Illinois ladies facing bc



  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2008

    Hey, Nicki...I didn't stay long enough in Florida.  I wanna go back!

    So you got a weather related day off, eh?

    Jackie...YEAH...#4 is done!  So glad you made it home safely.  Snuggle up and enjoy the rest of the day.  You are too funny!!!

    Laura...great investment you have made!!!!  I really should do the same thing.

    Deb's moving back!  That's super, Deb!  We'll be glad to have you back in Illinois.

    Susan...please be careful driving home.  Things don't sound very good up in your neck of the woods.

    The snow has completely stopped here.  It's just gray and dismal out right now but I guess I shouldn't complain compared to what some of you are experiencing.

    Ginny, I'll check my calendar for next week and see what we can come up with.  We need a good gab session!  So glad you are feeling well!  You've been through a lot!

    Well, back to work.  I'm lazy today and looking for excuses to get away from question writing.  Maybe I stayed up too late like Susan watching the returns.

    Catch you all later.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited February 2008

    Update - Holy Crapoly! We have A LOT OF SNOW!

  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited February 2008

    Dear All,

    I am home and safe and sound with my cat.  I love my cat.  Edens was not at all bad but my street is a mess.  

    Pat, I had that back issue.  It became actually quite painful.  I called my onc and he gave the usual....2 weeks on Aleve (sp?) and to call back if the pain was still there.  It turned out to be what you mentioned  (sciatica).  I do remember that the doctor said that if the pain is better with rest, it is a good sign that it is just disk trouble.  He also said that BC bone cancer does not come and comes and get worse.  My backpain is now under control.

    Wendy, I have a friend who went to NY for a week and forgot her arimidex (that is just something I could ever forget....that would be like forgetting to bring underwear).  She called long distance to her doctor to get a refill and he said that one week wouldn't make any difference.  The point is one day is not bad.  I forget a day every now and then.  It has a half life...... and now I really don't know what I m talking about.  I just know the "half life" means it stays in your body for awhile.  I do not think I could  do a whole week without it.

    Laura, I just love that snow scene.  I would love to sit on that deck with all the ladies, surrounded by the trees.

    Tomorrow my husband and I go to our first cooking class with other people. We are the ones who fight in the kitchen.  I sure hope we can get along. He measures, I do not. He keeps to the recipe, I do not.  He takes forever, I do not. We have been married for 34 plus years, so basicly get along....just not in the kitchen.  Our kids gave us this gift tongue in cheek.

    Jackie, I m happy you are home.  Feel good.  Kater, you are a very cool survivor!


  • kater
    kater Member Posts: 447
    edited February 2008

    Thanks for anniv congrats. Esp. Wendy, with the memory. 8-)


    We were shopping at the Polish stores on Barrington Road and this is the nicest way to shop for a wig, I got one!

    (manikans neatly along 2 walls and middle aisle....very easy to see)

    It is on sale half price online BUT it's discontinued so I dont feel badly, i could not have gotten the color online and all the other wigs i checked were very close to the price in that store.

    Prices were about 60 to 299 . 

    The couple who seem to own the store were very nice, i asked for bizness cards to put at mom's chemo office...and will take to delnor. 

    I never wore any of the wigs I had.....maybe insurance will even pay for it! ha!

    Lots of cars on the ditch, took Mom for her CT scan to see if chemo is working.

    Good luck PatSmerf, I heard about someone getting an MRI for that and it sounds like a good idea to just double check. I'm sure it will be okay, since it's bothered you so long....

    Laura, great photo, very pretty 8-)

    If i get pulley working, it might take a couple nights to see if it really works right. 8-) 

     Zap, good luck cooking, that is funny!

  • kater
    kater Member Posts: 447
    edited February 2008

    Wig and Beauty Supply

    Wig, premium human hair,

    human extension fusion hair

    fashion jewelry

    118N Barrington Rd

    Streamwood, IL 60107


    IT's in a little strip mall south of the Polish deli and closer to the Polish Buffet, on the west side of Barrington Road.


    I got the Hope wig, Estetica Designs.

    Better than LuLU's, LaGrange, Batavia and Northbrook wig shops I have been to. (more of a selection, easy to view, all on manikans)

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653
    edited February 2008

    Oh my goodness,

    Those pics Laura.  Easy to see you live in an area nearly like mime and your deck ( what can be seen ) is also fantastic.  Is this going to be the winter that was----anyone know what that really means.  Sure has a great ring to it though, doesn't it!! 

    Just want to say you are all such fantastic people and I must apologise for the many, many times I don't mention you all by name, but the truth memory of much of what I read  ( hello stroke and cancer ) starts to wipe out almost immediately and I have to make small notes to mention things.  Now my secret is really out.........but do know you are all very important to me and whatever is happening to you at any given time....I have a world full of empathy going on about it all......just don't want to transpose names and events.  You are all unique and special and I would feel I was being a little rude to not get this all right. 

    Ok----speech over for now. 

    Just ya'll ( a little left-over from my time in Alabama ) be carefull and be safe and God Bless.


    and Kater--Big Congrats to you too. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2008

    Good Morning All:  I peaked my head out the door and it is indeed a beautiful Winter Wonderland.  Now I want Spring.  Hoping the roads are not too bad this morning as I cannot take off another day from work.

    Hope you all have a great day.  I wish I was at the beach basking in sunshine.

    Nicki (aka chemosabi)Cool

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited February 2008

    We're still digging out up north here...snow-blowed my a** off last night. Tried to go to the store but got stuck halfway up the driveway...wasn't fun trying to get it back into the garage. This weather will either keep us young or kill us early! The snow is up to my knees!

    Stay warm...and safe!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2008

    Good morning everyone!

    WOW!  You did get blasted up north.  We only got a couple of inches of snow here and that was two inches too many for me.  You poor gals!  Travel safely if you have to venture out!

    So that must be where Wendy is this morning......shoveling and snow-blowing that wonderful white stuff.  It's always a miracle when I beat Wendy with a morning post.  :-)

    Jackie...I hope you're feeling good today after your treatment.  Remember to spoil yourself all you can.  It always makes it more bearable.

    Julie...We haven't heard from you lately.  Hope you are doing well also.  I've been thinking about you..........

    Well, I'm going to attempt to write some more questions today.  I'll pop in later when I need a break!

    Have a good day!


  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited February 2008

    Morning!  Gosh....what a day yesterday.  Sounds as if we all survived.  And Nicki....woo boy!  I don't blame you one bit for turning around.  Glad you are OK.

    Jackie....sounds as if your DH would be great behind the wheel of Laura's GTO!  Hoping this round (YAY.....LAST A/C......YAY!) goes good for you.  And your tests look good...yay again!

    Pat...glad you are getting the MRI (or hopefully that you made it!).  Sciatica pain is the pits.  Glad that my back surgery relieved most of the pain (well, ALL the nerve pain - just some leftover pain along the nerve sheath, which I was told could take a year to resolve, or never).  Let us know what you find out! guys had school???  Well...out a day sooner in June I guess.

    Laura...your deck looks so pretty.  Mine too.  But I'd rather see the patio furniture out there and some flowers!  While I was at Walgreens picking up DH's rx I did buy a pill thingy.  I don't care so much about missing the vits or syntroid, but really don't want to start missing the arimidex.  I know missing one day really didn't do anything bad to me, but why jinx it...right?  Right!

    Susan...your class sounds like fun.  At least your DH cooks...mine has never turned on a burner...really!  If I am out of commission, take-out rules the day.

    Well, been running errands all morning (gas, oil for the blower, dentist, printer cartrige, Hallmark and Walgreens with a side trip to drop off some CD's at my gym) so need to get going.  Lunch first, then Y&R, then laundry - the to see if I can move some more snow.  Everybody I have missed...hope you are doing well.

    I'll check in later, or tomorrow am.  Have a great one.

  • smerf
    smerf Member Posts: 476
    edited February 2008

    Deck and yard look beautiful, and the deer give the scene a little extra attraction. Of course, I won't be so happy to see the deer this spring when I am trying to plant flowers, and they are looking for lunch!  It's a great day for hot chocolate and a good book, but we have to go downtown to a meeting.

    I did make it through the snow to my MRI yesterday. They called to see if I could come early, because they had some cancellations. No surprise there. My hubby was already there in his office, but he kindly came home to get me because he has a heavier car. I get instant reading when he is there, and the news was no tumor presence. I do have degenerative disc disease, and spinal stenosis, but for me that is good news. Thank you for being supportive when I could use it. You're all the best!

    We still don't have phone service, but luckily dsl is working.

    Everyone, stay safe and warm. I'd love to be at the beach too, Nicki.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2008

    Pat....that's GREAT news!  So glad you got instant results from the MRI and that they were such positive results.  Take a great big deep breath and enjoy the rest of your day!


  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited February 2008

    YAY Pat!!!  Did you ever figure in your life that degenerative disc disease would be a GOOD thing???  I've got it too!!!!!!  Yay!!!

    Well...YAY!!!!  for nothing worse!  But you know what I mean....

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653
    edited February 2008

    Afternoon all,

    I got to come home from work an hour early.  The two realtors wanted to have some private chat time I think....ok by me so here I am. 

    Don't know if I'll make it in tomorrow....we'll see. great about your MRI results.  I think ( if memory serves at least a little ) most have gotten pretty fair if not good reports all around.

    I woke up with a little bladder irritation....tried to drink as much fluid as I could....I know a little more would help but most of the problem seems to be at bay for now.  Here's hoping !!!

    Schwan man comes tonight.....anyone get Schwan delivered where you's the lazy man's way of going to the store but they have some things I like---shame on me.

    Sorry to hear how bad the weather really is up North.  We are cool here and had a bit of snow showers, but nothing else after the big wind and water storm.  Ok, I'm craving hot least I know the Swan man will have something I want.

    All stay warm and well.


  • JanClare
    JanClare Member Posts: 267
    edited February 2008

    Hello to my fellow Illinois BC sisters.  I've been missing you all and so sorry that I'm just not able to keep up with everything that is happening.  There are so many posts!  I'm happy that our thread is so active, and so sad that I'm not with you everyday.

    I've been working two jobs, both of which have been very, very busy.  It was inventory at Trader Joe's and my husband's business has exploded.  Last week I worked over 50 hours total, plus I'm still trying to workout or walk daily.  I'm just not able to spend much extra time on the computer. I'm getting up at 4 am to go to work and asleep by 9 pm. 

    Just reading what's happening the last few days-

    Pat, sorry to hear about the disc, but so glad to know that it was clear of tumor.  That's where my mom's ovarian cancer went, so I'm especially scared of back pain.  I know it's unwarrented to worry more about one pain over the other, but that's what my mind does!  

    Jackie- so are you halfway through your chemo now?  That's when it was the toughest for me, so I hope you are doing well.  Are you the IL Gal who said she gets mixed up/ confused as to who is who?   That's me too!  I had Lyme Disease 12 years ago.  Between Lyme Fog and Chemo Brain,  I have to write myself notes for everything!   Oh, and I used to have the Schwann's man stop by as well, but so much of what I liked was bad for me.  When a new guy started on the route, I asked him to drop us from his route.   

    Connie- Disney World is great, I bet you have a ton of fun.  And you'll be walking (and walking... and walking....) with us in spirit.   

    I'm sure that I'll do the Y-me Mother's Day walk- but I have to do the one around Chicago.  I work Sunday nights, so I have to be back for that.  

    kater- glad you found a wig you like.  It's so great when you're comfortable with what you have.  I know that you know that I LOVED my wig!

    Blackjack- you are in Hawaii??  Okay, I officially "hate" you. Have a great time!

    Nicki- glad you are okay!  Driving in the snow can be so scary!  And Laura- LOL, yes, I got the snow too!  (joke- for those of you who don't know, Laura and I live less then 2 miles from each other!)

    Wendy, Susan, all our new bc sisters and anyone else I forgot- HI!!!  I need another get-together!  Easier for me to talk then type!  LOL.

    Now it's getting close to bedtime!  Hope to check in again soon.   Love you all!  

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653
    edited February 2008

    Hi again,

    Jan great to hear from you and though you sound like your working way too's great to know that is all that is slowing down our hearing from you. 

    Yes, I do get confused and write notes but then turn around and lose them...that's how confused I really am most of the time.  Sigh !!!!!


    Do you think hubby's business will stay on a high might think about hiring someone.....or just maybe giving up your job at Traders........a place I dearly love. 

    We have to drive over to Missouri to get to one you got to be in the mood and know you'll be taking up several hours of your day.  Usually well worth what we bring home.  Haven't been able to do this much lately. 

    Don't work too hard ok....great that your still getting your you hear the envy in my voice. 


    Talk to you all later.


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2008

    Hi gals!  The sun is shining here, even if it is deceiving!

    I can't believe how late it is and I still beat Wendy to a post!  She is one busy gal........not to mention poor JanClare's schedule.  Businesses have a way of monopolizing our time.  When I had my business, I looked so forward to the summer months when there was a lull and I could regroup and regain my creativity.  Although I knew I was working too long of hours the rest of the year, I loved the challenge, and of course the monetary benefits.  LOL   I must say that I am glad I don't have it now.  I'm just content to contribute help to the new owner when I find the time in my schedule.

    Anyway, Jan, your post made my day!  I think of you often and am so glad that you're keeping the exercise in your schedule.  I need to do more of that.  I can't walk around here during the winter because the roads are so slippery and filled with snow and I make excuses about going into town to the Mall.  I thought about joining a gym but know I won't use it in the summer and will probably make excuses about heading there, too, so I admire you and Wendy.

    Jackie, I also love the Schwann man and am especially partial to the ice cream.  It's been about 5 years since I had him come out here because I buy way too much and eat things that I don't need.  I can't let a bit of it go to waste if it is here.  So what did you find last night to buy????   I hope you're feeling O.K. today.  Just remember, you are checking off these treatments and soon they'll be done!

    I think I may have solved my "stay at home and get depressed" problem.  It was suggested that I get a laptop computer and head to Barnes and Noble or Border's a few afternoons a week to sit in the coffee shop and write questions.  I'd earn some mad money and be out around people.  It's usually pretty easy to strike up a conversation there with others.  So.......I had my son help me design a Dell laptop and it's on order.  Hopefully it will be here next week and I can trudge off a few days a week to "go to work."  In the meantime, I am moderating a scholastic bowl tournament here at ISU university on Saturday and will be able to interact with many good scholastic bowl friends and coaches.  I'm really looking forward to doing it!

    I hope you northern gals are about dug out.  I talked with my aunt in Rock Falls and they still weren't able to get out of their driveway.  Two inches of snow is looking better around here all the time!  We got another dusting last night but it was just enough to cover the animal tracks in the yard. 

    Well, I have dishes in the sink and laundry to get finished so I'd better get moving.  I'll catch you later today.


  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited February 2008

    Morning All!

    Rita....was at the gym this am, and you have SUN????  It's snowing lightly here but the temps are such that it's melting...kinda it hits.  I am soooooo sick of winter! are Ayn and Cyd treating you this visit?  Have you "named" Taxotere yet?  Hope you are OK.

    JanClare.....I'VE MISSED YOU!!!!!  50 hours??? Whoosh.  Girl, slow down.  Do I know what your husband's business is?  If you told me, I forgot.  But I am happy that he is doing so well!

    Nothing much new around here...fairly quiet.  I guess that is good.  Sure hope the writer's strike gets settled soon.  It's hard (well, for us anyway) not to have some tv programs that we haven't seen for the third time to watch on these cold, snowy evenings.'s sheet day and I have a lunch date in Aurora/Naperville area at 11 so I need to haul some a**.  Have a great day everybody!!!!

    Hey Kats.....where the heck have you been?  Miss you! the pic of your wig.  You are soooo cute!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653
    edited February 2008

    Good Morning everyone,

    I'm on early today....not going to work....too much mouth liquids to answer phones and constipation is also a partial issue.  Don't know how productive my day will be, but at least I won't disgrace myself at work.  All my co-workers are veeerrry understanding, but I have to greet the public and handle rental transactions and feel it's not very nice or professional to 'force' them to undergo my "bouts" of whatever is coming this time. 

    Rita, I had no idea you had some 'home depression' going on.  Sounds like you have come up with a very good solution though.  You are a person who takes charge and handles things before they handle you so I'm sure all will be fine in no time. 

    Lets see....I did get hot dogs and Vanilla Bean ice cream.  Ate some of the ice cream last night while I still could.  I'll be into that period where the food tastes ok, but the bloated part of me ( during constipation ) and the excess mouth liquids will quell all desire to of the few times in my life the last few years that it happens.  I look at it as an advantage---to what I don't know.  My appetite comes very nicely back alive the minute everything pipes down.  Ah...the hot dogs.  Don't know why this chemo seems to give me in case they are there later I am prepared. 

    Schwann's does have a light, healthy menu now....mainly on a light as in calories I try to stay away from some of the worst, but it's hard for me to resist.  I didn't discover food til' late in life and I have been making up for it ever since.  I'll have to do way better after the majority of treatment is done so my Schwann man may have to be dismissed from my life as well.....sigh !!!!!!!! are late, but I forgive you. 

    Hope you all have a splendid day.  I'll be checking I'm sure.


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2008

    It's really strange what we crave curing chemo, Jackie.  I craved Maid-Rites.  They tasted better than anything else and I also downed a lot of orange sherbet.  I could never understand how anybody doing chemo could gain weight, but I did.  I have two more pounds to go and I'm back to what I was before I started that trip.  If you gain weight, you can take care of it later.  Just eat what tastes good.  You need your energy and the chemo takes its toll on the body.  Hang in there!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited February 2008

    Rita - That's a great idea about the laptop!

    Jackie - Hope you're feeling better. Don't forget about prunes...they really helped me...hopefully the same for you.

    Hi Girls!

    Hope you're all having a good Friday! This week flew by!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited February 2008

    Everyone's MIA...

    Hope you're all safely tucked in at home on this cold and snowy night! Sweet dreams!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653
    edited February 2008

    Hi all,

    Was it something I said......hmmmm.  Well, Laura then it's just you and me for now.  Can't believe I'm really here.  Rough day at the OK Corral but knowing this is my last time makes it a bit easier.  Had several naps thru the day and I'm wanting to sleep even as we speak.  Have to stay up as it will be time for my little shot soon.  Well, let me tell you....there are nice people around.  Remember my coat incident....the Southern Living party.  I ordered a couple of glass domes....they were sitting on a blue plate in the catalog.  I asked the demo lady specifically if the plate was part of the set and she said that the domes would fit on several things-----leaving me to come to the conclusion that it was a set. I ordered two for that kitchen has a lot of blue.  Well, no plates when the order came today.  I emailed her and said how disappointed I was and how I had questioned her and my impression from her answers.  She is sending me two of the blue plates free of charge.  It's really nice of her and I sure appreciate it. 

    I found Maggie at home today and she will do the feral cats for me this week-end.  Hated to ask but felt like this may be a toughie and too late to ask if I don't do it in advance. 

    I have been pouring much more water ( or ) out the bottom end than I can come close to getting in the top end so it must be something that happens now.  Never noticed it much before but about now I am getting slow about what I can stock up on since the mouth liquids encourage  the heaves easily.....gurgle-gurgle. 

    Trying to rain when Dh came home from work and due to be nearly 50 tomorrow.  I'll probably stay in a fresh set of jammies for the day and watch some goofy t.v. to pass the time. 

    Ya'll stay dry and warm now.


    I think I'm going to have to go on the prune diet immediately.  Hmmm, my mom tried for years to get me to eat them.....but I have to develop the taste for them these critical times.  What do they say at the Prune's never too  late to enjoy the taste of a nice prune or something of that ilk.....fantastic. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited February 2008

    Jackie - Congrats! You did it...

    As for the Prunes...Sunsweet now has a plastic container of them and each one is individually wrapped.

    GIRLS -

    Serious question...would you all like to be in a Dragon Boat race this summer for breast cancer survivors? It's not a huge commitment, it would be fun, you don't have to be the hulk...although you do need to practice. There are teams all over the world and two of the girls in my Rocktober Chemo group are on teams. Think about it...I'll feed more info as it becomes available. Google Dragon Boat Race Teams...and then bc survivors...atleast check it out!

  • kater
    kater Member Posts: 447
    edited February 2008

    Laura: interesting!

    my first and last husband made me hate boats, though. 8-)

    i have dreams about drowning in the ocean. 8-)

    I might be able to take photos, where is it held?

    I've been transferring 1999 dvds this week, fun...nostalgic.

    Dragon boat racing best long-term therapy for breast cancer survivors

      Washington, Feb 2 : According to a health researcher at McGill University, the best long-term therapy for breast cancer survivors has nothing to do with doctors or self-help books, but dragon boat racing.

    The study, conducted by Dr. Catherine Sabiston of McGill's Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education, stated that all the breast cancer survivors who participated in a dragon boat racing reported significantly improved physical and mental health and coped better with post-recovery trauma
  • kater
    kater Member Posts: 447
    edited February 2008


    My Mom had a spring replaced today on garage door.

    I got a wealth of info from the Area Door guy. Great!

    Four brands are the SAME:




    Raynor from Dixon

    Thus remotes interchange...

    he said belt and chain drive last the same amount, belt is just quieter.

    And he reminded me that instead of climbing up for codes on Mom's old unit, I can just look at the remote.

    You can use simple motor oil to lubricate once a year...and some people even use USED motor oil.

    You lubricate the joints that bend when the door opens, the silver part where the wheel goes past and i saw him squirt something up in the drive shaft/chain area.

    you go girls!

    My words of wisdom today!

  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited February 2008

    Kater:  You always give a unique view on it all. I love your posts!

    Laura:  I want to know more about  Dragon Boat Racing. . I suffer from performance anxietyEmbarassed.  The more I know about Dragon Boat Racing, the  more I can feel FREEEEE to participate.   I will Google it and educate myself.  I am still tryng to finish all my 18 months tests for BC....then again....maybe Dragon Boat Racing would get me over it all.

    WENDY, thanks for the card.  You make me happy/


  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited February 2008

    Kater:  You always give a unique view on it all. I love your posts!

    Laura:  I want to know more about  Dragon Boat Racing. . I suffer from performance anxietyEmbarassed.  The more I know about Dragon Boat Racing, the  more I can feel FREEEEE to participate.   I will Google it and educate myself.  I am still tryng to finish all my 18 months tests for BC....then again....maybe  planning for Dragon Boat Racing would get me over it all

    WENDY, thanks for the card.  You make me happier today!


  • kater
    kater Member Posts: 447
    edited February 2008

    some how i got to this health against cancer site, AFTER DRAGON BOATING GOOGLE!


    Detox Clay Bath Kits

    anyone believe in this?!! sounds easy enough!

    i know a guy from high school who worked in radiology dept. told me there was a dark circle on a guys xrays or whatever. he asked dr. what it was, he said, that is the residual "crap" that never leaves your system and builds up...this guy believes in colon cleansing. all i know is i heard about it from a cousin who just died at 52....he had done it years ago...

    Susan/zap, nice of you to say that, i know i'm off topic but my mind is pretty much spaced out with chemo and my odd ness has certainly not lessened. to be sure. 8-)... i try to bold for names if people need to skim for important HEALTH stuff.

     i tried my new infared sauna again but i keep forgetting a hot shower first makes you sweat faster, i need to try that. I try to do it between uncle eating and bedtime....still pressuring myself with work and time issues. bad bad kater. 

    about chlorine in water, (above mentioned site said it was big bad thing, not so much drinking but showers, with chlorine getting into your pores)

    maybe i got it in the shower in utica i suppose....they did have the highest cancer rate in Illinois I was told, when i lived there 1982 to 1998. I never drank the water, but didnt think about the shower. When i was getting divorced and had to drag myself to work my daily ritual was 2 hour hot bath before work cause i was nauseated all the time....ha! isnt that something, divorce was one of the best things in my life! a lesson!


  • smerf
    smerf Member Posts: 476
    edited February 2008

    Kater...You are like a breath of fresh air! You always have something interesting to talk about. I love your posts, and the way you think about things. We have a Raynor.

    Wendy... Thanks for the card! It made me feel good all day.

    Jackie... I'm sorry you're having a rough time of it. Hopefully you won't feel as badly on taxotere. I think AC is very tough, and you have done so well with it. You deserve some pampering now, and you go ahead and eat whatever appeals to you without guilt. We do get funny cravings during chemo. I always wanted steak, and ordinarily I rarely have beef. Go figure. I can't believe it's going to be nearly 50 near you tomorrow. They are saying below zero for us tomorrow night. I think we should all come visit you! Anyway, stay nice and comfy in your jammies, and in front of the tv. I got addicted to HGTV during chemo, and I'm still enjoying it. Prunes didn't work for me so I used colace and senokot, and I had to remember to start it about two days before tx. We sure can tell some stories about all this when we're done, can't we? Hang in there, and I'll be thinking of you.

    Rita... The laptop is a great idea!

    Laura...You always remind us to have fun. Thanks for that.

    I'm going to a wedding tomorrow so I have to go find something in my closet that isn't black! I've never met the happy couple, but he is my hubby's colleague. I'm not sure if the rule about black at weddings has changed, and don't want to offend anyone.

    Everyone... Have a wonderful weekend!