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Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin



  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    edited December 2011
    Grimbol - Is your port ok?
  • Grimbol
    Grimbol Member Posts: 139
    edited December 2011

    My port is in my arm, and apart from its usual odd achiness it is ok.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    edited December 2011

    Grimbol - is this your first every three week infusion?  how long did it take?

  • Grimbol
    Grimbol Member Posts: 139
    edited December 2011

    It was my first Herceptin alone, but the 7th H altogether.  It was an hour long infusion, I go every 3 weeks.  Pain meds are not touching this.  I have an echo this morning and may be able to see my onc. so if I do I'll talk to him about this.  I was just wondering if anyone else had this or if its a weird SE just for me!!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    edited December 2011

    Hope you feel better soon!!

  • dragonfly1
    dragonfly1 Member Posts: 516
    edited December 2011
    Grimbol What does the pain feel like? Is it radiating down your arm? Is it worse when you do things like turn a door knob, push things with your hand? Is it more difficult to reach behind you? I'm asking because after chemo I developed terrible pain in my shoulder/arm and it eventually became excruciating and I couldn't move my arm. It turned out to be an impingement/tendonitis radiating from the rotator cuff. I've since gone on to develop tendonitis in several other joints and no one can figure out exactly why (Herceptin, menopause, chemo, Tamoxifen...) other than to say that it's an inflammatory process. Anyway, just wondered if your pain happened to be the same. If so, the only thing that calms it down in the short term is several days of anti-inflammatories and icing the area. My PT said not to apply heat (which is what I was doing) because it draws bloodflow to the area and increases inflammation. I hope it's something transient and that you feel much better soon!
  • mizmarie
    mizmarie Member Posts: 137
    edited December 2011

    Grimbol - so sorry to hear you're have more problems after all you've been through!  Hope all will be resolved soon.

  • Grimbol
    Grimbol Member Posts: 139
    edited December 2011

    Thanks dragonfly1, yesterday afternoon it began as a headache that radiated down my neck and then across my left shoulder and wound around the joint.  It hasn't gone any further down my arm though, but I certainly have limited movement.  This morning early I was pretty miserable with it, but having taken some strong pain killer, a nice hot shower and used a heat pad, oops, it is feeling a little better.  It's funny, my daughter noticed my elbow was a little swollen the day before too,  I have had 'tennis elbow' on the right arm before and it's that squishy bit that was swollen there too.  I will keep an eye on it and see how it goes.  Maybe I should try Ibuprofen for it and see if that helps better, plus ice instead of heat! heat feels so much better though!

     Thanks so much for your help.

  • Judy67
    Judy67 Member Posts: 213
    edited December 2011


    My onc said during treatments that I was to call with any side effects like that.  I think you should definitely tell your doctor. 

  • nmoss1000
    nmoss1000 Member Posts: 324
    edited December 2011

    Thanks ladies. ! Hi Grimbol, sorry to hear of your Pain. I have had the same issue On my port side. The pain stars in the area from port to shoulder then elbow to hand. I developed mild LE from the port and inflamed rotated cuff from sleeping poorly on side after MX. I am doing pilates a it's helping a bit but 2 Tylenol before bed on really bad days gets me throught the night. Good luck and I hope it subsides. The craziest thing about this whole thing is the residual aches and pains that seem to linger on. I still get phantom pains in my MX area and the worst is the phantom itching that I can't itch!

  • sewingnut
    sewingnut Member Posts: 475
    edited December 2011

    nmoss,  I get that insane itching too on my MX side.  I also feel like a Rice Krispy in the AM. Just call me Snap, Krackle & Pop. My DH even commented how many times something pops when I get out of bed.

  • dragonfly1
    dragonfly1 Member Posts: 516
    edited December 2011
    sewingnut Snap, Krackle & Pop- Ha! You just summed it up!!! That's exactly what I'm dealing with. These joint/tendon issues that I'm having have continued to progress to more and more areas of my body and when I get up in the morning it's definitely the worst-both of my shoulders pop and my right hip. DH commented last night that he noticed that I'm moving like I'm twice my age-uggh. He's right-I have pain in my shoulders, right hip and back now so it's no wonder. All I want for Christmas is to feel 42 again!
  • slgarcia05
    slgarcia05 Member Posts: 154
    edited December 2011

    Hi Ladies.  My hair started falling out on Thursday.  I started chemo Nov. 29th.  Today we cut it and used the clippers to shave it down.  It was painful when it was coming out, and it just would not stop coming out.  I look so terrible.  A mangled, chewed up, spit out mess.  I have never been so sad in my life.  Sorry, just came to vent.  I hate cancer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Member Posts: 532
    edited December 2011
    oh, slgarcia05 ... so many of us have been in your exact same place, but i promise that it will get better.  loosing our hair is hard.  just come here and vent all you want.  the wonderful women here will help you get through the hard times.  
  • slgarcia05
    slgarcia05 Member Posts: 154
    edited December 2011

    Thanks YaYa.  Today was harder than the day I was told I have cancer.  I know that is crazy, but I hardly even cried that day.  I have cried for 3 days over my hair.  Thank you for being wonderful....ALL of you.

  • mizmarie
    mizmarie Member Posts: 137
    edited December 2011

    (((HUGS))) slgarcia05 - I know exactly how you feel!  That day for me was the worst by far - I will never, ever forget that feeling, and thought I would never get past it.  It's been over 3 months ago, and while I still absolutely hate how I look and I miss my hair like crazy, I do see a light at the end of the tunnel...  Being told that your hair will grow back is probably not comforting right now, so I won't say it, but do know that this is not a forever thing....

  • slgarcia05
    slgarcia05 Member Posts: 154
    edited December 2011

    Oh MizMarie, thank you so much.  It is ok for me to hear that it will grow back.  I think people say it because there is nothing else to say.  It is comforting.  Especially from someone who has been there.  I hope you are doing well.  I have my second hard chemo treatment on Tuesday.  Hope it doesn't make me as sick as the first round.  Did you get a silk or satin pillow case?  I have heard one or the other is helpful.

  • dragonfly1
    dragonfly1 Member Posts: 516
    edited December 2011
    sigarcia05 the hair loss is terrible-such a difficult part of this journey. For me, the scalp soreness got better once I buzzed my hair but I had to keep doing it over time so that the wig wouldn't aggravate my scalp. My DH used his electric razor to go over it occasionally and keep it as short as possible or it would get sore again. I never used a silk/satin pillow but because it was winter I slept in a soft fleece cap. Hope you have minimal SEs with your second chemo...
  • NeedtobeSTRONG
    NeedtobeSTRONG Member Posts: 17
    edited December 2011

    Sigarcia05---I understand how you are feeling.  I just shaved my hair last month.  My husband cried as he did it and for some reason I felt better like i conqured it before it conqured me.  Have you purchased a wig?  I did had a great time with my mother and sister...  Then wearing it while waiting at the bus stop for my 1st grader to be picked up my 4 yearold announced to everyone waiting " my  mommy has no hair and is wearing a wig"  I could only laugh!!  In a weird way it was goodtoknow she was comfortable with it lol....but since then I have become a hat fashonista!!  LOL  I think I buy a new funky hat each time out..  I do sleep with a sleep cap because I am cold at night. If you ever need to vent pleas message me.  I startedmy treatment Novemeber 7th and going for round 3 on Monday. 

    The best advice I got about my hair was try and have fun with it...  I know sounds weird but It works I do not mind my new look so much anymore. 

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited December 2011

    slgarcia for most women losing their hair is the hardest part. Yeah it does grow back, all of it. I forget how many haircuts I've had since my final tx. It's just hard watching it fall out… and the mess associated with it. I vacuumed my pillow and bathroom everyday till it was gone. Tongue out

    If you checked out the  Look Good Feel Better program (free from the ACS) I highly recommend it. I got tips on how to use make up that I use to this day. I swear I was the healthiest, hottest looking person in the chemo room… and I wore scarves the entire time.There doesn't look like they have a program near you but all the info is online  here:

    Be sure to check out the eyebrow section. I was more concerned about that then my hair. Granted I never lost all my eyebrows but I was ready.

  • LotsofFaith
    LotsofFaith Member Posts: 9
    edited December 2011

    I had my first tch TX on the 12th. For the first 3 days, I felt fine. Then I started having pretty bad abdominal cramps and diarrhea, also a lot of aches. I agree with slgarcia. This is the saddest and most scared I have ever been in my life. Every time someone asks me how I am doing I start to cry, hcwhich is frequently. Not to mention this is the first Christmas for me since my husband and I have seperated. I have always thought of myself as a very strong woman but I feel very weak now. My tumor was so small but it had already spread to my lymph nodes. Very scary.

  • dragonfly1
    dragonfly1 Member Posts: 516
    edited December 2011

    Lotsoffaith Some of us have a worse time with the cramping/diarrhea than others. It was agonizing for me from day 6-10 of every cycle. I found that trying to eat solid food made it much worse on those days and going to a liquid/soft diet helped me get through it. If it's really bad try Ensure, Carnation shakes, smoothies, cream of wheat, scrambled eggs with melted cheese, etc.

    You are still strong but this takes so much out of you. I hit some really tough lows during chemo and feeling bad takes away your normal coping reserve. Going through the holidays right after this diagnosis and after your separation is brutal emotionally-you've been hit with 2 major life events at the same time-so unfair and no wonder you are crying. I think it would be worrisome if you were not crying to tell you the truth. Have you talked to your doctor about possible medication for anxiety and/or Depression? You may not need it forever but maybe you need a little bit of extra help in the short term-just a thought. My heart breaks for you right now-big HUG! Keep venting and sharing...we can listen and know that with time it will get easier and you will feel better.

  • Judy67
    Judy67 Member Posts: 213
    edited December 2011
    Yikes!  I'm having my first tx this Wednesday and reading these lasts posts have spiked my anxiety.  Mostly I'm afraid any bad SE's will hit me on Christmas Eve or Christmas.  I'm hoping I can at least feel good through the 25th.  Also worried about the hair loss.  I didn't cry over losing my breasts but I'm pretty sure I will over my hair.  I have an appt scheduled after Christmas to have my hair cut short and also cut the bangs on my wig.  My wig looks totally strange on me.  I've seen them on others and they look great, but I'm not sure I have the face for it or I just can't figure it out.  I may have to try and rock the bald thing.  Lotsoffaith- hope you start feeling better soon.  slgarcia - your hair looks so thick and pretty in you avatar picture, I bet it comes back even thicker and more beautiful than before.  Hugs to you all!!
  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited December 2011

    Judy Thing about there hair… it comes back. Breast don't but of course you can get some boobie prizes for replacements.

    Some people have no or few SE especially the first few rounds of chemo. (Other than constipation and back pain for day from nuelasta I was doing fine the 1st tx… actually the first 3). I know one woman who had no SE except a little taste change after her 6th and final tx. I assumed I would get every SE. I didn't. I didn't even get nausea. I did get some less common (nail issues) but typical stuff I didn't get or was rather mild. I bet you'll be fine for Christmas just maybe a bit tired.

  • LotsofFaith
    LotsofFaith Member Posts: 9
    edited December 2011

    Thanks dragonfly. I am thankful to know I have each of u here. I know how important a positive attitude is so I am trying hard to just vent and let go of my fears. God has always blesses me beyond anything I could even imagine and I know he will continue to bless and take care of me now. Actually my fav poem of all time is Footprints, so I know that he is carrying me now. As he is carrying each of you.

    Judy, although I am having just a few side effects, they are very tolerable. As most of the women here have said, the anticipation is the worst part. I pray that ur first treatment goes smoothly!

  • slgarcia05
    slgarcia05 Member Posts: 154
    edited December 2011

    Hi Ladies.  Thanks for all of your responses.  I too, did not cry over losing my breasts, but I cannot stop crying over my hair.  It is such a sad, personal loss to me.  I don't know if I will wear a wig.  I really don't care if people stare at me, I will do what is most comfortable, and righ now my scalp hurts so bad I don't want anything touching it.  Chemo has sucked the life out of me.  I have been pretty sick since I started it.  I have not thrown up, thank goodness, but the nausea is terrible.  I have had GI issues where the cramping would wake me up at night.  Miralax has really helped with that.  I have had night sweats too.  I have had to go in twice for fluids and anti nausea meds, even though I take the ones I have at home even before I need them.  That is my best advice....Take the meds no matter what!  I have been told once my body gets used to it, it is not so bad.  I am waiting impatiently for those days to come.  Good luck to those of you getting ready to start.  Hang in there! We're in this together!  Hugs to you all!

  • dragonfly1
    dragonfly1 Member Posts: 516
    edited December 2011

    Judy67 I've noticed that very few people had GI problems with the severity that I did during TCH so I wouldn't expect you to so don't let that scare you. Aside from that I would honestly say that the other SEs were quite manageable and you just adjust to them as you go-the anticipation truly is the worst as with this whole journey. Enjoy your Christmas-you should be fine.

    The wig is such a weird experience at first but I really liked mine once I adjusted to it. I still laugh and remember SpecialK posting that she felt like "365 days of Halloween". The first day I walked out of the house with it on I felt like I had a huge blinking neon sign over my head. I quickly realized that no one had any idea I was wearing a wig. Lucky for us, people really don't pay much attention-have you ever noticed that? I wore my wig at work 5 days a week from February until September (my avatar is my wig) and no one had any idea unless I had already told them. It wasn't until I walked in one day with my real hair which is now natural, short and brown that anybody even noticed a difference:) There were people who were truly shocked to find out at that point that I had just gone through chemo/Rads. Not everyone likes wearing a wig but for me I was happy that I could just feel normal, blend in and not have to contend with a lot of questions about what I was going through...

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited December 2011


    Hang in there. I felt the same as you do. Losing my hair was tough. I had my last chemo Sept. 21, and my hair is just starting to come back. it is alot more gray then before I started. My son shaved it about two weeks after my first treatment. I had my eye lashes until about a month ago and they fell out, but even they are growing back. I just finished my last radiation, so now I begin weekly herceptin again, until August 2012. It is a tough journey, but we are all here for you. I found so much comfort as I was going through all the chemo on here. We are so glad you are on here to have any questions answered. Smile

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    edited December 2011
    zumbagirl- My hair came back very whitish-gray and now, a year after treatment ended, it has much of it's original shading back.  Still wavy though, used to be mostly straight.
  • nmoss1000
    nmoss1000 Member Posts: 324
    edited December 2011

    Slgarcia hugs to you. When I first joined the boards all of my questions I were related to hair loss, weight gain, acne. I did the cold caps and oddly enough my skin looked amazing during chemo, I did gain 15 lbs but better to be alive than thin. The anguish of everything cancer and chemo did to my in such a short amount of time was overwhelming to say the least. We are all here for you and keep reminding yourself it is all temporary.