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Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin



  • Kelloggs
    Kelloggs Member Posts: 303
    edited December 2011

    Lori - Sorry to hear you had such a hard time with your first tx.  I had tx #2 yesterday and had a big scare.  First tx went problems at all.  Yesterday about 10 minutes into the Taxotere I got flushed and my chest tightened, got short of breath and felt like a vice grip was on my back.  I grabbed my DH and told him something was wrong.  The nurses came right away, stopped the drip.  They loaded me up with 25mg of Benadryl and .5mg of Ativan.  After about 10 mintues the symptoms went away and they restarted and I sailed through the rest.  But now I am scared this will happen again.  My MO said it was rare to have a reaction on second tx and not with the first.  I know I've read somewhere on the boards others having this on 2nd tx.  Anyone care to share?

     I had a slight flushing after my Neulasta shot with first treatment too.  Now I'm about to go get another one and with what happened yesterday I am not looking forward to it.  I too have had a pretty good outlook on the whole thing but these scares do test you.  Thank God the nurses at my center and my MO acted quickly and were wonderful.

    Not looking forward to my Neulasta at all.  I take the Claritin but it doesn't seem to help me much. Tonight and for New Year's I will no doubt be laid out in the recliner moaning!  I hope everyone has a great New Year....2012 has go to be better!

  • Wendyspet
    Wendyspet Member Posts: 103
    edited December 2011

    Kelloggs- I am guessing that they will now give you Benadryl just before each tx.  I got 50 mg, and then I asked them to drop it to 25 because it made me so tired.  I am still getting 25 and I am only on herceptin now.  Discuss this with your doctor before your next tx. 

    Also, I had the bone pain with my first neulasta, but ONLY with the first one.  I hope the same for you.

  • Laura5
    Laura5 Member Posts: 419
    edited December 2011

    Kellogs, I took ibuprofin before Neulasta.

  • Grimbol
    Grimbol Member Posts: 139
    edited December 2011
    Kellogs, I got Taxol not Taxotere, but I had exactly the same experience.  the first tx they dripped it in slowly to make sure there were no reactions, second tx they were doing it faster, until I had the reaction, they said then they would have to drip it in slowly every time, which they did and I never had a reaction again.  Just took 3 hours for the Taxol alone each time, I was always there for 7 - 8 hours!!  The first shot of Neulasta was the worst one for me, I was careful to time the Claritin for the rest of the txs but never had such bad bone pain again, apart from the Taxol pain.  Don't be too nervous, there's a good chance you will be fine for the rest.
  • Kelloggs
    Kelloggs Member Posts: 303
    edited December 2011

    Thanks for the reassurance.  I did get 25mg of Benadryl in my premeds but I will talk to my MO about it before next treatment.  They didn't slow the drip at all and I was fine.  I hope I only had the bone pain with the first Neulasta as well.  That was the worst part.  I've never been one to take meds so to take Tylenol and Claritin and nausea meds and steroids...etc is alot for me! 

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited December 2011

    kelloggs - the reason the first Neulasta hurts more usually is that it is the first expansion of the bone marrow that produces the white blood cells.  Subsequent Neulasta is not expanding the marrow as much so, consequently, there should be less pain.  Definitely take the Claritin the same way, an hour before the shot, and then for several days afterward.  I also had good results from a very warm, but not too hot, bath.  While I was in it I had some hot tea also!

  • Kelloggs
    Kelloggs Member Posts: 303
    edited December 2011

    SpecialK - I am loving the warm shower now that the hair is gone.  It feels so good to have that water  run down my head.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited December 2011

    kelloggs - I just went to see my best friend in California and so enjoyed her shower because she has that massaging shower head and it was great because we are the same height, it hit me right at the back of the neck.  My DH is tall (I am petite) and we have a large shower with one of those rain heads, but it is way up high!  It actually does rain on my head, which is nice if you are in the mood for very gentle!  DH accuses me of being part fish because I take long showers and will stay in the bath reading a book for way too long!  I did a lot of that during chemo.

  • racerdeb
    racerdeb Member Posts: 114
    edited December 2011

    I'm happy to say I'm at the halfway mark for my TCH treatments - three down and three to go.  So far, I'm feeling fine, other than my inability to sleep very well due to the sterioids.  I pray that I don't get the Big D as bad this time, so I'm downing lots of fluids - especially Gatorade.  It's supposed to replace the electrolytes that I'm losing with so much fluid consumption.

    Unfortunately, I won't get my Neulasta injection until Tuesday because of the weekend and holiday.  So, I guess I'm homebound until then!  And as you said, SpecialK, the pain was much less the last (2nd) time, and the Claritin really helped.

    To those of you scheduled for treatments next week, I wish you good luck and minimal side effects.

    I also wish all of you, my TCH friends, a safe, blessed and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    edited December 2011
    Congrats on halfway racerdeb!!
  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited December 2011

    racerdeb - great that you are halfway!  That is a big landmark!  Glad you did better with the second Neulasta.  Just remember to take your Claritin before - I forgot to take it before I left the house for #3 and paid the price!

  • musicalmom
    musicalmom Member Posts: 46
    edited December 2011

    Racerdeb high five for half way.

    Dougieswife blessings as you start this road and don't be hard on yourself with your attitude. There are ups and downs. Sorry to hear about your dramatic start.

    Lotsoffaith...praying you'll adjust to your bald head.

    For those on Herceptin only...what kind of SEs have you had if any?

    Anyone still have red checks and facial changes after final chemo? Any suggestions?

    Did some of you not lose eyebrows or eyelashes?

  • dragonfly1
    dragonfly1 Member Posts: 516
    edited December 2011

    Musicalmom I have only 2 more Herceptins and the only SE I've ever noticed is some ongoing stiffness that resolves once I start moving in the morning (could also be the "chemopause"). I lost all of my eyelashes 5 weeks PFC but they grew back very quickly (and not one person ever noticed-I just wore eyeliner). I never lost all of my eyebrows-they thinned throughout chemo and then I lost a few more 5-6 weeks PFC but I have always had enough that I only had to fill them in a little bit.

    Hang in there everyone with the TCH. It's tough but better days are ahead. Hope everyone has a happy New Year's and that 2012 is kind to us all...

  • Grimbol
    Grimbol Member Posts: 139
    edited December 2011
    Hi musicalmom, I am almost 6 weeks out from chemo and I have lost almost all my eye lashes and eyebrows, they are still coming out, the very few I have left.  I am in for my 2nd Herceptin only on Wednesday, the last one, I still needed nausea meds for a couple of days after, I got a really bad ache in my neck and arm for a couple of days too, don't know if that was from H or not.  And as yet NO hair growth!! Frown
  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045
    edited December 2011

    Hi everyone,

    I've had a very tough week.  Not so much physically, but emotionally and mentally.  I really think it was the steroids from my treatment on 12/13.  The chemo nurse told me she had never seen someone receive that much steroids before.  Onc did that to try to prevent the reaction I had on my 2nd tx.  But it was too much.  The stressful feelings, and depression were so intense that I could not function at all, couldn't think straight, I think I almost had a breakdown.  It has slowly alleviated, but I've been left with a horrible ringing in my ears that interrupt sleep, and at times is so loud I want to scream.  I went to my primary doc Wednesday and she too thinks it was the steroids, although the chemo can cause tinnitus too.  Her remedy was to prescribe a sleep aid, but I haven't taken it.  The last couple of nights I was able to get a little more sleep, so I think I'm getting used to the ringing.  I just hope it's not permanent.   I'm very scared to get my last 3 tx, if the ringing gets worse, I won't be able to stand it.   I'm certainly not going to let them give me steroids like that again.  I see my onc 1/9, a few days before my next tx, and will discuss it with him then.  Maybe he can put me on abraxane instead of the taxotere as it doesn't have solvents in it and thats what they think I reacted to.   

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    edited December 2011
    GrandmaV - I think the carboplatin can cause ringing in the ears too.  I am sorry you had a rough time.  Do you know the dose of steroids that you had?
  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045
    edited December 2011


    I took 8mg of decadron each day  the day before, day of and day after, but I don't know how much I was given during the treatment. 

  • mizmarie
    mizmarie Member Posts: 137
    edited December 2011

    GrandmaV, sorry to hear you're having a difficult time.  The steriod SEs were the most unpleasant for me too.  I hope things turn around for you soon. 

    Musicalmom, I had my first Herceptin-only infusion on Thursday, and the only SE I can attribute to it was hip joint pain.  It lasted less than 24 hours.  .

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    edited January 2012
    GrandmaV - I was wondering because I was given about 50mg total.  I always got steroid red face, couldn't sleep and had intestinal distress from them.  Then I would sleep pretty much the entire day 3.  I don't understand why different docs give different doses.
  • anafoefana
    anafoefana Member Posts: 109
    edited January 2012

    Musicalmom and Grimbol,

    I lost all my eyelashes and eyebrows about 5 weeks after last treatment and my eyebrows have grown in nicely.  My eyelashes are coming back also, just very slowly.  My hair is growing in as well. It is crazy, some really long and some just barely coming in. It seems like the gray hair is growing at 3 times the rate that the dark hair is.  I look like a Chia pet. :) Grimbol, I read that Herceptin sometimes slows hair growth.  It will come back!  Mine is very sparse, especially on the top. I worry it won't fill in, but I think it is just going to take some time.  

    Herceptin has been fine for me.  No SEs except a little stiffness in the morning.  It goes away as soon as I start moving. 

    I still have residual neuropathy on my feet, but it is mild.  

    GrandmaV, sorry you are having such a hard time. I took Ativan to sleep while on steroids.  After the second treatment I took Ativan at night even if I didn't have nausea.  I took Xanax the night before treatment just to get a good rest.  I am not one to take meds, but I learned that they really helped me and it made each treatment a little easier to get through. 

    Happy New Year to all.  I wish everyone the best for 2012!  

  • racerdeb
    racerdeb Member Posts: 114
    edited January 2012


    I'm sorry to hear that you're having such a bad time. 

    The steroids make me unfocused, hyperactive and unable to sleep well.  But I don't have the severe SEs you seem to be having right now.  I plan to take a half of my prescription sleeping pill tonight to see if it will help. 

    I'm hoping you'll soon feel better.  Keep us posted.  HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Member Posts: 532
    edited January 2012
    grandmaV, i'm so sorry about your SE's.  they sound really rough.  you've had a hard time with chemo, but at least you're half-way finished.  in the meantime, take care of yourself.  i'm hoping your MO will give you some help with the ringing in your ears.  that sounds horrible. please keep us posted on how you're doing.  happy new year, grandmaV!
  • linnyhopp
    linnyhopp Member Posts: 466
    edited January 2012

    GrandmaV ~ So sorry you are having such bad SE's from the steroids.  I have had tinitus for over 20 years and I know how unnerving it can be at times.  I hope that it will be a temporary annoyance for you.  I have such a hard time sleeping when I take the steroids and I also get the hot, red face.  I was really bummed last week since I took 3 doses of the steroids and then couldn't have chemo due to the low platelet count.  I literally slept 1 hour the night before I was scheduled and only about 4 the next night.  Of course the next 2 days I think I slept 30 hours so I got caught up.  Now the cycle starts again...but i am so glad to be able to have my 3rd treatment and be half-way through chemo.  I sincerely hope your next cycle is uneventful. 

    Hope everyone else is doing well.  Here's to a happy, healthy 2012 for all of us with lots of good results and most of all some fun in our lives!  Take care...Linda

  • racerdeb
    racerdeb Member Posts: 114
    edited January 2012


    I was sorry to hear that your 3rd treatment was delayed.  Hopefully, everything will be fine when you go back in this week. Keep us posted.

    So far, I'm doing well following my treatment on Friday, but I know that the next few days will be my toughest ones.  I'm just trying to outsmart the SEs by adjusting my medications, supplements, food varieties and liquid intakes to balance them.  After almost ten days of Big D problems last time, I know I really need to make some advance adjustments.  I just don't think I consumed enough liquids during the first few days to flush my system the 2nd time.  Or, possibly the cumulative chemo treaments were the cause of it being so much worse (didn't have that many problems with it following my first treatment).

    The Gatorade has really seemed to help with my lack of focus (hyperactivity) from the steriods.  And the half sleeping pill really seemed to help me get some much-needed sleep last night, even with all of the fireworks (live in the country).

    I wish you a wonderful  and healthy New Year, and I hope you'll also be celebrating the halfway mark soon.

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2012


    How do you live with those sounds for 20 years?  I'm about to go out of my mind.   I found some free white sound recordings online and plan to use one tonight to try to mask the sounds in my head.  It's just static, but when I listen to that I can't hear these awful squeals.  The static sounds very calming.  The noises seems to be worse in the evening and of course when I try to sleep.  I'm hoping it will help me get some sleep.  Do you worry about it getting worse?

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    edited January 2012
    GrandmaV - Did you tell your oncologist about it?  Here is a link to a new article about the association of carboplatin use and tinnitus LINK
  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2012

    I haven't discussed it with him, yet.  I just assumed it was the steroids, since they can cause it too, and I had such a crash with those.  I will call as soon as they're open. Thanks for the link.  This is a side effect no one told me about. 

  • linnyhopp
    linnyhopp Member Posts: 466
    edited January 2012

    Racerdeb ~ Thanks for the encouragement.  Because I had unexplained (and it still is) bruising on my legs the doctor ordered an additional blood test on Friday.  Fortunately, the platelet count had recovered enough for me to have chemo tomorrow and I didn't have to get another blood test today.  As you know, it is a love-hate relationship with the chemo.  I am anxious to get it done tomorrow and be at the half-way mark, but dread the SE's.  My MO told me to be very proactive with all of the anti-nausea meds since my second cycle was nastier and I am going to take his advice.  I had such a hard time even eating the smallest amount of anything so am hoping the meds help out with that.  I have to say that having the 4th week off chemo made a big difference in the metallic/bitter taste and I thouroughly enjoyed the filet mignon I had when we went out for dinner with our family to a nice restaurant last night!  So, I just have to be grateful that Christmas and New Years were great even though I had that delay in chemo.  I just hope I don't have the issue again.  I asked and was told there isn't really anything you can do to make the platelets come up any faster.  This journey is one that we can't really control, but I am glad I am no longer going to be at the beginning of it!  One thing I am wondering/worrying about is if delaying the chemo for a week affects the effectiveness of the treatment.  Did you ask about that?

     GrandmaV ~ I do have to admit that once in awhile the tinitus does make me nuts!  But then there are other times when I can totally ignore it.  After so many years, it is just a part of me and I have learned to live with it.  Not that I want to!  And yes, it does seem worse at night when it's quiet and I am trying to sleep..  I have been to specialists for it, but they haven't been able to do anything to resolve the problem.  The weird thing is that it is worse at some times and better at others, but I can't really figure out what helps/hinders it. I have heard that caffeine is a culprit, but while I have been on chemo I don't drink much of that and it is absolutely worse today...maybe the steroids I took for my infusion tomorrow are messing with it.  I haven't had carboplatin in 4 weeks so I don't think that could be making it worse today.  I think I have gotten past worrying about it getting worse after all these years since I have no control over it.  All i can say is that at times it is damned annoying! I will say a prayer that yours is very temporary! Who needs one more crazy SE anyway?

    Hope you all have a wonderful week...I will write when I am able.  If anyone has any good ideas on foods to eat when chemo has trashed your taste buds completely, please share.  That seems to be my biggest struggle.  Take care and talk to you all soon!  Linda

  • dragonfly1
    dragonfly1 Member Posts: 516
    edited January 2012

    Linnyhop I had taste alteration and a lot of GI problems during chemo and I found some really helpful recipes in a cookbook called "What to eat during cancer treatment:100 great tasting, family-friendly recipes to help you cope". It's available on amazon and the recipes are organized by the type of side effects you are having (taste alteration, digestive issues, etc)

  • linnyhopp
    linnyhopp Member Posts: 466
    edited January 2012
    Dragonfly ~ Thanks for that info.  I will look for that book on Amazon.  My taste and digestive issues are the worst SE's for me as well.  I literally couldn't stand to even look at food on the shelves when I had to go to the market for the first 2 1/2 weeks after my last chemo.  The doctor told me to use all 3 of the anti-nausea drugs this time to try and help with that.  I plan on taking his advice.  I believe it was GrandmaV  who suggested that being hungry adds to the nausea.  I absolutely think she is right, but it's like a self-fulfilling prophecy to try and eat when you are feeling sick and it's frustrating.  Therefore, I will happily rely on the drugs to see if they can get me through the bad days.  And I am going to keep thinking that this is a finite period of time and we can all get through it one way or another.  We are strong women and the support I have been given does make things easier to tolerate.  Thanks for your support!