Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin
stlcardsfan and lago - I was wondering too if has a flyer to put out at my onc office. I realize that many women don't know of this site and the fantastic women here. I would like to put something in the rack of information. Have you guys seen anything here like that?0
I actually gave the link to this site to the social worker at my treatment center. Although she works at my treatment center she is employed by the American Cancer Society. Maybe they are the ones to contact. Remember that chemo is used on all sorts of cancer, not just breast cancer.
Any facility that has the Looks Good Feel Better program is linked with the ACS.
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lago - Not sure that I understand what you mean - I wanted a flyer to put at my cancer place so that other women with breast cancer would know about this site. I was wondering if you had seen any page on this website that had a flyer that could be printed out and displayed at my cancer place. I don't think I was very clear in my earlier post - sorry.
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The head nurse at my Oncologists office is aware of this site and mentioned it to me at our first meeting, so some onc's offices are telling patients about it. Maybe because she had BC herself a few years ago she is more on top of these things.
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I am not aware of any flyer either. I came across this website by doing a search for breast cancer. It came up toward the top.
That might be something the moderators could answer.
I do have to say that I did ice, my nails were fine all thru TCH, and thru most of H only. Toward the last month or so, I noticed my nails were more brittle and starting splitting into the quick. It is either a result of the Herceptin, lack of estrogen, or other? I am back to taking biotin and will see if that helps. It is interesting that it is only my thumbs that are the problem.
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My nails got brittle but never spit. I never got the ridges either.
Omaz I too found this site doing a google search. If you need someone to design flyer let me know. I am a designer. I can design it so it will print out on your printer.
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Thanks Lago - I tried to PM a moderator and will see if someone gets back to me.0
Good morning all,
You all have been busy. I know I appreciated post-treatment folks checking in because it gave me hope. I'm 2 months post chemo TCH treatment. I lost my hair gradually, by month #2 I clipped it and started the wig, now I'm mostly scarved. I have about 1/4 inch of hair back, but I still have a way to go to be uncovered. My nails got the ridges, and I have to keep them very trim as they are brittle, but I can see how far they've grown and I'm half way through getting the healthy nails back.
Two weeks ago, my energy shot through the roof! Except for occasional tired back and leg muscles (only the couple days after the ongoing Herceptin) I am feeling SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better. I worried through the holidays if life would ever be normal again, would I ever feel like I didn't have a death sentence hanging over me - and I'm there now. Not that my port doesn't still irritate the heck out of me, and I'm tired of working to make my head and concave chest look and feel a little more attractive - but I'm back to living LIFE. If some test comes back with a problem, I will wait til then to worry. I'm hanging out reading the natural girls stuff, and it's helping. May be the Vit. C I started finally kicked in a tad.
Lago - I would look into that biological warfare stuff. We do need a shake up of this breast cancer world. My doctors would be so worried about my reading too much on this web site I can't imagine they would ever want to help publicize it.
Love to all of you -
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This site has kept me sane. I heard the other woman in my building diagnosed right after me (seeing the same BS, PS and Onc) is not doing as well emotionally. She and her husband are pretty private. I reached out earlier to her but she didn't take up my offer. I'm sure she is so scared. She is doing rads now. I did my surgery 4-6 weeks ahead of her and I assume chemo too. I'm not doing rads though.
I would love to help her but I think it's clear they want to remain private.
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So, I'm on day 4 after the first TCH and I've done really well but the fatigue just hit me today like a ton of bricks. I guess the effect of the steroids is gone and my energy bottomed out completely. I don't need the anti-nausea meds anymore which is good but I definitely have the taste alteration now. The heartburn is finally under control as well. I've been working every day and sleeping plenty at night but it's catching up for sure. I'm at work today and feel like I'm walking through quicksand. 1 more day of work and then I'm off for my weekend (Mon/Tues for me). I'm grateful that I'm managing and that I can work.
For those who are way ahead of me, is week two going to be a lot better? Will my energy level be better in weeks 2 and 3? I feel like I'm sleepwalking. Otherwise the side effects are fairly tolerable so far. Thanks everyone...
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Dragon - my daughter's first round was miserable but got beter after two weeks - she had a sinus infection. Round two was much better - some weakness a few days, some low blood pressure. Needs rest and drink more fluids. Hope it is the same for you. Ice your fingers and drink fluids.
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Dragonfly, like you I worked. Not saying there weren't days when I'd rather stayed in bed. Once I was up and at school, I knew I could make it. There were some days when I felt like I was too tired to put one foot in front of the other. The SE's differed from TX to TX. I could definitely tell a difference when I didn't consume enough fluids before, during, and after. Much worse...I made that mistake only once. Sounds like you are doing really well. Rest during your downtime. libray lil
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Hi Ladies,
I have a question - on trying to keep a handle on the nausea if I am taking the first-line drug (Zofran) and have breakthrough (I dry-heaved last night several times) do I go to the second-line within the time that the first one should have worked? I took the Zofran at 9 p.m. and was heaving at 3 a.m. but I waited it out and just took the Zofran again at 9:00 a.m. and have been OK since. I have had a killer headache since last night as well - could be not enough fluids (or losing them out the other end! Sorry - overshare!) so I finally took a Vicodin and I seem to be much better now. Also had a low grade fever but never went higher than 99.7.
I just came back from a walk with the dog and husband and had a moment of salty wet mouth but didn't heave.
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SpecialK - I didn't use zofran, I had promethazine. I would suggest that you call your onc office when you can and tell them how it is going and ask their advice. They are usually experts in managing SE's, especially nausea. Do they have a number to call on the weekend? It shouldn't be so bad that you are dry heaving!
Edited to add: Sometimes it takes more than one try to get the right anti-nausea medication - you may do better with a different med.
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Omaz -
They actually gave me three with stepped instructions that I now realize I should have asked for more detail on! They don't have a weekend number for routine stuff like this. I have stopped heaving for now. My understanding is that I take the first one (Zofran) if that doesn't work take the second (Compazine) and if that doesn't work take the third (Ativan). I just wasn't sure how long I should wait to try the second, and possibly third. If I am still having trouble I will call on Monday for clarification. I was just thinking of trying to eat something so I think I am OK for the moment. I am also fortunate that both my father-in-law and brother-in-law are physicians, and my mother-in-law and two sisters-in-law are nurses, so I can always call them if desperation sets in! During my BMX they tried Zofran for what they thought was anesthesia related nausea (turned out to be an allergic reaction to antibiotic) and it really didn't work then so you may be right on with trying a different one. If I have further problems I may just go right to the second one.
Thanks for caring...
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Special K: For what it's worth, my onc told me that the compazine was choice #1 and the zofran was choice #2 i.e. the zofran was the stronger medication. They were planning to go to the Ativan with me only if both failed. If you are already having difficulty controlling the nausea with the zofran, maybe it's time to go to the next one...but that's just the info from my onc. Good luck! Definitely need to get that nausea fully under control!!!
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SpecialK - It sounds like you had a similar round #1 as I had. I went though almost all my Ativan and compazine, and half the zofran. I ended up going back in for fluids and more antinausea meds on Day #8. At that point the onco and the nurse reiterated that all these drugs have DIFFERENT mechanisms of action, so they can (and should) be taken together, not just serially like I was doing. I tried to overlay them.
On round #2 - I was given decadron and emend. I had zero nausea (or near zero). I took a total of five pills (3 zofran/2 ativan) in the three weeks between the rounds. Next round is on Monday.
There is hope for feeling better!!!!
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I had TCH Rd #1 On Wed 2/16. This is day 4? Very fatigued today still. Woke up w/ a major headache. Rough.
No nausea still but no appetite. Trying to drink. I did make myself walk around the house, out in the yard, and down to the park in my neighborhood (not far at all). Felt like I had walked 20 miles.
Still have a dull headache. Eating more popsicles, drinks, etc. Took the last of my steroids today (was on one dose daily yesterday and today after breakfast). Worried about tomorrow- but hoping ofr best. Pushing myself.
I have had some hip pain, pressure from TE, and a headache off and on.
Any/all advice welcome. Eating is still so hard- I am using biotene toothpaste and mouthwash.
Just feel no energy.
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LisaGH - keep drinking, just drink whether you want to or not. find things to eat and just eat them Protein is very important - eggs, chicken, yogurt - whatever you can tolerate. (((Hugs))))0
Lisa....(Hugs) Day 4 was always my worst. You'll feel better when the steroids go away. If you need to it!! Remember this is hard on our bodies. libraylil0
LisaGH You should be ingesting at least 64oz of fluid a day. Yes soup counts. Best to have someone make soup for you because store/restaurant soup is too salty. If you are dehydrated you will get headaches… although I don't know if that's what's causing it in your case. It could be the steroids.
Taxotere/Herceptin can make you retain fluid, especially Taxotere (It did with me. I was put on a diuretic 3 weeks after my last tx because of so much fluid retention).This why you need to stay away from salty foods.
Day 3,4 and then 5 were my worst days. Especially 3 & 4. Do what you can but listed to your body.
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Lisa I'm feeling your pain...I'm on the same schedule with you (had first TCH on Tues) and I'm feeling exhausted today and have had the same dull headache. Definitely feel the lack of steroids now...I'm trying so hard to follow Lago's advice to get the 64 ounces of fluids and I'm doing fairly well drinking a lot (although probably not enough) but I have very little appetite and things taste weird.
Librarylil and Lago: I'm hoping you are right about day 3-5 being the worst because I'm looking forward to getting relief from this already! Think I'm going to bed now so I can muddle my way through another day tomorrow...
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At least 64oz of fluid came from my oncs & NP. It's really that important.0
SpecialK - remember to tell your onco about your many SE. Mine told me point blank "this is too sick for chemo" and then they reduced by chemo dose 15% and added the decadron and Emend. I had no SE's for #2 which, according to the onco, is what he expected for TCH. The water/fluids are really important as well. If you think you are low and can't catch up, go in and get an IV. It will make you a new person.
Hugs to round WILL be better!
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Well I had my treatment on Thursday and today is Saturday. Can't believe how good I've felt, but I'm crediting the steroids. Have plenty of eneergy and have had absolutely no nausea ...yet. I keep thinking that the Aloxi with the five day duration against nausea must be the cause, although they also gave me Emend. I did ice my fingers during Taxatere, and am trying to drink, although I bet I'v only had about half of what I should.
Nurse from the Onc's office called yesterday to see how I was. Told me that I might expect this to be a lost weekend, days three to five -- not so much with nausea but fatigue. Hasn't hit yet, other that I am getting very sleepy and it is only 8:45. Think I will head for bed and see what tomorrow brings. I'm not a bad tired. Feelgood, just sleepy and ready to drift off. Enjoyed a beautiful day today while it lasted. Keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. I had a headache too, btw, on the first night and once in a while off and on now. Nurse told me it is a reaction from the anti nausea and I could expect it every time. Says my doctor feels if it was him he'd rather have a headache then be vomiting. I agree.
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Pollyagain - you are doing great!!!! Hang in there, you will be feeling totally normal soon....
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Pollyanain I never got a headache but I never took any anti-nausea drugs other than the emend for a few days. I too never got the intense fatigue. Yes I was a bit more tired on some days and many days conked out early but never the intense fatigue.
You will not get every side effect. It is possible you might not get nausea or the intense fatigue.
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my wife had TCH #4 on 2/10, 2 more to go. No heartburn this time, but she gets very very tired at night. Some aches/headache/nausea, but nothing too severe, her biggest complaint is her lack of taste.
The other problem she's having is very dry, cracking skin on her hands. Has anyone else had this?
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The minimum 64oz of fluids everyday has me concerned...
I start chemo on 2/24. TCH x 6
I drink about 1 1/2 gallons of water a day. No lie, no exaggeration, just truth. Seriously.
In a way, I think that's a really great thing while going through chemo. But I wonder if I'll be able to keep that up with nausea and fatigue from chemo. And I'm thinking that just 64oz may leave me actually dehydrated since I'm used to so much more.
But what if I can't keep up with my normal fluid intake. I hardly eat now - just stress from this whole cancer thing. First time in my life that I haven't ate my way through a stressful situation.
Should I get a juicer? Ensure? Protein shakes?
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Thanks all- I am trying to drink. Just made myself a part of an instant breakfast w/ milk and ate a popsicle. Didn't feel like it- but plugging along.
Pain in my hips tonight- and dull headache but not as bad as yesterday. Totally off steroids now as of noon.
Hoping for a better day. I have absolutely no appetite for any food whatsoever- at all. And I have no nausea.
I will work on the fluids- 64 does sound right- I do think I am getting more liquids now. I have to just make myself everytime I wake up or move. I actually feel thirsty too.
The weakness for me is bad- fatigue. I am like others- I can walk a short distance, then I want to sit down. I am going to push some to do that, but not overdo. I know I cannot lie in the bed.
Thanks for the support. TCH one down! Five to go. Hoping to shake this flu/hangover feeling soon.
Love to you all- means alot to have you out there in cyberspace for support and understanding!!