Success Stories!



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,851
    edited January 2015

    Don't google anymore. Your story is your own. I was stage II also, and am nearing 8 years out. Feeling great, doing great, having lots of fun. Just get through the treatment and then go out and LIVE! Smile

  • sandie1973
    sandie1973 Member Posts: 39
    edited January 2015

    Hi Ruthbru

    Congratulations on nearing your 8 year anniversary :) Did well last night - played candy crush, watched my favourite TV programmes and then did some reading about the career i am hoping to do - no googling about breast cancer whatsoever :) Tomorrow I am planning on going for a long walk with a walking group which should be good.

    Glad you are feeling great and living life with lots of fun. I am nearing the end of treatment and am looking forward to getting my life back on an even keel - resume studying and going to New Zealand in April to see my sister :)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,851
    edited January 2015

    Good! Make plans, do interesting things. When you are busy you have less time to look over your shoulder Glad you are exercising as that is the number one thing we can do for ourselves to reduce the chance of recurrence. If you want some online exercise buddies, check out the Lets Post Our Daily Exercise thread on the Fitness Forum. A great group of encouraging ladies at all stages of treatment and beyond, and at all fitness levels too, lots of positive energy going on there!

  • sandie1973
    sandie1973 Member Posts: 39
    edited January 2015

    Didn't end up going on the long walk due to adverse weather :( however I try and go for walks around the area every day. Will brave the biting cold and venture out later on. Have signed up to do a 10k walk to raise money for a breast cancer charity in July and got other things in the pipeline to keep busy. Hoping by keeping busy it will make the cancer smaller and less intense in my mind.

    By mid February I would have had all the treatments available, I exercise, take vitamin D and aspirin every other day. Joined a slimming club to lose the excess chemo weight. I have done everything I can to keep this beast at bay so all I can do is live my life and enjoy it as no-one knows when their number is up. Thanks will check out the daily exercise thread :)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,851
    edited January 2015

    I'll be looking for you Smile

  • Psalm34-4
    Psalm34-4 Member Posts: 22
    edited January 2015

    hi funthing42

    want to share my Hope with you..

    "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus"  Phillipians 4:7.

    BC is horribly scary, totally shook my whole world last August.. I've been through 2 surgeries, radiation tx, and now starting on Tamoxifen. I was completely overwhelmed, emotional rollercoaster, but God has carried me through it all and it's weird now looking back and how busy my last 6 months were.  I was blessed in that I did not have to go thru chemo as well, but have a friend diagnosed at same time as I, who is getting her last chemo next week... and was told by doctors after 3rd round of chemo they couldnt find tumor!!  She is supposed to still do surgery and rad tx. yet chemo zapped her tumor! Every story on here is different, just a reminder that God is in control, not us. You ask your doctors any questions you have, get second opinion if you need it, and stay close to family and friends who are supportive. I encourage you to give your heart and fears to God, He tells us to cast our burdens on Him, and He will carry them. I am a nurse, and see people of all ages diagnosed with all kinds of problems, young people in critical care with poor prognosis, and it reminds me to not take a single moment for granted, every day is a blessing and we need to make the most of it. Cancer is just an ugly, scary word. You keep you chin and thoughts up! I personally think we hear more bad than good, because all the wonderful stories are out living life to the fullest, and not on the internet BC sites!  This site is wonderful for advice, tips as you go through treatments, I learned so much and am very grateful, but dont let BC absorb your every minute.. if you do, it has beat you already!  Make healthy lifestyle changes where needed, be compliant with your treatments, and do the same thing every one else does... take ONE day at a time, it truly is all any of us can do. You are in my prayers, for daily strength and peace.

    btw... as a nurse... I see a LOT of women who have history of BC.. "history"... they have lived on and now their worries are heart disease, lung disease, kidney disease... all the lovely stuff that just comes with age.. NOT BC !!




  • Nico1012
    Nico1012 Member Posts: 1,152
    edited January 2015

    ruthbru and Psalm 34-4  ~ Thank you so much for posting your wonderfully positive advice !!  I decided shortly after chemo and radiation that I would try my best to live life as if the cancer was never coming back. It was the only way that made sense to me at the time and it still is. Most and that means MOST of us will never face the beast again. As ruthbru said, make plans, do interesting things and keep the positive energy flowing!

  • songbird68
    songbird68 Member Posts: 127
    edited January 2015

    Some fantastic advice here - thanks everyone:)

    Nico1012, your advice about living as if its never coming back struck a chord with me, it's the only way I can deal with it too!

    Big hugs everyone:)

    x x

  • Nico1012
    Nico1012 Member Posts: 1,152
    edited January 2015

    Keep the positive flow going songbird68 ~

  • Srh242
    Srh242 Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2015


  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited January 2015

    I'd like to tell you a story about my plastic surgeon. I had seen the breast surgeon, a woman, and learned all I needed to know at that time. Then I met with, oh, let's call him Dr. Darling. He was very nice. He was gentle. He also had a camera. I had to stand against a screen in his office while he shot pictures of my breasts. Being a very shy person, I was embarrassed. I was very glad when that part was over.

    Dr. Darling is a perfectionist. During the examination, I stood there in his spa robe; and he cupped my breasts in his hands. He sort of moved them up and down for awhile. Well, it felt like forever. I was dying of embarrassment. Then he announces, "Yes, I can work with THESE!"
    Finally, the exam was finished. I changed into my clothes, and my mother and I went out to schedule whatever came next, which I believe was the part where they drawthe lines to help them with the surgery. Later that day, I started laughing and laughing and laughing. The way he handled my breasts and said, "I can work with THESE."became for me the best part of getting breast cancer. Not that there is really a good part, but that came pretty close.

    After the surgery, I saw Dr. Darling regularly from March 2012 until September 2014. I don't know if it was supposed to be my last appointment or if it was my lastappointment because I became stage iv. He was very nice. He sat with my mother and me and told us to do things, make memories. You know. That sort of thing. He was so sweet.

    In August, I knew the cancer had come back. The lymph nodes along my right clavicle became huge and inflamed. Each day a new lump appeared. They started up my neck. Then I found 2 lumps below the implant. The 2 lumps somehow merged into 1 eventually -- by the time I finally was able to see the doctor. She had been on vacation and I guess there was a lot of catch up work, but they would not return my calls. Dr. O's receptionist's name is Shirley. Shirley should not have that job. One time when I called I told her I was feeling pretty panicky. She responded, and I quote, "and maybe a little paranoid too?". Yes. Yes she did. She did say that. Anyway, it was probably later that night, I was afraid and angry. I still hadn't gotten a return phone call. I sent Dr. Darling an email telling him what was happening and that I was sorry we were going to mess up his work. He replied immediately with concern and sorrow, and he told me to call him. So I did. He was furious about Shirley. He called them, and he got them to get me an immediate appointment. Dr. O knew as soon as she saw me that it was stage iv, but the tests began. Shortly after, I had a previously scheduled appointment with Dr. Darling, and we had the talk I referred to earlier. However, he told me I should call or email him to let him know how I am doing. He wasn't kidding. He said he expected a call or email every month.

    Dr. Darling's name is Dr. Nassif E. Soueid. If you are in Baltimore and need a plastic surgeon, the darling whose name is Dr. Soueid (pronounced suede) will treat you right. He is the best part of my cancer journey. He's a good man, and a talented surgeon.


  • Srh242
    Srh242 Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2015
  • songbird68
    songbird68 Member Posts: 127
    edited January 2015

    Hi Dunesleeper how are you today? I love the sound of Mr Darling and I'm glad he is your surgeon "cupping your breasts and moving them up and down for a while! yes I can work with THESE!" Beautiful. We've all been in that place, hopefully with our own Mr Darlings:)

    Don't like Shirley. Tell her from me to never never ever tell someone who has cancer that they are Paranoid. And I hope she never has that "paranoia".

    if I was in Baltimore, I would definitely be heading straight for Mr Saoied for a consult:)

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited February 2015

    Songbird ---


  • Srh242
    Srh242 Member Posts: 139
    edited February 2015


  • happygran
    happygran Member Posts: 18
    edited February 2015


    I'm nearly 7 years out from dx.........grade 3 with 3 out of 24 nodes involved.........

    I really didn't think I'd see 5years.........but here I am........Life's good........ok, I've had a couple of scares, but nothing serious.........I'm travelling and enjoying, the Caribbean and the it.........

    Life does conitnue after dx..................

  • taniae
    taniae Member Posts: 60
    edited February 2015

    Thanks for posting happygran and congratulations. I see you have a similar signature to me. Just what I needed to hear today. It's funny, when you can have a down day there is always someone on here with a success story that can lift your spirits.

  • songbird68
    songbird68 Member Posts: 127
    edited February 2015

    Thank you for thinking of us here happygran! Many congratulations to you and many many more years travelling the world - you sure earned it :)

    x x x

  • Nico1012
    Nico1012 Member Posts: 1,152
    edited February 2015

    bumping !

  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923
    edited February 2015

    Congrats happygran! I can't wait to be where you are!

  • Stenokim
    Stenokim Member Posts: 76
    edited February 2015

    way to go happygran! Thanks for sharing. Gives me lots of hope.

  • Nico1012
    Nico1012 Member Posts: 1,152
    edited March 2015

    bump !

  • carmelle
    carmelle Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2015

    Hi I was diagnosed officially today in 2003. That's when I found and began this thread. How amazing it is still going 12 years later. I don't come back often as I forget now but today I remembered and know important to all going through. Hugs to you all. Take care of yourself and be kind to yourself even more now.

  • songbird68
    songbird68 Member Posts: 127
    edited March 2015

    Hi Carmelle,great to hear from you and that you are well and healthy:)

    Take care of yourself too.

    Big hugs

    x x

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,858
    edited March 2015

    Congrats on a dozen years, Carmelle! Enjoy the cruising, happygran!

    I am 7 years out from surgery to remove my stage IV boob and nodes and today I'm dreaming of a new mountain bike for spring.

  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923
    edited March 2015

    Congratulations Carmelle! Thank you for checking back with us here and giving us hope. I am looking forward to forgetting my anniversaries, too! ThumbsUp

  • songbird68
    songbird68 Member Posts: 127
    edited March 2015

    Heidi! Seven years from stageIV is absolutely mindblowingly fantastic! what a gal:)

    Congratulations and enjoy your brand new bike come spring:)

    x x

  • Nico1012
    Nico1012 Member Posts: 1,152
    edited March 2015

    Carmelle ~ Our stats are almost identical except that I'm a seven year survivor. Heidi ~ Your news gives us all so much hope, just like Carmelles. Thank you so much for posting !

  • Nico1012
    Nico1012 Member Posts: 1,152
    edited March 2015

    bump !

  • songbird68
    songbird68 Member Posts: 127
    edited March 2015

    hi Nico1012 how are you today?

    x x