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Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin



  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325
    edited December 2010

    Tonlee You may not lose your eyebrows.  Mine did not begin to thin until about number 5.  Plus you are a fair haired blonde.  My hair (once upon a time) was dark.  Without pencil help I look very pale and spooky.  I keep thinking I have to appear for surgery with no makeup.  Yuck.  If your eyebrows do thin it will be very gradual and will be just part of everything else that is going on.  The "good" part (if there is one) of chemo SE's is they seem to gradually sneak up on you. 

    lago  You are having much harder time with finger dexterity than I did.  Mine began somewhere between 4 and 5.   My DH thought I was insane when I told him my fingers were sore.  You are SO close to the end!!!.  I know what you mean about nothing derailing your treatment...I was always worried that I would catch something from school or have funky white counts that would throw a wrench in the chemo.  Everything was fine.  You will be too. After 5 only one more dreaded "I feel good now and can look forward to another chemo".   After 6 you can just look forward to better and better.   BTW I cannot believe you are going to be 50.  Looking at your pic I had you pegged for early 30's.  Hang in....keep the "I'm almost done" mantra going. Positive mojo coming your way. Beth

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited December 2010

    I don't look 50 but I certainly can't pass for late 30's anymore. Granted I do look younger on chemo. Chemo fills out the thinning face:

    me last weekend:
    me late August before BMX:

    Funny I'm wearing the same jewelry in both photos.

  • Ang7
    Ang7 Member Posts: 568
    edited December 2010


    I am still having trouble with my socks and shoes fitting and I finished TC in March and my last Herceptin was at Thanksgiving.  I am thinking of speaking to my onc. about it because I am unsure what is giving me these elephant ankle/feet...

    Hope you feel better soon.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    edited December 2010
    ang7 - Did you see the post by kalaoamom on the previous page?  She was asking about a similar issue.
  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited December 2010

    Ang7 do check that out. I would try to stay away for salty stuff and caffeine too. Also if you can exercise, walking is good to get things moving it might help.

    I'm doing better today. I think it's because I went out for a power walk and did a lot of house cleaning. I guess I just need to spend more time moving around.

  • bbryant04
    bbryant04 Member Posts: 33
    edited December 2010

    TCH #5 for me tomorrow...then only one more!!! You too, Lago - we're almost there!!! (Then herceptin every three weeks and rads starting in February for me).  #4 kicked my butt.  I also got some kind of sinus infection, so between the two, I just started feeling better about Thursday, just in time for Christmas and chemo again. 

    I still have eyebrows, though I do have to use a pencil to darken them, and I have eyelashes, though they are thinning.  Not sure if they will make it or not.  Have to shave my legs STILL, about every other day.  Hair on my head is growing, have about an inch, though it too, is very thin.  All pretty weird to me...

    Lago, I'm so sorry you are having swelling issues!  I have issues with fluid retention in my feet and legs, have had for years, and I take HCTZ for that daily.  Surprisingly enough, I have not had any increase in swelling, which I had feared.  Hopefully I'll make it through the next two without problems there.  Occasional tingling in my left arm and hand, crazy eye-twitching...that's the only lasting effects I have had...well, and the fatigue and chemo-brain...

    I really think the SE that's bothered me the most is the inability to concentrate.  That has definitely gotten worse.  Week of chemo is tough...have to concentrate on concentrating.  Multi-tasking is DEFINITELY out of the question that week!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    edited December 2010
    Eye twitching - My acupuncture therapist (through the oncology office) did a treatment for the eye twitches and it seemed to help.  Just FYI if anyone does acupuncture.
  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited December 2010

    I never got chemo-brain. I have had the eye twitching since tx #2. I guess I'm still pretty lucky because I never got chemo-brain and, so far no nausea. My mom a lymphedema in her legs. Has worn stocking for years. I hope they don't make me wear a sleeve/gauntlet on my arm. With the way my fingers feel there is no way I will be able to put it on.

    But Yay for only1 left after Tuesday!

  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325
    edited December 2010
    bbryant04  We should be starting rads about the same time.  I had neo chemo so having surgery Jan 4.  BS said at least 4 weeks post surgery.  It appears that you, myself, lago, and Omaz are all triple positive girls.  I'll start back on Herceptin Jan 23.   The 6th chemo will be a mental breeze.  Because you know that you don't go back just as you start feeling better.  It felt anticlimatic for me.  I asked the nurses what I would do every Thursday. Since I've gotten the Herceptin break, getting ready for surgery I have only been to the onco office once to get bloodwork.  I am an avid reader and now have trouble following the plot of novels and coming up with the words to complete a sentence.  Its getting better 4 weeks out.  Beth
  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    edited December 2010
    Beth - How did your tumor respond to the TCH?  Could they see it shrink?
  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited December 2010

    … and because I am triple positive I try to be triple positive in spirit too. ;-)

  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325
    edited December 2010

    Omaz I saw the BS 2 weeks ago and had a mammo.  The radiologist said one area was no longer visible, one area had shrunk "some" and the lymph node was about the same.  Haven't seen the oncologist as I am scheduled for a lumpectomy on Jan 4.  After the 2nd treatment of TCH the oncologist could not detect anything, except what he felt was scar tissue.  I guess the pathology will tell the tale.  It actually shrunk 60 percent after the first treatment. From what I have read with neo chemo they are aiming for a response by at least the 2nd tx.  Radiologist told me there is no way until path to tell if what is left is dead c cells or not.  I was hoping for everything to have disappeared, however DH seems to feel this is good.  I could see a big difference in the appearance of the remaining area.  At the initial diagnosis ILC it looked a little like a spider web.  This time it was a round pea like area with no shadowing.  The oncologist kept telling me they are technically not treating the breast.  He is gauging the tumor's response to the TCH as an indicator that it is tracking down cells that might have escaped.  My feeling is they are hitting that HER2 + factor first and hard.   I'll keep you posted on what the pathology shows.  Beth

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited December 2010

    Good luck on Tuesday Lago!  I'll be getting my #2 at the same time...will think about you!!

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited December 2010

    Libra, add me to that triple positive club...though I don't meet many women in treatment who are triple pos.  It's kinda a bummer.  Especially since my chemo nurses already don't like me...

    I think I'll lose all the hair on my body since ... my eyebrows have already thinned, but hair everywhere else that I have to PAY to have removed...still going

    Start steroids tomorrow.  Dread it.  I hate they way they bulk me up....oh well.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited December 2010

    TonLee I started to lose my pit hair, leg  hair and pubic hair after tx 1… but still have my eyebrows after tx 4. So yes I have not only saved on the hair dresser but also on razor blades and now almost have a free full Brazilian.

    So what did you do to piss the nursed off? ;-) Seriously bake them some cookies and they will love you. I actually dropped of a double batch of my oatmeal, chocolate chip, peanut butter, banana (yes all in one cookie) 2 week ago. Not sure if they will remember. They were so busy that day I just dropped them of with a holiday card and left. 

    BTW I can't wait to start my steroids. Last time I dropped 4+ lbs overnight. It will be so nice to get some of this fluid out of my legs, arms and stomach! I know I think I'm the only one who actually likes the steroids.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited December 2010

    Lago, your weight must jump off from IL. to Ohio and jump on me...I gained 7 pounds last time in three days!!  Luckily after 5 days it was all gone....but there is nothing worse than pulling on a pair of pants and feeling them tight...

    I now officially have 3 pounds to lose from all the Christmas eating....I usually have to wean off sugar after Christmas, but this year I'm hoping chemo will take care of it....there are a few days when I just can't eat anything substantial, when I come out of that, hopefully the sugar cravings will be  Silver lining....

    The first treatment cured me of caffeine addiction ( of course the withdrawal was worse than the chemo)...

    I'm getting Neulasta this time so I may actually have some real side effects.  I take Claritin every day for allergies, so hopefully it will continue to work for the N. 

    I hope you lose your 4 pounds and 5 more for good measure!!

    About the nurses....When I was in the hospital I mentioned I took my son for the flu mist.  Well somehow that was turned around and when they called my Oncologist they told him I took the flu mist.  (Like I'm totally stupid.)

    So the Onc went in to the Onc Nurses and wanted to know "exactly" what they told the patients about flu shots.  (Which was nothing.)

    Now they don't like me.  I think they believe i am some sort of drama queen...which is so far from my reality it's not even funny....people call me "no drama mama" because I can't stand it....I don't even let my husband come with me to chemo because I know it upsets him...and I don't want the drama.

    However, right after being in the hospital he went with me for the first time last week and mentioned to the Onc nurse I just got out of the hospital...she was like..."and so?  Like I care."  She didn't say it, but it was in the attitude. 

    He couldn't believe the attitude.  lol

    But I talked their ears off the first treatment because I was hyped up on steroids....I'm a non-stop jabber monkey on steroids.....then they get questioned because of me....and they are over-worked imo....

    I'd hate me too. :)

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    edited December 2010

    Beth - Yes, I would like to know the path report results.  So far it sounds very encouraging! 

  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325
    edited December 2010

    Toni Have to say my chemo nurses were very nice.  One a little gruffer than the others and I happened to get her chair one day.  I told her about how the staff at school decorated the library with pink ribbons the Friday before the Komen walk.  I just had an emotional moment thinking about how nice my co workers were and became weepy.  The nurses were all worried about why I was crying.  Even though I kept telling them it was not them, I was just very emotional that day, even Ms. Gruffy has been very very nice. I found out later that was just her "way".  She was totally excellent at locating veins, so I would ask for her chair.  Good luck with TX 2.  Just remember next time you will be 1/2 way.

    BTW I also talked a lot from the steroids.No matter if you are exhibiting drama queen symptoms (I know you wouldn't) or not, no one has the right to be snippy.

    Chocolate: The TCH totally killed all of my chocolate cravings.  After a month I don't eat sweets like prior to.  Yesterday I found myself substituting some of lago's dried apricots for a Hershey Kiss snack.  I was a fast food eater before TCH and now have no desire for anything greasy. It seemed to be more of a texture thing.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited December 2010

    TonLee that's too bad about the chemo nurses. My chemo nurses are great eventhough they too are over worked. The onc nurse and I don't get along as you know. That's the one I call Nurse Ratched. My onc knows so I don't usually deal with her but this tx on Tuesday my onc won't be there so I meet with Nurse Ratched. Should be interesting. Other than a few emails I have not seen her since the week before my port installation/chemo started.

    BTW I posted this in another thread but I thought I would share here too:

    Yesterday I'm in Walgreens (chain drug store for you gals not in the states) and I see Chicago Magazine (Jan. 2011 issue) "Top Doctors for Women" on the cover. Start reading the article and see a picture of my onc and a section where she is quoted! She talks how losing weight and not drinking alcohol can make us that have been diagnosed "less likely to die." They also talk about her research with the T-DMI drug (for HER2 metastic cancer).

    Sorry but the current issue isn't online yet but this is the site:

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited December 2010

    Libra...good way to look at it, after the next treatment I'll be half way.. :)  I think Onc nurses have to harden their hearts a bit to make it through the day.  I couldn't do it everyday all day....but they do have to dig much deeper for their empathy when they want to actually use it.

    Lago, that is great about your Dr.  Isn't it nice to know you're in good hands?  It's nice to know you and I are getting the same treatment (except I take 7-8 weeks Rads when done)...

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    edited December 2010
    Lago - Good to know giving up beer was worth something!  Now to lose the weight.
  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited December 2010

    Omaz, I was pretty thin when I started chemo. I too will be losing some weight when chemo is done. Just not sure how much since I have water retention too. ;-)

    Amazing what can happen in only 3 months.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    edited December 2010
    lago - The biggest lingering thing at about 5 weeks out is the muscle soreness/stiffness and fluid retention.  My muscles hurt when I change positions.  I wonder if anyone else has this?  They are also sore to the touch.  It is fine if I stay in the same position but when I get up to move around I feel very old.  Once moving around then they are fine again.  Its the transition that is challenging.  I notice the swelling in my arms and belly, as I have mentioned.  I have it in my legs as well but not too bad.  Hopefully over the next couple weeks it will get better.
  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited December 2010

    Yes I have that same stiffness. If I stay in 1 postion too long I feel like an old lady. sitting is the worst. When I get up in the morning I walk a little funny for the a minute or so till things un-stiffen. Yes I have the leg swelling too.

  • AmyIsStrong
    AmyIsStrong Member Posts: 426
    edited December 2010

    Two quick things - I definitely noticed the stiffness when I would sit in one position too long.  I remember one time getting off the sofa and hobbling a bit and my kids looked at me with total alarm. But i assured them it was nothing. Now, 8 months done with Herceptin, it never happens any more. I had forgotten about it until I read your posts. So be assured it should recede after treatment is over.

    I guess I do have a little bit of stiffness at times, but so minor I would barely mention it. Maybe from tamox, or the lower estrogen in my system. I still do a lot of stretching at the gym so that helps, I think.

    Also, I did notice that I sort of lost my taste for chocolate after all my treatment. I still will eat it, but don't see it as the big treat the way I used to.  I would choose something with cinnamon or lemon flavor now. Weird. I think the whole chemo process affects us in ways we don't totally understand but notice in small changes over time.

    Also, I had terrible sleep disturbance for the entire year of chemo/H plus into the tamoxifen. Over the last few months, I notice I am sleeping through the night more steadily, and if I do get up to pee, I go right back to sleep. But it took a LONG time to get there, and I hated the awake-at-night times. So try to take the long view- it does resolve, but not quickly.

    Hope everyone had a nice Christmas.


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    edited December 2010
    Thank you for posting Amy!  I look forward to improved sleep, I miss my old sleep!  Good to know there is a light at the end of the treatment!  Happy New Year to you.
  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    edited December 2010
    Thank you for posting Amy!  I look forward to improved sleep, I miss my old sleep!  Good to know there is a light at the end of the treatment!  Happy New Year to you.
  • Ang7
    Ang7 Member Posts: 568
    edited December 2010

    Well, I don't know if this is good or not,

    but I finished my chemo and my chocolate cravings are back!

    During chemo I thought I would never want chocolate again.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited December 2010

    I'm really hoping I lose the chocolate/sugar cravings....I won't be sad to see them go.....they are the bane of my existence as far as maintaining flat abs go!!

  • starella
    starella Member Posts: 101
    edited December 2010

    has anyone heard of  "dexilant", my cardiologist just prescribed it for acid reflux?