Illinois ladies facing bc



  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited February 2008

    Morning All!

    Aloha Nui Loa, Blackjack!  So sorry you had to come home to this weather.  At least you missed the 10" of snow but that's OK.  I hear we are getting 5" tonight...aren't you lucky! "special" batteries" have already gone out in the trash, but I am thinking about going to get them.  Maybe I'll just move the transmitter inside and think it is 70 out.  I fool easily.

    Jackie...loved your poem.  Did I miss the part where you have to live in Marion during rads????  That is ridiculous.  Do you at least have a laptop you can bring with you so you can stay in touch?  When do you start taxotere?  How are you feeling?

    Kater....I have to say, you always have something interesting to talk about.  And I loved the pics you sent via e-mail.  You should share the driving lesson one!  Too funny!  Glad your Mom's # dropped.

    Laura, calling did the botox work out?  Or are you so beautiful now that you are starring on "America's Next TopModel" and no longer have time for us???? LOL

    Nancy....careful about the shoveling.  I knew I couldn't lift with my L so I simply switched the way I shoveled last winter so I lifted just with my R.  I FIRMLY believe that this overbalancing while lifting heavy, icy snow after that one really bad storm Feb 2007 caused my back problems (if you don't know, I had to have a herniated disc repaired end of August due to severe sciatica).  So if I were you...leave the snow alone unless it is an inch or so and the light fluffy stuff you can just push. It should be all gone by May or so. What type of tx are you doing, or did you already tell me and duh...chemobrain attack?!!!?

    Time to fix DH's breakfast, then get my day going.  Stay warm everybody...careful driving in the snow tonight.  Don't know when exactly it is going to start, only that it is going to start.  Heard from DH's neice in Coral Gables yesterday and I was looking for a little sympathy re: our weather.  She told me that she was off to change into a tank top and shorts, grab her shades and take the kids to the beach as it was 77 and sunny.

    I don't like her anymore.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2008

    Oh darn, Wendy!  You probably could have auctioned off those batteries and made a mint on them!  Everyone wants it to be warmer.  It's snowing lightly here right now and we're expecting another couple of inches this afternoon or evening.  YUCK, I'm sick of this white stuff and the COLD!!!

    I gotta run.  I'm back to the dentist this morning and then have errands to do.  I'll catch you all later.  Have a good day!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653
    edited February 2008

    OMG up north.  I heard the weather report on TODAY and it said -16 to -20 with the wind chill.  I don't want to say it said for a couple of days before a break so I won't.  It's not real great here.....and some bad afternoon and night storms are predicted, but gosh....I just feel bad for you.  I'd take it for awhile from you if I could--if it were possible....sigh !!!  sigh!!!!

    I'm in the land of the living today...spitting a lot.  Forgot to get some Viva towels which I will rectify today.  Yep did miss that I may have to be in Marion during radiation.  I would get to come home on the week-ends---and probably spend all my time on my computer then too.  Well, Dh has a laptop although I don't much like laptops.  He has it set up with a mouse which would help, but I still don't care much for them.  Right now it's in need of a ????Cd or Dvd drive or something.  I'll know Wednesday when I see Dr. Lingamurthy just what the next step is....though I think it will be Taxotere.  Whatever........anything that doesn't fill up your throat with all this sticky liquid will be ok, I think.'s the same person who said ok to this stuff reliable is that??? 

    Ok,'s saving my life and will prevent me from ever having this again so what are these small in-conveniences in comparison.  I'll soon be out of this 3-5 day STAGE soon and not have a thing to say and even be so bold as to venture the thought that I don't even know why I made such a big deal out of it.....except we all know those 3-5 days are a big deal.  Soon.........

    Anyway, you can't believe how bad I feel about your temps and the overall rotten weather you are having. 

    Before meeting all of you I would have 'noticed briefly' the northern weather, had a few moments of a 'WOW--too bad feeling' and then just forgot about it with a happy feeling that southern Illinois seldom gets anything close to what you are going through right now.  I think never again can I be so blase' and I shouldn't.'s hoping that Valentines Day will turn nice and be decent.  Any Plans ????  SIL invited us over  but as it will be my first day back at work I probably will not bother.  Dh works until 7 p.m. so we wouldn't get over there til' 8p.m. and both of us will work the next day...not worth it.  I'll just spend whats left with my own Valentine and call it even.

    Stay Warm and don't go out unless you really, really have to.

    Love,  Jackie

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited February 2008

    Hi Girls...I have a rush project to complete this morning - but will check in later!

  • leesa
    leesa Member Posts: 57
    edited February 2008

    Hi All,

    I'm Leesa from Carol Stream,  I was first diagnosed in April of 06, Had a Mastectomy and 4 dd A/C,  2nd time was last month, local recurrance chest wall, both times triple neg.

    Just starting at Rush,  I would love input.... 

    I'm 47, 3 kids, 25, 21 and 16, single, thank God for my kids, they have been my heroes.

    I meet with 3 doctors from Rush on Wed. 2/13,  I guess I'll find out what my treatment plan is then...I'm taking my kids to Florida on Friday for 5 days, I want them to see me healthy and make some fun memories.

    I can't lie.  I'm scared to death.  I  can't stop thinking about it.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653
    edited February 2008

    Hi Leeza,

    I am fairly new to cancer myself, and despite the fact that it's rather glib to say don't worry ( may be a total impossibility ) for right now, but don't worry. I feel fairly certain it's possible to have a recurrence that can be handled and that you can come out of that and never have to look back.  So much more is possible I think in this day and age then just a mere 10 or 15 years ago. 

    While difficult.....try not to get too anxious till your Oncology visit---have lots of questions ready then, and then decide what may be worth some anxiety.  I'm wishing you all the best as I know everyone else on this thread will.


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2008

    Oh Leesa, 

    Hugs to you, my dear.  I am so sorry that this ugly beast has again raised its head and that you have to think about another treatment plan so soon.  Being a continuous "worrier," I understand your fear and anxiety.  This recurrence is not something that any of us want to face and my heart goes out to you.  Hopefully your oncologist will have a good treatment plan outlined for you when you go next week and you can begin to tackle the beast again.  We will be here to help you and serve as much as you want!  Our motto is:  Illinois Gals Are Tough and we've proven it over and over again.

    In the meantime, I am sending you good vibes, cyberspace hugs, and prayers.  Please keep in touch.   Enjoy the time with your kids and try not to worry excessively until you have the most recent facts.  I know that's a tough order, but the worry just wears you down more and unfortunately, it doesn't change or help anything.

    Hang in there, hon.


  • tdbear
    tdbear Member Posts: 286
    edited February 2008


    A sad but BIG welcome to the club! I found the second time around was a little easier for me. I knew what to expect and had my questions all "lined up" .

    Enjoy your trip to FL a little sunshine can do wonders!

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited February 2008


    Oh boy.  We are so sorry you have to go thru this mess again, but glad you found our little group.  We are VERY tough and will always here for you.  In fact, I am in South Elgin, just a bit W of need anything?  Want to grab a coffee or something one day?  Anything at all, just let me know!  I did my treatment at Delnor and just finished my year of far as I know, I am NED and I am dancing in the snow!!!

    But in case you need one, here is a hug from all of us!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2008


    I don't think I've told you lately how glad I am that you continue to post here.  You add so much and always know "just what to say."  Thanks for letting us adopt you!!!


  • Calypso
    Calypso Member Posts: 132
    edited February 2008

    Hello Illinois ladies, Calypso here.  Tried to put bc out of my mind after surgery, but find thoughts of it still lurk in my brain and can't escape.  Lumpectomy went very well, size was 6mm and nothing in lymph nodes.  My surgeon called me "lucky", and yes, I guess I am......So you'd think I'd be all fine and happy again....but....I can't stop feeling depressed and traumatized.  So how about you guys?  Do you EVER get over having bc???

  • tdbear
    tdbear Member Posts: 286
    edited February 2008

    I'm not sure "get over" is the right term I think it's more of "dealing with it" We each have our own way of dealing. But at least we have each other to help us along the way! We are here for you!

    Animated Bears

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited February 2008 actually have GOOD news, if there is such an animal when diagnosed with bc.  As for getting over it, I agree with Karin.  We just learn to deal with it a bit better as time goes on.   So hugs for your great prognosis (small tumor, clean nodes) and hugs for your feelings of being traumatized.

    Well...just hugs, hugs, hugs!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653
    edited February 2008

    Dh just left a short while ago for work in Mt. Vernon.  Been snowing now for a couple of hours.  I have to's the pretty kind with the big fat flakes and drifting down lazily as there is no real wind.  Still, it's cold out.  Fourth day in pj's so it's laundry first thing a.m. for me.  Able to get a couple more soft tacos down........hooray, and a sm. amt. of 7-Up.  I think I'll make it......if the good Lords willin' and the creek don't rise.

    I'm looking at Wendy's avatar as I type with that sleeveless shirt and the green leaves of the trees behind her................lets see..if tomorrow is Feb. 12, then.....oooooohhh, it's going to be awhile isn't it ?????  Well, hope you are all warm and inside doing something great.  I won't be making any footprints in the snow if I can help it.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653
    edited February 2008

    Rita:  Here is something for you that I have been forgetting.....I don't have any idea ( I've not used it myself ) if it's a decent site or not......but lots of big names.

    I get ads from them now and then.


  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2008

    Hi Girls,

    Well I just can't get going today. Wendy, I love the beach pic and I do wish I was back there. It seems so long ago. This cold snap is for the bears!! I do hope spring and warm weather is coming soon.

    Rita..have you been to Captiva? I just love it there. It reminds me of Hawaii but it has less palm trees due to Hurricane Charlie a few years back. The shelling is great there on the beach.

    Wendy.. how is your port pain doing? Are you feeling better?

    Laura.. how is your beauty tx going? Are you packed yet for MX?

    Can you take us with you please......we all need more sun!

    Jackie.. How are you feeling and how are your txs going. Please do get lots of rest

    Leesa.. welcome and sorry to hear about your bc. Just want to send you a hug and let you know that we are all here for you. I sent you a pm

    What is everyone doing to celebrate Valentine's Day? Are we putting on those sexy little things and eating chocolate's? lol lol I plan on eating heart shaped Lou's pizza.....Anyway

    To everyone else stay warm, be happy, be healthy and think spring.

    Talk to you later,


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited February 2008


    Leesa and Calypso - Sorry about your dx's...I wish the very best to you two...Remember 2 things:

    1.) Fight makes right!

    2.) Illinois Girls Are Tough!

    leesa - I had an unclean margin at my chest wall after my Mast. I worry about it often. The Dr's say the chemo "probably" killed it off. So I can totally sympathize with you. All I can offer are words of strength and courage. Your love for your children will endure you. Hang in there.

    Calypso - Yes, you do get over BC...but with anything in life there's different levels/stages/chapters. The next will be better... Your very good. Think about that every time you feel vulnerable or unsure.

    OUR ILLINOIS SURVIVOR THREAD: Here: We mix good times with trying times. We've learned to adapt, accept and support.

    My very best to both of you...hang in strong...we're here for you.


    Hi Girls! Geesh...I have been so frickin busy...I just can't keep up with everything. I feel like the last skater in that line of girls that's trying to catch up with the group and grab on to the hand of the last girl in line's hand. Know what I mean? goes. On Saturday I had the Botox to da chin done! LOL But b/4 I went, I told dh to look at it and remember it, so he could see the "after" effect. Well...he looked at my chin and said "I don't see a wrinkle line" OMG I was shocked...My niece was here (Nicole) so I asked her too and she said the same frickin thing! LOL But I SEE IT, and that's all that matters LOL I went...they injected my chin 4 times. It did not hurt...just a little pinch sensation. It's been 2 days, and I still see it! I will call in the mornin and ask them if I should be "seeing" a difference yet or will it take a while. I forgot to ask. So I will let you know.

    blackjack! - How was your trip! I haven't started packing yet...I'm working out like a maniac to be able to fit into my swimsuits. I sucks because last year's suits were very carefully chosen to house my prosthetics (double mast - no reconstruction). So...I HAVE TO be able to fit my big FAT Tamoxifen a** into them! LOL sorry...I don't mean to be so crude, but it's such a difficult situation!

    karin - Few things in life are better than a bear hug! Thanks for posting that!

  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2008


    I wish I was back in Maui and laying on the beach. It was the most relaxing bc to think about as I have a follow up on 2/14 Valentine's Day ! I hope to have a good report but still a little nervous as I am not taking any meds yet. So the beach, sand and sun were my calm before the storm as they say.

    I can't wait for boating weather to come and be on the water again.

    I think you will look hot!! in any swim suit you get. So don't worry about it. We only have one life to live... so I say live it to the fullest and enjoy everything around us that makes you happy.  

    Enjoy your time in MX and lots of fun!!!!!!! check out the cabana boys on the beach. You may see some hot bodies ! lol


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653
    edited February 2008

    Blackjack,  great to see you popping back up here.  Txs are going fine for me.  I'm a little under the weather momentarily, but that will pass soon enough.  Glad you had such a good time on the beautiful beaches where you were.  I have a kissin' cousin who lives on Maui.  She is the same hairdresser ( over 20 yrs. in the business ) who destroyed my hair.  She quit talking to me after that.  In hindsight, she did me a favor I guess you could say.  I got it back in condition and out of spite went to Wal-Mart and got the best perm I had ever really had in my life.  Everyone adored it.....including me.

    Well, pride goeth before a fall and all my hair sure did fall, but that's ok...............there's always a bright tomorrow to be found and I've been known to look hard.

    Glad you are back and I'll be rooting for you on the 14th.  I go next on the 13th. to find out what I get to do next.  Another really fun thing I'm sure.  Hang in there........and Laura---lots of us will fit in the overhead compartment or just about anywhere...whatayasay. 


  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2008


    I am sending a REALLY BIG HUG to help make you feel better. I know the waiting and anticipation of things to come are the hardest to deal with. I know I am a little nervous ..but this too shall pass as yours will too. Hang in there and let me know what happens.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited February 2008

    Jackie - I'm hoping you feel better soon. I know it's tough...hang in there. Try to look ahead to spring...that beautiful property of yours...the beautiful trees...everything will be green instead of white. Hope you're feeling better soon.

  • leesa
    leesa Member Posts: 57
    edited February 2008

    My new friends,

    Thank you for your words of encouragement.

    Wendy you are very close, I'm not working now maybe we can get together for a cup of coffee or a really big Martini?

    TD Bear, would you mind telling me about your second time, how are you? are you cured? when did it happen? how long has it been? what kind of tx? 

    Blackjack thanks for the kind words and the hug.  I didn't get your pm

    Thanks to all


  • tdbear
    tdbear Member Posts: 286
    edited February 2008


    first dx I had a mast, ALL edges clear and I started tomaxifin. About 4 years to the date I found a lump on the mast site. It was about the size of a quarter. Told my DR no biopsy just take it out! It was the "same type" of cancer  I did 4 DD ac and 4 taxol plus 36 radiation treatments so far it hasn't come back. If you would like more info pm me. Tough times don't last tough people do!

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited February 2008

    Morning!  Snow advisory has been canceled and it is 14 on my deck so a Good Morning it is!

    Leesa....I sent you a PM.  I see you didn't get Blalckjack's.  If you are not sure where to look, at the top of the screen, after you log-in, there is a purply-pink little heading...where it says "my home" you should show a number in (), I'm guessing it will show (2) now.  Just click that and your PM's will show up. 

    Laura....keep checking your chin!  And as for your "fat a**"....where exactly was that?  You must have left it at home when I met you at few weeks ago.  Girls....for those of you who have never met Laura...she is a size 0 and gorgeous.

    Blackjack...pain from port removal gone but it sure looks strange!  Where the skin was stretched over the port for a year, purply-looking and numb!  But that's OK...even if it doesn't return to normal I am happy just that it is gone.  As for Valentine's to me about "sexy lingerie" AFTER the temps go up a bit.  If I put on a sexy little #, DH would think I lost my mind.  Remember...he's on coumadin and is always cold, wearing sweats.  I am going to make him an Angel Food cake with fresh strawberries tho - his fave.

    Karin...not fair that you had a mast. and it still came back.  Wrong, wrong, wrong.  Loved your "bear hug" - stole that one too!

    Leesa again....I see you meet with your dr's at Rush tomorrow.  Is that out here, or downtown area?  Good luck!

    As for those of you waiting for the next dr appt/ next mamm is 3/3 on the bad boob and that's all I seem to be thinking about.  Silly I know...if bc is there, it is there.  If it is not, it is not. know what I mean. Nothing I can do right now but wait for the appt and see what is what.  I have some "hardening" exactly where the incision is and all the boosts and 2 drs have said it is radiation thickening and actually if I stretch/massage the area it loosens know what I mean.  Our minds tend to go to the dark, scary places - never to the light, bright, pretty places.

    Snow is falling lightly and roads look just slick enough to be dangerous so everybody...BE careful out there!!!  Hugs everybody!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653
    edited February 2008

    A half way happy good morning to all,

    Well, Wendy, you beat me here.  Was up two hours ago but used the time to clear my throat of nighttime sleep debris.  Dh said the roads were mighty slick last night and highway patrol cautioned everyone to stay home.  Not a thing was sold out of appliance dept. last night.  I can't think of anything more boring than standing around in a store that generally no one is going to go to.

    Makes me glad I work where I do.  Well, I'm hoping for a day where I use less and less paper towels...........can't believe how I have made someone's stock rise---just in the last two days mind you. 

    I'm off later on to the office to pick up my check from last week, get Popsicles and then come home and collapse in need of a nap after all the strenuous activity. 

    Sounds like the ice could be here awhile....ggrrrrr.  Well, at least we didn't get 4 inches of snow on top....they were wrong about that anyway. 

    Ya'll take care and don't go out if you can stay in. 


    p.s.  went back and read what Wendy said and came to almost hysterical laughter.  With my low chemo temps, if I put on a sexy # it would definitely have to come in flannel....something I have had yet to see.  Moot my state it will be awhile, but fun thoughts anyhow.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited February 2008

    Good Morning arctic sisters!'s snowing again!

    Do you girls want to plan another get-together lunch? How about a week from Friday...on Feb. 22?

    Rita - Have you gotten your computer yet?

    karin - I'm sorry about your recurrence. What were the stats of your 1st dx? I had an unclean margin at the chest of course there's that nagging fear lurking within.

    I wish I could stay inside today, but no such luck...have to run out and get, bird seed, deer corn, cat food and groceries!

    Wendy - I love today's graphic! Soooo...cute!

    blackjack - Where do you go on your boat? dh and I spend alot of Sundays at Famous Freddies (I think that's the name of it) on Fox Lake. We usually take our race car there.

    Drive carefully girls...stay warm and toasty!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653
    edited February 2008
    Motivational Quote of the Day

    "Since you are like no other being ever created since the beginning of time, you are incomparable."

    Brenda Ueland

    Hi again.....just thought I'd share one of my quotes of the day.  It's something great for us all to remember......especially since often we don't feel too great.

    This comes to you from someone who also gets the wisecrack of dawn........obviously, most of the time the wisecrack is generally funny. 

    I'm having a slow day....had to nap after feeding the outdoor dogs.  Hmmmm......better rest if I want to get to the DTL tonight to become rich and famous.......well, win a small pot is more like it.



  • tdbear
    tdbear Member Posts: 286
    edited February 2008

    Free AnimationsHang in there spring is just around the corner!!!

    Just talked to my fam in Elgin.......they are mad at me.....we should be 60 this weekend.....crocus are blooming....

    A BIG thanks to who ever mentioned the "shine spray" for hair...It works GREAT!! ( chemo brain, names go first I think!)

    Have a great day, stay warm & safe!

  • conniehar
    conniehar Member Posts: 585
    edited February 2008

    Hi girls - sorry I have been MIA.  I kind of took the weekend off from the computer.  Went to visit my mom on Saturday and Sunday just tried hung around trying to keep warm and clean the house up.

    Yes, I am scheduled for my exchange surgery on March 12th.  So, you were correct, Wendy.  Looks like Michele and I will be doing this around the same time.  I go to Edward hospital in Naperville Wendy.  From what I am told it is supposed to be a pretty easy surgery so hopefully I will be back on my feet pretty quickly.  I am looking forward to getting that chapter over with.

    I see my onc on Thursday for my 3 month checkup - 1st since ending chemo.  I feel good except for the hot flashes which keep me up at night if I don't take a sleeping pill.  I'll see what he says about that.

    Sorry you had a rough time, Julie.  That stinks!!!  But, you are still alive and you will make it through.

    Did anyone read that book The Secret?  My boss sent it to me - he is a huge believer of positive thinking as am I.  It's very interesting, but according to that, I shouldn't even be talking to you guys because any thought or mention of illness, brings on illness.  Doesn't make sense because you guys make me feel better!!!

    Gotta go - lunch hour is over!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653
    edited February 2008

    Afternoon to all,

    Sorry about the quote marks etc. in my last post.  Nothing showed up till I hit the button so didn't know that would happen.

    Connie...glad to see you here.  I have a friend from the Naperville area who went to Edward hospital and she  was extremely happy with her Dr's. and all of her care there. 

    I thought about that book you mentioned......I love to read, but wow...hard to reconcile getting ill just because you talk about it.  That would mean that every Dr. in the world and every place that practices medicine should all have sick people or those who will shortly be, huh!!!!!  I know some people have a personality problem ( hysterical ???) ( Hypochondriac ??? ) and I can see where talking might in fact tend to bring on things, but I just can't reconcile just plain old talking.   I have a long theory ( too long for here ) as to why we get sick and what we get sick with but I should be terrified since I trained as a medical corpsman years ago and worked in several hospitals since.  Still....might be a very interesting read as I know that we do have some control of our thoughts.....and thoughts are things. 

    I'm being very lazy again today--worn out again to some extent.  All the removal of mouth liquids I guess.  I'm still eating in very small amts. but I'm sure that will soon change.  I should be begging for more A/C.  Went from 220#'s to todays 197.  So far, other than killing cancer ( which in fact, might not even be there ) I don't know anything else this stuff is good for.  I'm sure the old fashioned way of losing wt. is easier if slower. 

    Talk to ya'll later.
