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Anyone starting Chemo in Feb?
Bar reservations so far:
Monday: Phyllis
Tuesday: Hillary, Catherine, maybe Maisy
Wednesday: Marsha, Wendy, Mary
Thursday: Twink, Alyson, Leah
Also, Linnie's MRI on Wednesday
Phyllis -- It looks like you're solo on Monday -- sorry you have to drink alone, but we'll be thinking of you ...
-- Hillary0 -
Great, Leah, a heck of a milestone... How have you been, we miss you, here...
CatherineH0 -
Thanks everyone for your kind words. This has been more difficult than I could have ever imagined. This may sound stupid but I really hoped all week that I could keep my hair until after the funeral, which was yesterday. I wanted yesterday to be all about him and not me. Well I did, every strand. Hair coming out today in bulk. And the more it does, the more I look like him. He's probably really laughing about that!
0 -
Big comforting and compassionate hugs to you, reggio... truly,
Catherine0 -
Anyone still awake? I couldn't post earlier because we have been watching a fastmoving wildfire near our home. The sheriffs told us evacuation was voluntary, but could turn to mandatory and to not wait until the last minute. We live in an equestrian community and it is not easy to evacuate with horses and livestock, sheep, cows, goats, etc. It looks like we are out of danger unless those Santa Ana Winds start whipping up during the night as they frequently do. I won't sleep too soundly tonight.
Hillary, Our Great Organizer and Keeper of the Schedule -- Please add me to Monday (tomorrow) as I get Chemo #2. Yes, I know how late it is with the time change. Sorry.
Phyllis, I Vant to Be Alone, You'll Never Walk Alone --
You won't be drinking alone tomorrow. I will be bellying up to the bar, too. I like Margaritas, on the rocks with salt on the rim please, or a glass of a nice Chardonnay or Pinot Grigio. But somehow I think they will be serving me Taxotere and Cyto...(something or other), I can't remember the name and I am too tired to look it up. But apparently it's great for killing cancer cells so I will be there ready to imbibe. I will be holding your hand mentally.
Too tired. A rough day. Gotta go get my beauty (ha!) sleep - tomorrow's a big day. Kisses to all, Sybil0 -
Morning FCCers.
3 hours and I'm off to the bar. Jeez, I hate to start drinking so early in the morning, but it sure feels good to add 1 to the counter. 1 more AC after this then it's off to the 4 dd Taxol (I assume that's a clear liquor so I guess the choices of cocktails will be a little easier to name than that KoolAid red).
Sybil - I'll be thinking of you!
Mary - BIG hugs to you. You're in my prayers.
Tropicmom and Jen - I was up this morning at 3:00 with rib pain - not in just one area, just an overall pain the whole way around. Not sure if I pulled something yesterday or maybe the 17 hour drive Friday but it's very annoying.
Steph - how did your 5K go?
Maisy - where do you get dried mango?
Sammie Kay - LOL at the young husband thing - I'm 54 and my DH is 43 - I'm doing my best to look chic despite the changes going on with my body. I'm so envious of all you gals who are finding these gorgeous wigs. My (previous) hair was always thin and mousy and the ones I order from TLC made me look like an old english sheepdog (seriously) - just way too much hair even if I'd have had them thinned out so back they went. Now I wear scarves and those thingys from with BIG earrings and I look like a gypsy. I am getting really tempted to go commando tho - I kinda like the look - my head is shaped relatively well and my ears don't stick out. I'm sure as it heats up here, I'll throw vanity to the wind and 'just do it'!
Marsha - I think you and Sheila should make an effort to go out on a regular basis - what a treat that must have been for her (and you). Friends are so precious and these rough times certainly give us a different perspective on life and how unpredictable it can be.
I hope all last weeks bar flies are doing well after the weekend. Sybil and I will kick off the bar hopping this week.
Marsha - did you by chance take any pictures of the Big Bamboo - I need all the help I can get right now
Hugs across the board!
Phyl0 -
Anyone see this on the news last night?
My lumpectomy scar was hurting yesterday, we had rain so wonder now if weather changes will be felt for awhile! Reggio hugs during your very trying time. Leah whats next on the agenda for you? 4Sybll...the rain we had this weekend was very welcomed, Oklahoma has been having wild fires alot lately. One of the last ones we had right here Garth Brooks was at doors knocking and telling people to evacuate just about two blocks over from us! No...he didn't come to my door as the wind was blowing this one NW of us.0 -
Phyllis, did you just get home from Bike Week? Hubby saw John Travolta and Kelly roaring down the highway the other day (he lives 15 miles from my house) on his Hog. I'm thinking of you and Sybil today as you toss back another one. Dang, don't have a pic of the Big Bamboo. You know you NEVER have a camera when you see something amazing. But the mental picture would be like seeing veggies at the county fair that have grown 5x their normal size! LOL Maybe Sammie Kay does!
Sybil, man hope those winds shift the other way!!!
Leah, I am jealous that you are almost done with the cherry martinis. The dang things are about to start giving me a hangover, is Taxol next? Have been wondering where you were, you are so funny I've missed seeing you post.
Linnie, girl I was starting to worry about you, #3 a little harder??? YikesI think the MRI on other breast is a good idea, yes scary but hell let's get it all tken care of at once if need be!
Alyson, honey I am hearing that the gypsy look is ALL the rage. Bet you look great.
Karen, LOL I had a feeling you were making more of the commando look around the house than your kids would. Let em touch, rub it, then they get use to it! Ahhhh to be a kid again.
Carynn, Wig looks great!! Funny about the "lemon Law" for ports. I think Karen should be able to use that also.
Melanie, really touched by what you said about find the "gift" out of all this BC. Odd, but I feel exactly the same. Things I might have gotten riled up over before, I now think "so what?"
Jan, I love Survivor (OK I admit it, it's the only reality show I like) and what a great idea to get me and Sheila matching t-shirts!
Twink, Stop that lurking right this minute and join in more often. So glad to hear you can tell the mass seems smaller. We love smaller.
Catherine, Carynn told me she PM'd you about the Marde Gras beads. Now you behave, no flashing, OK you can flash your hubby.
Sammie Kay and Wendy hope you guys had a great weekend. Anyone else I left out too with the ole chemo brain firing on 2 cylinders. Have a great day girlfriends. Hugs and Kisses, Marsha0 -
Me & Sheila
Marsha0 -
Good morning:
Bar reservations so far for this week:
Monday: Phyllis and Sybil
Tuesday: Hillary, Catherine, maybe Maisy
Wednesday: Marsha, Wendy, Mary
Thursday: Twink, Alyson, Leah
Also, Linnie's MRI on Wednesday
Mary -- Hang in there -- we're here for you!
Sybil -- I hope that all is well with your house. When I lived in Northern California, I lost mine in the 1991 Oakland Hills Fire (over 3000 homes in 24 hours!). It can be pretty terrifying -- let us know how you are doing ...
Phyllis -- Most wigs are made with too much hair. You need to take it to your hairdresser to have it trimmed to your head.
Marsha -- Are you going to change your avatar to a commando one?
OK, more later ....
-- Hillary0 -
Hillary, maybe I will change it after I get the head tanned. White bald avatar? NO. HAHAHA You lost your house to a fire? wow that is terrifying. Were you able to get pictures and personal things out?? Sure hope so, we can replace clothes and furniture but the other stuff is priceless. Hugs, Marsha
0 -
Marsha -- I lost everything when my house burned down. I was at work, so all I had was the clothes on my back, my handbag (fortunately with my ID), and my car. It sure gave me a different perspective on belongings, much as this disease has given me a different perspective on life and other things, like patience.
-- Hillary0 -
Hi all .First a good LOL for you .I was on the phone giving a recipe to my friend for a pepper and steak dish over rice. I said cook the peppers and marshmallows in olive oil til crisp tender. I contiued with the directions and she never said a word. After I got off the phone my hub said didnt you mean mushrooms???? I called my friend back and we had a good laugh ..chemo brain kicking in
As for the dried mango I got mine at Costco .but look in the grocery store in the baking aisle with the other dried friuts. Oh yes the blueberries are great too, but nott as sweet.
Ive also found it handy to have the little boxes of juice or capri suns handy ..6 oz of something sweet tastes great after gallons of water.
As for wigs. I tried on a gazillion. I have the ultimate peanut head. I found that the straight chin length or shoulder length looked the most natural. I got mine at a wig shop locally, but go to and look for influence by Rachel Welch. Expensive but looked so natural.. My is a frosted blonde. I looked tike I was playing dress-up until they sized it and trimmed it and thinned it. The short ones on me looked like a rug and thats funny because I have always had really short hair.
Ive been watching the fire on tv. Looks like theyre going to hit it full force today.
STILL havent gotten my test results back was supposed to be Friday maybe today.
Hey all you gals south of me thanks for sending up all this warm weather. I finally got a good walk in yesturday. Its been to cold and rainy til now .keep it comin!!!
Have a sunshine day and keep smilin .
PS there's a great post on the march cruisers....check it out LOL0 -
So sorry to hear about your brother. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Take each day as it comes.
Marsha, Love the new doo..... Got the G.I. look going on.
Glad to see that you are all doing fine.
Thanks so much for all of your hugs, prayers and thoughts. OOPH Surgery scheduled for March 20th. I can't believe how this is affecting me. I am usually so strong, but feel like I can't rise above this fear so easily as I did with the BC.
Trying to stay busy to keep mind from wandering......
Keep on cruising. For those of you at the bar this week,
Hope no hangovers come your way and you have smooth sailing on to the next adventure....
G.I. Jel.0 -
Hey Phyl, I am with you there about trying to be the best you can be with all the changes chemo does to one's body. I keep telling myself I am more than two boobs and a head of hair, but sometimes I feel like I am whistling in the dark.
I will write more later to all you girls. Mike and I are watching over grandchildren(two girls, one is 6 and one is 3.) They are very well behaved and easy to keep. However, they want attention most of the time. We are getting ready to take them out to the store and to eat lunch. I will write more later.
I will be having #5 of 12 taxols tomorrow. I have a pattern developing. I feel really energetic on tues and wed and then Thurs is down day and Fri pretty much feeling yuk. Sat get better and back to normal for Sun and Mon. I trimmed shrubs and pulled weeds yesterday.
Carynn I love your pics. Cute red wig.
Mike is going to put in a new router and card for our wireless system, so don't know how long it will be before the computer is back up and running. As soon as it is I will be in touch. We return the girls to their parents tomorrow before my chemo, so I will probably write some more Tues. after chemo.
In the meantime you are all in my thoughts and prayers, especially those with bar dates this week. I love you all and care deeply about how you are doing. Love reading the posts. Wow what a large group we have become. I don't intentially leave anyone out, but forgive me if I do. Chemobrain you know. LOL I blame all by brain slips on chemo now. LOL0 -
Still having a hard time drinking fluids and I feel it. Any suggestions???? Juice is too acid, water tastes like metal, shakes make me phlegmy, flavored water tastes all the same..... I am at a loss of something that I can drink.
Jello goes OK but gets so sweet after awhile.
Popsicles tastes like the water-metal.
My son has the flu, threw up all night so I am so nervous now I will get it. The house smells like bleach!
Karen0 -
Morning girls
Have a couple of minutes before I have to go to class. Not so hot today so hoping my wig won't rub so much. It was terrible yesterday was so pleased to get it off.
Marsha, great picture you have as much hair as I do. I am going to see if the drama dept has a crystal ball and take it with me next time I visit my neighbours.
Sybill, saw the fires on TV. Do hope they missed you.
The bell has gone.
Good luck for those at the Bar today.
Alyson0 -
After this week, I will be waiting a month, and then having all the tests (scans, MRI, etc) all over again. Onco man and I will decide what happens next. I am very hopeful that the chemo did what it needed to do, and I will be told to come back in 3 months for another scan. (That is kind of what stage IV looks like- scans every 3 months, and a decision everytime you get the data back).
I have to admit that the month-month and a half- till I get the results will be agony. In my imaginary book, there will be a chapter called: "not the n-word, not the f-word- but the W-word". Waiting is the personal hell of cancer patients, and the 6 weeks or so will be agonizing, I am sure.
There is a thread for women starting in March, and I encourage people to drop in there and help them out. I saw Catherine had dropped in.. they are asking all the same questions we did, so maybe we can save them some time!
I noticed no one has shared yet about how incredibly constipating zofran is... should we share that handy little tip???
I am here everyday... just not always talking!0 -
Hi girls! How nice to have the posts to read after work.
Well the blond wig made the debut at work today. Those who didnt know, liked the hair cut; those that did, liked the wig. My boss thinks I should show up red tomorrow; we'll see....
Patti - loved the recepie story. I spent 15 minutes this morning trying to leave for work. Felt like the first day of school. The best part was tho that everything I was looking for was pretty much where I thought it should be, I just couldnt find it!
Sybil - do hope the fires miss you. My cousin used to live in Orange, two streets off the mountains. I live at the bottom of a mountain here, so fire season is always something we all watch.
Karen - two things that worked for me when I had metal days last time - gatorade or Hanson's natural sodas. I had never had a "health food" soda, but my chemo buddy from work recommended them. No caffine or additives, I really liked the cherry vanilla. Hope that helps.
Alyson = did you get a "wig gripper?" I did and I think it helped a lot to stop it from rubbing. I got mine online from TLC.
Marsha - great pix! Hubby has been passing out our bald pix like cigars.
Take care all. Hope all with bar reservations feel well. Talk to you all soon!0 -
Leah -
Just saw your post and wanted to say hi. I hope all goes well for you.
Great idea about the March board, I'll be sure and check in.
Please let us know how you're doing and whats up.Hope to see lots of ya!
0 -
Leah, I started chemo with a senakot EVERY night before bed and have been "regular" so far. Someone had warned me that you need to be proactive on that shit! LOL
Karen, have you tried GingerAle? Doesn't leave a bad soda film and also good for that unsettled stomach feeling. Talk to all soon XOXO Marsha0 -
Hi Karen---
I found that mixing just a little cranberry juice with a bottle of water took out the metallic taste without making it too sweet...somehow I managed to get 1.5 liters down yesterday that way...but by today, even looking at it (looked alot like Adryamicin to me) made me queasy...luckily, I was back to a little squirt of lemon juice to cut the icky water taste. Just push it as much as you can...some days are much harder than others!
I'm going to have to ask for something more effective than Compazine and Lorazapam (I'm already on Emend)...any suggestions what works?
Finally 70 degrees today, and enough of the nausea/ heartburn/burping is gone to be able walking the dogs around the block tolerable.
Marsha, I picked up face/bald head self-tanning lotion...may try it tonight...will let you know if I go orange or not! I know I'll have enough confidence to go commando when the weather warms up for good if I'm not blinding everyone!
Any opinions on shaved all the way down, or leaving a little stubble for scarves, etc. to grab onto? My stubble is growing, and the thinning as slowed down (but it's pretty thin), and suspect that day 14 or so after the 2nd round (I'm not DD) I'll lose the rest, but sure would like to hear from any veterans!
Peace, good sleep, and amazing days to all of you!0 -
Still having a hard time drinking fluids and I feel it. Any suggestions???? Juice is too acid, water tastes like metal, shakes make me phlegmy, flavored water tastes all the same..... I am at a loss of something that I can drink.
Jello goes OK but gets so sweet after awhile.
Popsicles tastes like the water-metal.
My son has the flu, threw up all night so I am so nervous now I will get it. The house smells like bleach!
Karen? Try some pure bottled water Dasani, water out of the faucet is yucky. I had no problem drinking it the whole time with chemo metal mouth as it didn't taste like metal at all. Hubby says two weeks into it I started drinking Ensure 3 times a day. Also might try the salt/baking soda mouthwash to take away the metal mouth taste. 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp baking soda to one quart of water. I used my Dasani water for its water. Oh and I would open a can of 7up and let it go flat for a day before trying to drink it. Some days I could and some days I couldn't drink the 7up. Hope this helps.0 -
Good evening all -
Bar reservations for the week:
Monday: Phyllis and Sybil
Tuesday: Hillary, Catherine, SammieKay maybe Maisy
Wednesday: Marsha, Wendy, Mary
Thursday: Twink, Alyson, Leah
Also, Linnie's MRI on Wednesday
Sybil and Phyllis -- How are you doing?
Maisy -- Will you be joining us at the bar?
Catherine -- I think that we're both drinking red drinks! But, we can still hold Sammie Kay's hand -- we get her drink next month!
GI Jel -- Glad you dropped in -- we're all anxiously awaiting your results.
Leah -- same with you ... even though you have your last chemo Thursday, you have to keep us up-to-date with your news.
Caryn -- I got two different kinds of wig grippers from TLC. They both cause marks on my scalp. Do you have that problem?
Freethought -- I'm having similar problems. Zofran did not seem to work for me, although I may not have been taking enough. Ativan also didn't work. I'm on a new anti-depressant (remeron) that has more anti-nauseau properties than ativan, so I'm hoping it will work this time around at the bar!
Also, be careful about shaving all the way down -- our scalps are pretty delicate right now ... the stubble is a pain to deal with, but probably better than nicks and cuts!
Karen -- I alternate water and "natural sodas" or ginger ale. I treat myself to chocolate for every 8 oz drunk. I agree with you, though -- it's been tough going to get in the required amount of fluids. Does frozen yogurt count?
I'll try to check in tomorrow morning before I leave for the ship's bar!
-- Hillary0 -
I'm back....with a couple of tips.
1st of all.... if any of you are on a blood thinner with your port....I am on warfarin and it specifically says not cranberries or cranberry juice. Might check out what yours says.
mouth sores are killing me tonight....lots of iced dasani which I stock by the cases and cases.
went to the actual drug stre today and amazingly didn't by drugs. Cover girl has a new glimmer moisture lipstick that is fantastic. really brightens the face. ( I dedided to end the pity party and get pity pretty.
as for self tanning goodies....last year I used jergens natural glow for medium skin tones. works fantastic and not orange. just keep applying it a couple times a day til you reach the tan you want. The trick is to use enough....don't dab. and rub it in evenly til there is no moist spots anywhere.
gonna try the Hanson's they sound delicious. I can use the calories. I'm eating lots and still loosing weight.
now I have a sort of serious issue. I have basically kept myself house bound since January..ecept for doc and tests. I am so scared of getting an infection I don't want to go out or see anyone. If I am in a store and here a cough I run the other way. I'm scared af foods I don't prepare. I can't wear a bra because my shoulder kills me on the port side after half an hour. Damn I guess we all have a down day. Still haven't heard about my test results and will call tomorrow.
Thanks for letting me vent. You are all my support.
Patti0 -
I have no advice for water tasting like metal but would probably try ginger ale, because it's to my personal taste. As for anti-nausea, again, I haven't had problems, fortunately. Not looking forward to the Taxol but I seem to be coping with the AC (knock on wood) so far.
I laughed at Patti's recipe story -- I have always substituted the word marshmallow for mushroom. No idea why, my brain just wants to say marchmallow instead of mushroom.
Good luck to everybody who's up this week. I'm off to the surgeon tomorrow and am hopeful he'll oohh and ahhh over the effect the chemo has had on my tumor. It's not gone...but I dream it will be by the time the chemo is done. Then I'll have to figure out what to do on the surgical front.
Hugs all're a great bunch of women.0 -
freethought -
Two things: 1) I had heartburn so bad after tx #1 - I normally don't get any (pre chemo). My doc recommended taking Prilosec OTC - you take it every day. I did - and I have not had ANY heartburn since. Not even after tx #2 - so perhaps you can start taking that. I also did not have any burping, NO nausea or even any queaziness after tx #2 - so maybe it took care of all of it, who knows?
2) I buzzed my hair as short as the clippers would go - so I had stubble left. Amazingly, it seems to be growing - like I may need to buzz it again! But I am now day 14 after tx #2 - expecting it all to just fall out, so will wait and see. For me, the short stubble does seem to help hold things on my head!!
Good Luck! Jen0 -
Patti -
I have gotten a few mouth sores, and what a pain!! I use Arm and Hammer baking soda toothpaste - after nearly every meal, use Biotin mouthwash too. Haven't gotten many, but use the salt/baking soda in water when they flare up. Someone on this post or maybe in January's chemo group - mentioned using the oil in a Vitamin D capsule. I went to store today as I had a sore that was really bothering me - cut open the Vit D capsule, put the oil directly on the sore, and within the HOUR - NO MORE SORE!!!! Oil tastes very fishy, but you don't use very much, so not bad!! Maybe try that - they are fairly cheap - I think I paid $3.49 at Krogers.
I am getting ready for tx #2 next Tuesday (3/20) and I have been out and about a LOT. I have eaten out at a number of restaurants - no steaks (I like them rare) no sushi (darn!) but everything else. I go to my barn and hang out with horses, ride, clean stalls too! I go to the grocery store - although I do try and go when it's not as busy. But that is more for not running into my neighbors/acquaintenances than for germs!! I haven't told many people, so avoidance is my game. My grocer has antibacterial wipes where the carts are, and I USE THEM to wipe off the cart handle - so this probably helps!
Good Luck - and try and get out = even if it's just for a walk - the fresh air is great!!
Jen0 -
Hey, Tuesday girls, wishing you an uneventful day tomorrow and a good week without too much of a hangover.
The only exciting thing is that the cancer center I go to moved this week-end to plush, brand new facilities... Hopefully it won't be pandemonium and they won't mix up the drinks...
I am taking with me the print-out of an Excel file I did to log side effects (1st and second week after each chemo), drugs taken (and results or lack of) for the oncologist (I suspect they can't keep track of all this, and if I hand it to him he mighy be courteous enough to go over it with me and keep it in my chart. He is a nice man, early fifties, very energetic and upbeat, but you never really know what get their attention out of what you say...).
I skipped my period, looks like, and probably for a while, since hot flashes and night sweats are back... just what I needed... I had been free of those for the last 4 months or so... has kept coming back and going away for the last 4 years, I'd say... it's getting old...
Well, a last herbal tea to sleep (orange blossoms and linden)... I must have drunk 3 quarts today in juices, soup, water...
Hogs and quiches to all, dear shipmates...
CatherineH0 -
Hello Everyone,
Hope you are doing well,
Well, my mom had her 2nd Chemo last Saturday, my sister and I spent the whole day with her at the hospital.
Her hair started to fall out since last week, and shes feeling really bad two days after the chemo. Her doctor recommended Zofran, hope this works and she starts feeling better.
I want to let you all know that your stories and advices have helped me a lot to better understand and accept the cancer in my life; I say my life because my mom is my life.
Best regards
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