Illinois ladies facing bc



  • Catherine
    Catherine Member Posts: 15
    edited February 2008

    Hi Smerf, I'm also from Glenview.  It's a small world!


  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited February 2008

    Hi Catherine,

    I live in is a small world.

    I am getting people mixed up. SO EVERYONE......HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!


  • tdbear
    tdbear Member Posts: 286
    edited February 2008

    Just a quick post hoping everyone is safe!!! NIU is in our thoughts and prayers

    Think we should add a caution to this thread...... CAN BECOME VERY ADDICTIVE!!!

    Welcome to the newest members!

    Have to get to work post more later!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,656
    edited February 2008

    I'm home for work and meeting the new neighbor.  I'm terribly exhausted.  Didn't sleep well last night due to laxative/constipation pains---did I say I thought that wasn't an issue this time.  Well, there's always a first time in your life to be wrong huh!!!!!

    Anyway it was a struggle all day at work---lax finally kicked in about 10 minutes before it was time to come home.  Better late than never. 

    I too wish we never had to hear about gunmen on school campuses ever again, but the truth is it's sometimes a harsh world and people lose their way, end up psychotic and make us all wonder as Wendy said.....if anyone is really up there.  Well, yes they are.....but our souls do grow by all the experiences we have on earth---good and bad.  In fact, it is the more negative things that enable our growth because if all was perfect what would be the point.  Nothing to test us or help define us or make us determined to be better and rise above.  I doubt most of us will figure it out in this lifetime.

    Ok....ok   I do get carried away, sorry.

    Hope this is the start of a beautiful week-end for all of you.  I'm going to go crash....well, rest....anything but set up straight.

    Catch ya'll all later.


  • Marj4230
    Marj4230 Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2008

    Hi, I'm Marj, I live in Hoffman Estates.  I was diagnosed with BC in early Jan.  I had a mastectomy done Feb. 8th.  Sentinel nodes were clear.  I also had an expander put in.  I am doing well, 7 days post-op.  Looking forward to taking the drain out on Mon.  I have some swelling in my armpit that concerns me, but the p/s says it looks fine.

    I have IDC, stage II, grade 3, es+, HER-, 4.4cm.

  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited February 2008

    Jackie, I know of that deep fatigue of which you speak.  Just climb into that bed and sleep all weekend.  Pamper yourself.  It sounds like you have a dh who will pamper you too.

    Hi Marj and thank you for posting.  I am glad you are doing well. I am glad the nodes were okay.  What a relief.  This place is great for support.  As Rita, the matriarch (although we have women older than Rita) would say, "Post often."

    Maybe on your next post, you could tell us a bit about yourself.


  • leesa
    leesa Member Posts: 57
    edited February 2008

    Thank you! we made it to fl we danced at the airport and on the beach. Kids are in bed I'm having a much needed glass of wine.thurs is the lung guy. I can't wait for Fri. Typing on my cell. Very jumbled. i'm scared.Really glad I have you.Thank you. Love Leesa

  • smerf
    smerf Member Posts: 476
    edited February 2008


    Have fun, and enjoy your wonderful family. This is such a nice break for you, and I'm hoping you all have a wonderful time. I know you're scared, as you have every right to be. We've all been scared at different times, but you will have the strength to do whatever you have to do to beat this. We are all here for you now, and when you get home.

     By the way, you picked a great time to go south....more single digit temps, and freezing rain and snow this weekend. Brrrrrrr.....

     Hugs to you, Pat

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited February 2008

    Morning girls!  This is the snow-be-gone fairy and she is sprinkling spring dust on us all.  Hmmm...maybe that glass of wine for breakfast wasn't such a hot idea. lucky dog!  Dancing on the beach!  Do a two-step for me,OK?  Can't wait to meet you on Friday...and good luck on Thursday.  We'll be here when you need us!  But HAVE FUN!

    Marj...glad to meet you!  Or did we already?  Durn chemobrain!  You are just out of surgery and maybe not up to it, but a group of us are getting together at Maggiano's by Woodfield on Friday and if you are up to it, c'mon along!

    Hi Catherine...hope you are doing well!

    Nicki...where have you been?  And if you want...PM your "stuff" to Laura so we can send you that new car we bought you.  (OK...that should get Nicki's attention!)

    Laura...from your house to Lemont will be quite a haul.  Can you set your hours...maybe start at 6 or 6:30 so you can get out by 2 or so?  Or are you not a morning person?  You could always make the drive in your jammies!  I did get the Z out yesterday and just drove around for an hour.  I forget how much fun that car is, with the huge, growling engine!  I did keep the top up tho.  I may be nuts, but I'm not that nuts!  First 50-degree sunny day, after this winter, it's going down.

    Rita, Jackie...looks like you will just get the rain this weekend.  I guess for the rest of us it will be just a "look out the door and see" event.  I have plenty of gas/oil for the blower just in case.  No school on Monday so at least I wouldn't have to be out there at 5:30, clearing the driveway for Tom.  And as for locking down the schools, DH's school is always locked up tight.  All the schools in Elgin U46 are locked, with buzzers.  They were installed years ago.  And they have come in handy...but not for crazy shooters.  For crazy parents in the midst of horrible, nasty custody fights.  You would not believe the stories Tom comes home with...then again,maybe you would.

    Still haven't seen Kats on the board, so I will send her an e-mail re: lunch on Friday.

    Heather, are you guys today?

    Off for my 2nd cuppa....have a great morning and enjoy the weather (is that even possible??) before it gets worse.  Hugs everybody!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,656
    edited February 2008

    Good Saturday morningLaughing,

    Possibilities that I may even be coherent by now.  Welcome Marj.  Sorry you are here for this reason, but you will find a lot of compassion and caring here....Leesa---enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.  Our weather in So. Ill is getting better temps wise, but we will be under flash flood warnings for several hrs. late tonight and on into Sunday morning.  Oh least it will be warmer.  Just that we don't really need more liquid in any form.  Our lake is filling nicely and this rain will probably get it almost back to full capacity.

    Catherine...don't know if I have said hi to you. 

    Hope you are all well this morning and looking forward to a great week-end....should be fantastic for me.....least til' the rain starts. 


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited February 2008

    smerf - Wow...totally remember the L Dann incident! Haven't thought about that IN A LONG TIME! "Back then" incidents such as that were more rare. I can imagine how frightened you north shore folks must have been.  

    connie - ANOTHER blast from the past...Blue&Gold dinner! OMG - Me, my Mom and my sis made hundreds of blue and gold kleenex flowers to decorate the gym for my bro's scout b&g banquet. Do they still have the soap box derbies?  

    catherine, marj, leesa - Hi!  

    Wendy - They did say they're "flexible" because of my commute. The first few commutes will be interesting.  We shall see. Although when the weather gets nice I can take the Goat! I would get there in 10.2 seconds! LOL Glad you enjoyed the fun.   Jackie - Keep on hanging, girl! Everyday you're one step closer to the next chapter.  

    GIRLS - For those of you who don't post regularly -

    JUST A REMINDER: We're having a lunch get-together on Friday at Maggianos (Schaumburg) at 11:30 - the more the merrier!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2008

    Good morning!

    Wendy, please have your "snow-be-gone-fairy" make a road trip to the central part of the state just in case mother nature gets confused and plans on dumping more of the white stuff here.  I can't believe the forecast again for your area.  YUCK!  It is supposed to rain later this afternoon and evening here and turn to snow tomorrow with only a couple of inches of precipitation.  I think I'll pick up a movie when I'm in town today and we'll just get cozy and have a lazy night.

    Leesa...thinking of you down there in the sunshine state and wishing I'd stowed along with you.  I spent a week in January in Fort Myers Beach and didn't want to come back.  Where did you go to?  No matter where you are....just enjoy these days.  Do some more dancing.  Lift your face up toward the sun and just try to relax a little.

    Marj...Hi there!  I'm glad you found our thread.  It sounds like you are doing well and have a positive attitude.  Please tell us a little more about you when you get a chance.  I remember under-arm swelling, too.  I had a lumpectomy but I think that the under-arm area where they removed the lymph nodes was more sore than the actual lumpectomy site.  My swelling in that area did not go away as fast as I thought it should have disappeared, either, but finally it's back to normal.  So...have you met with your onc to establish and decide upon the next step of your treatment plan?  YEAH...that's good news about the sentinel nodes!!!!

    I hope that all of you who are currently going through treatments are having a good day.  We got my new laptop up and running yesterday afternoon so I'm in business now!  I have some errands to run in town so I'm going to stop in at one of the bookstores and see how I do with it for a bit this afternoon.  The gal who helped me is coming back on Monday to show me how to use a photoshop (Shutterfly, I think) program and try to teach me how to post pictures on this thread.  I want to have played with my new toy enough by then that I can ask questions if there's something that I can't get to work.

    Enjoy the lull before the storm today.  Hey, maybe we'll get lucky and the weatherman will be wrong.


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2008

    Oh glad to see your post!  That means you survived Valentine's Day in the Junior High!   LOL  Hang in there.  Retirement is just around the corner and believe me, you won't miss the parent-teacher conferences, report cards, grading papers, the extra curricular routines, etc....but you will miss those unpredicatable adolescents!!!!

    Have a good weekend.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited February 2008

    Sharon -

    I was just looking back thru the posts...I think I missed your last post! Of course you can join us!

    In fact...I hope all the new, new girls will!

    Let's see...

    Heather, Leesa, Linda, Sharon, sparker, Catherine....have I missed anyone?

    Cheryl - Haven't heard from you in a while! Are you busy crocheting squares?

  • sparker38
    sparker38 Member Posts: 47
    edited February 2008

    Good afternoon ladies,

    Been reading all the post to my 12 year old son.  He is so excited for me.  He was sitting next to me when the dr called with the dx.  I didn't know how to tell him but I couldn't hold it in.  After we cried and walked the block for about an hour he promised to be strong and there for me through it all.  And he has.  He helped me cut off my hair when it was finally down to a mohawk.  He sat there for a hour after I looked at myself in the mirror with one breast and no hair and still said I was beautiful.  He hasn't left my side since.  He is such an encourager.  He says thank you all for being there for me.  And that you all sound like wonderful people.  He want's me to come to lunch and meet you all but I have tx next week and don't know how I am going to feel.  But I hope you all have a wonderful time and thanks for the invitation.

    I hope you all have a wonderful day


    p.s.  so far so good no snow.  Think I will fire up the bbq grill today after my son shovels the snow off the deck...

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,656
    edited February 2008

    Wonderful afternoon here....mainly as the rain hasn't come yet, but look at me I'm complainin' again---it's so darn gray. 

    Despite rain here......guess I will go over to my BIL's tomorrow for the Indy 500...or Nascar--I didn't pay much attention. I go mainly to keep Heidi company from all the other BIL's that show up.  Have not been out to Dave's in awhile so it will make for a nice afternoon.  Will drive my own car out so I can leave if I get tired or too bored. 

    Regarding is what Jane Wagner had to say about them:::::I personally believe we developed language because of our deep inner need to complain. 

    Now there I feel lots better.

    See ya'll


  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited February 2008

    OK...this one is "again" for our founder, Rita...she is sending you warm temps/gentle rain for this weekend!  But...on closer note...she is winking.  Not quite sure what that means, weather-wise!

    OK Sparker...your 12-yr old son is going to clean off your patio so you can grill and he is encouraging you to come see us???  And exactly when do we get to meet the most wonderful male in the universe????  Tx is certainly hard, but if you can meet up with us, we would so dearly love to meet you and give you a big hug for you to take home to your hero, cuz that's what your son is.  How so very lucky you are to have him, and how lucky he is to have you, as you were the one to instill in him these lovely qualities.  I'm not far off 90, so if you ever wanted to meet somewhere between...I am so up for it.  As the other girls know, I am not employed outside the home (ie: lazy butt housewife) so my time is my own.  Let me know!

    Rita..let me know how that laptop is "big" puter is 5 yrs old and my laptop is 4 yrs old...time to speed things up!

    Re:  Sharon.... had to read thru I don't know how many posts, trying to figure out who the heck was Sharon....ah, Motherof4sons...sorry,Sharon.  Duh...chemobrain.

    Connie....grats to your son on his achievements.  I remember "flying up" from Brownies to Girl Scouts.  And then off to Cadettes..and then high school/boys/dances took over.  Still have all my badges tho.

    Had to replace my landline phone at home as it kept cutting in and out (6 yrs old)'s been charging for a few and it came with the base unit and 2 extra handsets so I guess my Sat nite will be filled with programming Phone #'s.  Remember when our Sat. nites were filled with dances and dates and...dare I say it..submarine races????? be young again.

  • Calypso
    Calypso Member Posts: 132
    edited February 2008

    Looking forward to lunch next Friday.  My office is only blocks away, so I'll make sure my boss lets me take a long lunch.  Maybe long long lunch.  Oh heck, I'll just ask for the afternoon off!  Sounds like it might be a lingering kind of afternoon.  Especially with the good italian coffee and desserts.  Hope Wendy's snow-be-gone-fairy is working hard tonight!

  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2008

    Hi Girls,

    Just a quick check on who's coming for lunch on Friday 2/22 @ 11:30am Magganio's in Schaumburg:

    Rita, Nancyla, Connie, Laura, Wendy, Kater, JanClare, Leesa, Calypso, Sharon ( Wheeling), and me  Total: 11 is that right ?

    Did I miss anyone if I did I am sorry, just let me know asap. I am going there to pick up dinner for my dh birthday today. It is his fav place.

    I am going to make the resv. tonoc for 12 just in case I missed someone. She told me I can add more if needed.

    I check in later as I have a house full of people and the cosmo's are flowing.

    Hope you all have a great evening...


  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited February 2008

    Hi ladies,

    We went to see Michael Clayton and it was very, very good.

    All my appointments are around the 25th of February.  I do the mri and the mammo and we will see.  Funny that this brings anxiety.  It is what it is and worrying will not change a thing. 

    Sparker, I read your post about prayer. You have a wonderful philosophy on it all.   I do not think that prayers will change what is, yet I bet prayer can affect the one who prays.  So people, if you are  so inclined, pray that I cope.

    Thank you.  This place is so wonderful.  Rita, you must be so proud.  You had a need, you reached out and took a chance and you have created a remarkable network of women who care for each other. What a wonderful accomplishment.


  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited February 2008

    Hey...I think my snow-be-gone fairy did her thing!  It is 36 and pouring and I swear the ice/snowmounds are shrinking.  I know all the stuff is breaking up into little chunks and flowing down the gutters as this woke us up at 4:30 and we couldn't go back to sleep.

    Blackjack...I think you have everybody.  Should indeed be quite a group!

    Susan....I have my next mamm. on 3/3 and I can't/won't sit down and address my Easter cards.  Not even sure why.  I guess I don't want to look too far ahead, just in case.  Am I being silly?  Probably.  But, well, you guys understand.  That's why I like it here.

    Not much else is new so I won't bore you this morning. Hope everybody is well and hopefully all asleep at this ungodly hour.  Rita, how's your creek doing?  No flooding I hope.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2008

    Good Morning!  Yes its me, the one who pops in and out about every 2 weeks lol.  I am so sick of Winter, but to tell the truth I would rather have rain than snow.  Im just wondering though, how we could go from snowstorm to flooding!!

    Your lunch at Maggianos sounds like fun.  How long to you all think you will be there?  11:30 am is too early for me as I will be working, but I sure would love to stop by and have a glass of wine with ya all.  Maggianos is one of my favorite places and I have to pass by it everyday on my way home from work.

    Wendy:  DH played at a bar in Hawthorne last night.  When he left it was very icy - he waited an hour and them temp just went up instead of down.  Glad he is home safely.  The one good thing about the rain is that it is washing my car!  Which has been totally filthy from all the snow and cold we have had.

    Susan:  Tests and doctors!  Why oh why, do they make us so anxiety ridden now.  Never used to feel this way before breast cancer.  Hoping all goes well with your mammogram and MRI.

    Sparker:  That was a sweet story about you and your son.  It made me smile this morning.

    Laura:  I have spent the entire week-end working on squares.  Now I need to get them mailed!!

    Wendy:  What new car?????

    OK - I have tried to read back and I am totally lost.  So will start once again from here.  Nice to see so many new and old friends again.  Have a wonderful Sunday.


  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2008

    Good Morning Girls.....

    Lovely day we are having rain, and melting snow ugh..Wendy your snow-be-gone fairy is good but now we need your sunshine fairy lol.

    Oh, I wish it was pond in my yard is all most ready to over flow and I am afraid my fish will be floating out too. So far they are ok but this warm and changing to cold is not good for them as they get very stressed. So I will have to wait and see. are you feeling? Are you going to Marion for your txs?

    Do you have favorite authors you like to read? Let me know.

    Laura..just think you are off to sunny MX really soon right? Are you packed yet.

    Rita.. I hope you can make it Friday.. it will be nice to meet you and I can see that the weather should be good Friday. My son the chef is flying in Friday, so I am glad the weather will be good. He will be home for a week hey!!

    Smerf..hope you have a great time in Vail..Get some R&R.

    Sparker..welcome and I am sorry to hear about your bc. I hope you are doing ok and as you know we are a very nice group to chat with. You are invited to join us Friday if you like for lunch. Just let me know.

    Caylpso..glad to see you are coming Friday and it will be nice to meet you.

    Leesa..hope you are having fun in Florida with your kids. Did you go to Rush to see you mds? If you did what did you think of them? See you Friday. are you doing? Are you feeling better and is your mom doing better now with her txs? I know how hard it is to take of your mom and your self. I have to take care of my mom who is on O2 24/7 for lung problems. She can't get around much and it is hard. But we do what we have to make them feel better.

    To everyone else I hope you have a nice to make breakfast and get my daughter back to school safely. She has to drive 3 hours back to Iowa. I am a nervous wreck until she is there safe and sound. Oh I hate this weather.

    Take care, stay dry and think spring.


  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2008

    Nicki.. Do come by and visit us at Magganio's. Last time we meet we had a 4 hr lunch lol. The time flew by. So do try to stop by. What time do you get off work? I can add you to the list.. Let me know.


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2008

    Oh Wendy, you'd better treat that "snow-be-gone-lady" real well today and when this weather threat is over, tuck her away safely for future use!!  LOL  We got rain but not the freezing rain that they were predicting.  The creek behind my house if full but not over the banks yet.  I do have some standing puddles in the back yard though so it won't take much before the water moves out of the banks.

    I'm sitting in my dining room with my new laptop, writing away and looking out at the back deck, woods, and rushing creek.  I love this laptop but have a lot to learn yet.  I made my maiden voyage to Border's yesterday afternoon to write questions with it.  The question writing went well, I got everything saved and home well, but failed wireless network connection 101 there.  I couldn't get on the Internet while there but can access the Internet with my wireless router here at home so I'm doing something wrong.  Guess it's a good thing that my neighbor is coming back on Monday to help work out the kinks.  My poor old brain will only absorb so many things in one setting and I think I really pushed it on Friday.

    Dave has had a busy work week with lots of overtime and long hours so we didn't make it to church this morning.  It seems strange as we  usually try to get there.  Susan, I strongly believe in the power of prayer and will send some out for you as you approach this trying "test" week. 

    I hope the weather is good next week as it looks like we have quite a crew that's going to show up on Friday.  It should be fun and I really want to make the trip.  Keep that snow fairy handy, Wendy.

    Well, my cat is crying for some attention and my coffee cup needs refilled.  Have a good day, ladies!  I'll be back later now that I can connect from my recliner!!!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,656
    edited February 2008

    Good Morning All,

    LaughingIt's great here....rain stopped early this a.m. and now and then the sun peeks out....just long enough to be tantalizing.  Got up too late for a weather' know what it will do rest of today, but my day is fairly well planned.  Feed the feral cats--go to BIL's. 

    All your posts were so great this morning to read.  I too find I am thrilled that Rita was inspired to "find" other close to home (Illinois ) women with her diagnosis.  You have Rita brought together a group of people that are having their needs met in a special way and it is something to be grateful for and happy.  I know it's easy to feel just a wee bit embarrassed by adulation but I hope your ok that we have and do express our gratitude. 

    As far as prayer....I know every word is heard.  We all have a spirit guide....and just how did we all get here---accident ???  fate????

    coincidence?????karma???? magic????? chance????  A need is a prayer and a prayer can be as simple as-----wish I could find a way to talk to others just like me.  In my world I don't call things fate, or chance, or coincidence.....I just don't believe that is how things happen.  But that is just my way of seeing things and others have different ideas........that is our uniqueness at work.......and it's just fine.  Dh says more rain may be coming....the wind is really up so I'm not real surprised. 

    I go back to Marion ( weather permitting but I think it will ) this coming Wednesday.  Hope to get many questions next chemo ?? Rads and when??? two wks off to go to Calif. and see daughter Kate maybe in-between please ???? I'm still having strange ? constipation issues and a little bladder tenderness but I'm sure it's the cumulative effect of the last chemo---this ole' A/C is rugged stuff---and will dissipate with a little patience on my part---what is that saying...Give me Patience Lord, but hurry !!!!!!!

    Authors....lets see, I like anything that is true crime.  I like any mysteries, anything funny.  Bout' the only thing I probably wouldn't pick up is westerns.  Never could get into it.  Now and then I even like a good love story, but not too often. 

    As to why I like true crime----the truth is often stranger than fiction I find and at the same time...much as I philosophize---I still find it very hard to believe that human beings treat each other the way they do and once in awhile remind myself by reading a true crime book. 

    Anyway.....hope your Sunday is not too wet...hope the same for myself and certainly the feral cats.......and hope you have a restful and  enjoyable day.


  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited February 2008

    Jackie, you gave me so much to think about with your post. I am not a churchgoer, yet I do consider myself spiritual. I would like to talk more with you someday of some of the things you referred to in your post. I never thought of a "need" as being a prayer, but it fits for me. I would like to look at it that way.

    I hope all the women in treatment are feeling okay. I always had chemo on Thursday so I would be ready to go back to work on Monday. Sundays were always my hardest days as it seems to just hit on that fourth day. I remember my husband suggested I get the chemo on a Monday so I could well for the weekend.....forget work! He had a point, didn't he? I think I will love retrement, although I have totally loved my career as a teacher. Just time.

    Wendy, your graphics are wonderful. I love that little lady. I am still going to do that avatar (what does that word mean?) but probably over spring vacation when I will have lost my 15 pounds (right!!!). I could fool you all and place a picture of Julie Christie or some other totally lovely looking person in there in my place. Ooops, I have met many of you in person....won't work. I need to lose the 15 pounds. I just said a prayer, Jackie, although I know "God helps those who helps themselves."


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited February 2008

    Hi Girls - Hope you're all having a cozy Sunday.I have been busy around here since 6 this morning. I have lots of unfinished projects - so I've been working on several. Crocheting, painting, posting, d-zining...

    But now I'm going to run out to the store. It was dh's b-day yesterday and I always make him his favorite treat: Monster Cookies. Boy are they a labor of love! Geesh...there's about 15 ingredients and I make they really big...about the diam of a coffee can! LOL He's not a big sweet eater...just once a year!

    I'll check in later...

    Oh...btw - I was thinking that it would be a good idea if each of us chose a name and number from the addy list and gave it to your significant other, dh, mother, whoever...just in case something happened to one of us, that person could let someone here know. I'm giving my dh and my mom, Rita and JanClares numbers. (Hope you two don't mind!)

  • smerf
    smerf Member Posts: 476
    edited February 2008

    Good afternoon everyone!

    Wendy...It worked! The snow be gone fairy has worked her magic, and the temps here are 49 degrees. It's been raining since about 2AM, but has only made a small dent in the ice and snow around here. I heard a loud crash, and looked outside to see an avalanche slide off the roof. We have the north branch of the Chicago river at the back of the yard, and I see it has overflowed its banks a bit by my next door neighbor. There are ducks floating by there, and it is beautiful. We've been lucky for 32 years in this house the river has never come close enough to cause a problem.

    Hi Catherine....I live in east Glenview. Are we near each other?

    Susan... Didn't you have a birthday a few days ago? I'm sorry I'm late, but hope it was a good one. This chemo brain is frustrating, as I have trouble now remembering my own b-day. You must be a special valentine for your dh! I think I may have blocked the date, because I got dx late afternoon on the 13th, and scheduled for surgery on the 15th. The 14th was my scary day in 2006, but I've come far since then. Knowing you, I now have something happy to think about instead on that day. Thanks!

    We're leaving for Aspen, CO on Wednesday. Dh loves to ski, and this year he's hoping for free lift tickets. There has to be something good about his 70th b-day. I hope they are still doing that, so he won't be disappointed. When he reached 65 they changed it to 70! Lol 

    Jackie...I like lots of different kinds of books, but one of them is true crime. I'm fascinated by the detective work done to solve the crimes. Maybe I'll be a detective in my next life! The attention to detail seems similar to that given in the critical care units where I worked. I think that's what attracts me to the stories. I want to solve the mystery. I'd like to visit you sun peeking out here.

    Dh has been gone to work since 7AM. Often he's home on Sunday, and then I don't get a chance at the computer. Wendy, you suggested I get my own, which might be a good idea. This is sort of my own, because he has his laptop. He took it to the office, but even when it's here he can't help hovering over me when I'm using either one. I am a complete novice, but so far I haven't done any damage.

    Blackjack.... What kind of fish do you have in your pond? It sounds so cool to have a pond with fish in it. I do have the river in back, but I've only seen snapping turtles in there.

    Have to get back to house projects now, but I'm wishing you all a nice day. Hope no one has too much rain, and keep thinking about how soon we will be planting flowers again!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited February 2008

    smerf - Have a great trip! You two really get around! SWEET!