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Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin



  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited February 2011

    Yes my legs are less taut. I can now see the fat in my thighs Tongue out Seriously my lower legs are no longer shiny and I can see my ankles. I also can now see the bones and veins in my arms again and my tummy is gone. I don't know if I will lose anymore but now I am only up 7.5 lbs from when I started chemo… and I was really thin then. If I lose 2-3lbs I will be at the high end of a healthy weight for my height & frame. Once I start to work out I'm sure the rest will come off.

    I'm still pretty stiff and the big toe is an issue as far as walking fast. The toe nail is now draining from both ends… yuk but I was warned it would do that. Just wish the damn thing would fall off already. Hopefully I can start the gym again soon. I see the podiatrist again on Friday.

    TonLee keep watching the fluid gain. It got really bad for me after #5 & #6.

  • omaz
    omaz Posts: 4,218
    edited February 2011
    Lago - do you think they will change their chemo packet to say that sometimes diuretics are helpful?  I remember you mentioning that your packet said diuretics were not helpful. 
  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited February 2011

    I doubt it. The packet also says that your hair will grow back (3-6% chance it won't on Taxotere) and that painful lifting nails is rare.

    I'm sure they do update the packet at times but not every month. It can get costly to print and I know they are building this huge building right now. The money is going to that I'm sure.

  • omaz
    omaz Posts: 4,218
    edited February 2011
    lago  - I am glad they are working is the important thing.  I read about the permanent hair loss on taxotere.  Taxotere is a very rough medication for some people, me included.  I hope that they find that abraxane or something else works equally well as a taxane with fewer the side effects.  We don't hear much about carboplatin problems, but its a very powerful med too.  I think it is more subtle.
  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited February 2011

    Omaz I think I would have been fine if I only had to do 4 rounds. Granted my husband does see the albino chia pet starting on my head so I feel pretty good about my hair comeng back. Still hope it isn't curly though. I don't care what color… I can fix that.

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Posts: 422
    edited February 2011

    I have been having a new symptom since the Fl. trip. Found out at my appointment with onc. it has a name.... lhermitte's sign. Every time I bend my head down I get shock like feeling in my lower legs and feet. I have to have a mri next week to see what it causing it in my neck.I was hoping it was just from sleeping on a different pillow while on vacation but 2 wks later its still there plus shoulder pain.Hopefully it is nothing....again. All these extra little things are getting old.

  • webu
    webu Posts: 44
    edited February 2011

    I had my 2nd treatment a week ago Friday. I had pretty bad nausea the first three days,but since then I've been fine. No mouth sores, either, which were really bad last time. Lago I think it was you who suggested chewing on crushed ice during the Taxotere. I think that definitely helped, that and getting the neulasta shot the day after this time so my wbc didn't bottom out. Water and ice are starting to have a really bad taste for me, though, so next time I might do what someone else suggested and bring a large slurpee.

    I was so positive I was going to gain a ton of weight; but so far I have actually lost 7 pounds. I am still about 30lbs overweight, though. I am trying to eat healthy, low-calorie diet, but I've been trying that for years with little success. I think the main reason I am not gaining weight now is that I have totally lost my sweet tooth and my taste for most breads. I have been craving savory foods, like olives. I bought "The Pink Ribbon Diet" which if you don't know is an olive -oil and plant based diet designed for breast cancer patients. Before BC, I could never have stuck to this diet, because it lumps fish in with poultry and meat and allows you only 1-2 small servings of any of those once a week, plus it restricts dairy to two servings a day.  Right now, though the foods allowed are exactly the foods I am craving. I guess my body is trying to tell me something!

    I'm still worried what will happen when chemopause kicks in, though. I have a feeling that has a lot to do with causing women gain weight during chemo.  It is been a month since my last period, but no hot flashes so far.

  • webu
    webu Posts: 44
    edited February 2011
    Lago - "the albino chia pet starting on my head" ROFLOL! You really have a way with words!
  • libraylil
    libraylil Posts: 325
    edited February 2011

    Tonlee  if this makes sense, during chemo I was hungry and grazing continuously.  My stomach was queasyish. I'd find something to eat and when I started eating would usually not want it then.   I know that doesn't make sense. 

    Webu  water also aquired a funky taste for me during chemo.  I bought a new filter for the fridge, it just smelled and tasted funny.  For a while adding lemon fixed it, but toward the end nothing would cut through that metallic taste.  libraylil

  • TonLee
    TonLee Posts: 1,589
    edited February 2011

    Libra...that does actually make sense.  I have to make stuff I can eat fairly quick, or it loses its I made low fat refried bean burritos, half way through I tossed it because all I could taste was the chemicals/pesticide on the lettuce....but I was able to get a PB&J down (well, all but 4 bites) before it went bitter.

    Water is just disgusting bitter and metallic...tastes horrible.  Oh well.  Just I'll just suck it up...2 more treatments...

  • omaz
    omaz Posts: 4,218
    edited February 2011
    TonLee - Maybe try drinking through a straw?
  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited February 2011

    Webu the reason why most women gain wait is because they crave things like sweets and are much less active do to feeling fatigued. I gained 3 lbs my first 3 treatments total. Then the wait started to come on due to lack of exercise after  my 4th plus the water gain. Now that I'm on the diuretic I have lost 8.5lbs in 2 days. I'm sure I'll lose a couple more making my real weight gain about 5-7lbs. Really not that bad since I was pretty thin to start.

    I don't believe chemopause put on weight for me. I was already peri and noticed the weight gain already. If you eat healthy, have portion control limit empty carbs (white bread, pasta, sweets), lower bad fat (meats, dairy) and increase vegetables you will find you will do OK. Of course 30-60 minutes of exercise a day helps too. BTW I was 49 when I started ( currently 49+ 5 days).

    I'm so glad the ice chips worked. It was a life saver for me. Water tasted a little funny after tx6 for me. Add some lemon, lime or even a little crystal lite to hide the taste.

    I did have a change in taste buds but it only made certain food bitter. Didn't stop me from eating though. I remember a few weeks ago going out to Thai food. The food at this place is amazing… but only mediocre that night for me because my taste buds were off. Still ate more than my friend. I love to eat. Nothing ever stopped me except when I was in the hospital for my BMX. That had to be the worst food I've ever tasted.

    !!! if you have metallic taste use plastic utensils !!!

  • mommydoxie
    mommydoxie Posts: 11
    edited February 2011

    Well, I'm on Day 16 after 1st TCH tx and hair has been coming out in big clumps over the last 3 days.  Thankfully, I have a thick head of hair, but it is so annoying to have so much hair coming out everywhere, I'm taking control tomorrow and shaving it!  I hope the wig will fit better after the real hair is gone.  Some SE from 1st tx (bad taste in mouth, some bone pain, heartburn, chaffed skin, one day of lost voice) but pretty much bearable.  2nd tx is next Thursday.  Felt pretty good this whole last week (except for slight cold).  I hope this is a sign that the next 5 tx might not have bad SE. 

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited February 2011

    mommydoxie you are losing your voice from the heartburn/reflux. Tell your onc. You should get meds for this. SE may remain the same but can last a little longer each time. I found chemo was a breeze till tx4… then got more intense.

    I too had lots of thick hair. I had it cut short and thinned when it started to come out on day 15 or 16. For several weeks I was still vacuuming my pillow & bathroom daily. I got a good lint roller too. Never did shave it. I still have some strands.

  • motherofpatient
    motherofpatient Posts: 124
    edited February 2011

    I wish the docs would all agree on the MUGA routine. I am so glad my daughter's ocn, Dr. Ballard, said MUGA before, during, and after chemo. Makes sense to  monitor closely and find any problem before it gets out of hand.

    Maybe the greedy insurance companies just won't pay for several MUGAs - I know when we wanted a brain scan for my mother, SCLC, they had to come up with a reason that would satisfy the insurance police.

    MommyD - my daughter lost her voice with 1st TCH - waiting to see this time. Chemo was on the 9th.

  • michcon
    michcon Posts: 121
    edited February 2011

    TonLee - I was so hungry through chemo I ate everything in sight. Couldn't get enough. That explains my 20 pound weight gain... I wish I could tell you what would fill you up without the weight gain. Bagels helped me the most, but full of calories. I drank a lot of gatorade in place of water when water tasted weird. 

    motherofpatient - My onc told me every 3 months for the MUGA scan. I'm about to have my 3rd. 

  • libraylil
    libraylil Posts: 325
    edited February 2011

    michcon  my onco also orders a muga every 3 months. 

    mommydoxie sounds like you are doing great!  I had a lot of nausea with my first TX, but learned to take the zofran BEFORE I was sick.  Don't forget to search the boards and get the web address of Gala Wraps and France Luxe.  They both send free headwraps to chemo patients.  They are very nice (expensive).  Don't let the Gala wraps scare you.  They look really big, but you can tuck them and they don't scream "I have cancer".  The prints are fun. I wore these until the weather got really cold, because I ordered mine in summery prints.  I also bought long retangular scarves and became an "expert" headwrapper, going from back to front.  It kept my head from looking so skinned.

    Back at work Monday with my new hairdo.  I'm over it now and don't think twice about going out with my short hair.  Couple of stares, but whatever.  The kids were great.  libraylil

  • imatthew
    imatthew Posts: 69
    edited February 2011

    FWIW my wife had a muga before starting TCH and will have another after the TC portion is complete.

  • thegood5
    thegood5 Posts: 284
    edited February 2011

    A friend of mine surprised me and had a wrap from France Luxe sent to is beautiful!  a $72 scarf for free...can't beat that!  They even sent me a card that was personally signed by 14 people from the co.  It's definitely worth calling!

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited February 2011

    I got both the Gala Wraps and France Luxe wrap. The Gala was just too big not matter what I did. I have it to the Social worker from ACS who works at my treatment center so she could give it to someone else. Too bad because the color was great but I have a really small head.

    The France Luxe was really nice too. I wore it for a while then when most of my hair was gone I found it too slippery. I will be wearing again in a few months once I get a little hair.

  • Anniemomofthree
    Anniemomofthree Posts: 370
    edited February 2011

    Hi - the eating thing...isn't that caused by decadron (steroid) that you take pre/post chemo?  That is what i  thought made me eat like a teenager all week. I was constantly thinking/getting food.  It was unreal!  It lasted about seven days.  I felt so good that I just kep on constrast to chemo #1 that I could not eat (and i did not get the steroids!).

    Have a great sunday everyone!

  • allisontom911
    allisontom911 Posts: 99
    edited February 2011

    For the MUGA scans, I had one before the start of chemo then every 3 months until done with Herceptin. I do believe I will have one more in March as a follow-up now that I finished in December. I thought most onc's do it that way.

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited February 2011

    This is posted on the Herceptin site:
    Heart Problems and Monitoring

    * Herceptin treatment can result in heart problems, including those without symptoms (such as reduced heart function) and those with symptoms (such as congestive heart failure). The risk and seriousness of these heart problems were highest in people who received both Herceptin and a certain type of chemotherapy (anthracycline). One patient died in an adjuvant (early) breast cancer trial of significantly weakened heart muscle.

    * Your doctor will evaluate your heart function before and during treatment. For adjuvant breast cancer therapy, your doctor will also evaluate heart function after the end of treatment. Your doctor will stop Herceptin therapy if you have weakening of the heart muscle or changes in the heart muscle structure.

    * If you are taking Herceptin and have stopped treatment temporarily because of significant heart problems, your doctor should monitor your heart health more frequently.

    Like I said I had a MUGA when I started. I'm now almost 4 week from last chemo 1 week from Herceptin only infusion and not MUGA planned… even with all the fluid retention. Granted the diuretic is working well for that now.

  • AmyIsStrong
    AmyIsStrong Posts: 426
    edited February 2011

    I had a baseline MUGA before starting, then one every quarter (which was 3 more) and then one more at the end. Total of 5. I tried to get out of doing the last one, but the onc insisted.

    I really hated those more than anything because they wouldn't use the port and they always had trouble getting the vein to reinject the blood and tracer. I just wished they would have used the port!

    BTW, mine stayed stable (55-57%) from beginning all the way thruogh and then the final one was 51%. I could tell my heart function had diminished a little bit - got out of breath faster when working out. The onc swore I couldn't tell (but I had known ahead of time that the % would be lower). But as the months went by after herceptin was over, I could feel myself getting stronger. Also I take CoQ10 to help my heart repair itself as well.

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited February 2011

    Amy they will only use the port if it's a power port. Also at my center I would have a chemo nurse access it before (go to chemo room) I did a test that required an injection.

    I ran into this with my CT scan. They ended not using my port because I don't have a power port. I had to fight to get them to inject into my foot because I have LE in my left arm and my right arm is at risk. I do have good veins all over though.

  • PGK
    PGK Posts: 38
    edited February 2011

    Hi all,

    I just filled my tamox prescription on Friday but haven't taken it yet. I really don't want to take it. For anyone who has started, was this a difficult decision? Do you know if it's okay to think about it for awhile before taking the first pill? My last chemo was 1/21. Started H only two days ago.

  • PGK
    PGK Posts: 38
    edited February 2011

    Hi all,

    I just filled my tamox prescription on Friday but haven't taken it yet. I really don't want to take it. For anyone who has started, was this a difficult decision? Do you know if it's okay to think about it for awhile before taking the first pill? My last chemo was 1/21. Started H only two days ago.

  • christine1000
    christine1000 Posts: 12
    edited February 2011

    I think it is because only certain nurses have license to access a port.  Try getting it accessed in the onc office first, and then  run over to the rad dept  - I did this for my MUGA's.  Onc nurse will access it, put a "stocking" over it, and then I go over and the rad/MUGA guy can use the port access for the nifty stuff he pumps into me for the MUGA scan. Good luck!

  • omaz
    omaz Posts: 4,218
    edited February 2011
    I didn't have MUGA but echocardiogram to follow heart function.  My onc said they dod the echo ( no injection just ultrasound) and if they see a problem then they do the MUGA.
  • zlota
    zlota Posts: 40
    edited February 2011

    Hi Ladies

    I will be having my 6th and last one tomorrow but can someone please tell me if you had problems with your legs, they hurt,  it feels like muscleaches but my ankles are swollen and sooo painfull, I ve also gained 7 pounds- ugh- don't know if its from drugs cause my apetite didn't really change, my legs look and feel ...fat

    Also the nail thing how long after you finish they stop hurting, mine have brown lines on them, it doesn't look like they are coming off yet.

    I kept my hair due to cold caps which made that journey a lot easier but this leg pain is killing me.