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Anyone starting Chemo in Feb?



  • CommandoBarbie
    CommandoBarbie Member Posts: 474
    edited January 2009

    Hello & Happy New Year to everyone!

    Terry - Hope you are feeling better. The viruses going around were awful this year.

    Leah - Big congrats on the new job, and especially the anniversary! Wishing you this and many, many more years of health and happiness, my friend.

    Waving at Jan Laughing

    Melanie - Yes, Christmas Part III; & it was wonderful! We were up at the ranch at the Nephews over New Years. Finally celebrating his wedding / elopement. It was a fabulous present to both sides of the family. :)

    Pat - What a great story behind your screen name! I think of you often and hope you are doing well.

    Catherine - Do you and DH have any travel plans coming up? I loved seeing your pictures from the road last year!

    Vegas - How nice to see you! I thought of you a couple weeks ago when Vegas got snow. We had some the same day in the outlying areas in Phoenix, but nothing like you guys got. I was very sorry to hear of your losses; sending you a big hug (((Diann)))

    SammieKay - I'm so glad you are through the surgery now. I wear contacts most of the time, but keep a couple pair of glasses for the weekends or bad allergy days. I consider them to be accessories too! ;)

    Alyson - You and little Bea are so beautiful! How's the weather in your "neck of the woods?" Still warm?

    Marsha - I didn't go anywhere! Well, other than vacation! ;) How are you? I hope the leg is healing well. You're in my thoughts and prayers as you wait results and get ready for battle. (((Marsha)))

    Twink - I was so happy to see a post from you! You sound great! I echo Terry's comments on tx. I hope it's being kind and kicking butt. Did you make the meat pies? That sounds good! How are the renovations coming? Always so much work, but such a joy when complete.

    Well, ever the oddball, I'm very sorry to see the end of the holidays. I made all my gifts for family and friends last year, as well as my cards. I started very early and did a little at a time so it wasn't overwhelming. I had a great time doing it all and I think everybody liked what they received. Only 355 days left! ;)

  • SammieKay
    SammieKay Member Posts: 247
    edited January 2009

    What a joy to read all the posts.  Seems we were stuck on page 151 for a long time and I logged on tonight to see we were up to page 154.  I was very excited to read all your posts.

    Caryn, so glad you enjoyed your triple Christmas.  What fun!.  What did you make for your family members?  I am always looking for ideas.  Two years ago I made photo albums for each of my four children.  Pictures from great-grandparents through today.  It was truly a joy.  My only regret is that I didn't make one for myself.  I am like most people, I have boxes of photos and they are topsy turvy.  I always plan to sort and organize.  But alas it never happens.  At least my children have a sampling of the pictures.

    Melanie,  I am so into building memories with grandchildren.  I make a real effort expecially before they start branching out.  You know when they hit about 5th or 6th grade they begin to attach to friends etc.  Which is natural and how it is meant to be.  But the memories and bonds you make when they are small are always there.  One of my granddaughters will be 21 in Feb.  She has mentioned she and I taking a road trip to Vegas. LOL.  I hope to be able to arrange a trip for she and I this summer.  But I told her it would have to be a "flying trip".  Las Vegas is way too far to drive.  They are truly a blessing.  What unconditional love they give us.  I try not to short the "later" ones.  My go from age 22 to age 14 months.  It was a lot easier to make time for them when there were 4.  Now there are 10.  And Mike's youngest daughter Natalie hasn't had any children yet.   We did get a new grand-dog for Christmas.  She is a darling Yorkie.  Her 5 year old Yorkie brother is not too thrilled but I am sure he will adjust.  He was mighty happy to see his grandparents when we visited.  He was still mad at his 'Mom" for bringing the new puppy home.

    It was truly a thrill to have you post Twink.  I hope you are not being too stressed by the treatment.  The radiation is very exhausting I have been told.  It seems to zap energy almost more than chemo.  {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Twink}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

    Pat, how are things going with you?  I hope and pray we all may adopt your "Wayover20" motto.  I hope we all can be here that long.  I forget sometimes how old I am. LOL.  Hmmmm.  Way over 20 for me would make me 89 or 90.  Could happen.  I wouldn't mind if I was in good health.  Especially mental health. LOL.  Seriously, Pat you are in my thoughts and prayers.{{{{{{{{{{{{{Pat}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}.  Please let us know how you are doing.

    Marsha you too.  Hope your leg is healing well.  Are your pups keeping you company?  They are so loving and I am sure very concerned about their "Mom".  {{{{{{{{{{{Marsha}}}}}}}}}}}

    Well my medical vacation is about over.  I go back to work on Tues.  I see the ophthalmologist on Monday.  Tues. is one week post-op and I can return to exercise and work and washing hair, yea!!

    Terry are your feet back to normal now?   Guess your "big college kids" are still on break, right?  It was so nice to see all my college age grandchildren.  They are still on break.  Has your work situation smoothed out?

    I am in "football funk".  I watch so much football at this time of year that I get funkie from inactivity.  Between the weather and after Christmas let down,  I get a little down at this time of year.  I am going to visit my sister in Atlanta on Jan. 17th.  We will spend 5 or 6 days in Florida on the Gulf Coast.  A friend of hers has a vacation home there and she and her friends go down every Jan. for a few days of relaxing and hanging out.  Depending on the weather it can be a time for beach walking and relaxing.  Reading, eating, watching movies.  Sounds great to me.  I have never been on this junket with them before, but am looking forward to it.  I will come back on Jan. 31. 

    Well, better wind down here.  We have been staying up until 2 am every night and then sleeping in.  DH and I need to get back to a work schedule.  Maybe we will take Ambien tonight to force us to go to bed. LOL.  We are new subscribers to DirectTV and tempted by all the movies and series we can catch on HBO,Showtime,Starz,etc.  We had had basic cable for sometime, so this is new to us right now.

    Catherine, are you still working very hard?  Are you having time to knit and cook?  Your BSO sounded fantastic.  What fun.  Seems like Denver has been having a lot of snow.  Does that keep you in?  Or does it melt quickly? 

    Love and warm wishes to all, Sammie Kay

  • vegas
    vegas Member Posts: 151
    edited January 2009

    Sammie, if you do come to Vegas please let me know so we can at least meet for a drink to celebrate your granddaughter's birthday. I am also flying to Atlanta to visit my sister, but will be leaving the day you arrive. I will be in the Atlanta airport from about noon until 2pm on the 17th - what time does your plane get in?

    Marsha, how are you feeling? Is the leg healing up? Have your DH get you a cool cane that you can brandish about. You and Twink could have a mock sword fight with her hiking stick.

    Twink, how are you doing? Glad at least you have warm weather and that you felt well enough to cook. I am not much of a cook myself so I seldom inflict my culinary skills on others!

     Pat, I love the story about how you chose your screen name. Personally I am thinking 50 more. I am planning a walker relay race for my hundredth in 2053, and you are all invited to participate. (I am having the running lights and jet propulsion added to my walker as we speak.)

    Melanie, are you still the world traveler? :) I think you go even more than I do! DH and I were sad for our son's sake but not disappointed over the engagement thing. The potential inlaws were....difficult... and we forsaw potential issues there. But oldest son has managed to turn it around and even has a new girl friend, though it is not yet serious.

    Carynn, the snow was unbelievable! Got stuck on the way home and it took me over 3 and a half hours to go ten minutes from my office to the house. Finally had to abandon the car in a mall and walk a mile and a half in INAPPROPRIATE footwear. (Franco Sarto will be getting a note from me soon about developing a line of snow shoes.) Like Sammie, I have a drawer full of photos that need to be organized that I never seem to get to - that was one of my goals for during chemo. Yeah right, as we all know too well!

    Leah, let us know how the new job goes when you start. With our economy the way it is right now, I am so happy you were able to find something that works for you!

    Catherine, bonjour chere amie, and what is cooking in the kitchen today?

    Terry, who knows how long the boys will be in Wyoming. Like all else in life, we are taking that on a day to day basis and enjoying some alone time. Fortunately we have discovered that we still like as well as love each other and that being just the two of us is a good thing. So many of my friends seem to be getting to this point and finding they don't have anything in common anymore.

    Jan, congrats on the new grand daughter and the clean bill of health. That's a great way to start the new year!!!

    Okay, gotta go supervise/babysit a few new agents, but I will be checking in on all of you again soon and you are all in my thoughts and prayers. 

  • CommandoBarbie
    CommandoBarbie Member Posts: 474
    edited January 2009

    Hi all! Just time for a quickie. ;) DH & I always watch the Fiesta Bowl together, and it's starting now. Check us out - we (AZ) are looking good on tv! ;)

    SammieKay - Yes indeed, it was a BLAST! I made gift baskets for everyone. My brother got "dinner in a basket." I baked (well, in a bread machine) homemade bread, bought a small shank ham, and included all the fixin's. Then I printed up a little "menu" card with all the items for dinner. For my BFF & her family, I did "Movie Night." I found a darling popcorn bucket, filled it with 6 bags of microwave popcorn, a 6 pack of bottles of soda, twizlers, junior mints, some odds and ends and a $10.00 Blockbuster gift card. I did almost all of my shopping at grocery stores and dollar stores. Each basket was under $20.00. I also "made" cake plates. I epoxied glass Sundae dishes to glass plates. I bought the tubs of pre-made cookie dough, put a couple dozen cookies on each cake plate, and the whole thing in cellophane and tulle. Trust me, I am SO NOT crafty; but I was thrilled with how everything came out. Then our nephew eloped, so I got to make him and his new wife a wedding basket. This will definitely be my "new" thing for gifts this year! :)

    Vegas - That was UNREAL! I literally laughed out loud on your inappropriate footwear comment. That would SO be me! Did you take any pictures?

    Time for the coin toss - gotta run. Take care everyone. Love & Hugs to you all!

  • Primel
    Primel Member Posts: 652
    edited January 2009

    Hello, hello everybody... Bonne Année et Bonne Santé for this new year which I wish only better to everyone (as a minimum, not worse).  I missed quite a bit here because I was a busy bee... and the first week of the year is focused on preparing a truly festive dinner for 6 with friends we like a lot. Friday is the day (evening, rather). Yesterday I did something I do only once in a blue moon: I ironed!! tablecloth and family linens (napkins) for a pretty white table with white Limoge porcelaine plates (from my great-aunt)...  If things go well, I'll post a picture or 2 of the "preparations", just for fun... seafood meli-melo the Normandy way (= cream and mushroom sauce) is the entrée (with some white fish, halibut or fresh cod type, a few fresh srimps from Texas, scallops, lobster tails sliced up for deco, and all the juices used for the sauce...served in individual "cassolettes" topped with a puff pastry fish - got a cute cutter) a challenging menu in this big seaport that Denver is ;-). Since DH is the one doing the dishes we had to move before he gets back to teaching...

    BTW, SammieKay: no snow in Denver, it's all in the mountains: we could have had lunch outside in the sun almost everyday last week! It gets cold a couple of days, a dusting, and right back into the 50-60's... nice... I walk, bike when possible, and have been using the treadmill religiously (I love it: 30 minutes non-stop at 3-3.5 miles/h is demanding... for me).  Did knit a bit (a peruvian hat for the baby next door, all smiles, a darling - 2 months and a half), and for my great-(grand?)-nephew (we say "small" in French grand children are "petits-enfants"... go figure). I saw the entire family on Skype as they gathered for Xmas and NYears' Eve... and got on 3 times just today with my sister who shows me her knitting catalogues and scans the models I want...  so much fun, I love it!

    So... I am having a good time (better not forget the projects I need to do by the 15th) and feeling reasonably comfortable. Today I made an appointment for the 23rd with an osteopath: I hope he will be ok and that I can keep him as "family" doctor. The 16th is checkup time at the onc. He never reacted about my 37.7 ng/ml of D levels... so I am taking 2000 IU a day... will recheck to see whether it does any good.

    Now, much more interesting to me is all the news from everybody here!!

    Marsha, you see, even if we do not write everyday, nobody forgets anybody... this is so wonderful. I, too, wished I were closer to spoil you rotten (Pat and Twink included)... the comforting thought is you have the right people around you to make your life easier and make you feel how much they care.

    Twink, I would love your scone recipe (my DH would eat bkfst 3 times a day), and the tourtière sounds terrific (but involved, no?). I am considering making a "galette des rois" for Friday (traditional for this time of the year, "Kings' cake) which is a puff pastry filled with a cream made of almond meal, butter, rhum, egg yolk (called frangipane). I bet La Madeleine must have those this week... DH bought himself a nice cane made on Vancouver Island: he looks very "wild west", but loves it (helps a lot in the classroom, his parkinsonian symptoms hampering his walking noticeably now). But he does not have a compass (neat idea).

    Vegas, did you ever get to go to Paris or still "planning"? Still available to for any questions you may have... :-)... To answer you: tonight dinner is "choucroute" (sauerkraut with hamhock, kolbassa polskaya...quick, easy and very wintery). Just a "montage", everything is ready to just warm up... Tomorrow I clean the silver (can't remember last time I did that... in a previous life, clearly).

    Leah, so happy for you! Hope you'll love the work and will meet with good and smart people.

    Well, I'd better go... Big hugs to ALL, Melanie, will chat with you on Skype, I'm sure... Terry, too and SammieKay... You all take care, now and keep posting. Like Terry, when I am walking Toby, I think of all of you all the time. Sending you my very best wishes for this new year... Catherine

  • Primel
    Primel Member Posts: 652
    edited January 2009

    Marsha, did you get your scan results?  Thinking of you girl, and hoping for osteoporosis ONLY.


  • CommandoBarbie
    CommandoBarbie Member Posts: 474
    edited January 2009

    Popping in to ask the same question as Catherine. Inquiring minds.... ;)


  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited January 2009

    Catherine, OOPS, sorry I thought I was clear about the femur bone.  The cancer had definately metastised there.  They saw that for sure on xray and even biopsied it during surgery.  The PET/CT was to see if it had gone anywhere else.   Oh My, I wish it had only been osteoporosis.  Still waiting to find out.  I had it done late Wed, Dec 31 and they were closed Thurs and Fri so I guess they are backed up with two holiday weeks in a row.  I promise to let you all know.

    Catherine your meal sounded wonderful.  With a puffed pastry I suppose you could stick that fork in it and make it go poof!  YUMMY  Hugs, Marsha

  • vegas
    vegas Member Posts: 151
    edited January 2009

    Marsha, hope you get those results soon and that everything else is totally clear - it so sucks waiting!!! I would be on the phone with them every day - but then I am a total pain in the ass. You are in my prayers and I am sending you a huge cyberhug, kiddo!!!

    Catherine, everything you make sounds DELICIOUS and sends me straight to the fridge! I still have not made it to Paris, but still hopeful. We just have had too much "stuff" going on this year. And this coming year we seem to have an awful lot on the plate as well (hopefully all of it MUCH better!) that has been put off for the past two years. With any luck in spring 2010 is my goal. One of the agents I hired just moved from Paris and I have been practicing a little with her. :)

    Carynn, I think you should take photos of your baskets and send them to us so we can your ideas! I am totally UNclever and UNdomestic but those sound fun and relatively easy to do?

  • Primel
    Primel Member Posts: 652
    edited January 2009

    Life is fun...

    A few months ago, as I was walking with Toby in Washpark, somebody asked me about my "so cute and handsome pup"... noticed my French accent (moi??!!) and asked whether I knew a tiny French bakery a few blocks away... I had never heard about it before. Time went buy, butter croissants being not exactly at the top of my list these days Undecided...  I forgot about it.  I remembered this baker this week, since I want a kings' cake (Epiphany tradition) for Friday, and called the shop to inquire. Yes, they make these, on order only, and do it the way I like it (with almond stuff inside). I asked the baker where he was from, and told him that, among other things I grew up in Blois, where my mother still lives... He immediately said: well all of Blois knows my brother who is also a baker... So, I called my mom on the phone and she said "you must be kidding, he is MY baker", very well thought of in town, indeed... There was just a short article in the local paper about his bakery and making the famous kings'cake (there is a little porcelain figurine inside and whoever gets the share with it, gets a crown -- gold color cardboard -- kids love this tradition). So she is going to clip the article and mail it to me and I'll take it to the brother who lives here... the world is a small place. This man here, in Denver, has been married 27 years to a terrific Colorado lady (who majored in business in Boulder before meeting him), and they had a bakery not far from Blois for 10 years... so, I think we'll get to know them better because we certainly know this part of France very well... fun. On top of it I got a few things to "test" (pain au chocolat, croissant, etc.). The bad knews is: it is so f@@##!!g delicious!!! the real thing, excellent... It's going to be hard to ignore their presence, 10 minutes biking from here...

    That's my little story for the day... only the most improbable things happen...

    Hugs to all,


  • MelanieW
    MelanieW Member Posts: 276
    edited January 2009

    Catherine; is a "small world afterall".  If I start singing the song, DH will do almost anything to make me  What a sweet story...pun intended.  I will order frozen croissants (quite pricey) from Williams Sonoma for Christmas brunch.  They are especially good.  They have to proof overnight and are near perfect.  I even get the ones with Callebaut chocolat in the middle...yummy, but very rich.  I would love to have a really wonderful bakery in town.  On second thought...maybe it's best that I don't Wink

    Marsha;  I am soooo hoping the PET shows none of those buggers escaped the one femur.  I agree with Vegas in that you might have to keep at 'em to get those results.  Please request a copy to be sent to you by fax.  It's very important to have that in front of you. 

    Vegas;  I still travel quite a bit, but there are so many places and faces to be seen!  And as Catherine reminds us...yummy things to be savoured!

    Sammie;  How about some basketball to ease those football pains?  My HOGS are pretty awesome this year.  Oooops...they even beat Texas last night.

    Twilah;  Thanks for the email.  Thinking of you, as always.....

    Carynn;  I too enjoy doing those creative things.  I have found some fun personalized stuff on ebay.  Even invitations that look like event tickets

    Leah;  I hope you are psyched for the new job.  They're gonna love you...if they have any sense at all!

    It's late again.  Seems like the only time I have to sit and do any posting.  I worry about DH...and myself...with the ambitious business expansions we are doing right now.  It seems a bit crazy given all the other craziness of the last 2 years.  I guess it was silly of me to think that we might slow down a bit.  It is all quite stressful.    Ommmmmm   Ommmmmm    Time to meditate...

    Love to all... 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2009

    Morning all.

    Catherine you made me feel so hungry. I am trying to be good after Christams though I did cook a lovely dinner for all the family on Tuesday night using Weight Watchers recipes.

    Caryn your baskets sound a great idea. Problem is its too hot here at present to do such things. I remeber my mother and Grandmother making jam and perserving fruit at this time of the year, I suppose we had too but it was so hot. Yesterday was a real scorcher, thankfully it is not so hot today although it is meant to be very humid again.

    Mel you sound  as though your are going faster instead of slowing down.

    Marsha I hope you get those results very soon, its so difficult waiting.

    Leah hope that job has started fine.

    I suppose I had better go and start sorting out the spare room as we have some one coming in next week to reline the room then we will get it painted and papered.

    Yesterday we went swimming at the local pool. So this is Beatrix with her Mummy, she wasn't too sure for a start.

    We will take her again next week.

    Thinking about you all every day. 


  • leahrc
    leahrc Member Posts: 384
    edited January 2009

    Good morning all.

    Marsha asked me to let you know that she got her scan results. The mets weren't limited to the femur, so were a little more extensive than expected. She is evaluating treatment options and notifying her family/friends at the moment. She will post as soon as she can, but she didn't want you to worry. 


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2009

    Just popped on to see if there were any posts. Didn't expect to see what Leah had written. Thanks for passing it on so quickly.

     Marsha you are in my prayers as are your family as you work out the next steps for treatment. You have always been one of the positive ones who have helped us along this journey.  

    Big hugs (((((((((((Marsha))))))))))))))). You are surrounded with our love.


  • MelanieW
    MelanieW Member Posts: 276
    edited January 2009

    Marsha;  I just want you to know that I am thinking of you...

  • MelanieW
    MelanieW Member Posts: 276
    edited January 2009

    With all that has happened here in the last few months, I have decided to ask my onc to let me do the Zometa infusions as a preventative to bone mets.  He will probably say no..and then I will find another onc.  I take D3 everyday, but I just don't feel it is enough.  Leah and I touched on the subject lightly while we were in Dallas.  I have done more research and feel pretty strong about this now.  I know Catherine really watches her Vit D levels and we all should.  I don't think I will wait for my next appointment which is Feb 25th.  Time to go now. 

  • talbrig13
    talbrig13 Member Posts: 358
    edited January 2009


    You are in my thoughts and prayers.   Please keep us posted.  

    Melanie...I am with you on doing all you can.   

    Well, I don't have much to say....

    We must all be strong,

    Love you all,

  • vegas
    vegas Member Posts: 151
    edited January 2009

    Leah, thanks for posting and Marsha, we are all in your corner and here for you when you need us!

  • CommandoBarbie
    CommandoBarbie Member Posts: 474
    edited January 2009

    Marsha - You are amazing in your humor, grace and strength. You helped me so much during our 3:00 am conversations when we were still "crusin' . You will beat this. Please know that you & yours are in my thoughts and prayers. (((Marsha)))

  • SammieKay
    SammieKay Member Posts: 247
    edited January 2009

    Marsha, my heart is heavy,  I know what a fighter you are and I know you will give it your all.  We are all here to support you.  Seems as if our ship has hit rough seas.  I hope you can feel my virtual hugs as we huddle in the cabin and hold on together.  Forever your 'fairy god-mother' , Sammie Kay    {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Marsha}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

  • vegas
    vegas Member Posts: 151
    edited January 2009

    Marsha, I just can't stop thinking of you, Twink and Pat fighting this beastly disease again. Please let us know what we can to do help you all with research, phone calls to insurance or doctors, cyberhugs and cyberitas, etc.

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited January 2009

    Thanks guys.  I so appreciated all your love and support.  I am hanging in there and will be going to the med onc on Monday, starting rads to both legs on Tuesday.  Spending alot of the time I feel like being online in the mets forum trying to get info.  LOVE you all!  Marsha

  • leahrc
    leahrc Member Posts: 384
    edited January 2009

    cyberitas? did someone say cyberitas?  I am THERE!

  • vegas
    vegas Member Posts: 151
    edited January 2009
      Leah, Here's one for you from a fresh batch I just made up for the February chemo cruisers. Bartender, a round for my friends and anchors aweigh! Marsha, I am making you a double for Monday - take with rads for best results.
  • Primel
    Primel Member Posts: 652
    edited January 2009






     (Vegas, how do you insert those animations?  Want one cyberitas, too, btw...)

    Did not take pictures of the table and the food last night (too stressed out to have everything ready and synchronized...Tongue out) but it was very nice, our guests were caught by surprise, I think... the food tasted the real thing ("home") from beginning to end... this baker next door is really good... and the puff pastries cut as whales, dolphins and a cute tropical fish looked great on top of each little seafood dish (enough room for one of each type). So much preparations and cleaning up... a bit rundown, right now... could not run a restaurant... tough on the lower back... took the tree down today, time to turn toward a new year...

    2 years today that I underwent surgery and left both breasts at the hospital... seems like yesterday and... far away...

    Thinking of you all, with special wishes for Marsha-Twink-Pat... Alyson, little Bea is a darling, the mom is cute, too...

    Love to all, Catherine

  • CommandoBarbie
    CommandoBarbie Member Posts: 474
    edited January 2009

    Marsha - So good to see you! Keep those Rad Techs in line & please keep us posted.

    Leah - I'm with you! If I cant have the real thing, pour me a cyberita - hold the salt please. ;)

    Catherine - Your dinner sounds amazing! I love to entertain, but usually after a big dinner party, I've got it out of my system. Well, for a month or so.

    Sending hugs to all. 

  • vegas
    vegas Member Posts: 151
    edited January 2009

    Catherine, sounds like your dinner party was a grand success and happy anniversary! Such a lot we have all been through in the past couple of years. I agree entirely, it seems almost like another lifetime ago and yet just minutes.

    Caryn and Catherine, Your cyberitas are on ice and waiting, one with no salt.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2009

    Cyberitas oh yes please. We will be there with Marsha on Monday and Twilah and Pat having one with them. Hope all the anniversaries go well.


  • wayover20
    wayover20 Member Posts: 191
    edited January 2009

     Just read Leah and Marsha's posts and want to pass on a great big cyber hug to (((((Marsha))))).  You are one tough gal who helped organize our FCC board and kept us going with your encouragement and great sense of humor. Now it's our turn to pray, encourage and never let you forget WE are here for you.  Please know you WILL get over this hump.  Marsha,  tread lightly on the mets board because as I found out, it can do a number on your psyche and really bring you down. 

    It is full of info but at least for me, I have to tell myself for every woman who posts on that and every board here, there are still tons of ladies who are like us, triple neg as well, who have had (and not had ) recurrances or mets and who have gone on to live their lives.

    Love all of you, Pat

  • wayover20
    wayover20 Member Posts: 191
    edited January 2009

    Thinking of dear Twylah as well and hoping you're comfortable.

    As for me, the Abraxane/Avastin continues and the worst side effect I think is the dry, bloody nasal passages. I use the saline spray really often to keep my nose moist and loosen up the junk so I can blow it out (sorry for the mental picture). But it does help.  On the treatment days of both abrax and avast, the bone pains start really bad about 2-3 days later and this last week was awful so my onc gave me darvocet n 100 that was a godsend.

    We'll be talking about getting scans in the next month or so so here's hoping this A/A is doing its thing.
