Illinois ladies facing bc



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,387
    edited May 2014

    is a brand new day. A fresh start. Replace any negativity with positivity.
    Think happy thoughts. Exercise. Drink lots of water. Fill your body with fuel.
    Healthy is happy. Inspire yourself. Create. Laugh. Play. Love. Learn. Give
    someone a compliment. Make a new friend. Do a random act of kindness. It
    creates good karma. Take chances and finally start living life to its fullest.
    But no matter what's thrown at you today, smile and remember, tomorrow's always
    a fresh new start." 

    Author Unknown 

  • zap
    zap Posts: 1,850
    edited May 2014

    Stepping in with my own wig story!  I was visiting my. mother who had late stage alzheimer's.  She was so confused that she made my head spin and so when I left I overdid the speed limit down Lake Cook Road to get away from it all.  I was hot and agitated so pulled the wig off and placed it on the passenger seat.  Of course I got stopped for speeding and the cop pulled me over.  I would have grabbed the wig and shoved it on my head but I was just in a fed up mood.  I thought maybe it could save me from a ticket.  Officer  looked at me, at the wig and then back at bald me  He asked me if I realized how dangerous it was to drive that fast and I just stared down at the wig and muttered something like "I live with  danger."  I would like to say he let me off the hook with a warning but I got smacked with a a ticket that cost me $100.

    By the way, Hope, that is a very lovely wig and a nice gesture on your part to share it with someone.

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2014

    Zap you had an awesome wig too! BTW how's the DH doing?

  • zap
    zap Posts: 1,850
    edited May 2014

    Lago, DH is still in remission because of romidepsin monthly infusions.  This is not chemo but attacks the cancer cell by destroying the protein it needs to clone itself.  It was experimental just a few years back and it is too new to know how long it will work.  We are just grateful it is working now as it is saving his life.  I also do not undertsand it perfectly but like all new cancer approaches, it is a biomolecular approach rather than chemo (aka toxic).  It is what breast cancers need so women and men do not suffer the ravages of chemo (although I know many people do tolerate chemo well).  His doctors are making no promises and this stuff is soooooooo expensive so we remain grateful for each day we get. The down side is that the reality points to the fact that cancer cells are smart, they mutate and the meds stop working.  Then onto to something else....hopefully! 

    Long answer to a complicated situation.

  • cateyz2
    cateyz2 Posts: 253
    edited May 2014

    Littlebird3, just curious who your PS were previous and after you changed. pm me if you would rather not post publicly

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2014

    Zap so glad to hear that. Some meds do work for a very long time. Lets hope this is one of them.

  • mdg
    mdg Posts: 1,468
    edited May 2014

    Zap - love the "I live with danger" quote!  Ha!  Also that is GREAT news on DH!  I am glad he is doing so well! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,387
    edited May 2014

    We don’t get many second chances in life; are we going to be happy
    having accomplished a lot, yet not having put our minds and hearts into any of
    it?  Put it another way:  In prayer, we give ourselves completely over
    to the act of communicating with God. 
    Why can’t we do the same thing with more mundane matters?  Couldn’t that be a form of divine
    communication, too?

    Shana Aborn

  • jmg58
    jmg58 Posts: 104
    edited May 2014

    That's the best quote yet! I'm printing it and cutting it out and pasting it to my computer monitor today!

    Zap....the biggest laugh I've had in a long sounds like something out of a movie.  That cop must have had no sense of humor at all!  

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Posts: 1,455
    edited May 2014

    Lakegirl--I know we have not met--- I get my Radiation at 1pm everyday.  I only have 7 left---if your sister can't go or anything, I would be glad to come be with you so you aren't alone.  You can PM me if you want.  I have no experience with chemo, but it is really helpful to have a pal along for the ride when everything is new.

  • Lakegirl1
    Lakegirl1 Posts: 158
    edited May 2014

    Redheaded1...Thank you so much, that is so kind of you!!!  I don't have any dates for chemo yet. I will be calling them tomorrow as I haven't heard from anyone at the cancer center.  I will def look to you if schedules don't jive, or even if they do!!!   I think I will need someone to entertain me...

    I have had my last my PS doesn't do fills during chemo.  Also, since I had the staff infection he was doing larger fills more often, so it was done before before chemo. I think the largest was 120cc's. The  last was 60...I ended up at 600cc's.   It felt strange walking out of the PS office with no appt for next week. Seems we have seen each other at a minimum 1 time a week since March 4th and more often when we were dealing with the staph infection.  The other day he said to call and make an appt about a month after chemo is done. It's funny how you come to rely on the doc and their staff.  

    Hopefully, chemo will be smooth sailing, no recurrence of staph when counts get really low!!!

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2014

    lakegirl my place doesn't allow  fills during chemo either. I had 2 small ones before chemo then 8 ones after that. Also my PS wouldn't touch me till my MO cleared me.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,387
    edited May 2014

    Whether one believes in a religion or not,
    and whether one believes in rebirth or not,
    there isn't anyone who doesn't
    appreciate kindness and compassion.
    - Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama

  • Lakegirl1
    Lakegirl1 Posts: 158
    edited May 2014

    Well, I am scheduled to start chemo next Friday.   I am so not  looking forward to this.   I guess it is time to break down and make the appt for the wig. 


  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2014

    Lakegirl your hair will probably take about 16 days to start falling out. Once it starts it goes quickly.  My first chemo was on a Tuesday and I went shopping for the wig that Saturday. Like I said don't buy it that day unless you buzz your hair or have really thin hair. My wig was too big once the hair was gone. Get some hats or scarves. FYI silks scarves will slide off. Cotton is best because it won't be itchy. Anything with sparkle is usually plastic and very annoying to wear.

  • Lakegirl1
    Lakegirl1 Posts: 158
    edited May 2014

    Lago...since I had the issues with the hives, I am really careful what goes on my skin, especially when it is aggravated.  That is also one of the reasons I'm not sure if I will shave my head.   I am afraid it will irritate my scalp. That is not what I need in the summer time. 

  • doxie
    doxie Posts: 700
    edited May 2014


    I used a buzz cutter on my scalp, so no irritation of the skin at all. If you don't have one, your hairdresser will.  

    As I lost my hair, my scalp was very tender and any pressure hurt.  It took a 2nd clipping right next to the skin to ease the pain.  I found this part of chemo emotionally difficult and the unexpected pain didn't help.  After a week the pain was gone.  I grew peach fuzz though out chemo with a few normal stray hairs.  

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2014

    lakegirl I never buzzed mine but I did cut it short, although not as short as I wear it now. My hair was almost shoulder length back then. I do recommend getting it cut as short as you can stand it. Once the hair falls it's a bit messy. Even with the short hair, and most of it ending up in the shower drain I still had to vacuum my pillow and bathroom every day for a while. Granted I have a lot of hair 


  • 2ns_Jenn
    2ns_Jenn Posts: 95
    edited May 2014

    Littlebird - I was going to ask the same question but Catey beat me to it (we share the same PS).

  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Posts: 836
    edited May 2014

    Im the same ps as the above too- I saw him this week pre op for revision in 2 weeks. Going to do (extensive???) lipo on the sides, and swap out my 410s for Natrelle round 15s..about 380-400cc for each.. He seemed to strongly think the 410s arent the right shape for me.  Fat grafting hasnt come up for me, but back when I was starting this all and asked about it- he said to me as well that he doesnt like to do it, and gave same reasons as to the other gals.

  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Posts: 836
    edited May 2014

    Breast Cancer books!

    I have 3 really good books I dont think I need any more: BC Treatment Handbook, Judy Kneece. Tons of info, clearly and simply given, really good.

    Dr Susan Loves Breast book

    Mayo Clinic BC Book

    all 3 are really good and have great info. These really are for someone starting down this path but ..

    FREE to a good home! Im in Algonquin , NW of the City, work in Arlington Heights. If anyone is interested, get in touch.

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2014

    aviva5675 I'm sporting the Allergen Natural style 15, 397ccs. We may be twins


    I'm wear a 34 band and I'm 5'6" (depending on who measures me. The bone density place claims I lost 1/2 an inch but in oncology I haven't!) Sporting a full 34D bra these days! big jump from the 34 barely B. Still learning how to dress them.

  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Posts: 836
    edited May 2014

    wow, thats amazing. Do you feel 'small' in them? any issues youve had since surgery?

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,387
    edited May 2014

    One who gains strength by overcoming obstacles

    possesses the only strength which can overcome adversity.

    Albert Schweitzer


  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2014

     "Do you feel 'small' in them?

    aviva5675 you're kidding right?! These are much  larger than my old girls. I went up 2 cups sizes and fuller. Have to admit I can wear just about any bra my size except my old brands of Calvin Klein and Olga (good for small not so full gals). I haven't had any issues.

    Funny story. A couple of years ago my DH had me meet a friend of his for some freelance. It was one of those 90+ days and we were meeting at Starbucks. My DH said wear the black sundress. It was cut a little low but not too bad. So this guy comes in and where to his eyes go… s traight to the boobie prizes. First time this has ever happened to me because no one ever notices the 34B even with a little padding and push up. 

  • Lakegirl1
    Lakegirl1 Posts: 158
    edited May 2014

    I did cut my hair really short right before bmx, approx 12 inches!!!  I was really glad i did when I had the staph infection and in the hospital for those 6 days. I could wash it in the bathroom sink with the help of the CNA.  I couldn't stand those hair wash cap things!!!

    I had it cut about a month ago and need it cut again.  But , I start chemo Friday and not sure if I will spend the money ....however, it will drive me bonco until it does do whatever it is going to do.... 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,387
    edited May 2014

    Take time to be
    quiet.  This is something that we don't do enough in this busy world of
    ours.  We rush, rush, rush, and we are constantly listening to noise all
    around us.  The human heart was meant for times of quiet, to peer deep
    within.  It is when we do this that our hearts are set free to soar and
    take flight on the wings of our own dreams!  Schedule some quiet
    "dream time" this week.  No other people.  No cell
    phone.  No computer.  Just you, a pad, a pen, and your thoughts.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,387
    edited May 2014

    Morning on Mother's Day.

    The above quote is sometimes hard to do, but some of my best thoughts about life, love and happiness have come when I was able to turn off the world for awhile. 

    I'm here to wish all the mothers here a very happy Mother's Day and to those who may not be a Mother.....I wish your mother's a happy Mother's Day.  They sent in you a wonderful friend and a fantastic person for me to get to know and cherish big hugs to all today.




  • Timbuktu
    Timbuktu Posts: 1,423
    edited May 2014

    Such a lovely photo!  Love it!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,387
    edited May 2014

    To honor and respect means to think of the land and water and plants and
    animals who live here as having a right equal to our own to be here.  We are not the supreme and all-knowing
    beings, living at the top of the pinnacle of evolution, but in fact we are
    members of the sacred hoop of life, along with the trees and rocks, the coyotes
    and the eagles and fish and toads, that each fulfills its purpose.  They each perform their given task in the
    sacred hoop, and we have one, too.

    Wolf Song


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