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Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin



  • omaz
    omaz Posts: 4,218
    edited December 2010
    CONGRATUALTIONS stlcardsfan!  So Happy For You!!!!
  • allisontom911
    allisontom911 Posts: 99
    edited December 2010

    stlcardsfan - YEAHHHHHH, and happy cancerversary! Mine was last week on the 8th. I will get my port out when I start reconstruction on the 29th of December. I can not wait to get this under way. I am so tired of only having one breast. Will do mx on "good" side and get tissue expanders. I know they are not comfortable but I am very excited to be almost done with this journey.

    I have my last Herceptin on the 27th

  • starella
    starella Posts: 101
    edited December 2010

    sticardsfan, Congrats and Happy Holidays!

  • omaz
    omaz Posts: 4,218
    edited December 2010
    starella - How are you feeling this week?
  • starella
    starella Posts: 101
    edited December 2010

    Omaz,  have had severe acid indigestion, I just cant find the right combo of drugs to take.  Im finally at a regimen of pepcid ac. ativan, prilosec and zophran. Plus the ususal s/e. Im resigned to 8 days of discomfort post chemo treatment, im getting tired of complaining but ive kept in contact with my onc who suggests diff combos of antacids to take ( I hope he knows what he is talking about, i dont want an ulcer). How are you? if you have any suggestions or thoughts please let me know.  Three more to go!

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited December 2010
    starella I am on Protonix and now Carafate too. I had bile reflux several years ago and the Carafate seemed to work so we are giving that a try again.
  • TonLee
    TonLee Posts: 1,589
    edited December 2010

    On TCH when do you lose your hair?

    I'm not shaving until I have too.  I'm not giving anything away to this cancer.  It will have to rip the hair from my head if it wants it.


  • stlcardsfan
    stlcardsfan Posts: 227
    edited December 2010

    TonLee - for me, 18 days after first treatment the major shedding started and that is when I got my head shaved. I was left with stubble, which fell out over the next few days on its own and aided by duct tape. By the time of second treatment, 95% of my hair was gone. 

    Everyone is different, for some the shedding is slower, for some it is faster.  

  • elaineg
    elaineg Posts: 85
    edited December 2010
    Lexyloohoo I had my thyroid removed and radioactive iodine 20 years ago.  Part of it grew back, that can happen over the years, they know to watch for that now.  Had more radioactive iodine and more surgery o remove lymph nodes that were "hot"  and still really not worried about it.  I was told if you had to have cancer that is the one to have.  I think I jinxed myself telling my sister she got the cancer that got all the attention (breast)  and I just got the "boring" cancer.  
  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited December 2010

    TonLee mine started on day 15 after the 1st tx. I had it cut short on day 16. I still have some hair believe it or not (4 tx so far) although it started to shed again. It looks like a really bad comb over. I never did shave my head. If you don't shave your head to plan for the mess. I think I was vacuuming my pillow for weeks every day. ;-)

  • TonLee
    TonLee Posts: 1,589
    edited December 2010

    Today is my 12th day.  Hope I'm out of the hospital before it starts falling out.  If not, I can go down to the barber shop in the basement I guess. ...

    On TCH do we lose our eyebrows and eyelashes too?  Most of the women in my chemo center still have their eyebrows...I'd rather lose my hair than my eyebrows....isn't that weird?   

  • omaz
    omaz Posts: 4,218
    edited December 2010
    TonLee - I was surprised to hear you were in the hospital!  I went back and read your recent posts.  Did you just have your first TCH and then you got neutropenia?  I am  sorry to hear that.  I hope that you feel better soon and can go home.  The neulasta shot will hopefully help. 
  • citykitty
    citykitty Posts: 44
    edited December 2010

    Hi all -- Newbie to the thread here.  I will start Taxol and Herceptin the first week of Jan.  I was told to expect hair loss beginning midway through the 12-week Taxol treatment, but it seems like many people are losing it sooner?  Is it just a function of my particular chemo regimen? 

    I'm new to this whole thing and haven't had a chance to focus on learning all about chemo yet.  Up until now all my energy has been focused on learning about surgery and reconstruction, and recovering from my uni mx a couple of weeks ago.  Looking forward to "meeting" you and learning all about chemo-land!

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited December 2010

    TonLee I have  had 4tx so far. I have lost some of my eyelashes (thinned) but still have my eyebrows. Some people do lose their eyebrows on TC, some don't and some lose them after chemo. I hear the eyebrows do grow back quickly once you're off chemo.

    citykitty  Sorry to inform you but I think they meant 12 days not 12 weeks. This seems like the only SE they are able to predict.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Posts: 1,589
    edited December 2010

    Omaz.  Yes, I just took my first TCH treatment two weeks ago...and spent 5 days of it in the wbc dropped...which is weird because I felt pretty good with very little SEs right up to the being admitted.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Posts: 1,589
    edited December 2010


    Well guess I'll have to wait and see about the eyebrows....Laughing

  • basia
    basia Posts: 345
    edited December 2010

    TonLee, sorry about the hospital stay, hope you are feeling better.

    Anyone have headaches? I have had the most miserable headaches since my treatment #4 on Wed.  I just can't seem to shake it and the nausea is getting to me as well.  

  • TonLee
    TonLee Posts: 1,589
    edited December 2010


    I have read that #4 is the worst for a lot of women.  I have a friend on this regimine, and it was for her.

    I have horrible headaches and blurry vision.  I told my Onc.  He said that is not a "typical" side effect and if it is not resolved by next week I am getting a brain scan.

  • basia
    basia Posts: 345
    edited December 2010

    Thanks  TonLee.  I have blurred vision as well and read that it is a common side effect, so I am not too worried about that.  Brain scan doesn't sound like fun.  

    I keep telling myself 2/3 done only 2 more treatments to go and I can move on with life.  I hate feeling this way.  

  • citykitty
    citykitty Posts: 44
    edited December 2010

    Hi, Lago -- I think I was told about 6 weeks until hair loss.  My regime is for 12 weeks.  But I guess we'll see.  I plan to be prepared before I start chemo, just in case!  BTW, your posts on several different threads have been really helpful to me!

  • TonLee
    TonLee Posts: 1,589
    edited December 2010

    WBC 9.1!

    HOME BABY!!!

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Posts: 422
    edited August 2013

    For me I started to lose my hair around day 16 and by day 19 I had to shave it off. My eyebrows and eye lashes thinned. I have thick eyebrows so it just made them look normal, I have enjoyed not having to pluck them everyday.

    For me #4 TCH was the worst one and it was the only time I missed a day of work. I am 2 wks post chemo and have been feeling back to normal for about 4 days.

  • Ang7
    Ang7 Posts: 568
    edited December 2010

    Have to respond because TCH #4 was the worst one for me also...

  • basia
    basia Posts: 345
    edited December 2010

    Why is #4 so hard? I thought it was all cumulative and that the last one would be the hardest to get thru? If 4 is the worst, then I am so happy! It has been so miserable, hope the next 2 go better.  Thanks!

  • Ang7
    Ang7 Posts: 568
    edited December 2010

    I don't know why #4 was so hard.  #5 and #6 were easier on me... 

    I am getting my port out tomorrow and am nervous about it.

    What is wrong with me?

  • Alaina
    Alaina Posts: 153
    edited December 2010

    #4 was when I hit the brick wall and it took me the longest to recover.  I was warned about #4 but it didn't make logical sense to me at the time either.  But sure enough...I was essentially a useless blob of swollen fatigue for nearly the whole 3 weeks after that chemo.  LOL!!!

    #5, I honestly thought would kill me.  That I would explode out of my skin from being so swollen on the Taxotere.  But, the SE's after #5 were bearable.  Maybe I had just gotten used to them.

    #6 was the last one, and I honestly think I was so thrilled to be DONE with chemo, that it just overtook any discomfort I had at that point.

    So yeah, for whatever reason, when you're doing 6, #4 is the worst.

  • ibliving
    ibliving Posts: 2
    edited December 2010

    Hey everyone.  Haven't been around much but I started TCH on Nov 23rd.  Unfortunately I've been derailed and don't know when my next round will be.  I was admitted to the hospital on Dec 3 with a staff infection in my blood (septicemia sp?) from my port.  Short story is they removed the port (very sad, I have awful veins!) and started me on antibiotics.  No luck getting my fever down so tons of tests that didn't find a secondary infection though the staff seeded in my lungs and my infectious disease dr believes there is heart involvement even though tests were clear.  2 weeks later I made it back home with a PICC line and six weeks of IV antibiotics (Nafcillin).  Now the ID Dr and Onc are arguing about when to start chemo.  Hopefully I'll hear something tomorrow.

     Unfortunately I'm not getting a break from side effects.  The Nafcillin is making me nauseous and I am exhausted and dizzy if I try to do too much.  I am anxious to get back onto my chemo regimine so I can get it over with!


  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited December 2010

    ibliving I'm so sorry to hear about this. Here's a snowman to cheer you up:

    __________ █████
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  • omaz
    omaz Posts: 4,218
    edited December 2010
    ibliving - I am sorry to hear of your experience!  I do hope that you start to feel better soon!
  • nora_az
    nora_az Posts: 391
    edited December 2010

    My hair started falling out around day 16. I had my head buzzed the day after my 2nd round of TCH. I just had the second round last Friday. I am not suffering much at all from it but leery of this round 4 I hear about! Last Thursday my WB count was just a tiny bit low. I hope that keeps at bay, I dont want those sorts of problems.

    I was going to hold out on the hair too. When I started finding it all over the house, in the food and a ton on the pillow case in the mornings is when I knew I had to do something. That first morning that I washed my hair when the hair loss had started I thought I'd keep running my fingers through my hair with conditioner until no more hair would come out. That was useless, it just kept on coming out!