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How fast does IBC grow?

pstanislaus Member Posts: 2

My Mom is 66 years old, she started with right breast pain about 2 months ago, and she had a mammogram and an ultrasound which confirmed that she had a lump in her breast and 2 more in her shoulder. Within the past 2 months she went from pain in her breast to an inflamed breast which was red and warm around the nipples to just recently showing dimples in her breast, I think its call the "orange peel" affect. She has a needle lope biopsy in 2 weeks. I've been reading about IBC and I'm worried that maybe 2 weeks is too long for her biopsy before she can start treatment and possibly surgery. What is the growth rate of IBC, please advice. Very Worried Daughter.



  • lexi4
    lexi4 Member Posts: 59
    edited April 2007
    Gosh, I know that IBC is aggresive. HOwever, I am not sure if two weeks will make a difference. I would try to get your mom in sooner for the appt. I would imagine if her breast is swollen they had better get her in asap.

    I hope it isn't IBC. You and your mom are in my prayers.

  • cfrie
    cfrie Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2007
    IBC is very aggressive, and I think 2 weeks is too long to wait. I had IBC, I saw my gyn doctor and the next day was scheduled for an ultrasound, they couldn't confirm what it was and wanted me to wait a few days for a biopsy, but my doctor pushed them to get a biopsy done that day.

    At that time my breast was swollen and warm, no orange peel affect. I started chemo two weeks after that and in that time period the tumor grew noticibly larger, it even began growing right thru my skin. You should push to get your mother a biopsy right away.

    Hopefully, it is not IBC, but you don't want to wasted time finding out. Best of luck.
  • pstanislaus
    pstanislaus Member Posts: 2
    edited April 2007

    Thank you so much for your replys, I was able to talk to one of my Mom's Radiologist and they will be doing an Ultrasound Core biopsy tomorrow!! I'll keep you posted on her progress. Much thanks.

  • Squeaker
    Squeaker Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2007

    Patricia - Short answer ... very quickly! Why take the chance of waiting 2 more wks?? I'd talk w/your Mom and between the 2 of you, see if your medical team can get her in for a core biopsy sooner rather than later. Hopefully, you'll have all your questions answered and can move forward w/better knowledge. IBC isn't seen that often and while most docs have heard of it, they do not have first hand, working knowledge. Become an advocate for your Mom and yourself! We're here if you need help! Hang in there.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    IBC is very aggressive,I am stage 4 and when it was found it was in the breast lymph nodes and liver.I was NED in april of last year then in aug had my repeat ct and the ca was back again in my liver there were 12 areas.Now I am down to 4.Dont whatever you can to get your mom in.
    I was in the hospital for 8 days had iv antibiotics ,4 ultrasounds 2 mammograms a bone scan and they all were negative.I was being treated for mastitis.WHen I went home i was treated 4 more weeks for mastitis that is when I got mad and demanded a biopsy.I went for bx on tuesday on wed am I got a call at my work with the news bc.then had pet scan to find out how extensive it is.If i could do over i would demand a biopsy the first day.
    Good luck to you and your mom,keep us posted.
  • jhonfa
    jhonfa Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2007

    Hi all.

    My name is John. I´m totally newbie here. My 27 year old cousin has breast cancer.They just told her today (biopsy).

    I´m so worried and scared and sad for her. I can only imagine what all of you have gone through, I´m not a sufferer. So, with all the respect, I´m here asking for opinions/guidance, if possible.

    She hadn´t had citology for a year and a half. A month ago she had one and they found a little lump. It started to grow so fast and also her breast got swollen, hard, red and warm.

    Her gynecologist sent her to a breast oncologist, her current doctor, who gave her antibiotics, for he thought it was an infection, although she didn´t have any fever.

    So, one month later, she´s had her biopsy results ready today and he told her she has Inflamatory Breast Cancer. The antibiotics and anti-inflamatory drugs she´s taken haven´t done much.

    The lump is about 8 cms. big and she also has those little balls under her shoulder swollen.

    She´s had other tests like the mamography, which showed inside all that swolleness and fluids is the lump, whis is not as dark as before, and it doesn´t have any ramifications yet.

    Is this a good sign? Or it could be at a stage where it could be deadly as well? The doctor talked about chemotherapy, so I guess There is a chance for her, right?

    She´s waiting for her blood results and the test to know if the cancer hasen´t spread to other organs. So I guess we can´t say it´s not very bad yet.

    I just wanna know, not knowing much about this matter, if the fact that the lump doesn´t have any ramifications yet means it hasn´t started spreading to other organs yet or not.

    I don´t know about cancer stages or kinds. Can the cancer start spreading to other organs without having ramifications? Does that depend on the stage it´s in or on the kind of cancer it is?

    If that´s the case I´ll find out and post back. I´d like to know your honest opinion based on your experience, even if it´s bad news.

    Thanks so much for any help I can get here and please forgive my ignorance. I hope you are all doing well.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008

    If its Inflammatory bc its an automatic stage 3B...unless its spread to other organs (stage 4). IBC is always bad. Its the most agressive form of breast cancer. Best wishes to your cousin.

  • Joanne46
    Joanne46 Member Posts: 4
    edited July 2007

    My left breast started out with having thickening around the nipple. I went in for a mamo in May, and the dr. never got the results, or lost them. It showed a thickening of the areola. Said to have a biopsy on the report!! I figured they would call me if there was a problem.... Now, I went back in two weeks ago because there are "pitted" or dimples on my left breast. It is very swollen, bigger than the right, and turning red splotches. However, it does not feel hot. I had a biopsy done last week, a punch biopsy, and the test came back negative, however, I am very worried still because no one seems to know what causes the redness, or swelling. I have pain under my left arm in the lymph nodes and around my breast bone between my chest and breast. He said it was "normal" to have swollen lymps after a biopsy???? The Surgical dr. just told me to come back in a month. My husband and I discussed the reaction of that dr., and we are asking for a second opinion or a second test. Do I have any concerns? Any advice?

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008

    Getting a second or third opinion never hurts. As far as do I think you have IBC, I would never try to diagnose anyone over the internet and I'm not a medical professional. The only way to tell is by biopsy.

  • VAY
    VAY Member Posts: 3
    edited July 2007

    You need a second opinion. Any time there is breast change, it is not for no reason. I had IBC and there are different symptoms for different women. Do not wait a month. See someone else soon. It could be something very treatable. By the way, I have never heard of lymph node pain after a biopsy, but you learn something new every day. Stay pro-active and God bless.

  • Joanne46
    Joanne46 Member Posts: 4
    edited August 2007

    Hey there! I did see my PCP again because I was not happy with the results of the other surgical dr., and she is making me a referral to the Breast Cancer Center. She said I definately need a second opinion and she is sending me on. I am waiting on an appointment to be called to me today. Praying everything is okay....

  • VAY
    VAY Member Posts: 3
    edited August 2007
    Hey Joanne:

    Yeah for you! That's the way to get some results. Continue to be pro-active and do not take no for an answer. You are in my prayers and please keep me posted. Think positive thoughts!
  • Joanne46
    Joanne46 Member Posts: 4
    edited August 2007

    Well, I am back with an update. I went to the Breast Cancer Center yesterday and the Dr. was very concerned. I told him that the surgical dr. told me to come back in a month. He said I did the right thing coming to him, and that he was very concerned about it being IBC. He took several core biopsies of the breast, and said he will know by Monday whether it is or not. I am so glad I did not wait like I was told to. Never accept one dr. opinion, always get a second or third if you need to. I am waiting now on the test results to tell me if I have IBC or not. Pray for me and my family!!! Thanks.

  • Lauralynne
    Lauralynne Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2007
    Good for you for taking such an active role in getting the answers you need. I was diagnosed with IBC in June of 2006. It is an unusual kind of cancer and some doctors unfortunately do not recognize the signs and symptoms because they can mimic other things. I hope and hope and hope that your biopsy does not come back as positive for IBC. Please let us know when you find out on Monday, until then, be strong and know that lots of women on here have been in your shoes. I will pray for you.

    On a side note, my lymph nodes would be tender and sore after the doctors examined them. It would take a few days and the tenderness would subside.

    Hugs and calming peace,
  • Joanne46
    Joanne46 Member Posts: 4
    edited August 2007

    Thanks Laura. Your note has helped me already. I am hoping to get some sleep tonight and will be a nervous little train wreck tomorrow waiting on the dr. office to call me. Until then....

  • Lauralynne
    Lauralynne Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2007
    Thinking of you and hoping you got some good news today.
    Anxious to hear.

  • lexi4
    lexi4 Member Posts: 59
    edited August 2007

    Praying that you received good news. I know that you are scared. Prayers for comfort as you wait for results.

  • VAY
    VAY Member Posts: 3
    edited August 2007
    Praying for peace and comfort regardless of the results. Stay strong and God bless you.

  • rosied51
    rosied51 Member Posts: 21
    edited November 2008

    Can someone answer this question if you have IBC  could one of the symptoms be that you would have clavical pain by that I mean I have pain on the front part of my upper neck, I also have redness on my right breast and the center of mty breast turn white also my aerola is wrinkled. and I have pain in my breast and armpit. Mam & sonogram came back with saying no lesions.

  • shrink
    shrink Member Posts: 131
    edited November 2008

    Rosied - That pain could be an enlarged lymph node.  Sometimes mammograms and sonograms don't pick up anything unusual.  I'd check with a breast surgeon and get a core and skin biopsy.  Get an answer as to what this is if not cancer.  I hope it's just an infection of some kind but I'd move quickly.

  • rosied51
    rosied51 Member Posts: 21
    edited November 2008

    I have been on augmentin and the pain that goes from my armpit to my breast is still the same sometimes more intense. There is definetly dimpling in the aerola when I raise my arm.I am so tired of not knowing even though they say it is fibroglandular. I see the surgeon on the 3rd I wish it was tomorrow.

  • rosied51
    rosied51 Member Posts: 21
    edited December 2008

    well on wednesday I see yet another surgeon, as my primary is convinced it is IBC and she is not waiting

  • jadai
    jadai Member Posts: 33
    edited December 2008

    Hi Rosie,

    You should be seeing an oncologist and not a surgeon as the 1st treatment for IBC is not surgery as it is with a "regular" breast cancer.  IBC is treated with chemo, then surgery then radiation.  We made that mistake with my mom and it cost us about 2 months.  Get a biopsy.  Go to the emergency room.  My mom went to the ER and was actually admitted, tested and biopsied and eventually diagnosed with IBC.  Clearly your primary has no experience with IBC or she would have referred you to an oncologist.  Like I have said multiple times, this type of BC accounts for 1-6% of breast cancers so I can't be too harsh for a Dr. not knowing all there is to know about this.  IBC ladies, please help me out here.

  • rosied51
    rosied51 Member Posts: 21
    edited December 2008
    I am now scared as more & more things are going on. I honestly in my heart think this has traveled as my gallbladder scar which is over 3 yrs old is now inflammed and that is right under my breast and my armpit feels like someone is literally diggin it out and I have pain in my back lung area right behind my breast.I see another Dr tomorrow.CryI am totally wiped out and in alot of pain.I feel like I did a marathon.
  • jadai
    jadai Member Posts: 33
    edited December 2008

    Hi Rosie,

    I have been thinking about you.  What type of Dr. are you seeing tomorrow?  I am just glad that things are getting done for you.  Let's hope that they figure this all out and whatever it is get you started with treatment.  My mom has shown significant improvement after just one round of chemotherapy and weekly herceptin.  Hope you get some relief from your pain.  Do you have meds?  There is no need to have that pain, so get some pain meds if you need them tomorrow! 

  • rosied51
    rosied51 Member Posts: 21
    edited December 2008

    My primary has me on darvocet which make me ill so I use them sparingly.Right now I just want them to say this is it then lets deal with it

  • jadai
    jadai Member Posts: 33
    edited December 2008

    Oh how I know that feeling.  We waited TWO months for treatment to start and I wonder if that made the difference between stage III and IV for my mom.  The waiting is the worst part and I can tell you that everyone here has said the same thing.  My mom is doing so much better now that treatment has started and there are signs of improvement.  Have they done a biopsy?

  • runalot08
    runalot08 Member Posts: 9
    edited December 2008

    Rosie I am so glad you are moving in a forward direction.  How long have you had this going on?  I will say that I do think I know what you mean about the pain behind the breast almost like lung pain.  My nodes are there and I now have a small one on my neck "super clavical?" kind of toward the back of the lower neck right above my shoulder.  I hope you get moving fast now that you are on the track.  Have they done an MRI yet?  My Dr. said yesterday that she felt some thickening and we are waiting on an appt for MRI in Hawaii.  Could be another 4-5 weeks....I hope notFrown  I was just curious because if you had an MRI you could tell me how it went. 

    Really I am so happy that you are finally getting the help you need.  I have posted to you before in the previous months and have felt your frustration.  Good luck and keep posting.  You can PM me if you would like I would be happy to chat or what ever. 



  • rosied51
    rosied51 Member Posts: 21
    edited December 2008

    Hi Vickie, I had my MRI this afternoon and it is not the most comfortable position to be in because you are on your stomach the whole time. This Dr is thinking it is not iBC because the braest is not deeeeeeeeeeep red like it is shown but he is not sure yet wait for MRI.I was literally balling in his office it burned so bad.I mean the pain seems to go right behind the breast to the lung.

  • runalot08
    runalot08 Member Posts: 9
    edited December 2008


     I hope this guy/lady knows that it does not have to be deep red.  I think the docs look for all the "listed" symptoms.  They assume each one has to be exact.  I think that they do not realize that there are different versions of each symptom.  Some people have one some have all.  Some pink instead of red or no discoloring at all.  That is what stumps them and takes longer to diagnose or finalize that it is not.  How long before they give you the results of the MRI?  Did you ask if they knew what to look for on the MRI regarding IBC?  I am soooooo sorry that it is hurting you so bad I hope you get news soon and keep moving forward.  From what I understand the MRI is really the last test that can be done.  If IBC is not seen on this then it probably is not IBC.  I do not know how accurate that is or if the MRI can really see it.  What did they tell you about what it could find?  Have you been told that there was thickening?  I know lots of questions.  Just seems as though we never get them answered and have to ask other people about thier experiences to know what is comming for us.  I really hope to hear good news from you soon.  I will be thinking about you.

    Did they do an IV and contrast with your MRI?  I am not sure if that is standard or special I have just seen others post that they had a contrast MRI.
