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Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin



  • bluedasher
    bluedasher Member Posts: 350
    edited June 2009

    I had a few pimples during several of the cycles. What was annoying was that sometimes I would have pimples near my nose at the same time as a dry chapped patch on my cheek. I also had a lot of red spots on my scalp at the beginning of cycle 2 that my onc said were also pimples. She prescribed an antibiotic acne ointment and it cleared up pretty quickly.

  • Majanumba1
    Majanumba1 Member Posts: 66
    edited June 2009

    Magnola, I'm praying that everything went on schedule.

    Welcome to the is hard to believe the number of women that are facing the same hurdles I did several months ago. You will get thru chemo and the memory of the worst times will fade slowly. Life will get better. You all have so many questions and most of them have been covered on this thread multiple times. If you can stand to go back to November 2008 and read forward you will see much discussion about se's., how to treat and the tricks that some of the women have come up with that worked to make chemo more tolerable. I know it is a lot of work to read thru all of the posts but it really does help you see the whole process. Of course, we older campers are here to help you thru, and will try to answer any questions you might have.

    For me day 3 after I finished the decadhron is when I crashed. Lasted anywhere from 3 to 8 days in the later treatments.

    Drink plenty of water even when it tastes terrible. Flush the stuff out.Keep everything moving.

    Take stool softeners the day before and for a few days after to prevent constipation.

    Take your anti-nausea meds as prescribed don't wait until you are sick. If the one you are given doesn't work ask for a new one. Ladies on this board seemed to find that Emend worked when nothing else did. Wish I had used that!

    Tea tree oil put on the bumps on my head cleared them up.

    Red face the day after is a reaction to the durgs so tell your onc. Maybe if they drip slower it won't be a problem.

    Gargle several times a day with the salt, baking soda water mixture to prevent mouth sores. I took Neulasta shots but even then I would sometimes start to develop the sores. The above mixture worked for me.

    Drink water.

    Drink water even if it tastes terrible.

    When all else fails sleep.

    You will get thru this. It is completely doable and very few women seem to have every side effect.

    I kept a journal of sorts just to track how I felt and what worked to make something better. It helped since I had chemo brain and would forget things easily. Laugh.


  • Unknown
    edited June 2009

    OKAY, LADIES... I get the message!  Drink a lot of water!  That's a habit of mine anyway so shouldn't be hard. 

    Your responses were really, really helpful - so far, chemo hasn't been as bad as I expected and I kept thinking, It's GOT to get worse at some point.  But I am about 72 hours out from my Tuesday treatment and so far... mild nausea, some cramping, all very bearable.

    I'll keep drinking that water; it must be helping! 

  • Unknown
    edited June 2009

    Oh, one other thing that helped me with my nausea this week when the drugs didn't quite do it..

    Gingerade Recipe

    Take one-two large ginger roots and grind in a food processor or blender. Put in a nonreactive saucepan (stainless is fine) and cover with 4-6 cups boiling water.  Bring to a simmer, off the heat, and let steep until it's a nice rich ginger color.  I let mine sit for a couple of hours.  Strain out ginger bits. Add honey to taste, mix thoroughly, and chill.  Congratulations, you've just made ginger syrup. 

    When you feel nauseated, mix with water to taste and sip.  I like it with sparkling water and some ice - it's very spicy and really helps with the queasiness.  A twist of lime is nice, too!

  • bluedasher
    bluedasher Member Posts: 350
    edited June 2009

    Doctors can be so frustrating. My creatinine level has not come back to the normal range (or at least it was still elevated 3 weeks ago which was 3 months after chemo). That may be due to the Clodronate that I'm taking for the bisphosphonate trial. It's not that high, around 1.3 to 1.4, but my onc has been worried about it and asked me to check with my regular doctor to see if he wanted to look into it further. I did and he ordered a kidney ultrasound which was done Monday. The results should have been ready in a couple of days, but my regular doc hasn't called or emailed me.

    I can't help thinking that maybe there is a problem so he is waiting to call until there is time to discuss it instead of a quick call or dashing off a message to me. Probably he is just busy, hasn't gotten around to reading them yet and there is nothing wrong. I've left him two email messages and one phone message - normally they get back to me within 24 hours but not this time and I don't want to go the weekend wondering what the test results were. I've now left a message for my onc to ask her if she can take a look and let me know. 

    Those who have been on the thread for a while know that I try to be good about not stressing about these things, but this time I'm finding that difficult.  And I can't explain why - the creatinine level isn't even that elevated. My onc seems to be very concerned that it is outside the normal range, but most sources say that levels below 3 or so aren't much of a problem and mine is well below that. I had a blood test today and I'm waiting for results to see if it has come down. If it hasn't, my onc said she will want me to get off the study and I've decided that I'm okay with that.

    Lisa, I know you feel awful, but it is the sort of thing I could have done even not on chemo. My life runs by the calendar all during the work week, then the weekend comes and I forget to check the calendar.  On top of that, during chemo and rads, my whole life was ruled by the calendar with all the appointments, blood tests and symptom tracking. Now it's nice to take a break from that. Perhaps you needed the night in. Try not to beat yourself up about it.

  • Majanumba1
    Majanumba1 Member Posts: 66
    edited June 2009

    Kaidog, It's the water....definitely the water. LOL

    Bluedasher, hope that you hear from you r dr. or onc. this afternoon. I'm sorry that you must go thru this stress. Hope it all resolves today so you don't have to go thru the weekend worrying.

    Lisa, don't feel bad. Those kids know what you have beeen through and love you. They had a great graduation whether you were there or not. I am sure that they understand.


  • Magnola
    Magnola Member Posts: 75
    edited June 2009

    I DID IT...#6 IS OVER!!!  No more chemo!  My platelets went from 52 on Tuesday to 125 today!  I have an angel looking out for me.  The nurses gave me a graduation diploma and everything.  It took a little longer than scheduled, but those bumps in the road seem so far away now.

    I know some many ladies have said it before me, but this is doable. The end will come.  Those of you are just starting out or half way home, hang tough.  I remember reading about everyone finishing when my end seemed so far away, but it did end and your's will, too.  Now I have to hunker down for the next five days and let these side effects run their course...may they be like the first five!



  • bluedasher
    bluedasher Member Posts: 350
    edited June 2009

    My last message got a response from my doctor. He had someone call me to let me know that the ultrasound showed mild thinning of the renal cortex of unknown significance. The doctor has to talk to the radiologist about that and will discuss it with me after he has done that. So that's the explanation for the delay. I wish I'd thought to ask whether that was on both kidneys or just one and whether it was the whole cortex or just part but I guess I'll know more later. At least "mild" doesn't sound that bad and at least it isn't known terrible signicance. "Unknown significance" is kind of bothersome, but I think that usually means "this probably isn't a problem but we don't want to swear to that."

    I think I'm going to quit the bisponsphonate study. Why take a drug that might stress my kidneys more if they are already showing signs of having a tough time? I'll talk to my onc about that Monday.

    Kaidog, your ginger infusion sounds good. I think I'll have to try that even though I'm done with chemo. I'm still trying to drink lots of fluids because of the kidney thing.

  • Majanumba1
    Majanumba1 Member Posts: 66
    edited June 2009

    Hooray Maggie!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm doing the happy dance for you, Girl. You did it. Amen

  • AmyIsStrong
    AmyIsStrong Member Posts: 426
    edited June 2009

    Maggie - I am so thrilled for you.  I can't WAIT to write the same post in early August. Every time I see someone finish, it spurs me on.

    Congratulations to you and I hope the next week is an easy one!!!



  • bluedasher
    bluedasher Member Posts: 350
    edited June 2009

    Congratulations Maggie! Platelets do seem to bounce back quickly - much better than the red blood cells.

    A few weeks ago, I lost my driver's license. I thought I had left it when I had to show it for a lab test a few days before I noticed it was missing. Had to go to the DMV and get a new one. Then today I opened the lid of my copier/printer/fax to copy some receipts. There it was. I had had to make a copy of it to fax in with a form and forgot to take it out of the copier afterwards. I'd blame this on chemo brain, but in truth I was totally capable of it before chemo.

  • cupcake7
    cupcake7 Member Posts: 321
    edited June 2009

    Congratulations Maggie!  I remember well my last one and I celebrate with you.

    Kaidog:  You just might be one of the rare one's that breeze through chemo with no S.E's at all, I have heard of them, but this is your first and I remember with mine it was so mild and I kept waiting too.  I found out that each tx you get more and more of the poison in your system  it accumulates.  The more it does the sicker you get.  Tx 5 was my worst.  Tx 6 I knew it was over and I could maker it.  So Tx 2 may hit you harder.  The water is sooo important to flush out the stuff from your kidneys and a good BM gets it out of the liver.  When you are down though even water is hard to take.  Put happy and sad faces on your calendar and you will see a pattern start that will help you the next tx.  Mine was day 3 after the steroids wore off and then I crashed.  Day 4 was some better and each day after better than the day before, but it took 10 days for me to get totally normal again...just enough to be hit again.  Soon you will be through it...then it will be a distant memory.  I will pray for you as I do all of the ones in here.

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited June 2009

    Maggie...Congrats on being finished! What a great feeling!

    Bluedasher...Don't feel bad, I did things like that WAY before chemo too!!! And still do...

  • cakelady
    cakelady Member Posts: 176
    edited June 2009

    I guess I have been pretty lucky with the side effects. My #1 and #2 were pretty much just stomach aches, tiredness, abdominal pains and mild diarrhea.  #3 hit me hard but I think its because right afterwards I went to my son's swim meet and was in the sun too long, and I didn't take anti nausea meds that time because I never needed them before, especially on the same day as chemo, so therefore I was throwing up every hour all night.  So, when I did TX # 4   I went right home, and  took my pills on a regular schedule, and I was okay.  Just abdominal issues, pains and cramping and diarrhea.   Also , a bloody nose. I hope #5 and 6 go okay too.  Oh and the eye twitching  is never ending  !!!  which drug does that to us?  when does it stop??

  • gramma23
    gramma23 Member Posts: 482
    edited June 2009

    cakelady, I had eye,face, any muscle in my body twitching before chemo because of my fibromyalgia. I did see more of a twitching during chemo and now not so much. I am not sure when it stopped so much but it did. I guess you just wake up one morning and it is not so bad. The breast pain was awful for me and more so after the radiation but finally I quit having so much pain.I had lumpectomy but I am still sore since surgery a year ago. I do have other conditions but I only say this because you may not take as long for yours to go away. I hope soon but the poison has to get out of your system first. Drink that water or other liquids that are decaffeinated. It does help to wash it out and it also goes out through BM but since I had diarrhea all the time that was not a problem for me. I do have constipation with the Herceptin only though. My body is a wreck and can't wait till all this is over so I can take some vit. and get my body on track again.

    Maggie, I am happy for you to have finished this awful stuff and now you can get on with things but of course you still will have doc appointments for a while.It is a whole lot better than knowing you go to get the bad stuff! I got some of my SE after the tx were finished like bloody nose, fingernail problems & toenail. this too comes to an end.

    Bluedasher, I hope your kidneys are okay. I think I would think about quitting that study too. I know the idea is to help others but not at your own health expense. Let us know what happens and how you are doing.I do look for all of your posts. Even if you have finished TC and are moving on it helps to hear you are doing better.

    All the Newbies I wish you few side effects. I think I am the only one that was happy to get the steroids because it helped my arthritis but it came back with a vengeance after they wore off. You get rebound pain if you take a steroid and then stop it. I wish I had known about Emend when I was so sick. I would forget to take my meds though and my hubby had to help me with that and then he had to have triple bypass and we were both out of our minds then! Just hang in there and post if you have any concerns and I know someone will have the answer.


  • duneoaks
    duneoaks Member Posts: 94
    edited June 2009

    I had my last TCH on May 13th and my first Herceptin only on June 2nd.  It's so nice to be able to enjoy a cup of coffee and just about any liquid again.  The side effects do go away and the energy level is slowly getting better.  I am scheduled for my exchange surgery and lift this Wed the 17th.  I will be glad to get one more thing checked off this cancer list.  Good luck to all who are in the midst of TX--I read this board about 2 X a day and continue to be amazed at the strength and support we give and receive. 

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited June 2009

    Helen~ Good luck on your surgery on Wednesday :) 

    Cakelady~ I had twitching during 2 treatments and then as quick as it started it just stopped.  I didn't realize how much it bothered me until I couldn't see things. 

    In my news, yeah I'm never quiet, I am being treated for lymes disease.  I found a tick about 2 weeks ago on me and I found a rash in the same place 3 days ago so I went to the doctor yesterday and was put on antibiotic.  It's not a typical lymes rash but the doctor said he would rather be safe then sorry and that the lymes test is not always 100% positive.  So I get to take antibotic for the next 3 weeks.  I had to call my PS and tell her yesterday and hope it doesn't change my surgery from Wednesday.  I just want to get it done with so like Helen I can check another thing off of my list.  My oncologist's office was once again a-holes.  The PCP that I saw for lymes called him 3x and he never called him back.  I am beginning to get really upset about the lack of return calls when I have something wrong. 

    I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend :)  We are actually going out in our boat tomorrow for the first time this year.  I told my DH that I want to go out before my exchange because I am not so sure how long it will be until I am able to go out in it again. 

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited June 2009

    Cakelady...Do you have #5 treatment this week? Mine is on Monday, I dread it so much. i will have to be there all day as always and I certainly dread the side effects.  I have eye twitching too, along with the bottom of my feet and my sides near the ribs. Drives me nuts. Also, just this week, my palms of my hands and bottoms of my feet start itching like crazy for no reason! maybe I should buy a lottery know what they say about if your palms itch, that means you are gong to get money? Did you ever get a port in, or what did they do?

    Jamie...  I sure hope you don't have lyme disease! We  had a boat  for 9 years  and  just sold it in the spring to help pay for medical bills. I  do miss it. Have fun tomorrow!

  • Alaina
    Alaina Member Posts: 153
    edited June 2009

    In the Homestretch!!!

    Happy Saturday Everyone!

    Chemo #4 went really well yesterday. As crowded and packed as it was at Chemo #3, yesterday was just the opposite. Hardly anyone there. I did check-in with one of the newbies who's on the same schedule (and chemo cocktail) with me, and she reported that she did relatively well post her first chemo! I was happy to hear that and to see her back at Chemo #2, more relaxed and ready to get through all 6! She and I will miss each other for the next chemo round (it was orginally scheduled for July 3rd, but that's the day everyone is recognizing the Holiday, including the Outpatient Chemo Center) so I'm rescheduled for the 2nd and she's coming in on the 6th. But we will see each other again on the 24th of July which will mark the halfway point for her and the END OF CHEMO for ME!!! Graduation Day!

    I've gained 4 pounds so now I'm back to my pre-chemo weight. I think I've been losing/gaining the same 5 pounds of water weight this whole time and the nurses agree. *pffft*

    It is heartwarming and wholly reassuring that my docs and nurses are so happy with my response to chemo and the fact that I haven't gained/lost dramatic amounts of weight. They tell me to keep doing what I'm doing and to try NOT to lose weight right now, eat what my body wants and will tolerate and add light exercise as I can.

    Like I said the last time, my fatigue levels are increasing as I get more chemo, but I am pushing through that too. Many people have commented that I have not slowed down noticeably. But to slow down would drive me crazy. I've managed to cope with my slightly erratic sleep patterns due to steroids and "chemo-pause" without sleeping pills (OTC or prescription) and it is my intention to keep it that way. I don't want to be dependent on them.

    My numbers look good, dropping, as expected, but not into the "danger zone." My prayer request for the next three weeks is that my HCT (hematocrit) doesn't get below 24, because then I would need a blood transfusion and it would delay chemo. My HCT numbers for last 4 chemo sessions have been 35.6, 32.6, 31.2, and 31.1. My oncologist doesn't seem to think with only 2 chemo's left that my droppage rate will get me into the danger zone, but that is still my fervent prayer request! We'll all PRAY and send positive vibes/energy, and I'll keep enjoying great steaks every so often...and yes, even beets. *blech* I'm still borderline anemic, but I went into chemo that way. Because the onc won't permit me to take any supplements or vitamins while on chemo, I think it's amazing and a testament to the power of prayer that my numbers are still hovering in the acceptable zones. So I thank you and petition your continued prayers!

    As summer approaches, I'm happy to report that after my last chemo, I will be traveling to St. Ignace, one of my favorite places on the planet, in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan! We will fly into Detroit and then drive 5 hours directly north and cross Mackinac Bridge into St. Ignace. We normally go in November, but I'm happy to be able to go when the weather will be WARM!

    Then I will have the T6 (ta-ta-to-the-ta-ta's) Party either the Friday or Saturday before my mastectomy (8/21 or 8/22). More details about this as the time nears! I'm so excited!

    For those confused about the purpose of the T6 Party, it's not so much about losing my breasts, it about celebrating LIFE! Joyously thanking God and my supporters/angels here on Earth for helping me through the journey thus far, and affiriming collective positive attitudes as I continue to reach for survival!

    The T6 party will include music and dancing, awesome food, prayer, reflection, entertainment, and inspiring remarks from cancer survivors, friends, clergy/pastors in attendance, and anyone on my ChemoSabe Crew who wants to say something. And I just might have a few things to say! LOL!!!

    And did I mention gift bags for every attendee, door prizes, and a silent auction to raise money for comfort & care items for the Outpatient Chemo Center I go to? The nurses there do SUCH an amazing job, and there are some things I want to be able to provide to make the experience there (already marvelous) even better!

    So the question of the week is, what are YOU looking forward to in the next few months? Share your Summer Joy with me!


  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited June 2009

    MAGGIE!  Yea!  You made it!

     Thanks to all for yoour support.  The board has been so busy today, I will respond better in the AM.


  • cakelady
    cakelady Member Posts: 176
    edited June 2009

    ccBaby....I have my # 5 on Monday, the day after Father's day... I am a week behind you again.  My last one was on a Friday, so I was right behind you, but I got back on my Monday schedule now after the whole Memorial Day delay.  I have not gotten a port yet.  The doctor wants to give me enough time on the coumadin (blood thinner) first and then I have to get that out of my system before any type of port surgery.  So my #5 will be thru a vein again and I'm sure I can look forward to more bruises on my arms as they try to find a useable vein.  Ya and besides the eye twitching I do have these wierd muscle spasms in my side, kind of like when you pull a muscle, and foot cramps.  Kind of sounds like the same thing as you.  Wierd huh?  I did have these things happen before chemo too, once in a while, but they are MUCH more often now.  Good luck on Monday, and let me know how your week goes.


  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited June 2009

    Congratulations Maggie !!!! I hope you last SE are mild and you are on you way to feeling better each and everyday. 

  • Bold
    Bold Member Posts: 306
    edited June 2009

    Congrats Maggie!!!!! WHOYOOOOOOO!

    Man its like reading War and Peace. This thread is a hopping. I am 9 weeks out from Chemo! The eye twitching is gone. I still have some taste issues. I have muscle aches and am tired but energy is returning slowly. I am just getting a little fuzzy hair with bald spots (ugg). I have to say that it takes time to heal. I am in radiation I have finished 11 out of 33. It feels like you have spent the day at the beach. Bottom line hang in there this is all doable and we are kicking cancers ass. I changed my avatar to one of the pictures from an audition for a gladiator movie. LOL man have I changed. But still me.

  • bluedasher
    bluedasher Member Posts: 350
    edited June 2009

    Love the picture Bold.

    Alaina, I was told that what I ate wouldn't make a difference to my chemo anemia. The problem isn't a lack of the raw materials. Your bone marrow just isn't in a mood to make red blood cells. It sounds like your numbers may stay good enough to avoid a transfusion. But if you do need one, it usually doesn't cause a significant delay in chemo. The time I needed one, they gave it to me at the time scheduled for chemo and gave me the chemo the next day. 

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited June 2009

    Bold...your new pic is awesome!

    Cakelady...I will keep you posted on my side effects, seems like I always have a new one added  each time with each treatment. I am dreading going in tomorrow fo #5 but can't wait for the chemo to be done.

  • AmyIsStrong
    AmyIsStrong Member Posts: 426
    edited June 2009

    BOLD - that picture made my day! I first thought it was amazing in general, but then to see that it was YOU! WOW!!  I feel like a warrior but you even LOOK like one!!

     Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. I sure did. My 4th TCH tx is Thurs.  Instead of trying to forget about it and put it out of my mind, I am keeping it in mind more, so I don't have a hard time doing the re-entry into the cancer world.  I am using my visualization to tell myself that the chemo is approaching and that I am ready for it.  I am hoping it helps me. I will let you know.

    CCBaby - good luck tomorrow with #5. You are ALMOST DONE!!!!!

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited June 2009

    Alaina~ I was told that food wouldn't make a difference for me either.  Time & a blood transfusion would make the difference for me. 

    Bold~ I love your picture :) You are still a warrier (if not more now). 

    CCBaby~ Good luck tomorrow. 

    I find out tomorrow if my surgery is a go for Wednesday.  I sure hope everything checks out okay. 

  • cakelady
    cakelady Member Posts: 176
    edited June 2009

    Gramma.... I think my eye twitching lessens on my 3rd week, and then starts up again with each chemo.  I hope it stops when I am done.   I still have pain in my right arm from back in December when I had my first lumpectomy and lymph nodes removed..  From my elbow up through my underarm and down my side to the bra line.. it is sore and numb in some places.  I hope that will get better with time, its been 6 months already.

     Christy ..  Good luck tomorrow, I will be thinking of you...getting close to the end. except for the herceptin.........grrrr.

  • ipohgirl
    ipohgirl Member Posts: 56
    edited June 2009

    Dear Ladies,

    Finally felt much better last weekend after almost three weeks' of inactivity and SEs. My last TCH will be on Thurs - feel like asking my onco whether 5 is enough. I dread going thru the same thing again. Went to see gynae for annual pap smear and checkup - my ovarian cyst is stable. Am thinking of an oomphrectomey since I am mildly ER positive. Will discuss with onco this week.


    Thanks so much for your comments - I agree with you about the water thingy. I did drink a lot for the first four but not the last one as I felt mighty nauseous and terrible. I will keep up the water intake this last time. My blood counts were OK - the wbc was especially good while the rbc was on borderline. I hope they will be OK again this Wed. But I have starting to bloat all over and it's a bad sign on my heart, I think. Gained three pounds in three weeks - mostly water i think.

     And, congrats on your last chemo! You look great in the pic with your daughter. I see you wearing a buff -it's wonderful, isn't it? I bought 5 and they're so much more comfy especially now with the hot and sticky summer.


    About insomnia and depression, I am going thru the same problems too. I found out if I went out at least for a walk, i sleep much better and my mood swings are less severe. My friends have recommended taichi but I'm still reluctant as I do not want to get in contact with other people since my wbc are down. Now, with swine flu in the city, I am even more careful about group activities. But the walks really friend said it had something to do with getting some oxygen into our brains.......


    Finally I can read my dear mama's posts. I am so thankful you are OK now.  Am waiting for my onco to give the green light for a three week break in London. Haven't bought the tickets yet since I hope I could recover enough for the trip. Never thought I'd get so weak. It just shows how vulnerable we all are - I've been taking my good health for granted all these years........

    Hugs and kisses,


  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited June 2009

    Ipohgirl, glad to hear from you.  Good luck on your last tx.  You can do it.

    Bold - I absolutely LOVE the avatar!!!

    Jaimieh - I hope all is a go for your surgery

    CCbaby - Good luck today.  #5 can be rough, drink that water!

    I go in today for my 6th Herceptin only.  This does get a bit old after a while.  After today, I have 5 more to go.

    Have a great day everyone.