surgeon's info. Sounds like your friend needs to be seen ASAP. I assume she has all her medical records that she can bring with her. It might help speed things up.
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Lynn27 Congratulations of finishing chemo and almost done with TRAM. Herceptin only is so much easier. For mom check on the American Cancer Society site. They do have forums there.
Forgot to mention I've kept my hair really short too. I actually have the back and sides buzzed although never buzzed on chemo. I do things backwards
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I see Dr Merkel at Evanston Hospital.
But i think your friend should go either to MD Anderson or Memorial Sloan Kettering.
The American Cancer Society provides free plane rides and the hospitals help provide housing.
I'm so sorry for her suffering. And what a great friend she has in you.
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Here's the list of the top cancer hospitals in the US. I would consider any of the top 5 for your friend.
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Lynn and Diana, I'm so sorry about u'r moms--Kat also u'r dear friend. This is all so hard to take for all of them. But so nice of Lago and Timbuktu to suggest many ways to help out. And I truly hope it helps.
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lago -
Thanks so much for the links. I appreciate so much that you took the time to locate sources that would be helpful for me to assist my mom.
You are gem.
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dltnhm your welcome but don't be that impressed. I have them book marked for this purpose.
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You cannot fail at being yourself. A cat doesn't try to be a tiger, and you shouldn't try to be something you aren't. You are a process, not a product. Your job is to discover what you are and create that creature. You still won't be perfect, but success isn't about perfection--it is about authenticity. You are a success if you are being your real, authentic self.
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Lago...perhaps you are just being your authentic self. Knowing so many of us are here for cmfort and help.
Did I say it was going to warm to at least mid-60's on the week-end here. A lot of our week-end snow has already melted. I knew it would. I'm ready for winter not to be here and for Spring to return. Hope we don't have any more false starts.
Peace and love,
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Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree, it will live it's whole life believing that it is stupid. -Albert Einstein
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Well, I was hoping to see whomever makes it tomorrow but alas will not be able to come. Have a great time! Cheers.
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That is a great quote Adey and I will have to remember it!
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Adey, I am sorry you are not coming. I really wanted to see you, but pitied you seeing me!
I tried a self-tanning lotion and I am so allergic. It burned my face and my skin is just beginning to heal. The same thing happened when I got a sun screen in Florida that was a 50 spf and they put on babies. I am going sans makeup and look ugly as sin. I threw away all my makeup as I was told there could be bacteria in it. Very expensive proposition!
I guess the lesson to be learned is to try a small patch of skin and wait to see what happens when trying any new cosmetic I am also wondering if my shampoos should be tossed.
Hope that snows disappears down south!
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LOLOLOLOL Rita.., “That groundhog must be getting old and senile!” Unbelievable that there was a snow-day in southern IL in late March! I’m sorry you had to re-schedule your oil-change and detail and I am sorry to all the IL Ladies that I couldn’t bring back the sunshine and “warmth” from Texas either! It started out strong with beautiful sunshine and warm temps (82 degrees Friday and Saturday) but only the sunshine remained on Sunday and Monday as the temps plummeted into the 40’s. Regardless, it was a great trip!.....,
One of the very special things that happened was my niece’s (the bride) surprise to me. Here’s some background: I am her God-mother and at her christening (27 years ago) I started an ‘add-a-pearl’ necklace for her. Over the course of time we completed the ‘final version’ about her 21st birthday, with her input on desired gradation, length, etc. Over the course of the past 6 years I added a bracelet and earrings to complete the set. Although I had seen her prior to the wedding ceremony it did not register with me that she was wearing the pearl jewelry I had gifted to her. When I hugged her in the greeting/receiving line I asked if that was the set? She responded, and I quote, “of course Aunt Cathleen…, this is the day it was made for”. Needless to say I lost it. What a gift to me on her wedding day!!!
The wedding was a glorious celebration from any window peered through! I laughed, I cried, I danced, and I celebrated! Last year on March 23rd, I had my lumpectomy, after having already had 7 rounds of Taxol. What a difference a year can make, huh?!?!
So now I’m back.., it’s spring break and I have my laundry list of tasks to accomplish. I am glad to say I have already crossed two of them off of the list and I’ve been home just about 24 hours now.
I also want to welcome all of the new IL Ladies and assure you that you have come to a great place for friendship, for support, and for comfort from strangers.
To the IL Ladies meeting for lunch at Maggiono’s..,ENJOY!!! I look forward to pictures and stories of an undoubtedly FUN gathering!
Happy Spring to all!
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Susan-your beauty radiates from within, no make up necessary.
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Lynn - so sorry to hear about your mother. It's so hard to help our parents when they get that age because they get overwhelmed with all of the details and procedures. I am sure you will be so helpful with everything you have been through. I am hoping that someone will give you a good lead to find information. My father passed from lung cancer in 1975 and of course, there was nothing like that at the time.
On the other hand, I am so glad you are done with treatments - it must be a load off of your shoulders. Glad you are not feeling side affects, too. I am finally getting to the SNB on Friday and we'll go from there. I'll think of you when they inject that dye! Thanks for the lovely description! Seriously, thanks for ALL of the advice you have given.
0 - !!!! Sounds like you had such a great time and yeah I can see why you came apart hearing those words about the set of pearls. I think I'l still be boo-hooing.
Susan, spunky is right. Your heart and soul are usually sparkling way too bright for anyone to notice much else.
I'm bushed. Heard from a long-long bil and needed to find some paper-work for him.....from 15 years ago. The way I keep important papers.....luckily, I was pretty sure but it was a grueling several hours so I'm done in and going to go snuggle up in my recliner.
See you all tomorrow.
Peace and love,
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Each day is a lifetime in miniature. To awaken each morning is to be born again,
to fall asleep at night is to die to the day. In between waking and sleeping are
the golden hours of the day. What we cannot do for a lifetime
we can do for a daytime.
"Anyone," wrote Robert Louis Stevenson, "can live sweetly, patiently,
lovingly, purely, till the sun goes down." Anyone can hold their temper
for a day and guard the words they speak. Anyone can carry
their burden heroically for one day. Anyone can strive
to be happy for a day and to spread happiness around.
Anyone can radiate love for a day. Anyone can rise
above fear for a day and meet each new situation with courage.
Anyone can be kind and thoughtful and considerate for a day.
Anyone can endeavor to learn something new each day
and mark some growth. . . .
The supreme art of living is to strive to live each day well. . . .
Live a day at a time and remember that tomorrow is another today.
Wilferd A. Peterson0 -
Hope all you ladies meeting for lunch have fun today. I'm not coming because I have a fear of seeing Zap without make-up
(kidding of course. Zap, make up only enhances the natural beauty you already have. I doubt it will make that much of a difference).
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Zap- You're so freakin' cute! I wish I could come. Same for the rest of the crowd. Please give hugs to all. ((((((all))))))))))))))) (c:
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Illinois lady, your quotes often take my breath away, today's being no exception. Just wonderful. thank you!
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Thank you for enjoying the quotes....saying hi to all and wishing with Lago.....a wonderful lunch to all. Wish we could all be there....but just think of us once and we will be.
Peace and love,
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Welcome back c-squared! It sounds like you had a great time and have many fond and emotional memories. We all need that "trip away" occasionally to restore our spirits! So glad you had a great time!
Susan, you are one of the most beautiful women I know! No make-up is needed. Don't worry! Your beauty will shine without it! Enjoy your luncheon with good friends.
Great quotes today, Jackie!
I'm rather depressed today. I just got word that my 90-year old father's kidneys are beginning to fail. He's had lots of lasics in the past month due to infections in his leg. This leg has been plagued with blood clots for the past year. It doesn't sound good. We had planned on stopping in TN this week to see him on our way to my son's house for Easter. We just hadn't expected this most recent development.
Well I need toget things ready to go.
Everyone have a great Easter.
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So sorry to hear this Rita. My father also went through something similar. I wish you both much strength. Happy Easter.
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Hi Rita~ I am so very sorry to hear of this news about your father. I know how much you were looking forward to this trip and I know that you will bring some sunshine into his life with your visit. I wish peace to you and your family in the days ahead. Have a safe trip and keep us posted.