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Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin



  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited March 2009

    Well I finished my 3rd treatment today and it has seemed to go okay so far (knocking on wood).  I am hoping that I can stay out of the oncologist's office until my next treatment.  I have been back to his office every week since I started Chemo with some type of side effect.  Today I actually got skipped over by a bunch of infusion nurses because of the amount of drugs that I have to take.  After 45 min. my wonderful husband was furious and so was the nurse at the front desk.  I finally got a wonderful nurse who took exceptional care of me so my wait was worthwhile.  The head of the department talked to my husband about it and gave us a free parking pass (whoo, whoo). 

    I am having a bone scan on Wednesday because of back pain which everyone thinks is from my expanders but just to be sure I am having a Bone scan.  Can anyone tell me how bad the injection is ??  I am scared to go to nuclear medicine after my sentinel node biopsy.

  • my2boys
    my2boys Member Posts: 124
    edited March 2009

    Jaimieh - The injection for the bone scan is just injection.  It is nothing like the sentinel node biopsy injections.  I can certainly understand why you would be nervous going to nuclear medicine, but the bone scan is really an easy test.  As a matter of fact, I am going to nuclear medicine on Wednesday too.  I have to have a MUGA scan.  The doctor is sending me a month early because my numbers went down a bit and she is keeping a close eye on my heart.  I will be thinking of you.  Good luck.

    Duneoaks - I hope your infection clears up quickly and you are feeling better soon.

    Cupcake - You are so funny.  The barn comment made me laugh out loud.

    Have a great night everyone!

  • Denali
    Denali Member Posts: 113
    edited March 2009

    Great advice about the ER, Cupcake!  Thank you as always!!

    I attended the Look Good, Feel Better class today at the hospital.  It was wonderful! We sat at tables with mirrors and learned how to make ourselves look gorgeous. They GIVE you a whole bag of cosmetics for free! Then we got to try on wigs and play with different colors and styles. We got a free wig too! Amazing!

    We were all having fun.   And best of all:  We learned the correct response when some bozo asks us, "Is that a wig?"

    We are to reply with, "Have you gained 20 pounds?!"

  • cupcake7
    cupcake7 Member Posts: 321
    edited March 2009

    Hey thanks for the tip on the look good feel better program.  I googled it and put in my zip code and it brought up classes next to me.  I have an appointment on the 30th.  They are really booked here.  Looking forward to it.  Good reply on the wigs.  I have mine do you think they would tell me how to do it if I brought it in?  I just don't know it goes on in the shop and looks good I bring it home and put it on and looks like something is amiss. 

    Diflucan is great stuff.  I ask for it everytime I take anitibotics cause they cause the yeast inf big time.  One little pill and it takes care of it while on the meds. 

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited March 2009

    my2boys~ Thank you!  I was really scared about going back to nuclear medicine.  I guess I will just suck it up. 

  • CaliforniaCloud
    CaliforniaCloud Member Posts: 105
    edited March 2009

    Thanks Ladies for sharing your experiences with the start of hair loss.  I am also going to look into the Look Good, Feel Better class. 



  • Smile2006
    Smile2006 Member Posts: 132
    edited March 2009

    Cloud:  I had my head buzzed about day hair was actually hurting my head..couldn't take it anymore.  As for the way I look....I hate my ears!  But I always have..they stick out too far!  I would never even tuck my hair behind my ears...LOL  Other than that, I try not to think about having no hair but the fact how fast I can get ready now.  Today I was at a restaurant and the waitress loved my hair cut and wondered where I went....when I told her it was a wig, she was floored Smile

  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited March 2009

    Wow!  Another busy day in camp.

    I have a blood work question.  Actually, I think I need BOLDS advice - not sure.  My B12 is still elevated and my folic acid is in the dumpster.  Doc says this is vary rare and so does my research.  I found that high B12 can be a sign of leiver damage and the same with low folic.  Does anyone have any thoughts?  Thanks.

  • sailor35
    sailor35 Member Posts: 38
    edited March 2009

    Thanks, my2boys.  I also followed your advice and signed up for the Look Good Feel Better Program today, but they don't have another class with openings near me until the third week of April.  I am expecting my eyebrows and lashes to be severely diminished and in need of help by then. 

    Cloud, we all have different hair tales.  Mine started to come out about day 16.  I got it chopped to a short pixie cut and then kept planning to go for the buzz.  Each day I put off buzzing while my short hairs kept dropping.  Then the droppings started to slow.  I have hair like one of those dark-haired newborn babies that has a bunch of soft longish tufts and some of the hair in front of my ears remains.  It is still coming out, but so slowly that it is not an issue.  It also does not hurt or itch (which it did for about a week at the time of maximum loss).  It looks pretty silly, but I am curious to see what will happen.

    Duneoaks, glad you have a diagnosis. Yeast infections are opportunistic and attack compromised immune systems.  For the hemorrhoids, Tucks are very good.  I also have been following the wipes advice. 

     I can't imagine getting though a single day of this without you all telling me what to expect and how to deal with it better.

    However, what should I have told the woman I barely know who kept following me around telling me how great my new hairdo looks.  I thought "thank you" was quite enough until she asked me 3 different ways, why I decided to change my hair, was it a hard decision, who did it, etc.  My answer didn't work, nor did my escape plan because she cornered me later wanting to talk about my hair.  The good news is that I guess the wig looks real.

    Feel good.

  • bluedasher
    bluedasher Member Posts: 350
    edited March 2009

    Lisa, I don't think they have ever tested my B12 or folic acid. They test other things that are suppose to monitor how my liver is doing.

    My RBC and Hemoglobin are still low - not transfusion levels but below the standard range. Tomorrow I should get the magnesium and creatine levels - I hope they are back to normal.

    Cupcake, the Look Good Feel Better class I went to here didn't have wigs to give away; just a couple to demonstrate with. They did have a cosmetologist who might be able to help if you brought yours in. They did have the make-up and gave good instructions. Even someone like me who never uses make-up was able to do a good job of it with their training. I haven't used the make-up, but it was nice to know it was there if I ever needed to look specially nice. They also had some scarves and hats and gave a bit of instruction on scarf tying. 

  • ipohgirl
    ipohgirl Member Posts: 56
    edited March 2009

    Dear Magnola, Dunoaks and Cupcake,

    Yipee, the fever's finally gone. I will see the onco tommorow. Like some of you, to my horror, I found a hemmorhoid last night! I haven't had one since 30 years ago.......

    It is not painful nor does it itch, but I will tell the doctor tommorow.

    Feeling fine generally, the next time the fever recurs, Still no appetite for anything. What shall I do?

    I will go straight to ER as all you ladies have advised. The reason why I was so reluctant was becoz the ER is very crowded at this time of the year since it's high season for flu and it's a long long wait (four hours). So much for being Asia's world city.

    BTW, my husband's extended family have been a real pain. One auntie just called up, asked very senstive and awkward questions about my illness and promptly dispensed old wives' advice about everything! When I asked her to help me prepare some dumplings, she said they were not good for me (my chinese doc said otherwise and should be the expert). She then asked about my SEs, and when I said I didn't have nausea nor vomiting, she said i will have it next time for sure!

    She sucks............. she got me to tears and I just put the phone down. Why are some people so mean and think so highly of themselves? I am already in trouble. And yet, when I asked for her help, she refused any making excuses for herself.

    You know, some Chinese women are really bitchy. My mum in law is one super bitch - she hasn't offered any help all this while and has kept pressurizing us to make trips back to the village family home despite my condition. My dad in law was lovely and a complete opposite. He told me not to do anything at home, get some help and not to bother about going back to the village if I was feeling dreadful.

    Some Chinese women treat their daughters like gold and their daughter in laws like dirt - I have no position in the family. The mother in law is always right -- my husband holds a doctorate from Oxford but he still holds the stupid, unreasonable and unacceptable Chinese mentality of old where his mother is ALWAYS right. She is the source of many a quarell between my hubby and I and I am sick of her.....................

    My parents are away in Malaysia and I have not told them about the sickness yet. My uncle just passed away and my cousin in law was just diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, so I did not want to add more worries to my elderly folks. I plan to tell them after the chemo is over in June and hope to make a trip home. 

    Sorry to deviate from the TCH theme, ladies. I felt so well this morning until that bitch called up. And BTW, everyone else have been an angel - especially the ladies in my Bible group and friends around.

    Plus this blog and all of you who is my lifelife ...................



  • CaliforniaCloud
    CaliforniaCloud Member Posts: 105
    edited March 2009

    Dear Ipohgirl,

    Oh my stars, you have a lot of family pressures on you.  I am so sorry to read this.  I will send you prayers of peace and healing.  On a practical note, my only suggestion would be to screen all your calls, do not answer the door, and follow the advice of your father-in-law and oncologist.  I am glad that you have a support group outside of your family unit.


  • ipohgirl
    ipohgirl Member Posts: 56
    edited March 2009

    Dear California Cloud,

    Thanks for your thoughts and support. Sorry that I ranted. Cooked myself some noodles for lunch with chilli and garlic sauce. Yummy, for the first time in 13 days, I got my appetite back! Felt so tired after that.

    Hey, btw, garlic eaten raw or preserved in vinegar is  big here amongst cancer patients and green groups. I just happen to love garlic and have always ate plenty , but in my case, the bc still striked. Doesn't matter......

    Hope to repeat the feat tonight for dinner.

    Will post again after seeing onco tommorow, dear ladies.

    Cheers and hugs from HK. 

  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited March 2009

    ipohgirl:  Don't talk to the mean, nasty auntie!  She is toxic.  During my chemo time, I refused to have anything to do with nasty, toxic people that would suck away my positive energy.  I chose to surround myself with only the good and the kind that truly cared about me.  While you are in treatment, it is ALL about YOU and know one else.  I am sorry your parents are not close.  I hope you continue to feel better.


  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited March 2009

    blue - The B12 and folic are part of the "big panel".  Yours has probably been tested, but if the ranges were normal, the doc did not bother to tell you.  I have learned that a lack of folic acid prevents the red bloods cells from developing properly which in turn causes poor oxygen absorption in the blood.  I just want ALL my blood levels to go back where they belond so I can move on.  I have a lot going on in my world and my body needs to get with the program.  The brain is cranking at  full speed, but the body is stuck in 2nd gear.

    Did I mention I am an Aries - patience is not something found in the Ram.

  • my2boys
    my2boys Member Posts: 124
    edited March 2009

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Regarding nasty or rude inquiries, I tend to answer any question with a question.  I've said "Why do you want to know?", "Have you forgotten your manners?", or "Where's your manners?", when confronted with a question that was intrusive.  This usually cuts the intruder off at the quick.

    I'm glad to see that a few of you are planning on attending the Look Good Feel Better class.  I'm told that some are better than others, but overall it is a wonderful program.  We had two women running our class and they were great.

    Cupcake - Yes, you should bring your wig.  There was one woman who was just diagnosed with a recurrence of BC at my class and she brought along her wig from 5 years ago.  They helped her style the wig and offered to meet with her at a different time to cut it for her.  I brought my wig and they showed me how to wash it. 

    I'm off to the plastic surgeon this morning for another fill. 

    Stay strong ladies.

  • cupcake7
    cupcake7 Member Posts: 321
    edited March 2009

    What a joy to come in here this morning and read the post.  Lisa you are so witty and funny today.  I was not happy to hear about the struggles of you ipohgirl.  I know it would be difficult to answer your  Auntie like my2boys suggested, but sure would be cool if you could.  I say this cause your culture prevents you talking back to your elders.  She is whacked as us Americans would say and  I agree is totally toxic to you and do as Lisa says, and California C suggestion would be good to.  I think it is common whether in China or here that Mother in laws can be hard to get along with.  I had one nasty one and then one good one so I could compair and now the difference.  You just didn't get lucky on your draw.  It will never change so don't buck it.  Be around, nod your head and then go do what you want to do.  Why on this earth would you want to travel all the way to the village to be treated like dirt?  Do yourself a favor and stay home. Hang with your Bible study ladies sounds like they love and treat you good.   Glad you liked your dumplings.  Eat what ever taste good during this time.  I bet that even though your husband leans towards his Mother that he treats you good.  Usually I can tell a good man by the way he treats his Mother.  If he is loving to her he will be loving to you...right?

  • bluedasher
    bluedasher Member Posts: 350
    edited March 2009

    Lisa, my HMO has a website where I can login and see all my blood test results so if folic acid and B-12 were tested I would have seen it. My onc hasn't tested them. Does your onc have you doing anything to correct the levels?

    My creatine is still high but it has gone down some. Maybe in another couple of weeks it will be in the normal range. My magnesium has come up almost to normal so the supplement is helping there. My WBC is good - about midway in the normal range but my RBC is being more stubborn. My hemoglobin is at 10 so I'm still anemic but not enough to need another transfusion.

    I go in today for my first rad session. 

  • cupcake7
    cupcake7 Member Posts: 321
    edited March 2009
    Blue:  what facility are you going too?  Have you had your set ups first?  Meaning this is the first zap for you?
  • bluedasher
    bluedasher Member Posts: 350
    edited March 2009

    I'm going to the one in Rancho. I had my CT scan. Today they will do films and I think they will also do the first zap. They sometimes do just the films and do the first zap next visit but I asked them to do both as I want to get this started. The sooner started, the sooner done.

  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited March 2009

    Nope Blue, I cannot get any blood results or anything else on line.  My onc started running extra stuff when my hemoglobin and platlets would not come back up fast enough.

    My blood is really messed up, I have little energy and I think I am getting depressed because of it all.  I am concerned about the B12 and the Folic Acid.  I suppose I will just wait until Monday and talk to the doc again.

    In appropriate people:  I had one "friend" compare my invasive cancer to her husbands struggling construction business - What?  This same person just posted a big long note on Face Book on the public wall asking questions about my health!!!  I post personal stuff HERE not on Face Book!!

    I think my evil twin is running the show today as I am not feeling very charitable.


  • RockstarmomPaula
    RockstarmomPaula Member Posts: 124
    edited March 2009
    CoolI have been reading but haven't posted for awhile I just had Tx 4 yesterday so far so good!  I have been so blessed to feel good this far!! God Is Good!! Lisa We all have the right to bring out the evil twin every now and then. There are so many people out there that don't have a clue when not to open their mouths they are ignorant ! Ignore them!!! You said the best advice Surround yourself with the good and the kind who care about you, It didn't take me long to figure out who those people are. Cloud My hair started to fall out on Day 18 of Tx 1 Prior to that I had got 6 " inches cut in prep for it then I finally went and got it super short, like Sailor I have hair just like she described perfectly like a newborn baby. Mine is hardly coming out anymore . I didn't realize how cold it is without hair so I didn't want to shave mine Im glad I waited, I got a wig but haven't worn it, Im wearing caps and bandanas it works for me! Oh Cupcake So happy to have your beautiful face with us We all need your great wisdom and wonderful humor!! You always make my heart happy and put a smile on my face!! Cindy It is so nice to hear from you, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for starting this thread you have help so many of us, You are and angel I send you wings dear you earned them!!
  • Majanumba1
    Majanumba1 Member Posts: 66
    edited March 2009

    Lisa, I hope you start to get more energy or at least get to the bottom of what is wrong.Today I feel exhausted but haven't slept very much the last couple of nights. i can fall asleep but I wake up about every 20 minutes. It is so annoying! Tonight I am taking a Tylenol pm so I can rest.

    Ipogirl and everyone else that has been the recipient of someones mean spirit or ignorance, these people are toxic. I agree that it is best to stay far from them and their very negative selves. It is harder if they are related to you...I have a sister-in-law that is toxic to me. I keep my distance. She once pointed out to me how much radiation was going to hurt since it was going to be on the side where I suffered third degree burns 10 years ago. Yeah, thanks alot!

    Duneoaks, I 'm glad you got a diagnosis and some drugs for your yeast infection. I hope it clears up quickly.

    Oh, on the Dec. 2008 chemo thread someone advised spreading castor oil on you head and eyebrows and they say that it makes the hair grow back much faster. I'm ready to try as my eyebrows are really sparse now. I have to color them in every day. My eyes are driving me crazy too, they water constantly and are blurry. I can barely read sometimes. I can't wait for these se's to go away. Next Monday is my last treatment so I'm hoping one more month of se's. Is that being to optimistic?


  • duneoaks
    duneoaks Member Posts: 94
    edited March 2009

    I started running a fever of 100.7 to 101, so I called the Dr. yesterday.  I went in for blood tests today, and my WBC and ANC are a little low, but ok.  He told me to just stay on the Diflucan for the yeast infection and let him know immediately if I had chills or fever.  I have had no fever today, so since it is our 36th anniversary, we are going out to dinner.  Thanks for all of you kind words.


  • Magnola
    Magnola Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2009

    Happy Anniversary Helen!  Enjoy your night!

    Trying for Treatment #2 again tomorrow.  I had two more iv's yesterday and today.  Send good, happy thoughts my way about 9:20AM.  I don't know if I can handle another delay-it will be a month since my last treatment on Thursday! With all the meds and the iv's, how long can this infection hang on?? 

  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited March 2009

    Helen, have a great time tonight!!! Enjoy yourselves!!! 36 years is spectacular!!  Congratulations!!!!!


  • traci1970
    traci1970 Member Posts: 104
    edited March 2009

    Enjoy your evening Helen!  36 years is GREAT!

    Maggie I will keep you in my prayers and hope tomorrow gives you better news.  Did we ever think we would be praying FOR a chemo treatment??  I hope your IV's have helped get rid of that infection.  

    On the subject of ignorant people my favorite two questions are  "Did you catch it in time" and of course the sad face with the question '' What's your prognosis" and the head nod.  I answer the first question with "God is always on time" and the second question I say "my prognosis is better than yours because I have had cancer treatment, you could have cancer right now and not even know it"   I know that is mean but it is exactly what I say.   :)  Innocent  Ipohgirl keep your chin up and ignore the MIL.  You should not waste a moments energy on her.  Take care of yourself.

    I hope everyone has a fab night...Traci

  • my2boys
    my2boys Member Posts: 124
    edited March 2009

    Happy 36th Helen.  Have a great time tonight.

    Maggie, I hope that tomorrow will bring the news you've been patiently waiting for.  I will be thinking and praying for you tomorrow morning.

    Traci - I don't think that you are being mean at all!  You're just a sweet woman who is facing one of the worst things in her life, with great courage.  Nobody signed up for this cancer and most of us would like to remain private.  The way I look at it is if people weren't so intrusive with their questions, they wouldn't get an answer back.  Most days I am happy to smile and give a thumbs up when people ask how I am doing, but there are some days when I'm not feeling too chipper and some nosey person will keep staring or ask questions which are frankly none of their business.  If there is one thing I learned from the days when I used to live in New York City, it is best to mind your business unless somebody is in need of assistance. 

  • kjbell
    kjbell Member Posts: 454
    edited March 2009

    Has anyone else who finished TCH ever felt like they are on the verge of a major breakdown? I don't know if it is the relief that it's over but I feel like I am about to lose it-big time. My last TCH was Friday and starting yesterday the anxiety has been overwhelming. I went for mapping or simulation today (I don't know the difference-got 3 tatoos and a bunch of pics taken for rads) and I thought I was going to pass out! Fear? Stress? Who knows, but it stinks.

    I am having a hard time drinking anything, my mouth tastes like a toxic wastesite. About the only thing I can tolerate is salty broths. Nothing like being cranky and bloated! I may have to breakdown and take one of the 2 ativans I have left. Just when you think it ends, it doesn't. Sorry to rant....but I know I am not alone. Thanks for listening!


  • ipursuit
    ipursuit Member Posts: 12
    edited March 2009

    Dear Sisters (I hope you will forgive the familiarity, but I feel I know you already...),

    I have to confess to being completely OCD; having spent the past two solid days reading every darn posting on every darn page of this 115 page thread!   I feel as if I have lived a lifetime getting to know some of you amazing women and crying/laughing so hard my husband has thought me possessed by some internet demon.  It has been one of the most emotional, but therapeutic two days of my life, and I am now ready to participate in this intensely uplifting forum. 

    If you ever want to meet your predecessors on this forum by reading up on them, you will have the privilege to meet:

    Cinrae/Cindy - the founder, who even after 2 years continues to pop back in periodically to encourage and support;

    Iwy - the young, beautiful (at least in spirit, and I imagine in every way) oncologist (!) who had such difficult times but always stayed so upbeat and loving;

    AlyMarie - a fellow alarmist (I say this with great affection!) who faced so many serious challenges, yet shared her most personal story and touched my heart;

    shelbaroni - truly the funniest, most zany overachiever you can imagine....

    And astoundingly some of the women who still appear frequently on this thread have been supporting us for a VERY LONG TIME! 

    Bethanybeane -  who must have never said a cross word to another living creature in her life and looks like she is a teenager;

    My2Boys/Anne - who responded to just about every single thing anyone ever needed help with;

    BOLD - who added creative flair to her reports on whatever subject;

    Lisa - who is both a hoot and knows just about everything about horses, the gastrointestinal tract, and could run a spa with what she knows about self-care :-);

    and last but not least two ladies who have been thru hell and back (and I am not exaggerating on that) and yet stand as true testaments to character and charity: 

    Gramma23/Carolyn - who is truly an angel on earth; and

    Cupcake - who is all angel with a touch of wisecracker thrown in for leavening. 

    You all are the ones that keep this world afloat.

    Thank you to you all, and to all the many others unnamed here, for your comfort, support, and caring.  You will never know just how much good you have done.

    I have had a rough time these past 5 days since crashing Day 3 after my first Tx, but hearing all of your voices has made it all good, and I look forward to carrying part of this lifeline forward into the future for others to come for whom I can "pass it on".

    Love, E