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Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin



  • bluedasher
    bluedasher Member Posts: 350
    edited March 2009

    I finally took a close look at my scalp with a good overhead light and magnifying mirror. There are little hairs sprouting all over - maybe a quarter inch long. Right now it is all colorless translucent stuff so it's hard to see. I'll be glad when the pigment kicks in and I go back to my usual dark brown and silver mix.

  • Majanumba1
    Majanumba1 Member Posts: 66
    edited March 2009

    Bluedasher, I am right there with you.

    Ipogirl, I asked my onc about acupuncture for hot flashes and she said that I had to wait until after chemo. I hope that you are better and that you called your onc or went to the emergency room to check the fever. I was warned not to take tylenol or anything to reduce the fever before I was looked at by a Dr,. if I had a fever over 100. If a fever of 101 to go to the emergency room but not to wait inside where you might be exposed to lots of germs. I am thinking about you and hoping that you are doing better.


  • jkcrml
    jkcrml Member Posts: 53
    edited March 2009

    help! when does the nasty taste go away. I had the nueslata shot yesterday, is it from that?? Even my diet coke tastes bad! and I do love my diet coke.


  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited March 2009

    jkcrml:  The nasty taste will last for about 7 to 14 days after each tx.  Sorry.  Drink lots of water, that will make it go away faster.

  • sailor35
    sailor35 Member Posts: 38
    edited March 2009

    Ipogirl, I hope you have seen a doctor and are getting treated.  Absolutely everything out there says 100.5 F is the limit before calling.  Hope you are feeling better.

    Duneoaks:  I have slept a lot more  this time than the first two rounds and have eaten less, but actually took a half hour walk today and had a manicure/pedicure (only let them push cuticles, no cutting to the skin).  I can see there are more days to go before I can expect to be be on a real upturn.  Hope you were able to enjoy your son's visit. 

    Acupuncture and herbs:  As I told you all, my infusion center gives free massages. Amazing.   They also give free acupuncture.  I haven't tried it because I already see an acupuncturist who helped enormously with hot flashes during menopause.  Onc is totally in favor of acupuncture during chemo, but is uneasy about the Chinese herbs because some can interfere with the chemo effects.  Acupuncturist is agreeable with that.

    I'm doing OK with dairy, oatmeal, and potatoes, but otherwise healthy stuff doesn't taste so great.  We are all going to get there, but sometimes it sure feels like slow-going.   

  • cali4
    cali4 Member Posts: 29
    edited March 2009

    Hi Ladies,

    Just a quick post. Surgery went well on Friday.  Surgeon could not see any visual signs of the tumors, waiting to hear the results from the path reports, but all went well.  I'm doing okay, was able to come home Friday evening and all is well.

    Cupcake - Yes I am with Kaiser as well. 

    Thank you for all your good wishes.  Taking more drugs and going back to bed, but wanted to let you know I am doing OK.

  • cupcake7
    cupcake7 Member Posts: 321
    edited March 2009

    Lisa;  Yes we are all in the same boat.  During Chemo I was doing ok then the last one here came the pounds. My metabolism is that of a slug!   I had lost 67 before dx and my diabetic numbers all under control and now they are awful.  I am beginning by portion size first.  My stomach is acting like a spoiled brat in wanting what it wants when it wants it.  I did not think chemo or rad time was the time to keep anything away as my body needed to repair and the high caloric foods was good.  Now its time to restrict some things, and introduce back in exercise.  Number one rule for me is to always eat healthy...always!   It is the portion size, time of day you eat, the exercise, and no fast food...I repeat no fast foods.  They are usually unhealthy and loaded with calories.  What is your plan...this is mine. I still have 4 rads and want to conserve on my energy until I am past that, but can start on portion size and more healthy foods.

    Cali4:  So glad to hear from you and everything is well for you.  I know you are going to have a good path report..  Any discomfort with those tubes?  That was the worst for me, but when they or it comes out you will feel so much better. 

  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited March 2009

    cupcake: I am finding out I have to revise my "plan".  Before cancer, I had been very successful and taken off 10 pounds very easily with the Eat Clean Diet system - forget eating clean during chemo because nothing healthy tastes good.  I tried to go back to Eat Clean, but you MUST excercise with that system or you will gain weight.  So my plan is to go back to old fashion calorie counting until my energy and activity level comes back up.  All of my weight is settling in my middle; I don't know if this is a heriditary thing from my mom, the tamoxifen, or a combo of both.  Either way, I am not happy.  My posture has taken a nose dive too and that is not helping the mid-section.  According to the personal trainer, the bi-lat mast. combined with low energy level has caused my shoulders to come up and roll forward in a protective mode (like a turtle pulling his head in his shell).  She has given me a website to order a back brace to help with that.  My massage therapist agrees and says she can see some spine "bump" starting.  Sweet Jesus - I am only 45 years old!

    My incentive to lose 10 pounds (need to lose 20) is an upcoming trip in May to St. Augustine Beach.  Some girl friends and I have a house rented right on the beach.  I MUST drop at least 10 pounds before that trip!  The thought of bathing suit shopping is depressing.

    Here is a question for those that have finished chemo - When you look in the mirror, does the person looking back appear 5 years older than the person that first walked into the chemo room?

    OK, I have been swimming in the pity pool long enough.  Time to get up and get on the treadmill.  I know there is one in my house.  Been so long since I used it, I wonder where I left it?Undecided


  • traci1970
    traci1970 Member Posts: 104
    edited March 2009

    Lisa I feel the same way.  I look in the mirror and think "what has happened to me".  I look different.  I am determined to bet back in shape and be healthy.  I want to look and feel like me again. 

     Cali I have been thinking of you.  When I went home from my mastectomy I had a few stretching exercises they made me do.  All I can say is I hated them but I am soooo glad I did them.  I have full use of my left arm and a full range of motion.  So as much as it hurts try to do them.  I have met women that did not do it and can barely lift their arm.  

    I hope everyone is having a great day!  I love seeing the pictures of everyones hair.  I will have to post my hair growth.  :)

  • cupcake7
    cupcake7 Member Posts: 321
    edited March 2009
    Lisa:  I never heard of "eat clean diet system"  What is that??  Sweethearts, that is in despair of what you look like now, think of what I see in the mirror.  Ok I was bald headed, one boob gone and a poop bag attached to my abdomen. ( I had an emergency colostomy at the first chemo treatment)  Plus add some 30 pounds added back on and visualize what is looking back in the mirror.  Not a pretty sight.  I just wanted you to know your image sure could be a whole lot worse.  Along with this there is someone looking back at you...after all we could not be here at all to look in the mirror.  I am going back under the knife after the rads to re-attach the colon back inside my body to get ride of the bag, and after recovery of that I will begin to knock down that 30 pounds so again what ever you have to do to get healthy again it will not be as hard on you.  Sometimes you can complain you don't have shoes until you see the woman with no legs.  It could always be worse.  I know my treadmill is being used as a coat rack so  I  will clean it off and begin to use it again along with eating healthy and I will be beautiful again because I can love.  Hope all of you have a wonderful day and know I am thinking of you.....Lisa let me know what the clean diet is...I am interested.
  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited March 2009

    Rightfully chastised.  At least I am hear.

    The Eat Clean Diet is pretty much what the name says.  If you cannot pronounce any of the ingredients - don't eat it.  All natural, nothing processed.  No store bought salad dressings, mayonaise, etc. No processed deli meats, if you want a turkey sandwich, bake the turkey yourself.  No salami, sausage, etc.  No soda's or processed drinks.  If you want lemonade, squeeze the lemons yourself.  All of this is balanced with the proper ratio of clean proteins and clean complex carbs.  I have the book and I love it. The author wants you to pack a cooler before you leave the house in the morning with all you meals/food for the day.  When the cooler is empty, you are done eating.  She wants you to have 6 small meals a day.  This works great BUT you CANNOT cheat.  If you cheat while eating that much food, you are a sunk duck.

    The basic idea is that all the chemicals in processed foods are making us fat and causing cancer and other illnesses.

    Somewhere areound my 43 b-day, I had let 10 pounds sneak up.  I did the diet faithfully and lost the 10 pounds in 2 weeks.  After that, I just practised the eating clean portion.  I really like the author.  When she turned 40 she wieghed over 200 pounds and could not climb the stairs in her home and realized she needed a change.  She will turn 50 this year and she just came in 2nd in the National Mrs. Bikini Competition.

    Go to

    She has a bulletin board too that I belong to.  When my cancer was diagnosed, I went on the board to ask if there were any "eat cleaners" that had been thru chemo.  The author herself posted her well wishes and gave me some eating tips.  I was very touched that some one so busy took the time post.  That meant a lot to me.  It showed that the person you see on TV and read about is genuine


  • jkcrml
    jkcrml Member Posts: 53
    edited March 2009

    Ladies, I'm down. I was doing so well and today it has hit, no energy and I hurt all over. I am hoping this doesn't long.

    CupCake I loved the way you described yourself! You go girl! I can see there is life after this!


  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited March 2009

    jkcrml - Karen:  Sorry you are down today.  Tired and hurt all over is so common.  Try to drink more fluids.  And JUST GO TO BED!  If you can't sleep, take a mild pain releiver (by mild I mean prescription strength - we all have some sitting around).

    Water and sleep is the best you can do for yourself.  Take care.

  • cupcake7
    cupcake7 Member Posts: 321
    edited March 2009

    Karen:  Looks like you are going to go down on the third day like I did.  Just know sweetie that it won't last long, but if it is your day there is nothing you can do, but like Lisa said rest.  It is part of this awful chemo thing.  I hope you are marking happy and sad faces on your calendar so next tx you will know what day you come out of it.  After my bad day 3 everyday was a little better until the 8th day from the first and then I was pretty much back ok, but a little tired.  Once you know how your body reacts to it will help you know it won't be long.  I hope you drank a lot of water after chemo cause now you probably won't want to.  I will say a prayer for you.  Let us know how you are.

    Lisa:  That sounds pretty good.  Makes a lot of sense.  Only thing for me is I can't do something that cannot become a part of my lifestyle.  Meaning I want to change...from here on.  If no fast foods or in your case nothing processed then that will be the way it is for the duration of my life, not to loose some pounds. This way of eating was the old way people used to eat, which makes a lot of sense to me.    I'm so sorry if I made it sound like I chastised you.  Please forgive me.

  • cinrae123
    cinrae123 Member Posts: 211
    edited March 2009

    Hi ladies.  I still get the emails of what everyone posts.  Let me just say that I am soooooooooo proud of you all.  Those that are on to rads,,,,,,,,,,good job.  Rads is a piece of cake compared to chemo huh? And to the ladies that are all the way done,,,,,,,whoo hoo to you.  And to the new ladies,,,,,,,,,,,,,you are doing fantastic.  Keep up the good work.  Rest, drink water and take or ask help when you need it. I kept a journal of my side effects and you will notice a pattern after a while.  It may seem at the moment that you will never feel better again,,,,,,,,,,,,,I had that same feeling,,,,,,but trust me,,,,,,,,,,,this will all be a distant memory and your life will get back to normal........hang in there gals.  Just knowing that you are kicking some cancer butt is awesome.  Anddddddddddd you hair will return.  I was so darn worried about that,,,,,,,,but it does come back.  I think someone was commenting about the slow hair growth,,,,,,,I am a firm believer that herceptin slows the process down.  I finished chemo in Aug 2007 and didnt stop wearing my wig until July 2008,,,,,,,and even then it was very short.  Now it is about 4 inches long although I have only had it trimmed twice since July 2008.  So even now it seems to be slow growing.  Kinda thinner on the top than what it used to be,,,,,,,,,,,so been taking Biotin as I heard that helps (not sure if its really helping, my onc just told me to be patient,,,,,,so I'm working on the being patient part, lol)  But its hair,,,,,,so I'm not gonna complain too much

    If anyone ever has any questions that maybe one of us that have been thru the tunnel for a while now can answer,,,,,,,,,,,please dont hesitate to ask. .It was so helpful to me to have others follow along the journey with and also to get advice to those that were finished.  This board was a Godsend to me.  Its a place where one can vent, scream, holler, share and get encouragement.........and you will make some new friends along the way.  I recently had the priveledge of meeting two of the ladies from another board here in person in January.  What a thrill it was to meet them. 

    Take care ladies,,,,,,,,,,,,,be kind to yourselves. I basically just wanted to pop in to say Hi and tell you how proud I am of each and everyone of you fine ladies.  Fine job well done.


  • Smile2006
    Smile2006 Member Posts: 132
    edited March 2009

    Karen, Have have you tried the Claritin for the aches and pain?  As the others said...hang in there..I consider the third day the worst and from there it is uphill!  And Definately get that sleep...I agree with Lisa...we all have those mild pain prescriptions left over from surgery..take it and get some well needed sleep.

    The past two days have been pretty good for me.  I had a group of girlfriends over Friday night for Wine and Games.  I could not drink any wine..still tasted really bad to I stuck with the water.  Today my taste is getting a little better.  The tast issue has been the worst for tx2.  Lisa you mentioned that it lasts about14 days.....thats about when I think mine will be back..Hoping so anyway! 

    I dont mind wearing my wig...hoping to get a couple of DH likes the idea of different looks...go figure LOL! are definately a motivation that we all love to hear from! are you feeling???

    Ipohgirl:  We havent heard from you since your are doing?

    Wishing everyone a good night rest!


  • CaliforniaCloud
    CaliforniaCloud Member Posts: 105
    edited March 2009

    Karen, I had my first chemo treatment on March 4th, so I am just 8 days ahead of you.  I am happy to say that today, day 11, I feel WONDERFUL!  I am well enough to be hit with a major spring allergy attack, but still spent 4 non-stop hours in the garden.  I should point out that I am taking daily Neupogen injections because my WBC dropped too low.  If something doesn't feel right, call the doctor--that's what they want us to do.  Our Camp Counselors are spot on: drink, eat, rest.  Hang in there, Karen, it gets better!

    I know that the topic of when does our hair fall out has been address many times, but I wonder if someone would please post it again?  I have tried to get prepared for this: I received some wonderful hats from Heavenly Hats; I bought a head wrap from Soft Hats;  I bought a wig via the Internet.  The wig has already been sent back, but I now have three reasonable head coverings.

    I really don't want to fuss over my hair, or lack of it.  I am an elementary school tutor and usually dress in slacks and a jacket, but I think am going to change my style to jean/Dockers casual and just wear a cap.  Actually, I just want to go bald, but my skull doesn't feel nice and rounded.  Did anyone else discover an unfortunately shaped head for baldness?  If yes, did that influence how you covered your head?

    And one final question:  I imagine, I will know when it is time to remove all my hair, but do I just buzz it, or do I shave my head?

    Thanks again ladies for being here.  I don't post much, but I am reading the posts and keeping us all in my prayers.



  • cil326
    cil326 Member Posts: 27
    edited March 2009

    Cloud-everyone loses hair differently, mine started to fall out after round 2.  At the cancer appearance center, the lady said to buzz it not to shave.  She said the time to buzz off your hair is when you start to feel tingling & itching sensations on your scalp.   I had my hair buzzed after round 1, so all I see is a few stubs on my pillowcase in the morning.  It's better than see clumps of long hair.  I also bought a wig from her, tonight was the first time that I wore the wig since starting chemo, I had dinner with 3 girlfriends and I felt pretty with the wig.  I ordered these cotton covers from, they are really cute and inexpensive.  I wear them everyday when I have to run errands, I go bald at home to let the scalp breathe.

    Hope this help.

  • ipohgirl
    ipohgirl Member Posts: 56
    edited March 2009

    Dear Majanumba and Bluedasher,

    I'm so touched by your concern and love.

    This morning, the fever came back again at 4 a.m. I took the last drops of children's ibuprofen, and like yesterday, I sweated and the fever was off. Maybe I had too many clothes on.

    If it happens again tommorow morning, I will go to ER.  It's rather strange that the fever strikes only in the early morning hours. All through the day, I'm fine.

    This is the 12th day and I feel much better, with more energy, no more aches, but still no appetitel. i will try the ice cream tonight.

    About the acupuncture, it was done by a well qualified doctor. I think the fever is a remnant of the diarhoae from last Friday. A couple of my friends had exactly the same symptoms.....

    Thanks again. 

  • ipohgirl
    ipohgirl Member Posts: 56
    edited March 2009

    Dear Ladies,

    I left out some names of those who were very concerned about my fever coz i didn't have time to read thru the postings. They are,sailor35 and traci1970. Thanks again.

    Yesterday(Sunday) was a lovely sunny and fresh spring day. We went to the flower market to get some flowers, pots and plants and some dim-sum. I couldn't stand the taste of all my regular favourites.....never thought it would get so bad. Even the meat dumpling tasted yucks.

    This morning, after the fever receded, I finally managed to water all the plants in the balcony. The phaleonopsis (moth orchids) are doing especially well this year with almost everyplant blooming, and my amaryllis have starting poking out their blooms. That cheered me up loads. Anyone crazy about gardening out there?

    One fruit that I ate continuosly for the first five days was Malaysian jackfruit - a childhood favourite. Somehow, it tasted exactly the same. I am so thankful for modern transportation enabling me to buy the fruit some 2.000 miles away.


  • rayhope
    rayhope Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2009
    Karen:  I had tx5 March 12 and was really down all weekend.  That has been the pattern for me the whole time.  This time I had a lot of pain that I hadn't had before (back, hips, legs).  I had to take a pain reliever yesterday and again in the middle of the night.  I feel much better this morning and hope to improve every day.  Since I know to expect those bad two days, it helps to make it through.  Hopefully, it will be the same for you.  Take care - you can do this!
  • duneoaks
    duneoaks Member Posts: 94
    edited March 2009

    Ipohgirl: I really think you need to call your oncologist and let him know about your fever.  Glad you are having nice weather and are enjoying your garden.

    CaliforniaCloud: Be prepared for your hair to fall out any time after day 14.  I had mine buzzed on day 16, then finally I took my husband's electric razor to it.

    Has anyone had trouble with hemorrhoids and really bad itching?  Driving me crazy.


  • Denali
    Denali Member Posts: 113
    edited March 2009

    Cloud:  I had my shaving party at about 19 days.  Be sure to make it a party!  Be naughty and have a glass of wine.  Then make everyone try on your wigs--even the pets!

    I've been feeling well---after my 3-day nap.  I've been craving protein something terrible.  I'm proud to say I had a healthy steak last night when my kids took me out to dinner.  (So much better than the MacDonalds Qtr Pounder I gave in to last week!)  I've a had few nosebleeds, but less that last time.

    I'm going to my 'Look Good, Feel Better class' this morning!  After all the reviews I've read, I'm looking forward to it.  I'll let you know how it goes.

  • cupcake7
    cupcake7 Member Posts: 321
    edited March 2009

    Ipohgirl:  I agree with Helen you need to call and let your onc know.  If nothing then that will be good, but they are the Dr. and know more than we do.  Hopefully it is what your friends had, but even if it is your friends arn't on Chemo so your body will react differently. Your body cannot fight infection while on chemo.   Best to let the onc know.  Fever's tend to kick up in the evening and early morning hours.  I don't know why, but once I was fine during the day and the evening here came the fever.  (this was before dx) It shows you something is amiss with your body.  While on chemo it is critical to get an early jump on what is going on.  Obviously if the fever is there something is amiss with your body.  Just because it goes away during the day doesn't mean the sickness has went away. 

    Cloud:  My hair started to fall out on tx 2 and I had it buzzed. 

    Helen:  I did have one flare up during chemo, but funny remember I had the colostomy so what was up with that?  I think the diarrhea is the culprit.

    Smile:  Thank you that was a nice compliment

  • Majanumba1
    Majanumba1 Member Posts: 66
    edited March 2009

    Cinrae, thank you for checking in and the words of encouragement. It is so great to hear from someone who is on the other side of chemo etc. When you are in the middle it can be so overwhelming. Now that I only have 1 more tx I have my eye on the prize.

    Cloud, Duneoaks is right any day after day 14 of your first treatment. I think when it happens you will know what is best for you. It really does start to hurt and that coupled with hunks of hair falling out convinced me to shave it off. I had mine cut short right before my first tx in hopes of easing the transition. One word of encouragement. Once it is gone it doesn't seem to be that big a deal. That is until you finish chemo and can't wait for it to grow

    Duneoaks, are you taking stool softeners right before treatment and for a few days after? That might help along with lots of water and some Preparation H.

    Lisa and Cupcake I know how you feel when you look in the mirror and see someone that doesn't look like you. Next year at this time I hope we are all whole and well and this is a distant, fading memory. I know we will all be much stronger and wiser than when we started this journey. Part of that hard earned wisdom will be making better choices about what we eat. i love you ladies, you keep it real and that is what we all need!

    I hope everyone having tx this week has few se's.


  • bluedasher
    bluedasher Member Posts: 350
    edited March 2009

    Helen, I didn't have trouble with hemroids, but I did have itching. It helped to use moist wipes instead of just toilet paper so I could get clean without a lot of rubbing. You can find them on the toilet paper aisle. Also applying a barrier ointment on the area like Balmex (baby aisle for diaper rash) to keep the area from getting irritated the next time.

  • Magnola
    Magnola Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2009

    Ipohgirl: I had a fever (103.1 to 100.2) for a couple days two weeks ago, then once the fever finally subsided, an infection broke out in my tissue expander.  Fast forward to today, I have had four iv's at the onco, and am on my second antibotic (Clindamycin every six hours) and have had two delays in starting treatment #2 (one last Thursday, one today).  Had an iv today and one scheduled for tomorrow and round #2 tentatively scheduled for Wed.  CALL YOUR ONCO RIGHT NOW!! I wish I hadn't waited the handful of days I did, maybe this thing would be gone by now.  Be careful with the ER as it is a germ pool!  Hopefully, you can go to the onco office and bypass the hospital.

    Cloud: my hair started coming out in clumps around day 15/16.  My hairdresser gave me a very short buzz last weekend.  It's actually kind of cute. Still haven't had to shave it all of yet, but I am seeing a ton of short hairs on my pillow!  I think it will be all coming off one day this week.

    Hope everyone has a good day-I'm off to take another pill.


  • my2boys
    my2boys Member Posts: 124
    edited March 2009

    Magnola - I am sorry that you are having such a tough time with this nasty infection.  I t sounds like your doctor is on top of things and hopefully you will be back on track again as of Wednesday. 

    Lisa - I hear you about looking older.  I look in the mirror and I think I look at least 5 years older, maybe more.  I have gained several pounds during this chemo and I'm sure that doesn't help my moods either.  I have started walking each day a little at a time, as my energy is improving.  I'm hoping that this will help with the weight issue.  A nice thing happened to me yesterday.  I was attending an orchestra concert that my son was playing in and before I left home I put on a full face of makeup and wore my nicest wig.  While I was visiting the ladies room at the concert I saw a woman who hasn't seen me for a while, but knew I was undergoing chemotherapy treatments.  She gave me a hug and said "My goodness you look so good.  You didn't even lose your hair."  I smiled and told her that I was wearing a wig and she said "Who cares, you look great."  I looked in the mirror and decided that I did indeed look great!

    To all the campers who are not happy with the way they look - please try and make time to attend the Look Good Feel Better Program.  This program is sponsored by the American Cancer Society.  When I attended it they demonstrated how to apply makeup, draw eyebrows, care for my wig and they also gave me a pretty good sized bag of free makeup.  The makeup is all top shelf cosmetics and it was matched up to my skin tone.  I would highly recommend  this program.

    Stay strong ladies,


  • cupcake7
    cupcake7 Member Posts: 321
    edited March 2009

    I chime in with the dangers of the ER.  With our onc at Kaiser you are never to go into the ER room.  They have it set up that my husband does in and says that his wife is a chemo paitent and she is in the car.  They immediately come out with a wheel chair and get you and take you in the back door to a private room that has signs to say do not enter without washing your hands.  Now that is how serious they take chemo patients and the ER. 

    Thanks Anne I think I will give them a call. Any ol barn looks better with a coat of paint.

  • duneoaks
    duneoaks Member Posts: 94
    edited March 2009

    I called my onc this morning, and they think my itching is from a yeast infection, so he prescribed diflucan.  He said not to use any creams or ointments but to let the medicine treat the infection QUICKLY--glad I called this morning because I have spent lots of time in the sitz bath.  He says I should be better within 24 hours.