
  • bella2013
    bella2013 Posts: 370
    edited September 2018

    Coach Vicky, I have wanted to order those too from Amazon but it will be in our purchase history for all eternity 😱😳😂. My husband not knowing this said last night, do you know Amazon has the history of all our purchases going back to 2008? Coach, ifyou can do I can do it LOL!

    I hope Lillyduff will respond here. Inquiring BC sisters need to know this stuff. I have started using coconut oil. It’s the organic coconut oil I buy from COSTCO. I keep a small container next to my shower. I currently use long Q-tip swabs. I get as much coconut oil on the swab and up it goes. I feel like I am hydrating my veejayjay! I don’t feel like a 100 year old woman “down there”.


  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Posts: 984
    edited September 2018

    Thanks Bella. I will get the coconut oil.

    I am moist after my first laser treatment, thankfully.

    Here is what I ordered:

    VIBIO Active Kegel Exerciser Set with Powered Handle and 4 Graduated Tips Physician Recommended for Bladder Control and Pelvic Floor Exercises + Discreet...

    by IntiMD

    It is in our history.

    Coach Vicky

  • lillyduff
    lillyduff Posts: 26
    edited September 2018


    I use Organic Unrefined Virgin Coconut Oil Expeller Pressed (Walmart-Great Value). Very economical!!! I buy a big jar and spoon it out then add to a smaller plastic container to keep in the bathroom. I have since stored the plastic container in a zip lock bag in case of leaks. The coconut oil can melt easily in warmer temps. so then leaks can occur.) I then just keep the big jar in the kitchen and fill my smaller container when needed. I use a small plastic spatula that I had from another skin care jar that I keep clean and just for the coconut oil. Just scoop out a small amount and apply to the outer and inner vulva area in the morning after shower and at night before bedtime. I use it about three times a day after the Mona Lisa Touch treatments for a few days until the tissue calms down a bit. The coconut oil can get messy, so I usually have a towel handy to place on the floor in case it drips. Also,end up wearing panty liners for the same reason.

    Besides that, I spoon out coconut oil in smaller cylinder shaped ice cube trays and freeze overnight. When frozen, I cut smaller pieces (like sugar cube size) and store in a plastic container in the refrigerator. A coconut oil cube can be inserted at bedtime into the vagina for an all natural moisturizer. So soothing and no chemicals to worry about. I read about this idea on hystersisters.com website. My Gynecologist also recommended using coconut oil as a natural moisturizer.

    Great for skin too! I have also ended up using the coconut oil on my legs after shaving as a moisturizer and it's great. Such an inexpensive way to go too!!!!!!!!! All in all it takes a little preparation to divide up the amounts for the smaller container and to freeze etc. but it's worth the effort. Maybe give it a try?

  • lillyduff
    lillyduff Posts: 26
    edited September 2018


    Just posted my coconut oil process on this thread, so hope that helps. (I like your comment about not feeling like a 100 year old woman "down there!"Happy)This is a wonderful thread that is so important to BC patients but also post hysterectomy and menopausal woman as well. Keep the sharing of ideas coming!!! Quality of life!ThumbsUp

  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Posts: 984
    edited September 2018

    The things I have learned! Thank you so very much. I bought some pumpkin ice cube trays. They are very small. I think I will do the ice in those. It should make for a good night time conversation with DH.

    Thank you, LillyD!

    Coach Vicky

  • poseygirl
    poseygirl Posts: 298
    edited September 2018

    I may try the coconut oil cubes too.

    Ladies, one word of caution about kegels. Make sure you are not tightening if you should be relaxing. See your gyn before self prescribing exercises...

  • lillyduff
    lillyduff Posts: 26
    edited September 2018

    PoseyGirl and coachvicky: Great! Good luck with the homemade coconut oil inserts. Please post your recommendations/tips for improvements if you have anything else to add. Sharing our experiences can help us all!Smile

  • runor
    runor Posts: 1,615
    edited September 2018

    With an increase in discharge, be it from tamoxifen or from coconut oil, the use of panty liners can become its own problem. Panty liners are a paper product. Made from wood fibre. They can irritate tender tissue.

    I used to (but no longer do) make and sell cotton feminine products and one of the items I made was a re-usable, washable cotton panty liner. And if you're thinking eww, that's gross ...think again. The difference between wearing a soft piece of cotton against your body or a paper product is a huge difference, especially if you wear one all day, every day. Not to mention the whole environmental issue of throwing plastic backed items, by the TON into dumps.

    If anyone is interested I can explain how I made them. But it's something to consider when we are talking about tissues that are battling the odds. Paper is made of wood. It will never be as kind to your lady bits as cotton.

  • lillyduff
    lillyduff Posts: 26
    edited September 2018

    I actually use Organyx brand panty liners. They are 100% organic cotton and breathable. Have used them for years. CVS pharmacy generic brand pure cotton panty liners are the exact same and less expensive.I do not use anything at night but loose p.j. bottoms to let things "air out." Years ago,I purchased cloth panty liners on amazon that snapped in place around the center panel of my underwear. I still have them and they are machine washable.

  • Jjewel
    Jjewel Posts: 46
    edited September 2018

    Good morning ladies! I love this thread. I used coconut oil because after menopause I started the dryness problem. Chemo made it worse......Sometimes it just felt irritated down there and it was soothing.

    On a funny note, my best friend and I discovered our mutual love for coconut oil. Now when we talk about anything related to our sex lives, we call it, "Coconut Oil time!"

    😉 We love the stuff!!!!


  • Wanderingneedle
    Wanderingneedle Posts: 220
    edited September 2018

    LillyDuff I am trying to figure out how to do this and keep the rest of the household out of my business! I live where it’s warm most of the year so keeping coconut oil in the bathroom is not feasible. I will figure something out! Thanks for the idea

  • bc101
    bc101 Posts: 923
    edited October 2018

    A while back someone asked about VMagic. I've used it in the past and liked it - very nice, soothing balm. The ingredients are olive oil, avocado oil, sea buckthorn oil, beeswax, propolis and honey. It works great, but at 2 oz for $29.99 I think I'll try either olive or coconut oil.

  • Peaceful02
    Peaceful02 Posts: 3
    edited October 2018

    I was diagnosed in August with a very small - DCIS Stage 0. Lumpectomy-no radiation. Just started anastrozole a week ago. I am older than many on here - 68. Had to have a total hysterectomy in my late 30's and went on HRT (probably too long thus possibly causing breast cancer). When I was told at 53 by my ob/gyn I had to stop HRT as I had been on it too long I was very worried about my intimate relationship with my husband. I loved sex! The doctor put me on Estrace vaginal cream at that time and it has worked very well for me. I also had a history of UTI's and the Estrace helps that also. As far as helping libido, not so much, and I miss that "feeling" very much! But you adapt with an understanding husband and positive thinking. When I was first diagnosed with BC in August I assumed the first thing the doctor would tell me would be stop using Estrace. However, my breast surgeon and my oncologist have told me they are totally comfortable for me to continue using Estrace as long as I use the least amount to achieve comfort. The downside,Estrace is extremely expensive ($230/tube), however, a tube lasts for many months. I guess the insurance companies don't feel that it is important for women to continue to enjoy sex after menopause even though they will pay for Viagra for a man - totally unfair in my opinion. Each of our cancers are different but, that being said, my doctors both said they believe in a quality of life.

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Posts: 3,008
    edited November 2018

    Have any of you tried Imvexxy? My gyn just prescribed it. It's 10mcg vaginal estrogen in small pill size insert. Not messy like Estrace and very low dose. I have severe atrophy even after working so hard to keep things moisturized.

  • lamp
    lamp Posts: 15
    edited November 2018

    Hi Molly50 this product sounds very similar to vagifem! Are you having much success?

    All the best!

  • corky60
    corky60 Posts: 453
    edited November 2018

    Vagifem now has a generic called Yuvafem.  I tried them both and neither did anything.  10mcg is such a miniscule amount of hormone.  I know that hormones are powerful but that teeny, tiny amount didn't work.  Instead I see a naturopath who prescribes a suppository: 0.5 mg of estriol compounded in a cocoa butter base.  Estriol is a very weak form of estrogen but has made a difference.  I still don't have any "oomph" but things aren't so dry and I no longer need to wear a pad to catch all the leaks.

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Posts: 3,008
    edited November 2018

    Lamp, yes I having great success so far and it is not messy like Estrace and much smaller dosage than Vagifem. It comes in 10 mcg or 4 mcg.

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Posts: 3,008
    edited November 2018

    Corky that is great you have something that works for you!. I use a lot of other product in addition to the tiny bit of estrogen. Honestly I am relieved to be out of constant pain.

  • bc101
    bc101 Posts: 923
    edited November 2018

    Just curious - has anyone tried Ospemifene?

  • Polly_Ester
    Polly_Ester Posts: 6
    edited December 2018

    Im having more of a problem with my mind than my body.

    I'm surprisingly still not dry after 3 years of arimidex. My pelvic muscles are in great shape.

    I just have no desire. I almost feel prepubescent. It doesn't cross my mind. I don't desire to masturbate. Which is such a bummer of a turn around of how I used to be.

    The doctors were all so concerned with my ability to have a child, they never talked about the hormone related loss of sex drive. It's like they think our sexual function is only for conception. But I just want to genuinely enjoy myself.

    How do you get back that instinct?

    It's beyond frustrating.

  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Posts: 984
    edited December 2018

    Cyto ... I don't know. I think the medical professionals are so focused on saving our lives that often quality of life is, unfortunately, forgotten. Have you thought of seeing a sex counselor?

    Coach Vicky

  • Suz-Q
    Suz-Q Posts: 110
    edited December 2018

    Ospemifene is a SERM like tamoxifen. It is not approved for BC patients.

  • Suz-Q
    Suz-Q Posts: 110
    edited December 2018

    Hi Molly50,

    How is Imvexxy any different in strength than Vagifem?

    I'm doing a fourth MonaLisa touch vaginal laser treatment at the beginning of next month. I did Thermiva over a year ago and the effects did not last two months after the last treatment . So far MonaLisa has given me some relief, but not a lot. It's expensive and I'm worried that it won't last any longer than the Thermiva treatment.

    I'm going to ask my Gyno for estrogen if this doesn't work. I have two more years on Aromasin to go. I'll be 61.5 when I complete my 5 years. Does anyone know if the vagina will bounce back orimprove after stopping treatment?

  • bc101
    bc101 Posts: 923
    edited December 2018

    I was recommended Ospemifene because it is supposed to help with the dryness, plus it has the same effect as an AI, but you're right about it not being approved for BC survivors. Nothing is guaranteed, unfortunately.

    I finished my AI in June and I'm sorry to say that so far there's been no improvement in that department. But I had issues before I was diagnosed, so maybe I'm a little worse off than others? I'm about the same age you are, Suz-Q.

  • kmpod
    kmpod Posts: 84
    edited December 2018

    I'm going to be 68 in a couple of weeks. I hung in and completed 5 years of Arimidex and have been off of it for 2 years now. Most of my many, many side effects have dissipated, with the exception of joint issues that are severely limiting my mobility.

    While on the AI I dried up so much that, even if my libido hadn't flat-lined, sex would have been a physical impossibility. I found any kind of touch irritating rather than comforting. Arousal was absent - totally. I felt like I had been neutered and wrapped in a picky, grey blanket. My husband was a terrific support to me the whole time and never complained, but we were both really feeling the lack of intimacy in our relationship.

    Despite having few expectations for improvement, at about 2 months off the Arimidex my libido revived, all on its own, and the dryness improved. Since then we've been experiencing what we're calling our renaissance. We are lovers and playmates again. Most of all we're having FUN.

    Our renewed physical intimacy is a gift we had dared not hope for. We're nurturing it and appreciating every moment, being well aware of both its importance and its fragility.

  • pi-xi
    pi-xi Posts: 177
    edited December 2018
    Thank you, kmpod for such a positive message!!! (I am sorry about the joints though.)
  • trvler
    trvler Posts: 931
    edited December 2018

    Kathy!! I am so happy for you.

  • kmpod
    kmpod Posts: 84
    edited December 2018

    Thanks for your kind responses, Pi-Xi and Trvler.

    I just wanted to let others on this thread know that it is possible good times can return.

  • macb04
    macb04 Posts: 756
    edited December 2018

    kmpod, that's good things improved so much in the romance department. I have had some improvement, that I can maintain, if I stay perpetually on Vagifem. By improvement I mean decreased pain, not great pleasurable sex. That seems to be gone forever. I also spent a small fortune on Mona Lisa, which didn't help, might have even made it worse. Tamoxifen wreaked me, I also have incontinence as well, can't always make it to the toilet on time.

    Make me sad, the whole mess. I am only 53.

  • kmpod
    kmpod Posts: 84
    edited December 2018

    I'm sorry to hear that macb04. The incontinence is adding insult to injury. Are you still on an AI?

    I found that when I was on Arimidex, even if I hadn't been affected physically, my desire was totally and utterly gone. Sex was written out of my agenda.

    I truly wasn't expecting my libido to return when I went off the medication, but I'm really happy it has.