Illinois ladies facing bc



  • mdg
    mdg Posts: 1,468
    edited May 2014

    lake girl- it will be over before you know it.  It went fast for me.  It was more do-able than I imagined it would be.  Good luck!  Knock  it out girl!

  • jmg58
    jmg58 Posts: 104
    edited May 2014

    lake girl-I had my last chemo today.  You will do great; everyone will be really nice there -- here's wishing you a really easy time of is doable for sure.  Good luck!

  • Lakegirl1
    Lakegirl1 Posts: 158
    edited May 2014

    I'm laying here icing the port areas...they were a little ouchy and slightly swollen.  I feel much better about this. We talked with our girls tonight, huge burden lifted. They are just so confused about how the bad stuff got in me. Explained the MD's just don't know. It is gone, but the nasty meds will make sure it stays that way. They are more excited about trying on my wig when I get it than anything. They both offered up the hair extensions they got at Bippity Boppity Boutique at Disney. Claire's is pink and Sara Kate's is multi colored.  Now that would be a look!!!  

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2014

    Lakegirl, aren't kids great! Good luck today. You're gonna do just fine.

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Posts: 1,455
    edited May 2014

    Lakegirl---good morning (and even if it is wet and grey, it is a GOOD morning).  Today you take another huge bite out of your cancer by starting your chemo.

    Know that everyone on these boards will be thinking and praying of you today and your guardian angel is pulling overtime to get you through this.   I'm sending mine over to the chemo room until about 1pm to help watch over you this morning, but then I want her back with me for my zaps. Mine is pretty good at absorbing anxiety--she has lots of practice Ha) I'd let you keep her longer but I am a selfish only child, what can I say).

    Hang tough, if you need something to make you more comfy or you have questions, just let them know.  You will meet some amazing people in the treatment room today too.    Hugs (((     )))

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Posts: 1,455
    edited May 2014

    Lake girl--ps. my angel gives you an all over warm feeling when she arrives and when she leaves---just so you know.


  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Posts: 1,455
    edited May 2014

    Janice---get a baseball cap and pin each kids hair extensions on the  insides!  

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,387
    edited May 2014

      Most mornings when I awake, I am pleasantly surprised to
    find I’m still alive.  On occasion I have
    been known to wake up mean and irritable, but even then I can choose not to
    stay that way.  Yesterday is gone, and
    tomorrow may not come.  Today is the only slot of time I really have.  What a shame to blow it.

      I want to make today the very best possible. . . . Before I crawl
    out of bed, I thank the Lord for another day and ask for strength.  Maybe I’m to clean the house, or work at the
    office, or talk with a friend over lunch. 
    The tasks aren’t the issue; my attitude is.

    Marabel Morgan

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,387
    edited May 2014

    LAKEGIRL thinking of you today.  Aren't these gals amazing.....such great suggestions, but over all just hoping you will do so well.  The first one is usually the hardest....even though it was so long ago....I remember the anxiety.  I will be glad to share my spirit guide/guardian as well.  They are so good at keeping you centered. 

    So thrilled your little ones are curious more than afraid.  You've done a good preparation for them. 

    A million healing hugs today.



  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited May 2014

    Thinking of you today, Lakegirl and hoping all is going well!  You can do it.  Illinois gals are tough!

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Posts: 1,455
    edited May 2014

    OK Lake Girl, my angel must have liked yours,  she's still not home and they really NUKED me today---no rotisieire, no microwave, full blown NUKE.  Even when I once fell asleep sunbathing topless on the dorm roof, I didn't look this bad.

    It better fade a whole hell of a lot before Monday, or the last two treatments aren't happening until Dr Woodhouse and I have a chat...  ( Cancer better move over, I feel a stroke coming on........LOL) 

  • zap
    zap Posts: 1,850
    edited May 2014


    Chemo was a relative breeze for me and I thought it was all upward as they told me radiation was nothing!  Oh, that was wrong for me!  My "Irish" skin was so burned and they kept insisting we keep going. I was in such pain and then a doctor treated me for burns and put these gel pads on my burns and it was instant relief! They  are very expensive so the radiation staff do not promote them and I am not sure if insurance pays for them......but I beg you to ask about them as you should not need to suffer! They are stored  in the freezer and you cut them to size to take the pain away!  The burn doctor gave me a supply to get me through (there are angels)!  Good luck!


  • Lakegirl1
    Lakegirl1 Posts: 158
    edited May 2014

    Redheaded1...I had to borrow her for the Taxotere.   I started having a reaction...tongue started to feel fat...difficulty swallowing. They  gave me Pepcid  and Benadryl., more saline and we started again.  Finished cytoxan with no worries.   Got there just after 10am, left about 5:15. These are going to be long days. My husband brought back Jimmy Johns sandwiches for lunch.  Now, just have a headache that started as annoying, took Tylenol...just seems to be getting worse.    Note to self:  wear glasses not contacts, eyes get too dried out. 

    Question:  isn't it considered bad chemo manners to bring smelly good into the chemo infusion area???  Pizza?!?!?  Really?!?!? 

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Posts: 1,455
    edited May 2014

    Lake Girl, I've had plenty of allergic reactions, so I don't mind that you kept her....she can spend the weekend as long as my boob starts calming down by a.m.   Does that mean you won't be doing the Taxotere?  Did they fetch a doctor for you?  Was Dr  Migas there?

    I don't know the manners for the chemo room, but I see the Jimmy John's truck delivering some days and I never thought about it being for patients, just staff.  And I have seen the pizza delivered , and one day when the weather was nice on a Friday, Nacho mamma's food truck was there........for some reason, I thought that would be Mexican, but it is grilled cheese all different kinds...  And did  see a sign about not wearing perfume when I visited Dr. Migas office .....?????( I've only seen him twice---)  I am a foodie, so even if I was sick, the smell of good food would be appealing.  However, I am a great sympathy hurler---if one person hurls,  , I can hurl right with them....I think that's probably why God made me childless---

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Posts: 1,455
    edited May 2014

    Zap---what you had for treatment sounds wonderful.   I only have Monday and tues to get thru. I am having chills, and feeling really like you do after a severe sunburn. I took a bath and my chest actually felt best with nothing on it.  But then the itching started so I put on the Benadryl then a couple hours later it started  again so I relented and put on the Aquaphor---and things seemed to get worse, burning so I slathered on the aloe , which has helped.  I' ve just add more aloe  and a looser t-shirt, but it may turn into a nudie night cause clothing isn't feeling too good.  Surely to heaven it will be better by morning.  They have told me nothing like ice or hot on the chest.   I can put damp tap water compresses on it, but that is all.   I hate to second guess my RO, but seems like my burning got worse since she told me to use the Aquaphor---she thought the skin was my crème not working, and I think it is the cumulatiave effect of the rads......

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2014

    lakegirl yes it is considered bad manners to bring smelly food but if no one tells you not to do that how would you know. Are they continuing with Taxotere? I know the same thing happened to a friend of mine on her 2nd TX. They just slowed her infusion and gave more benadryl in the future. She did all 6 with almost no SE. She lost her hair and some taste change at the end. Headache might be from steriods. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,387
    edited May 2014

    Small but VERY mighty quote this morning:

    If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am not
    for others, what am I? And if not now, when?

    --  Rabbi Hillel


  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Posts: 1,455
    edited May 2014

    Happy Saturday everyone----26/28 rads done--this is the first time when I got up in a.m. after treatment that my breast still feels hot.....and still looks red. and I am still uncomfortable.  Whining quite a bit about it too.

     I slept till 8:30---that's not happened many times since treatment began.  Slathered on the Aquaphor and am waiting 20 minutes before I hit it with the Benadryl.  Still cool here- don't know if we got the patchy frost last night or not----haven't been out to see about my bedding plants.  Was already in pj's when I heard the weather, so I guess I decided, hey, its survival of the fittest on the patio tonight.....  Now I am afraid to look---my plants are like my kids..... I was not a good mom to them. 

  • Lakegirl1
    Lakegirl1 Posts: 158
    edited May 2014

    Redheaded1 and Lago....they added the Benadryl + and Pepcid! slowed it way up and all went well..  The headache last night went into edge of nausea...I never considered it from the  steroids.  I also take adderall, so that could have made for an interesting combination!!! I took a zofran, brushed and swished with biotene and put my self to bed. I slept until 8:00 am.  The headache seems to be gone, but my face feels strange, a little numb and tingly at the same time.   My tongue is weird too, which is why I went ahead and started with the biotene.   

    Readheaded1...thanks again for letting me borrow your angel!!!   Being a blond and having an even blonder daughter, we are quite familiar with remedies for sunburn type issues.  The do make a sunburn aloe gel that is usually blue that has lidocaine in it. There are also some that come in spray form so you don't have to rub, just fires it up more. Those may provide some relief...  Also, anti inflammatories like Motrin, if you are allowed to take them. Another tried and true is apple cider vinegar. Dab it on with a clean wash cloth. I have also seen people combine it with coconut oil for hydration. Maybe the coconut oil will at least make you feel like you earned it the fun way on the beach!Winking

    Thanks again all...I may have not chosen this path, but it is reminding me of what I am truly made of!!!!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited May 2014

    Glad you are doing better today, Lakegirl.  

    Redhead....I hope your plants are O.K.   Mine got through the night just fine but it did get a bit nippy here!  I am off to get some more topsoil and potting soil this afternoon so I can pot a few more mosquito plants.  Hope everyone has a good Saturday!  I've been hitting the local yard sales this morning and found several good bargains.  :-)

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Posts: 1,455
    edited May 2014

    Lake Girl, I am glad you are a bit better.  Yes, something about the Big C maked us find strength we didn't know we had.  I was pretty whiney and emotional last night and its the first time since coming to terms with the dx that I've really felt like chucking the treatment plan. 

    Rita jean--I love yard sales----I love church rummage sales too.  My plants looked ok.  went a got a few more this a.m.  I am full of ambition but low on motivation for the past few weeks.  Guess we all feel that way some during treatment..... Went the library and checked out a new book-called Natchez Burning.  I read large print and this thing is about 6 inches thick--they guy at the library saw me looking at the size of the book, but he couldn't hear me thinking, will I get thru something this big......haven't cracked it yet.   If it is really good and one I can't put down, I am in big is way more than all nighter.

  • MimiL55
    MimiL55 Posts: 84
    edited May 2014

    Lakegirl-glad you have your first treatment under your belt. How many infusions will you be having? I had 4, which was enough for will come to figure out which day or days after each time are the worst for you and can plan accordingly. I had my treatments on Thursdays and found that Sundays were my worst day. Hoping the SEs are too unbearable for you. Hang in there girl-you can do this!

    Redhead-sorry to hear you are having such bad reactions to the radiation. I got off pretty lucky, only minor skin irritation until they were all over with and then I had some peeling and pretty major discomfort. I used Calendua cream (got it at Naturally Yours in Normal) and once it got too bad the aquaphor, but that can be pretty messy. With only 2 more to go, hopefully you can make it through.

    Driving through northern IL yesterday and ran into a heavy, wet snow, covering the ground-seriously, I thought this was May not February-what's up with that  Shocked Hope all your flowers made it through and you all have a peaceful Sunday!

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Posts: 1,455
    edited May 2014

    Hi mimi--I almost made it to the end pretty good.  Just this Friday is not fading and I actually think my skin feels most comfortable right out the bath without any cream, but we know that's not acceptable.  I am sorta convinced the problem is the Aquaphor---I picked up some Cetaphil crème, which has the same petrolatum ingredient and it was burning and itching within 10 minutes too.  So I am putting my X-clair back on, and if she wants a swap, I will use the Calendula from Naturally yours---although when I bought my first tube, it was the last one on the shelf, and she said they carry it all the time, but the shelf is still empty---imagine they sell a lot of it to all us BC ladies.....   I'm even itching on my throat, which is well outside he treatment field. 

  • Lakegirl1
    Lakegirl1 Posts: 158
    edited May 2014

    Mimi...  Still feeling pretty good. I will have 4 infusions and no rads.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,387
    edited May 2014

    A life lived with integrity--even if it lacks
    the trappings of fame and fortune--is a shining star in whose light others may
    follow in the years to come.

    Denis Waitley

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Posts: 1,455
    edited May 2014

    Feeling a little better today----gritted my teeth and put the Cetaphil on this a.m. and it didn't itch too bad.  Mowed the lawn and came in and did a saline soak and applied more Cetaphil, and again, no itching.  Must be some powerful prayers going up to get me thru the next two days...... Thanks everyone.

    Potted up some plants (YES, I RESTED 3X while mowing and several times while doing other stuff----am now hoping the OXI Clean will take the X-Clair and other crème stains out of my T-shirts...... HA.

    Lake Girl---how many days in between Chemo treatments do you get?  Its not like Radiation where you go everyday is it?????

  • Lakegirl1
    Lakegirl1 Posts: 158
    edited May 2014

    Redheaded1...I go every three weeks if all goes as planned.   I have felt amazingly well. I just keep waiting for the other shoe to drop.  I am also glad to here you are feeling a little better. 

    It has turned out to be a beautiful day...that always helps me feel better. 

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Posts: 1,455
    edited May 2014

    Lakegirl, I hope you got the shitty part out of the way on Day 1----. what a difference a day makes, or 2 or 3..........

    They say pick your poison----I still think I'd rather have Rads.Devil

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,387
    edited May 2014

    Remember, if all life is sacred, then today is sacred.  Ask yourself, what am I doing to feel joy today.  A wonderful way to start the day is to bless it:

    Blessings on this day  --  may I make it special in some way.  Blessings on my life  -- may I treat it with love and care.  Blessings on all people  --  may I see the goodness  in everyone.  Blessings on nature  -- may I notice its beauty and wonder.  Blessings on the truth  --  may it be my constant companion.

    Charlotte Davis Kasl

  • MimiL55
    MimiL55 Posts: 84
    edited May 2014

    Good morning ladies! What a lovely weekend we had-doesn't it feel good to be outside in the fresh air?  Huge milestone for me-my first haircut since Labor Day-whoo hoo! Just needed it shaped up a bit, still really short and very curly, but at least now I don't look like Bozo, at least not as muchNerdy

    Wishing everyone a peaceful day free of pain and anxiety!


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